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The Blue Letter Bible

Dictionaries :: Sin

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Easton's Bible Dictionary


is "any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God" (1Jo 3:4; Rom 4:15), in the inward state and habit of the soul, as well as in the outward conduct of the life, whether by omission or commission (Rom 6:12-17; 7:5-24). It is "not a mere violation of the law of our constitution, nor of the system of things, but an offence against a personal lawgiver and moral governor who vindicates his law with penalties. The soul that sins is always conscious that his sin is (1) intrinsically vile and polluting, and (2) that it justly deserves punishment, and calls down the righteous wrath of God. Hence sin carries with it two inalienable characters, (1) ill-desert, guilt (reatus); and (2) pollution (macula).", Hodge's Outlines.

The moral character of a man's actions is determined by the moral state of his heart. The disposition to sin, or the habit of the soul that leads to the sinful act, is itself also sin (Rom 6:12-17; Gal 5:17; Jam 1:14,15).

The origin of sin is a mystery, and must for ever remain such to us. It is plain that for some reason God has permitted sin to enter this world, and that is all we know. His permitting it, however, in no way makes God the author of sin.

Adam's sin (Gen 3:1-6) consisted in his yielding to the assaults of temptation and eating the forbidden fruit. It involved in it, (1) the sin of unbelief, virtually making God a liar; and (2) the guilt of disobedience to a positive command. By this sin he became an apostate from God, a rebel in arms against his Creator. He lost the favour of God and communion with him; his whole nature became depraved, and he incurred the penalty involved in the covenant of works.

Original sin. "Our first parents being the root of all mankind, the guilt of their sin was imputed, and the same death in sin and corrupted nature were conveyed to all their posterity, descending from them by ordinary generation." Adam was constituted by God the federal head and representative of all his posterity, as he was also their natural head, and therefore when he fell they fell with him (Rom 5:12-21; 1Cr 15:22-45). His probation was their probation, and his fall their fall. Because of Adam's first sin all his posterity came into the world in a state of sin and condemnation, i.e., (1) a state of moral corruption, and (2) of guilt, as having judicially imputed to them the guilt of Adam's first sin.

"Original sin" is frequently and properly used to denote only the moral corruption of their whole nature inherited by all men from Adam. This inherited moral corruption consists in, (1) the loss of original righteousness; and (2) the presence of a constant proneness to evil, which is the root and origin of all actual sin. It is called "sin" (Rom 6:12,14,17; 7:5-17), the "flesh" (Gal 5:17,24), "lust" (Jam 1:14,15), the "body of sin" (Rom 6:6), "ignorance," "blindness of heart," "alienation from the life of God" (Eph 4:18,19). It influences and depraves the whole man, and its tendency is still downward to deeper and deeper corruption, there remaining no recuperative element in the soul. It is a total depravity, and it is also universally inherited by all the natural descendants of Adam (Rom 3:10-23; 5:12-21; 8:7). Pelagians deny original sin, and regard man as by nature morally and spiritually well; semi-Pelagians regard him as morally sick; Augustinians, or, as they are also called, Calvinists, regard man as described above, spiritually dead (Eph 2:1; 1Jo 3:14).

The doctrine of original sin is proved, (1.) From the fact of the universal sinfulness of men. "There is no man that sinneth not" (1Ki 8:46; Isa 53:6; Psa 130:3; Rom 3:19,22,23; Gal 3:22). (2.) From the total depravity of man. All men are declared to be destitute of any principle of spiritual life; man's apostasy from God is total and complete (Job 15:14-16; Gen 6:5,6). (3.) From its early manifestation (Psa 58:3; Pro 22:15). (4.) It is proved also from the necessity, absolutely and universally, of regeneration (Jhn 3:3; 2Cr 5:17). (5.) From the universality of death (Rom 5:12-20).

Various kinds of sin are mentioned, (1.) "Presumptuous sins," or as literally rendered, "sins with an uplifted hand", i.e., defiant acts of sin, in contrast with "errors" or "inadvertencies" (Psa 19:13). (2.) "Secret", i.e., hidden sins (19:12); sins which escape the notice of the soul. (3.) "Sin against the Holy Ghost" (q.v.), or a "sin unto death" (Mat 12:31,32; 1Jo 5:16), which amounts to a wilful rejection of grace.

Sin, a city in Egypt, called by the Greeks Pelusium, which means, as does also the Hebrew name, "clayey" or "muddy," so called from the abundance of clay found there. It is called by Ezekiel (Eze 30:15) "the strength of Egypt, "thus denoting its importance as a fortified city. It has been identified with the modern Tineh, "a miry place," where its ruins are to be found. Of its boasted magnificence only four red granite columns remain, and some few fragments of others.

Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary



Torrey's New Topical Textbook

Sin: Is the Transgression of the Law

1Jo 3:4

Sin: Is of the Devil

1Jo 3:8; Jhn 8:44

Sin: All Unrighteousness Is

1Jo 5:17

Sin: Omission of What We Know to Be Good Is

Jam 4:17

Sin: Whatever Is Not of Faith Is

Rom 14:23

Sin: The Thought of Foolishness Is

Pro 24:9

Sin: All the Imaginations of the Unrenewed Heart Are

Gen 6:5; 8:21

Sin: Described As

Coming from the heart

Mat 15:19

The fruit of lust

Jam 1:15

The sting of death

1Cr 15:56

Rebellion against God

Deu 9:7; Jos 1:18

Works of darkness

Eph 5:11

Dead works

Hbr 6:1; 9:14

The abominable thing that God hates

Pro 15:9; Jer 44:4,11

Reproaching the Lord

Num 15:30; Psa 74:18


Pro 30:12; Isa 59:3


Hbr 3:13


Pro 14:34

Often very great

Exd 32:20; 1Sa 2:17

Often mighty

Amo 5:12

Often manifold

Amo 5:12

Often presumptuous

Psa 19:13

Sometimes open and manifest

1Ti 5:24

Sometimes secret

Psa 90:8; 1Ti 5:24


Hbr 12:1

Like scarlet and crimson

Isa 1:18

Reaching to heaven

Rev 18:5

Sin: Entered into the World by Adam

Gen 3:6,7; Rom 5:12

Sin: All Men Are Conceived and Born In

Gen 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Psa 51:5

Sin: All Men Are Shapen In

Psa 51:5

Sin: Scripture Concludes All Under

Gal 3:22

Sin: No Man Is Without

1Ki 8:46; Ecc 7:20

Sin: Christ Alone Was Without

2Cr 5:21; Hbr 4:15; 7:26; 1Jo 3:5

Sin: God


Deu 25:16; Pro 6:16-19


Job 10:14


Rev 18:5

Is provoked to jealousy by

1Ki 14:22

Is provoked to anger by

1Ki 16:2

Alone can forgive

Exd 34:7; Dan 9:9; Mic 7:18; Mar 2:7


Jer 16:18; Rev 18:6


Isa 13:11; Amo 3:2

Sin: The Law

Is transgressed by every

Jam 2:10,11; 1Jo 3:4

Gives knowledge of

Rom 3:20; 7:7

Shows exceeding sinfulness of

Rom 7:13

Made to restrain

1Ti 1:9,10

By its strictness stirs up

Rom 7:5,8,11

Is the strength of

1Cr 15:56

Curses those guilty of

Gal 3:10

Sin: No Man Can Cleanse Himself From

Job 9:30,31; Pro 20:9; Jer 2:22

Sin: No Man Can Atone For

Mic 6:7

Sin: God Has Opened a Fountain For

Zec 13:1

Sin: Christ Was Manifested to Take Away

Jhn 1:29; 1Jo 3:5

Sin: Christ's Blood Redeems From

Eph 1:7

Sin: Christ's Blood Cleanses From

1Jo 1:7

Sin: Saints

Made free from

Rom 6:18

Dead to

Rom 6:2,11; 1Pe 2:24

Profess to have ceased from

1Pe 4:1

Cannot live in

1Jo 3:9; 5:18

Resolve against

Job 34:32

Ashamed of having committed

Rom 6:21

Abhor themselves on account of

Job 42:6; Eze 20:43

Have yet the remains of, in them

Rom 7:17,23; Gal 5:17

Sin: The Fear of God Restrains

Exd 20:20; Psa 4:4; Pro 16:6

Sin: The Word of God Keeps From

Psa 17:4; 119:11

Sin: The Holy Spirit Convinces Of

Jhn 16:8,9

Sin: If We Say That We Have No, We Make God a Liar

1Jo 1:10

Sin: Confusion of Face Belongs to Those Guilty Of

Dan 9:7,8

Sin: Should Be


Job 33:27; Pro 28:13

Mourned over

Psa 38:18; Jer 3:21


Psa 97:10; Pro 8:13; Amo 5:15


Rom 12:9

Put away

Job 11:14

Departed from

Psa 34:14; 2Ti 2:19

Avoided even in appearance

1Th 5:22

Guarded against

Psa 4:4; 39:1

Striven against

Hbr 12:4


Rom 8:13; Col 3:5

Wholly destroyed

Rom 6:6

Sin: Specially Strive against Besetting

Hbr 12:1

Sin: Aggravated by Neglecting Advantages

Luk 12:47; Jhn 15:22

Sin: Guilt of Concerning

Job 31:33; Pro 28:13

Sin: We Should Pray to God

To search for, in our hearts

Psa 139:23,24

To make us know our

Job 13:23

To forgive our

Exd 34:9; Luk 11:4

To keep us from

Psa 19:13

To deliver us from

Mat 6:13

To cleanse us from

Psa 51:2

Sin: Prayer Hindered By

Psa 66:18; Isa 59:2

Sin: Blessings Withheld on Account Of

Jer 5:25

Sin: The Wicked

Servants to

Jhn 8:34; Rom 6:16

Dead in

Eph 2:1

Guilty of, in everything they do

Pro 21:4; Eze 21:24

Plead necessity for

1Sa 13:11,12


Gen 3:12,13; 1Sa 15:13-15

Encourage themselves in

Psa 64:5

Defy God in committing

Isa 5:18,19

Boast of

Isa 3:9

Make a mock at

Pro 14:9

Expect impunity in

Psa 10:11; 50:21; 94:7

Cannot cease from

2Pe 2:14

Heap up

Psa 78:17; Isa 30:1

Encouraged in, by prosperity

Job 21:7-15; Pro 10:16

Led by despair to continue in

Jer 2:25; 18:12

Try to conceal, from God

Gen 3:8,10; Job 31:33

Throw the blame of, on God

Gen 3:12; Jer 7:10

Throw the blame of, on others

Gen 3:12,13; Exd 32:22-24

Tempt others to

Gen 3:6; 1Ki 16:2; 21:25; Pro 1:10-14

Delight in those who commit

Psa 10:3; Hsa 7:3; Rom 1:32

Shall bear the shame of

Eze 16:52

Sin: Shall Find Out the Wicked

Num 32:23

Sin: Ministers Should Warn the Wicked to Forsake

Eze 33:9; Dan 4:27

Sin: Leads To


Rom 6:21


Psa 38:3


Job 20:11

Sin: The Ground Was Cursed on Account Of

Gen 3:17,18

Sin: Toil and Sorrow Originated In

Gen 3:16,17,19; Job 14:1

Sin: Excludes from Heaven

1Cr 6:9,10; Gal 5:19-21; Eph 5:5; Rev 21:27

Sin: When Finished Brings Forth Death

Jam 1:15

Sin: Death, the Wages Of

Rom 6:23

Sin: Death, the Punishment Of

Gen 2:17; Eze 18:4

Smith's Bible Dictionary


a city of Egypt, mentioned only by Ezekiel (Ezekiel 30:15-16). The name is Hebrew, or at least Semitic, perhaps signifying clay. It is identified in the Vulgate with Pelusium, "the clayey or muddy" town. Its antiquity may perhaps be inferred from the mention of "the wilderness of Sin" in the journeys of the Israelites (Exodus 16:1; Numbers 33:11). Ezekiel speaks of Sin as "Sin the strongholds of Egypt." (Ezekiel 30:15). This place was held by Egypt from that time until the period of the Romans. Herodotus relates that Sennacherib advanced against Pelusium, and that near Pelusium, Cambyses defeated Psammenitus. In like manner the decisive battle in which Ochus defeated the last native king, Nectanebes, was fought near this city.

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