Click here to view listing below for Psa 116:11
A. There is an art to giving. Listed as a gift of the Spirit in
Romans 12.
1. By the way some gifts are given, you want to say "keep it, who needs it."
2. Some make a lot over giving little, some make little over giving a lot.
a. I had an uncle who made offering us a piece of candy out of a box seem like the Hope Diamond. Never comfortable in his home.
B. There are various types of giving.
1. What we used to call Indian giving. Giving then later demanding it back.
2. Conditional giving.
a. Stipulation attached to gift.
b. 1st Baptist Church in Huntington Beach.
3. Forced giving.
a. Give him a piece of your candy.
4. Pressured giving.
C. "With a complete heart they offered willingly unto the Lord." (verse 9).
1. This is the only way we should give to God.
2. This is joyful giving. "Then the people rejoiced."
3. "God loves a cheerful giver."
Psalm 116 - "What shall I render unto Thee?"
1. God doesn't need a thing I have.
a. He existed quite well before I ever came along.
b. He will exist quite well after I am gone.
2. God is not broke.
a. He's not about to file bankruptcy.
b. He doesn't need you to bail Him out.
c. He is not depending on your support.
B. "Everything comes from Thee" (verse 14).
1. Look at the vast universe. He made it!
a. Where did all the gold & silver come from?
b. He could create golden galaxies.
c. Scientists speak of probability of diamond galaxies.
2. Any material gift you may give to God, the material came from Him and He can create it in abundance, so as to make it common.
a. This is why He never measures the amount of a gift.
b. The true value is in the cost. What did it cost you to give?
1. Widow's mite.
C. "Of Thine own have we given to Thee."(verse 14).
1. Anything I give to Him already belongs to Him.
a. That's like having someone cut flowers out of your own garden to give you a bouquet.
E. Giving is then just an expression of love.
1. I am giving this to you God because I love you.
F. There are gifts other than material.
1. Time--giving God more time in your life.
2. Talents.
3. Service.
4. Heart.