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Dictionaries :: Praise

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International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia


praz (tehillah, "psalm," "praise," todhah, "confession" "thanksgiving," shabhach, "to praise" "glorify," zamar, yadhah, "to stretch out the hand," "confess"; aineo, epaineo, (epainos):

1. Its Meaning:

The word comes from the Latin pretium, "price," or "value," and may be defined generally as an ascription of value or worth. Praise may be bestowed upon unworthy objects or from improper motives, but true praise consists in a sincere acknowledgment of a real conviction of worth. Its type may be seen in the representation given in the Apocalypse of the adoration of God and of the Lamb, which is inspired by a sense of their worthiness to be adored (Re 4:11; 5:12).

2. With Man as Its Object:

Man may be the object of praise, and may receive it either from God or from his fellow-men. In the former case (Ro 2:29; 1Co 4:5) the praise is inevitably just, as resting on a divine estimate of worth; in the latter case its value depends upon the grounds and motives that lie behind it. There is a praise which is itself a condemnation (Lu 6:26), an honor which seals the eyes in unbelief (Joh 5:44), a careless use of the epithet "good" which is dishonoring to God (Lu 18:19). This is the "praise of men" which Jesus warned His followers to shun as being incompatible with the "praise of God" (Mt 6:1-4; compare Joh 12:43; Ga 1:10; 1Th 2:6). On the other hand, there is a praise that is the instinctive homage of the soul to righteousness (Lu 23:47), the acknowledgment given to well-doing by just government (Ro 13:3; 1Pe 2:14), the tribute of the churches to distinguished Christian service (2Co 8:18). Such praise, so far from being incompatible with the praise of God, is a reflection of it in human consciousness; and so Paul associates praise with virtue as an aid and incentive to holy living on which the mind should dwell (Php 4:8).

3. With God as Its Object:

In the Bible it is God who is especially brought before us as the object of praise. His whole creation praises Him, from the angels of heaven (Ps 103:20; Re 5:11) to those lower existences that are unconscious or even inanimate (Ps 19:1-4; 148:1-10; Re 5:13). But it is with the praises offered to God by man, and with the human duty of praising God, that the Scriptures are principally concerned. In regard to this subject the following points may be noticed:

(1) The Grounds of Praise.

Sometimes God is praised for His inherent qualities. His majesty (Ps 104:1) or holiness (Isa 6:3) fills the mind, and He is "glorified as God" (Ro 1:21) in view of what He essentially is. More frequently He is praised for His works in creation, providence, and redemption. References may be dispensed with here, for the evidence meets us on almost every page of the sacred literature from Genesis to Revelation, and the Book of Psalms in particular, from beginning to end, is occupied with these themes. When God's operations under these aspects present themselves, not simply as general effects of His power and wisdom, but as expressions of His personal love to the individual, the nation, the church, His works become benefits, and praise passes into blessing and thanksgiving (Pss 34; 103; Eph 1:3; 1Pe 1:3).

(2) The Modes of Praise.

True praise of God, as distinguished from false praise (Isa 29:13; Mt 15:8), is first of all an inward emotion-a gladness and rejoicing of the heart (Ps 4:7; 33:21), a music of the soul and spirit (Ps 103:1; Lu 1:46 f) which no language can adequately express (Ps 106:2; 2Co 9:15). But utterance is natural to strong emotion, and the mouth instinctively strives to express the praises of the heart (Ps 51:15 and passim). Many of the most moving passages in Scripture come from the inspiration of the spirit of praise awakened by the contemplation of the divine majesty or power or wisdom or kindness, but above all by the revelation of redeeming love. Again, the spirit of praise is a social spirit calling for social utterance. The man who praises God desires to praise Him in the hearing of other men (Ps 40:10), and desires also that their praises should be joined with his own (Ps 34:3). Further, the spirit of praise is a spirit of song. It may find expression in other ways-in sacrifice (Le 7:13), or testimony (Ps 66:16), or prayer (Col 1:3); but it finds its most natural and its fullest utterance in lyrical and musical forms. When God fills the heart with praise He puts a new song into the mouth (Ps 40:3). The Book of Psalms is the proof of this for the Old Testament. And when we pass to the New Testament we find that, alike for angels and men, for the church on earth and the church in heaven, the higher moods of praise express themselves in bursts of song (Lu 2:14; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Re 5:9; 14:3; 15:3). Finally, both in the Old Testament and New Testament, the spirit of song gives birth to ordered modes of public praise. In their earlier expressions the praises of Israel were joyful outbursts in which song was mingled with shouting and dancing to a rude accompaniment of timbrels and trumpets (Ex 15:20 ff; 2Sa 6:5,14 ). In later times Israel had its sacred Psalter, its guilds of trained singers (Ezr 2:41; Ne 7:44), its skilled musicians (Pss 42; 49, etc.); and the praise that waited for God in Zion was full of the solemn beauty of holiness (Ps 29:2; 96:9). In the New Testament the Psalter is still a manual of social praise. The "hymn" which Jesus sang with His disciples after the Last Supper (Mt 26:30) would be a Hebrew psalm, probably from the Hallel (Pss 113-118) which was used at the Passover service, and various references in the Epistles point to the continued employment of the ancient psalms in Christian worship (1Co 14:26; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Jas 5:13). But the Psalter of the Jewish church could not suffice to express the distinctive moods of Christian feeling. Original utterance of the spirit of Christian song was one of the manifestations of the gift of tongues (1Co 14:15-17). Paul distinguishes hymns and spiritual songs from psalms (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16); and it was hymns that he and Silas sang at midnight in the prison of Philippi (Ac 16:25 the Revised Version (British and American)). But from hymns and songs that were the spontaneous utterance of individual feeling the development was natural, in New Testament as in Old Testament times, to hymns that were sung in unison by a whole congregation; and in rhythmic passages like 1Ti 3:16; Re 15:3 f, we seem to have fragments of a primitive Christian hymnology, such as Pliny bears witness to for the early years of the 2nd century, when he informs Trajan that the Christians of Bithynia at their morning meetings sang a hymn in alternate strains to Christ as God (Ep. x.97).

(3) The Duty of Praise.

Praise is everywhere represented in the Bible as a duty no less than a natural impulse and a delight. To fail in this duty is to withhold from God's glory that belongs to Him (Ps 50:23; Ro 1:20 f); it is to shut one's eyes to the signs of His presence (Isa 40:26 ), to be forgetful of His mercies (De 6:12), and unthankful for His kindness (Lu 6:35). If we are not to fall into these sins, but are to give to God the honor and glory and gratitude we owe Him, we must earnestly cultivate the spirit and habit of praise. From holy men of old we learn that this may be done by arousing the soul from its slothfulness and sluggishness (Ps 57:8; 103:1), by fixing the heart upon God (Ps 57:7; 108:1), by meditation on His works and ways (Ps 77:11 ), by recounting His benefits (Ps 103:2), above all, for those to whom He has spoken in His Son, by dwelling upon His unspeakable gift (2Co 9:15; compare Ro 8:31, 1Joh 3:1).

Written by J. C. Lambert



Thematic Subject Guide


Torrey's New Topical Textbook

Praise: God Is Worthy Of

2Sa 22:4

Praise: Christ Is Worthy Of

Rev 5:12

Praise: God Is Glorified By

Psa 22:23; 50:23

Praise: Offered to Christ

Jhn 12:13

Praise: Acceptable through Christ

Hbr 13:15

Praise: Is Due to God on Account Of

His majesty

Psa 96:1,6; Isa 24:14

His glory

Psa 138:5; Eze 3:12

His excellency

Exd 15:7; Psa 148:13

His greatness

1Ch 16:25; Psa 145:3

His holiness

Exd 15:11; Isa 6:3

His wisdom

Dan 2:20; Jud 1:25

His power

Psa 21:13

His goodness

Psa 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11

His mercy

2Ch 20:21; Psa 89:1; 118:1-4; 136:1-26

His loving-kindness and truth

Psa 138:2

His faithfulness and truth

Isa 25:1

His salvation

Psa 18:46; Isa 35:10; 61:10; Luk 1:68,69

His wonderful works

Psa 89:5; 150:2; Isa 25:1

His consolation

Psa 42:5; Isa 12:1

His judgment

Psa 101:1

His counsel

Psa 16:7; Jer 32:19

Fulfilling of his promises

1Ki 8:56

Pardon of sin

Psa 103:1-3; Hsa 14:2

Spiritual health

Psa 103:3

Constant preservation

Psa 71:6-8


Psa 40:1-3; 124:6


Psa 28:7; 59:17

Answering prayer

Psa 28:6; 118:21

The hope of glory

1Pe 1:3,4

All spiritual blessings

Psa 103:2; Eph 1:3

All temporal blessings

Psa 104:1,14; 136:25

The continuance of blessings

Psa 68:19

Praise: Is Obligatory Upon


Psa 103:20; 148:2


Psa 30:4; 149:5


Psa 117:1; Rom 15:11


Psa 8:2; Mat 21:16

High and low

Psa 148:1,11

Young and old

Psa 148:1,12

Small and great

Rev 19:5

All men

Psa 107:8; 145:21

All creation

Psa 148:1-10; 150:6

Praise: Is Good and Comely

Psa 33:1; 147:1

Praise: Should Be Offered

With the understanding

Psa 47:7; 1Cr 14:15

With the soul

Psa 103:1; 104:1,35

With the whole heart

Psa 9:1; 111:1; 138:1

With uprightness of heart

Psa 119:7

With the lips

Psa 63:3; 119:171

With the mouth

Psa 51:15; 63:5

With joy

Psa 63:5; 98:4

With gladness

2Ch 29:30; Jer 33:11

With thankfulness

1Ch 16:4; Neh 12:24; Psa 147:7


Psa 35:28; 71:6

During life

Psa 104:33

More and more

Psa 71:14

Day and night

Rev 4:8

Day by day

2Ch 30:21

For ever and ever

Psa 145:1,2

Throughout the world

Psa 113:3

In psalms and hymns &c

Psa 105:2; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16

Praise: Accompanied with Musical Instruments

1Ch 16:41,42; Psa 150:3,5

Praise: Is a Part of Public Worship

Psa 9:14; 100:4; 118:19,20; Hbr 2:12

Praise: Saints Should

Show forth

Isa 43:21; 1Pe 2:9

Be endued with the spirit of

Isa 61:3

Render, under affliction

Act 16:25

Glory in

1Ch 16:35

Triumph in

Psa 106:47

Express their joy by

Jam 5:13


Isa 42:12

Invite others to

Psa 34:3; 95:1

Pray for ability to offer

Psa 51:15; 119:175

Posture suited to

1Ch 23:30; Neh 9:5

Praise: Called The

Fruit of the lips

Hbr 13:15

Voice of praise

Psa 66:8

Voice of triumph

Psa 47:1

Voice of melody

Isa 51:3

Voice of a psalm

Psa 98:5

Garment of praise

Isa 61:3

Sacrifice of praise

Hbr 13:15

Sacrifices of joy

Psa 27:6

Calves of the lips

Hsa 14:2

Praise: The Heavenly Host Engage In

Isa 6:3; Luk 2:13; Rev 4:9-11; 5:12

Praise: Exemplified


Gen 14:20


Exd 15:1-21


Exd 18:10


1Ch 16:36


1Ch 29:10-13; Psa 119:164

Priests and Levites

Ezr 3:10-11


Neh 8:6


Isa 38:19


Luk 1:64


Luk 2:20


Luk 2:28


Luk 2:38


Luk 18:43


Luk 19:37,38

The Apostles

Luk 24:53

First converts

Act 2:47

Lame man

Act 3:8

Paul and Silas

Act 16:25

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
A-1 Noun Strong's Number: g136 Greek: ainos


primarily "a tale, narration," came to denote "praise;" in the NT only of praise to God, Mat 21:16; Luk 18:43.

A-2 Noun Strong's Number: g1868 Greek: epainos


a strengthened form of No. 1 (epi, upon), denotes "approbation, commendation, praise;" it is used

(a) of those on account of, and by reason of, whom as God's heritage, "praise" is to be ascribed to God, in respect of His glory (the exhibition of His character and operations), Eph 1:12; in Eph 1:14, of the whole company, the church, viewed as "God's own possession" (RV); in Eph 1:6, with particular reference to the glory of His grace towards them; in Phl 1:11, as the result of "the fruits of righteousness" manifested in them through the power of Christ;

(b) of "praise" bestowed by God, upon the Jew spiritually (Judah == "praise"), Rom 2:29; bestowed upon believers hereafter at the Judgment-Seat of Christ, 1Cr 4:5 (where the definite article indicates that the "praise" will be exactly in accordance with each person's actions); as the issue of present trials, "at the revelation of Jesus Christ," 1Pe 1:7;

(c) of whatsoever is "praiseworthy," Phl 4:8;

(d) of the approbation by churches of those who labor faithfully in the ministry of the Gospel, 2Cr 8:18;

(e) of the approbation of well-doers by human rulers, Rom 13:3; 1Pe 2:14.

A-3 Noun Strong's Number: g133 Greek: ainesis


"praise" (akin to No. 1), is found in Hbr 13:15, where it is metaphorically represented as a sacrificial offering.


(1) In 1Pe 2:9, AV, arete, "virtue, excellence," is translated "praises" (RV, "excellencies").

(2) In the following the AV translates doxa, "glory," by "praise" (RV, "glory"); Jhn 9:24, where "give glory to God" signifies "confess thy sins" (cp. Jos 7:19, indicating the genuine confession of facts in one's life which gives glory to God); Jhn 12:43 (twice); 1Pe 4:11.

B-1 Verb Strong's Number: g134 Greek: aineo


"to speak in praise of, to praise" (akin to A, No. 1), is always used of "praise" to God,

(a) by angels, Luk 2:13;

(b) by men, Luk 2:20; 19:37; 24:53; Act 2:20, 47; 3:8, 9; Rom 15:11 (No. 2 in some texts); Rev 19:5.

B-2 Verb Strong's Number: g1867 Greek: epaineo


akin to A, No. 2, is rendered "praise," 1Cr 11:2, 17, 22: see COMMEND, No. 1.

B-3 Verb Strong's Number: g5214 Greek: humneo



(a) transitively, "to sing, to laud, sing to the praise of" (Eng., "hymn"), Act 16:25, AV, "sang praises" (RV, "singing hymns"); Hbr 2:12, RV, "will I sing (Thy) praise," AV, "will I sing praise (unto Thee)," lit., "I will hymn Thee;"

(b) intransitively, "to sing," Mat 26:30; Mar 14:26, in both places of the singing of the paschal hymns (Ps. 113-118; 136), called by Jews the Great Hallel.

B-4 Verb Strong's Number: g5567 Greek: psallo


primarily, "to twitch" or "twang" (as a bowstring, etc.), then, "to play" (a stringed instrument with the fingers), in the Sept., to sing psalms, denotes, in the NT, to sing a hymn, sing "praise;" in Jam 5:13, RV, "sing praise" (AV, "sing psalms").

B-5 Verb Strong's Number: g1843 Greek: exomologeo


in Rom 15:9, RV, "will I give praise" (AV, and RV marg., "I will confess"): see CONFESS, A, No. 2 (c).

Note: In Luk 1:64, AV, eulogeo, "to bless," is translated "praised" (RV, "blessing").

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