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The Blue Letter Bible
BLB Legacy Fellowship

BLB Legacy Fellowship

Discover Your Smart &
Powerful Giving Solutions

Thank you! Your faithful giving helps Blue Letter Bible provide free powerful tools for an in-depth study of God's Word.

There are smart and creative ways to increase your impact—often while benefiting you and your family, too.

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"I wish I could do more!"

It is one of the most common sentiments we hear from supporters who are passionate about providing free in-depth Bible study tools.

That is why many of our closest friends give what is called a "legacy gift" in support of Blue Letter Bible's mission. It allows them to contribute a substantial gift that would never be possible otherwise.

There are a few ways you can give a transformational legacy gift:

  1. Include a gift to Blue Letter Bible in your will or trust.
  2. Name Blue Letter Bible as a charitable beneficiary of your retirement assets or life insurance policy.
  3. Make a gift that pays you income for life. When you no longer need the income, the balance of your gift will go toward ministry.

A legacy gift fulfills your wish to "do more" for this ministry that has meant so much to you. You will increase your giving capacity and help ensure Blue Letter Bible continues to carry out this mission, well beyond your lifetime.

Find out more by checking out one of the options below:

We would love to begin the conversation! Call or email us today for more information:

(949) 600-6000

If you have already included BLB in your estate plan, please let us know so we can welcome you to the BLB Legacy Fellowship. We will never ask for any of the specifics regarding your planned gift.