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Verse by Verse Study on Psalms 31-40 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn now in our Bibles to Psalm 31. This thirty-first psalm is actually divided into three sections. The first one covering the first eight verses, the second one covering verses 9-18, and the final section from nineteen to the end of the psalm. In the first section of the psalm, with David it is sort of a mixture between trust and trial. In the next section the trial is overcome by the trust. And then in the final section it is the triumph of the trusting in the Lord. So the first section through verse 8 the trusting and the...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 26-30 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn to Isaiah chapter 26 as we begin our study this evening. Now Isaiah 26 goes right along with Isaiah 25 because it declares, In that day (Isa 26:1) In what day? In the day that the things are transpiring that he wrote about in chapter 25. And what are the things that he was writing about in chapter 25? What are the days that he was writing about? Verse 8, "He will...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 36-40 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn to Isaiah chapter 36. Last week as we completed the thirty-fifth chapter of the book of Isaiah, of course, we got into those glorious prophecies of the future Kingdom Age when Jesus Christ will be reigning over the earth, and how God is going to restore the earth to its Edenic glory. Now we always it seems have sort of curious minds and we wander off on just how God proposes to do the things that He said He is going to do. And in reality, the whys aren't really our real concern. However, we so often make them a concern. You know, "Well, if He ...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 11-15 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn to Isaiah, chapter 11, for the beginning of our study this evening. In the tenth chapter, the closing part of chapter 10 of Isaiah, and again, let me remind you that the chapter distinctions were made by men, not by the authors. But years later, in order that we might be able to ready reference scriptures, in order that you might be able to find them easily, they divided the Bible into chapters and verses. And that is only for our benefit so that we can reference. And so in the dividing of the Bible into the chapters and verses, this is not the way the Bibl...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 1-5 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's get into the book of Isaiah. The book of Isaiah is a marvelous book of prophecy. Of course, it is the longest book of prophecy in the Bible, and it would seem that God gave to Isaiah a clearer vision of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ than any other of the Old Testament prophets. He writes much concerning the Messiah that is to come. In the first verse he tells us the historical time of his prophecies, beginning when Uzziah was king of Judah, which puts it about 760 BC. And he lived through the succeeding reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and into Hezeki...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 48-50 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now in chapter 48 God speaks about how that He is going to restore then under the Holy One, Jehovah's servant. And God is going to restore the house of Jacob. Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel (Isa 48:1), You are called by the name of Israel. The name of Israel literally means governed by God. Beautiful name. A man governed by God, Israel. It was a name that was given to Jacob by the Lord after Jacob had wrestled all evening and finally su...
Verse by Verse Study on Romans 9-10 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Paul has just closed the eighth chapter of Romans in which he has taken us into the very peaks of the spiritual experiences that are ours in Christ Jesus. Showing us that we have this glorious place in the Lord where nothing can separate us from the love of God, neither tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or peril, nor nakedness, nor sword, for he is persuaded and in all these things we are more than conquerors. And that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor any other creature shall be able ...
Verse by Verse Study on Galatians 5-6 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now to Galatians chapter five. The whole concept is: how do I establish a righteous standing before God? Can I be righteous by keeping the law? Or am I righteous by my simple faith in Jesus Christ? Now, Paul taught righteousness through faith. There followed Paul teachers, Judaizers who brought another gospel, which was not really a gospel. For they were saying that was it was necessary to be circumcised and to keep the law of Moses in order to be righteous before God, to be saved. And so Paul is standing against this teaching in his letter to the Galatians, and in chap...
Verse by Verse Study on Ephesians 1 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn in our Bibles to Ephesians. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God (Eph 1:1), Now, if you were writing this epistle, take out the name Paul, and insert your name and then, whatever it is that you are: Jim, a service station attendant by the will of God. John, a foundry worker by the will of God. You see, not all are called to be apostles. Not all are called to be pastors, and not all are called to be preachers. Also, it is a mistake to try to be something that God ha...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Corinthians 15-16 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn to I Corinthians, chapter 15. The Corinthian church was a real mess. A lot of carnality that led to divisions, a lot of party spirit, a real misunderstanding of the spiritual gifts, a lot of weird concepts. There were some in Corinth who declared that there was no resurrection from the dead, sort of a Sadducean background, perhaps. Paul, having corrected the other problems that they wrote to him about, now finally tackles the final problem of those people who were declaring there is no resurrection of the dead. So Paul, first of all, dec...
Verse by Verse Study on Luke 12-13 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn in our Bibles to Luke's gospel, chapter 12. We are dealing with the final month in the ministry of Jesus. He has returned to Jerusalem. He will soon be leaving Jerusalem to go down to the area of the Jordan River beyond Jericho. Where He will sort of absent Himself from the authorities, until such a time as He comes back for the feast of the Passover, and makes His triumphant entry on the Sunday before the feast of the Passover. So just where, here in Luke's account, does Jesus leave Jerusalem, is not declared by Luke. John tells us about this lit...
Verse by Verse Study on Luke 22 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Luke's gospel, chapter 22. Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover (Luk 22:1). The Feast of Unleavened Bread actually was for six days, from the fifteenth of Nizan to the twenty-first. However, the fifteenth of Nizan was the day of the Passover. And so it was drawing nigh. People were beginning to prepare for it. Two days before the feast they would go through the house with brooms and brushes and make sure that they got rid of all of the leaven out of ...
Verse by Verse Study on Hebrews 12-13 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now to Hebrews, chapter 12. Wherefore, seeing we are also compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses (Hbr 12:1), What this does not mean is that the Old Testament saints, which are spoken of in chapter 11, are sitting there in heaven watching the activities on the earth. It doesn't mean that they are just watching us to see how we are going to react and respond and we've got this big gallery up here of Old Testament saints. It does mean that their life of faith an...
Verse by Verse Study on Hebrews 7-8 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Hebrews, the seventh chapter. In the book of Genesis, after Abraham and Lot had parted company, there was a confederation of five kings that conquered in the area where Lot lived, and took him captive and spoiled several cities. Abraham, hearing of it, armed his servants and he went out to met these five kings in battle, and defeated them. He took from them the spoils that they had taken from the many cities that they had conquered. As Abraham was returning victoriously with the spoils from these five kings, there came o...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Timothy 3-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Second Timothy chapter three? Paul said to Timothy, This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come (2Ti 3:1). It is interesting that the Scriptures in many places speak of the last days and in every case where the Scriptures speak of the last days, you find that it is an apt description of the day and the age in which we live. And so Paul is warning Timothy of certain things that will be transpiring in the last days. And as we go down the list...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Timothy 3-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Tonight we will be studying First Timothy three and four. It is interesting as Paul writes to Timothy on several occasions, he uses phrases that are interesting to me. He said, This is a faithful saying, it's worthy of all acceptation. Here he says, beginning chapter three, This is a true saying (1Ti 3:1), Again, he'll say, "This is a faithful saying worthy of all acceptation." He'll say, "Without controversy." He speaks to Timothy with interesting phrases affir...
Verse by Verse Study on Philippians 2 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if [there is] any comfort of love, if [there is] any fellowship of the Spirit, if [there is] any bowels [compassion] and mercies, fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind (Phl 2:1-2). And so Paul's appeal to them now, a very powerful appeal: if there is any consolation in Christ, if there is any comfort in love, and surely there is consolation in Christ, how we are consoled by Him, how we are co...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Genesis 1:3-5
... I. "AND GOD SAID, "LET THERE BE LIGHT." A. In verse one we read, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." I understand that to mean our universe. B. In verse 2 we read that the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep. 1. Out here in the corner of the Milky Way Galaxy was a formless mass, covered with ice shrouded in darkness. It was called earth. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 2:4
... "FIRST LOVE" I. NOTE THE LORD HAD A LOT OF GOOD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THE CHURCH OF EPHESUS. A. "I know thy works, labor, patience." 1. These are all great and important things in the Christian life. 2. Paul had written to the church in Thessolonica of how he thanked God when he... 1TH 1:3 ...
The Gift of Tongues (Part 2) (Holy Spirit Series)
... In this lesson we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14 (but mainly chapter 14), as we continue this very controversial subject of speaking in other tongues. The question arises, "Is speaking in tongues for everybody?" In chapter 12, after Paul is talking about the various gifts of the Spirit and naming the different gifts, he then declares, having given a list of nine, "that the Holy Spirit divides to...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 5:1,2
... "WHO IS WORTHY" I. THE QUESTION RELATES TO THE SCROLL THAT IS HELD IN THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. A. The issue is finding someone who is worthy to take the scroll and break the seven seals, so that the scroll might be opened. B. What is the significance of the scroll? 1. Why is it so important that it be opened, that when no one is found worthy to open it, John breaks into convulsive sobs? ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 20:11
... "THE GREAT WHITE THRONE" I. THERE IS A FINAL DAY OF RECKONING COMING. A. In this chapter the scene is described. 1. John tells us of seeing this great white throne in heaven. 2. John tells us that the One sitting on the throne is so awesome that the earth and heaven fled from His face. B. Many times people make a great mistake in thinking that they were successful in hiding th...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 1:8
... Intro. Intro. Jesus had told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father that He had been talking to them about. God had promised to pour out His Spirit on all flesh, even their sons and daughters would prophesy. Jesus said, "John baptized you with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit in a view days." Jesus for forty days after His resurrection had been appearing to them in different situations and in different places, He had been talking to them about the Kingdom of God. It was His desire that they be sustained in th...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 12:20
... Intro. Having introduced to us Herod Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the Great, Luke proceeds to give us a little further history of this man. I. HE RETURNED TO CAESAREA WHERE MEN FROM TYRE AND SIDON CAME TO SEEK HIS FAVOR. A. We are told that he had been highly displeased with those of Tyre and Sidon. 1. We are not told the reason for his displeasure. 2. Nothing of secular history seems to help us here....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 3:18
... Intro. Looking at characteristics of the men that God used, men of prayer; men of faith; men who had come to the cross in their own lives. Now we see another characteristic; they were men of the word. I. NOTE HOW PETER HERE BEGINS TO POINT OUT THE TRUTHS OF THE SCRIPTURES TO THE PEOPLE. A. In those days they did not have family Bibles. 1. The scriptures were all handwritten. 2. They were written by separa...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 2:36
... "WHAT MEANETH THIS?" I. THE QUESTION IN THE MINDS OF THE JEWS WHO HAD GATHERED TO OBSERVE THE HOLY SPIRIT COMING ON THE CHURCH WAS "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?" A. Peter finally answered their question with the statement, "God has made this same Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." 1. Jesus is Lord. 2. Jesus is the Messiah. 3. Paul wrote to the Philipp...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 10:39
... I. "AND WE ARE WITNESSES OF ALL OF THE THINGS THAT HE DID IN THE LAND OF THE JEWS AND IN JERUSALEM." A. Back in chapter one as they were seeking to replace the empty place among the apostles left by the death of Judas, they said that they wanted someone who had been a companion with Jesus all of the time from His baptism to His ascension into heaven, to be a witness of His resurrection. 1. Peter is verifying his credentials to be listed among the Apostles....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 10:47
... I. "CAN ANY MAN FORBID WATER, THAT THESE SHOULD NOT BE BAPTIZED?" A. Up to this point the church in Jerusalem, of which Peter was a part, were not willing to bring Gentiles into the church through baptism. 1. It should be noted that the Samaritans received Christ when Philip shared with them, and they were baptized by Philip. 2. The church had sent Peter and John that they might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ephesians 3:17
... I. "THAT YOU BEING ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN LOVE." A. That our roots go down deep in the love of Jesus Christ. 1. It is through the roots that the tree draws its source for life. Moisture and nourishment are drawn from the soil by the roots. a. Nourished in the love of Jesus. 2. The roots anchor the plant to the ground. a. Otherwise the tree could never stand. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Timothy 2:5
... "OUR MEDIATOR" I. FOR THERE IS ONE GOD. A. That is, one true and living God, the eternal creator who sustains the universe. 1. There are many false gods. 2. The gods of the heathen are many. 3. All roads do not lead to the true and living God. 4. Only one road leads to Him, Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ephesians 2:19
... I. NOW THEREFORE. A. As Dr. McGee used to say, "Whenever you have a therefore, you must ask, wherefore is the therefore there for?" B. Therefore because what Jesus has done for us and made possible for us. 1. He has brought us near to God. vs. 13. 2. He has become our peace. vs 14. 3. He has broken down the wall that kept us from becoming the people of God. vs 14....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ephesians 3:3
... I. "HOW THAT BY REVELATION HE MADE KNOWN TO ME." A. Paul claimed that the gospel that he received was by Divine revelation. 1. GAL 1:11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. GAL 1:12 For I neither received ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Galatians 4:7
... "HEIRS OF GOD" I. GREAT TRUTHS. A. I am a son of God. 1. John 1:12 "But as many as received Him, Jesus Christ, to them gave He the power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." 2. By my natural birth I was a son of Satan. a. Jesus said to the Jews, "You are of your father the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Colossians 3:3, 4
... I. THE REASONS WHY OUR AFFECTIONS, "MIND, THOUGHTS" NOT TO BE SET ON THINGS OF EARTH. A. "For ye are dead" or "you died" in Christ. 1. Thought two fold - past action & continuous state. a. (Rom. 6:2) Our death to sin. b. (Gal. 6:14) Our death to world. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ephesians 3:16
... I. "THE RICHES OF HIS GLORY." A. In Romans 2:4 Paul speaks of the riches of His goodness, forbearance and longsuffering. B. In Romans 9:23 The riches of His glory, on His vessels of mercy. C. In Romans 11:33 he speaks of the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 10:37
... I. "THAT WORD" A. This takes us back to the previous verse, "The word which [God] sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ:" B. That word you know because it was published throughout all Judea. 1. Jesus was a well-known figure. 2. On the road to Emmaus when Jesus joined himself to the two disciples and asked them why they seemed so sad as they were walking along the path, they r...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 1
... "ACTS NARRATION." In the previous letter that I wrote to you Theophilus, I told you of the things that Jesus taught and did up until the time that He was taken up into heaven. After He was in heaven He continued to teach and do marvelous miracles, only now through the men He had chosen to be His Apostles. He showed the apostles that He was still alive after His crufixion by many infallible proofs by appearing to them on many occasions over a forty-day period, as He talked to them about the Kingdom of God. He told them ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 1:1
... Intro: Last week we saw that the Bible teaches the Holy Spirit is a person-not a force or essence. He knows, loves, speaks, wills. He can be grieved, lied against. I. IN THE BEGINNING GOD (ELOHIM). Deut. 6:4 The Lord (Jehovah) our God (Elohim) is one (echad) Lord (Jehovah). Attributes of God are ascribed to Him: A. He is eternal ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 7:9-17
... I. JOHN SEES A SECOND GROUP. A. Contrast with 144,000. 1. On earth sealed and thus protected. 2. In heaven. 3. Number was 144,000; precise number. 4. Numberless multitude. 5. From each tribe of Israel. 6. From all the tribes of the earth; nations, families, peoples, tongues. B. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Peter 2:1-3
... I. EARLY CHURCH HERESIES. A. Gnosticism. 1. All material is evil. a. Thus, God could not have created the material world. 2. Jesus dwelling as He did in a human body could not be God. a. Some forms of this error taught divinity came upon Him at baptism, left before crucifixion. 3. The Gnostics were known to deliberately alter the scriptures to meet ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 17:14
... "KING OF KINGS" I. THE FINAL WORLD DOMINATING POWER. A. In the book of Daniel he tells of a vision that he had of empires that would rule over the earth. 1. The first was like a lion, which represented the Babylonian empire. 2. It was destroyed by a bear, which represented the Medo-persian empire. 3. This was in turn destroyed by the leopard, which represented the Grecian empi...
The Gift of Teaching (Holy Spirit Series)
... In 1 Corinthians 12:28, Paul says, Now God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers. We are looking at the gift of teaching. As Paul was writing to the Ephesians concerning the ministry gifts within the church, again he said, "He gave some apostles; and some, prophets..." Here he adds to the list, "evangelists," before he gets to the pastor-teachers i...
The Gift of Prophecy (Holy Spirit Series)
... We are looking at the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they are listed in 1 Corinthians 12. Paul speaks of the gift of prophecy. Now we realize immediately that the gift of prophecy is not something new to the New Testament, but that the gift of prophecy has been exercised throughout the entirety of biblical history. Prophecy is men speaking forth the word of God through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Peter tells us, For the prophecy came not in old time by the will o...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Genesis 22:1-2
... "FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING" I. GOD CREATED MAN FOR FELLOWSHIP. A. I John 1, "That which we have seen and heard..." B. Paul speaks of his desire to know the fellowship of His suffering. 1. Suffering seems to create the closest bond of fellowship. 2. "We never cried together." II. ...
Verse by Verse Study on Revelation 16 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... In the fifteenth chapter of the book of Revelation, we had sort of the introduction to chapter sixteen, as we saw the seven angels in heaven who are given the seven final plagues which complete the judgment of God upon the earth. And these seven angels came out of the temple and they were clothed in pure white linen. And one of the cherubim gave to the angels these vials of wrath to pour out upon the earth. And the temple of God was filled with the smoke from the glory of God and it was closed now to man. No man was able to enter in during the time that these seven plagues are bei...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Exodus 12:3-7
... "THE PASSOVER LAMB" Intro: The demand to Pharaoh, the plagues to his hardened heart. I. THE FINAL PLAGUE, DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN. A. On the night of April 14th, God was going to pass through the land of Egypt. 1. The destroyer, often called the death angel, was to slay the firstborn of every household. 2. For the households of the children of Israel to be spared, they must prepa...
Verse by Verse Study on Philippians 3-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Philippians 3. Again, remember that the background of this epistle, Paul is chained to a Roman soldier in Rome, in prison, writing to the Philippians. The keynote of the epistle is rejoice, and he said, Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord (Phl 3:1). You know, oftentimes it is extremely difficult to rejoice in circumstances. In fact, I think sometimes it is impossible to rejoice in circumstances. I...
Verse by Verse Study on Ephesians 5-6 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Ephesians, chapter 5. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children (Eph 5:1); Now, the therefore immediately points you back, back to the last verse of chapter 4 where we are exhorted to be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us. Paul's topic here is God's forgiveness as our example of forgiveness. "Be ye followers of God," or follow the example that God h...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Timothy 5-6 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to First Timothy chapter five? Paul is a spiritual father to Timothy, Timothy's mentor. He looks upon him as a son; in fact, he calls him his son in the faith. Timothy has been left in Ephesus to oversee the church that Paul established there. While he is in Ephesus, Paul wrote to him this epistle. And in this epistle, he seeks to instruct Timothy in things of the church. In a Bible doctrine class in seminary, you would have a subject known as Ecclesiology. And they use the epistles of Thessalonians and Timothy for their Ecclesiol...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Timothy 1-2 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... First Timothy. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour (1Ti 1:1), And the Greek word is "the royal commandment" of God; it's a word that is used when a king had made a decree. It is interesting that Paul so often introduces himself as an apostle by the will of God. But here he declares he is an apostle by the commandment of God. The word apostle is one who has been sent out; idea of an emissary or an ambassador. And that's exactly wha...
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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.