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International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia


tak: Most of the very numerous examples of this word are still in good use and only a few call for special attention. "To take" in the sense of "capture" is still common, but when a person or living animal is in point, modern English usually adds "prisoner" or "captive." English Versions of the Bible not infrequently has this addition (Ge 14:14, etc.), but more commonly "take" is used without it (Jos 10:39; Job 5:13; Sirach 23:21; Joh 7:30, etc.). An occasional obscurity is thus caused, as in Ge 27:3, "take me venison" for "hunt venison for me." "To take advice" (2Ch 25:17; the King James Version Jud 19:30, the Revised Version (British and American) "counsel") is "to reflect," not "to consult others" (compare 1Ki 12:28; but contrast 2Ki 6:8, etc.). "To take knowledge of" is "to learn thoroughly," "investigate" (1Sa 23:23, etc.), as is "to take notice of" (2Sa 3:36). "To take an oath of" (Ge 50:25, etc.) is "to exact an oath of." "To be taken with a disease" in the King James Version Mt 4:24; Lu 4:38 is "to suffer with" (the Revised Version (British and American) "be holden with"), but in 1 Macc 9:55; 2 Macc 9:21 (the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American)), the context gives the force "be attacked by," as in modern English Compare the King James Version Lu 8:37 (the Revised Version (British and American) "holden"); Mic 4:9 (the Revised Version (British and American) "take hold of"). "Take" occurs in the sense "overtake" in the King James Version Ge 19:19 (the Revised Version (British and American) "overtake"); Sirach 36:26. "Take away" has sometimes a more forcible significance than in modern English, as in the King James Version Le 6:2, "a thing taken away by violence" (the Revised Version (British and American) "robbery"); Da 11:12, the King James Version "He hath taken away the multitude," where the meaning is "swept away" (compare the Revised Version margin "carried away"; the Revised Version (British and American) "shall be lifted up" is inappropriate here). So in "lest he take thee away with his stroke" (the King James Version Job 36:18), "take away" means simply "slay." (The text here is intensely obscure, and the Revised Version (British and American) has followed a different interpretation.) So "to be taken away" may mean simply "to die," as in Eze 33:6; The Wisdom of Solomon 14:15; Sirach 16:9; 19:3; Mr 2:20, although in 1Co 5:2 it means "to be expelled." "To take away judgment" or "right" (Job 27:2; 34:5; Ac 8:33) is "to refuse it," but in Ze 3:15 English Versions of the Bible means "the sentence against thee is canceled" (the Hebrew text is dubious). Ne 5:2 the King James Version has "take up" for "get" (so the Revised Version (British and American)), perhaps with the connotation "on credit." "Take up" is also used frequently for "utter solemnly" (Nu 23:7; Isa 14:4, etc.), a use due to the Hebrew "lift up," "exalt" (nasa'). For "take up" in the sense of "lift" (physically), compare Isa 40:15; Ac 7:43; the King James Version 21:15. "Take care" in Tobit 5:20; 1Co 9:9 the King James Version (the Revised Version (British and American) "to care") means "be anxious about," "have in mind" And the very obscure "scurrility in the matter of giving and taking" (Sirach 41:19) is explained by the Hebrew to mean "refusing the gift for which thou art besought." The following phrases are archaic, but hardly need explanation: "Take indignation" (Ne 4:1); "take wrong" (1Co 6:7); "take up in the lips" (Eze 36:3; the King James Version Ps 16:4, "take.... into my lips," the Revised Version (British and American) "take.... upon my lips"); and in the King James Version "take to record" (Ac 20:26, the Revised Version (British and American) "testify unto"); "take shame" (Mic 2:6 the King James Version).

Written by Burton Scott Easton

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
1 Strong's Number: g2983 Greek: lambano


"to take, lay hold of," besides its literal sense, e.g., Mat 5:40; 26:26, 27, is used metaphorically, of fear, in "taking" hold of people, Luk 7:16, RV (AV, "came... on"); of sin in "finding (occasion)," RV (AV, "taking"), Rom 7:8, 11, where sin is viewed as the corrupt source of action, an inward element using the commandment to produce evil effects; of the power of temptation, 1Cr 10:13; of "taking" an example, Jam 5:10; of "taking" peace from the earth, Rev 6:4; of Christ in "taking" the form of a servant, Phl 2:7; of "taking" rightful power (by the Lord, hereafter), Rev 11:17.
See ACCEPT, No. 4.

2 Strong's Number: g353 Greek: analambano



(a) "to take up" (ana), e.g., Act 1:2, 11, 22 (RV, "received");

(b) "to take to oneself," Act 7:43; or "to one's company," Act 20:13, 14; 23:31; 2Ti 4:11; of "taking up spiritual armor," Eph 6:13, 16.

3 Strong's Number: g618 Greek: apolambano


besides its common meaning, "to receive," denotes "to take apart or aside," Mar 7:33, Middle Voice. It is frequent in the papyri, and, in the sense of separation or drawing aside, is illustrated in a message of sorrow, concerning the non-arrival of one who with others had been "shut up" as recluses in a temple (Moulton and Milligan, Vocab.).

4 Strong's Number: g1949 Greek: epilambano


in the Middle Voice, "to lay hold of, take hold of," is used literally, e.g., Mar 8:23; Luk 9:47; 14:4; metaphorically, e.g., Hbr 8:9, "(I) took them (by the hand):" for other instances in each respect see HOLD, No. 7.

5 Strong's Number: g2638 Greek: katalambano


"to lay hold of," is rendered "to take," in Mar 9:18; Jhn 8:3, 4.

6 Strong's Number: g3335 Greek: metalambano


"to get, or have, a share of," is rendered "to take (food)" in Act 2:46, RV (AV, "did eat," see EAT, Note); 27:33, i.e., "to share it together."

7 Strong's Number: g3880 Greek: paralambano


besides its meaning "to receive," denotes "to take to (or with) oneself," of "taking" a wife, e.g., Mat 1:20, 24; of "taking" a person or persons with one, e.g., Mat 2:13, 14, 20, 21; 4:5, 8; of demons, Mat 12:45; of Christ and His disciples, Mat 17:1; 20:17; Mar 9:2; 10:32; 14:33; of witnesses, Mat 18:16; of the removal of persons from the earth in judgment, when "the Son of Man is revealed," Mat 24:40, 41; Luk 17:34, 35 (cp. the means of the removal of corruption, in Luk 17:37); of the "taking" of Christ by the soldiers for scourging, Mat 27:27, RV, and to crucifixion, Jhn 19:16; see also Act 15:39; 16:33; 21:24, 26, 32; 23:18.

8 Strong's Number: g4838 Greek: sumparalambano


sun, "with," and No. 7, denotes "to take along with oneself," as a companion, Act 12:25; 15:37, 38; Gal 2:1.

9 Strong's Number: g4355 Greek: proslambano


"to take to oneself" (pros), is used of food, Act 27:33-36; of persons, of Peter's act toward Christ, Mat 16:22; Mar 8:32; for evil purposes, Act 17:5; for good purposes, Act 18:26.

10 Strong's Number: g4301 Greek: prolambano


is rendered "to take before" in 1Cr 11:21.
See COME, Note (2) at end, OVERTAKE.

11 Strong's Number: g4815 Greek: sullambano


"to seize, take," is rendered "to take" in Mat 26:55; Mar 14:48, AV (RV, "seize"); Luk 5:9; Act 1:16; in Act 12:3; 23:27, AV (RV, "seize").

12 Strong's Number: g142 Greek: airo


"to lift, carry, take up or away," occurs very frequently with its literal meanings. In Jhn 1:29 it is used of Christ as "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world," not the sins, but sin, that which has existed from the time of the Fall, and in regard to which God has had judicial dealings with the world; through the expiatory sacrifice of Christ the sin of the world will be replaced by everlasting righteousness; cp. the plural, "sins," in 1Jo 3:5. Righteous judgment was "taken away" from Christ at human tribunals, and His life, while voluntarily given by Himself (Jhn 10:17, 18), was "taken (from the earth)," Act 8:33 (quoted from the Sept. of Isa 53:8). In Jhn 15:2 it is used in the Lord's statement, "Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit, He taketh it away." This does not contemplate members of the "body" of Christ, but those who (just as a graft which being inserted, does not "abide" or "strike") are merely professed followers, giving only the appearance of being joined to the parent stem.

The Law described in Col 2:14 as "the bond written in ordinances that was against us," Christ "took" out of the way at His Cross. In 1Cr 5:2, airo is used in the best texts (some have No. 14), of the Divine judgment which would have been exercised in "taking away" from the church the incestuous delinquent, had they mourned before God.
See AWAY, BEAR, No. 9, etc.

13 Strong's Number: g522 Greek: apairo


"to lift off" (apo, "from," and No. 12), is used, in the Passive Voice, of Christ, metaphorically as the Bridegroom of His followers, Mat 9:15; Mar 2:20; Luk 5:35.

14 Strong's Number: g1808 Greek: exairo


"to take away," is used of "putting away" a person in church discipline, 1Cr 5:13; for this verb as a variant reading in ver. 2, see No. 12.

15 Strong's Number: g1869 Greek: epairo


"to lift, raise," is used in the Passive Voice and rendered "He was taken up" in Act 1:9.

16 Strong's Number: g337 Greek: anaireo


"to take up" (ana, "up," and haireo, "to take"), is used of Pharaoh's daughter in "taking up" the infant Moses, Act 7:21; of God's act in "taking away" the typical animal sacrifices under the Law, Hbr 10:9.
See DEATH, C, No. 2, KILL, SLAY.

17 Strong's Number: g851 Greek: aphaireo


"to take away" (apo), is used with this meaning in Luk 1:25; 10:42; 16:3; Rom 11:27, of the "removal" of the sins of Israel; Hbr 10:4, of the impossibility of the "removal" of sins by offerings under the Law; in Rev 22:19 (twice).
See CUT, No. 8.

18 Strong's Number: g2507 Greek: kathaireo


"to take down" (kata), besides its meaning of "putting down by force," was the technical term for the "removal" of the body after crucifixion, Mar 15:36, 46; Luk 23:53; Act 13:29.
See CAST, No. 14.

19 Strong's Number: g4014 Greek: periaireo


"to take away that which surrounds" (peri, "around"), is used

(a) literally, of "casting off" anchors, Act 27:40, RV (AV, "having taken up"); Act 28:13 in some texts, for perierchomai, "to make a circuit;"

(b) metaphorically, of "taking away" the veil off the hearts of Israel, 2Cr 3:16; of hope of rescue, Act 27:20; of sins (negatively), Hbr 10:11.

20 Strong's Number: g1209 Greek: dechomai


"to receive," is rendered "take (thy bond, RV, AV, bill)" in Luk 16:6, 7; "take (the helmet of salvation)," Eph 6:17, suggesting a heartiness in the "taking."

21 Strong's Number: g4327 Greek: prosdechomai


"to receive favorably," is rendered "took" in Hbr 10:34.
See ACCEPT, No. 3.

22 Strong's Number: g2902 Greek: krateo


"to take hold of, get possession of," is translated "to take" in Mat 9:25; 22:6; 26:4; Mar 1:31; 5:41; 9:27; 14:1, 44, 46, 49; Luk 8:54; Act 24:6.
See HOLD, No. 6.

23 Strong's Number: g1405 Greek: drassomai


"to grasp with the hand, take hold of," is used metaphorically in 1Cr 3:19, "taketh (the wise in their craftiness)."

24 Strong's Number: g1325 Greek: didomi


"to give," found in the best texts in Mar 3:6, is rendered "took (counsel);" some have poieo, "to make."

25 Strong's Number: g2722 Greek: katecho


"to hold," is rendered "to take (the lowest place)" in Luk 14:9.

26 Strong's Number: g4084 Greek: piazo


"to lay or take hold of forcefully," is always rendered "to take" in the RV.

27 Strong's Number: g3911 Greek: paraphero


"to bear away" (para, "aside," phero, "to bear"), "remove," is rendered "take away" in Mar 14:36, AV, RV, "remove," as in Luk 22:42.

28 Strong's Number: g2192 Greek: echo


"to have, to hold," is used in Mat 21:46 in the sense of regarding a person as something, "they took (Him) for (a prophet)."

29 Strong's Number: g4863 Greek: sunago


"to bring together," is used of "taking" a person into one's house receiving hospitality, "took... in," Mat 25:35, 38, 43; so in Act 11:26, RV, "were gathered together," AV, "assembled;" perhaps the meaning is "they were entertained."

30 Strong's Number: g1562 Greek: ekduo


"to take off a garment from a person," is so rendered with reference to the soldiers' treatment of Christ, Mat 27:31; Mar 15:20.

31 Strong's Number: g1544 Greek: ekballo


has the meaning "to bring or take out" in Luk 10:35, "took out (two pence)," a word perhaps chosen to express the wholeheartedness of the act (lit., "to throw out").
See CAST, No. 5.

32 Strong's Number: g941 Greek: bastazo


"to bear, lift," is used of "taking up" stones, Jhn 10:31. As to Mat 3:11, Moulton and Milligan supply evidences from the vernacular that the word signified "to take off" (the sandals), which confirms Mark's word luo, "to unloose" (Jhn 1:7).
See BEAR, No. 1.

33 Strong's Number: g2021 Greek: epicheireo


"to take in hand" (epi, "upon," cheir, "the hand"), "to attempt, take upon oneself," is rendered "have taken in hand," Luk 1:1; "took upon (them)," Act 19:13.
See GO, No. 30.

34 Strong's Number: g1096 Greek: ginomai


"to become, to come to be," is rendered "he be taken" in 2Th 2:7, lit., "(until) he, or it, become" (for a treatment of the whole passage see Notes on Thess. by Hogg and Vine).


(1) For sunairo in Mat 18:23, see RECKON.

(2) Some texts have apago, "to take away," in Act 24:7.

(3) In Jhn 6:24, AV, embaino, "to enter," is rendered "took (shipping)," RV, "got into (the boats)."

(4) In 2Th 1:8, AV, didomi, "to give" (RV "rendering"), is translated "taking."

(5) In Rom 3:5, AV, epiphero, "to bring against," is rendered "taketh (vengeance)," RV, "visiteth (with wrath)."

(6) In Luk 4:5, AV, anago, "to lead up" (RV, "led"), is rendered "took up."

(7) In Act 10:26, AV, egeiro, "to raise" (RV), is rendered "took... up."

(8) For "taking up" baggage, Act 21:15, see BAGGAGE.

(9) For "taken from" in 1Th 2:17, AV, see BEREAVED, No. 1.

(10) Sunecho is translated "taken with" in Mat 4:24; Luk 4:38; 8:37.

(11) In 2Pe 2:12 "to be taken" translates the phrase eis halosin, lit., "for capture" (halosis, "a taking").

(12) In 1Pe 2:20, hupomeno, "to endure," is rendered "ye take... patiently."

(13) In Mat 11:12; Jhn 6:15; Act 23:10 harpazo (see CATCH) is rendered "take... by force."

(14) For apotassomai, "to take leave of," see LEAVE, (c) No. 1.

(15) For apaspazomai, rendered "to take leave of" in Act 21:6, AV, see LEAVE, (c) No. 2.

(16) In Act 21:6 some mss. have epibaino, AV, "we took ship" (RV, embaino, "we went on board"): cp. Note (3), above.

(17) For "untaken" in 2Cr 3:14 see UNLIFTED.

(18) In 1Ti 5:9, AV, katalego is rendered "to take into the number" (RV, "be enrolled").

(19) For "take... to record" see TESTIFY. See also CARE, HEED, JOURNEY, THOUGHT (to take).

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