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Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
The Person and Gifts of the Holy Spirit

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Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Esther 2:17
... "GOD'S PROVIDENTIAL RULE." Intro: The book of Esther is devoted to the story of how God preserved the nation of Israel from obliteration. Though the word God, or the name of God is not mentioned in the book, we see His hand working behind the scenes. It is a book of God's overruling providence. I. LOOKING BACK OVER THE STORY, WE SEE GOD WORKING BEHIND THE SCENE LONG BEFORE HIS PURPOSE IS REVEALED. A. The pagan king Ahasuerus decided to show of...
Study Guide for Acts
... ACTS 1: The Ascension of Jesus ACTS 2: The First Gospel Message Preached ACTS 3: The Lame Man Healed ACTS 4: The Prayer of the Church ACTS 5: The Apostles Go to Prison ACTS 6: The Accusation of Stephen ...
Verse by Verse Study on Jeremiah 31-35 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... This time shall we turn in our Bibles to Jeremiah 31. Now there are those who say that God has cast off Israel as a nation forever, and that all of the blessings, all of the covenants and all of the promises that God made to this nation are now fulfilled in the church. That we have become Israel after the Spirit and being spiritual Israel, God has forsaken the nation itself and is now pouring out all of the blessings that He had promised through His covenant upon the church. Now this teaching creates all kinds of problems a...
Verse by Verse Study on Ecclesiastes 7-12 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Tonight we want to return again to the book of Ecclesiastes beginning with chapter 7. And as we return to the book of Ecclesiastes, again, it is important that we make note of the fact that the book of Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon in his later years. After he had assiduously pursued to find the purpose and meaning of life in so many different things: in wisdom, in wealth, in fame, in building, in pleasures. And after his pursuit, which carried him into every area and experience of life, he came up with the conclusion that life is empty and frustrating. Solomon made the mistake...
Verse by Verse Study on Titus (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Not much is known about Titus. Paul makes slight references to him in the Corinthian epistles. Outside of that we know very little about Titus, except what we can pick up in the book. Evidently he was a convert of Paul, as was Timothy, because he calls him his "beloved son" as he did Timothy. He wrote his epistle to Titus at about the same time that he wrote the first epistle to Timothy. There is a similarity between the two epistles, in that in both of them Paul is establishing the order within the churches the appointment of the elders and the various other offices with...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Peter 3-5 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now to First Peter chapter three as Peter addresses himself to the wives? This particular section goes back to verse thirteen of chapter two, Submit yourself to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether to king as supreme; governors, unto them sent toward the punishment of evildoers, so is the will of God, that in well doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men (1Pe 2:13-15): So the idea of submitting to one another in love. And so he talked abo...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Thessalonians (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Paul had come to Thessalonica with the gospel of Jesus Christ from Philippi where, as the result of his preaching, he had been imprisoned, beaten and really ordered out of the city. There in Thessalonica, he went into the synagogue for three Sabbath days reasoning with them out of the scriptures. And the interest became so intense that on the third day, almost the whole city had gathered together, which created a jealousy by some of the Jews that were there. And so they began to stir up trouble against Paul. And they came to the house where Paul was staying to arrest ...
Verse by Verse Study on Revelation 17-18 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... In chapter seventeen, we now have the specific judgment of God upon the false religious system that has damned the souls of so many men through deception. Jesus warned us to "beware of false prophets who will come looking like sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15). And the false religious system, which traps the souls of men and its judgment, is coming. Chapter seventeen tells us of this judgment. Babylon is used in the scripture as a symbol of confusion, because it was in Babylon where ...
Verse by Verse Study on Revelation 10-12 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... We have been going through the trumpet judgments; the catastrophes that they have brought upon the earth. Now, for a moment we leave the trumpet judgments after the sounding of the sixth, and before we read of the events at the sounding of the seventh, John gives us now a little insight into a yet future event, and that is the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth to claim that which He purchased. Jesus paid the price of redemption. He redeemed the world so that it would be God's once again. It was originally God's by creation. God gave it to man. Man gave it...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Corinthians 3-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn tonight to the third chapter of II Corinthians. Paul the apostle, it seemed, had the detractors to his ministry, men that followed him around seeking to discredit him. There are always those, it seems, who are ready to come in upon another man's work, and to reap the benefits of another man's labor, but aren't really willing to go out and to break fresh ground themselves. Those that endeavor to live off the body of Christ, rather than really developing the body of Christ. The body of Christ is not expanded by transferring peop...
Verse by Verse Study on Mark 8-9 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn now in our Bibles to Mark's gospel, chapter 8. Now, Mark has already told us how that Jesus fed five thousand men beside the women and children with five loaves and two fish. Now we find a second miracle of the multiplying of the food in order to supply the needs of the people. It is interesting at the beginning of Christ's ministry, when Satan was tempting Him, he said to Him because He was hungry after the forty day fast, "Why don't You take these stones and make them into bread?" But Jesus would not use His miraculous power in orde...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 13:14
... Intro. At the end of the last study we saw Paul and Barnabas minus John Mark leaving the island of Cyprus and crossing the sea to Perga in Phamphylia. Nothing is mentioned of any attempt to preach in Perga, but they went from there to Antioch of Pisidia. This is to distinguish it from Antioch from Antioch of Syria, from which they began their journey. This city and 16 other cities were built by Seleucus and all named Antioch after his father Antiochus. The trip from Perga to Antioch is up rugged mountain ravines and gorges through which the rivers madly rush ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 4:1
... I. THE SCENE: PETER AND JOHN ARE ENTERING THE TEMPLE AT THE AFTERNOON HOUR OF PRAYER WHEN THEY ARE ACCOSTED BY A LAME MAN SEEKING A HAND OUT. THIS MAN WAS NEVER ABLE TO WALK IN OVER FORTY YEARS OF LIFE. A. Peter protested that they had no silver or gold, but was glad to share what he had, whereupon he commanded him in the name of Jesus to walk. B. Lifting the man to his feet, he was instantly healed. C. As the man began to walk and leap and praise God, he hel...
The Word of Wisdom (Holy Spirit Series)
... 1 Corinthians 12:7 says, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. If the Spirit of God is dwelling in your life, it will be manifested in many different ways. We have discussed how having the Holy Spirit in you is distinct and separate from having the Holy Spirit overflow from you. There is that indwelling work of the Holy Spirit, that marvelous indwelling work of the Holy Spirit, which is purely subjunctive. It is that blessed work within...
Verse by Verse Study on Mark 10-11 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Mark's gospel chapter 10: And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he wont [was accustomed], he taught them again (Mar 10:1). Now, Jesus is leaving the area of the Galilee for the last time. He is on His way to Jerusalem to be crucified. He knows this. He presently will be telling the disciples this. They still do not understand; it's still, to them, a mystery. But yet, it's very...
Verse by Verse Study on Jeremiah 1-2 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... At this time shall we turn in our Bibles to the book of Jeremiah. About sixty years after Isaiah died, God called Jeremiah to what I feel must have been the hardest task any minister has ever been called upon to perform for the Lord. Jeremiah had to oversee the death of the nation. He had to watch it as it was in its final death throws, as it went into convulsions and died and was carried away captive to Babylon. His ministry was destined from the beginning for failure. That is, the people were not going to hearken. The people were not going to change. They had set t...
Study Guide for Jeremiah
... JEREMIAH 1: Jeremiah's Call and Commission JEREMIAH 2: First Message to Backslidden Judah JEREMIAH 3: The Polluted Land JEREMIAH 4: The Second Message to Backslidden Judah JEREMIAH 5: The Second Message Continues ...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalms 41-46 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let us turn at this time in our Bibles to Psalm 41. This is another one of the psalms that begins with a beatitude. The very first psalm begins with a beatitude, "Blessed is the man." Here again, Blessed is he that considereth the poor, the LORD will deliver him in the time of trouble (Psa 41:1). Now the Bible has much to say about God's concern and God's interest with the poor. And God is constantly exhorting us in His Wo...
Verse by Verse Study on Malachi 1-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now let's turn to Malachi, the final word of God in the Old Testament period. God's final message before the coming of Jesus Christ. Who Malachi was, where he came from, we know nothing. Some believe that the name of Malachi was just an assumed name, not the true name of the writer. But there is no real evidence to back up that belief. But the name Malachi... remember this morning I told you there were meanings in the names. That they just didn't name a child any name out of the dictionary, but they looked for the meaning of a name, and they named the chi...
Verse by Verse Study on Galatians 1-2 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Galatia was not a city. It was a territory. It encompassed an area that is now in Turkey. There were several churches founded by Paul in Galatia. And following Paul's evangelistic efforts through the area and the founding of many churches, there were men who came in and they began to pervert the gospel that Paul had taught, the gospel of grace. And they began to preach another gospel which is not a gospel. Because the word gospel means good news. And if you tell me that God will forgive me all of my sins and account me righteous, if I will simply believe in Jesus ...
Verse by Verse Study on Acts 24-25 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now to chapter twenty-four in the book of Acts. Paul had been seen in the temple worshipping God by some of the Jews that were from Asia who were familiar with Paul's ministry among the Gentiles. They immediately began to cry out against his being there in the temple, stirring up the Jews who grabbed hold of Paul and were in the process of beating him to death when Paul was rescued by those Roman soldiers, the guards who were dispatched from Antonial fortress to free him from this angry mob there on the temple mount. Paul attempted to tal...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Peter 1-3 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Second Peter. Simon Peter (2Pe 1:1), The name Simon, of course, was the given name. Peter is the name that Jesus gave to him. He is, a bondslave and an apostle (2Pe 1:1) It seems that bondslave was first, apostle second. of Jesus Christ, writing to those that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (...
The Gift of Faith (Holy Spirit Series)
... Paul is talking about the diversities of the gifts of the Spirit and the various manifestations of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:9, as he declares, To another faith by the same Spirit. This is the gift or the manifestation of faith. Now there are different kinds of faith. We talk about saving faith. In Ephesians 2, Paul said, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not o...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 21:9-27
... I. VERSE 9: ONE OF THE SEVEN ANGELS WHICH HAD THE SEVEN VIALS FULL OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES. A. During the Revelation, God uses many different persons to convey His message to John. 1. He hears the voice from the throne. 2. Jesus speaks to him. 3. The elders talk to him. 4. There was a special angel dispatched to make the Revelation known to John. 5. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Revelation 21:9-27
... I. VS. 9 ONE OF THE SEVEN ANGELS WHICH HAD THE SEVEN VIALS FULL OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES. A. During the Revelation, God uses many different persons to convey His message to John. 1. He hears the voice from the throne. 2. Jesus speaks to him. 3. The elders talk to him. 4. There was a special angel dispatched to make the Revelation known to John. 5. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 11:4
... Intro. As we have mentioned, Peter knew that when the church in Jerusalem heard that he had taken the gospel to the Gentiles, he would be challenged. Sure enough, as soon as he returned to Jerusalem, those who were of the circumcision contended with him. They said, "You went in to uncircumcised men, and ate with them." I. AS WE HAVE MENTIONED IN THAT MID-EASTERN CULTURE, TO EAT WITH A PERSON WAS TANTAMOUNT TO BECOMING ONE WITH THEM. A. That is why the Jew would never eat with a Gentil...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 12:1
... I. NOW ABOUT THAT TIME HEROD THE KING STRETCHED FORTH [HIS] HANDS TO VEX CERTAIN OF THE CHURCH. A. This was Herod Agrippa the first, a grandson of Herod the Great. 1. His father Aristoboulos was one of the sons murdered by Herod the Great. 2. He was a nephew of Herod Antipas, the one who ordered the death of John the Baptist. 3. He was the father of Herod Agrippa, II, before whom Paul appeared in chapter 26...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 2:12
... I. THE VARIED REACTIONS OF THE CROWDS. A. They were filled with amazement. B. They marvelled that these Galilleans were speaking in the various recognizable dialects of the wonderful works of God. C. They had questions as to what this meant. "What does this mean?" D. There are always mockers in the crowd, and this crowd is no different. They were saying that they must have found some new win...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 14:11
... Intro. Paul and Barnabas are in Lystra and evidently witnessing on the streets. There is a lame man in the crowd who has never before walked in his entire life, and Paul perceived that the man had the faith to be healed, and said to Him in a loud voice, "Stand straight up on your feet." And the man leaped up and began to walk. I. THE REACTION OF THE CROWD. THEY THOUGHT THAT THE GODS HAD COME DOWN IN THE LIKENESS OF MEN. A. They thought that Barnabas was Jupiter and that Paul was Mecur...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ephesians 4:4
... I. ENDEAVORING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE. A. Later in the chapter he will speak of the unity of the faith. 1. The unity of the faith comes much later than the unity of the Spirit. 2. There are those who are very divisive. A group known as CURE are heavy into Calvinistic doctrine and always seem to have an ax to grind with everyone who does not embrace their position. 3. Of course when you get a...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ephesians 2:4
... Intro. Paul has painted the black backdrop of your life before meeting Jesus Christ. Dead unto God because of your trespasses and sins. Walking according to the course of this world that is being directed by the prince of the power of the air. You were one of the children of disobedience, as you lived just to fulfill the lusts of your flesh and mind. You were by nature a sinner, destined for the wrath of God. I. "BUT GOD WHO IS RICH IN MERCY." A. As God caused His goodness to pass b...
The Word of Knowledge (Holy Spirit Series)
... We would like to continue our study on the subject of the Holy Spirit. Presently we are dealing with the manifestations of the Holy Spirit as they are recorded in the first section in 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul gives us a partial listing. We will go over to Romans and Ephesians to look at further listings of the gifts of the Spirit. But first in verse 8, For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit. (1 Cori...
The Gift of Discernment (Holy Spirit Series)
... As Paul is listing the various manifestations and gifts of the Spirit for us, in 1 Corinthians 12:10. He tells us, "To another discerning of spirits." There is a spirit world that is just as real as the material world in which we live. Scientists say that there is much more space in an atom than there is solid matter. In a hydrogen atom, which is made up of one proton and a single electron revolving around it, there is so much space that if you would enlarge the proton to the size of a baseball, the electron wou...
Verse by Verse Study on Colossians 1 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn in our Bibles tonight to Colossians, chapter one. The city of Colosse, was in the area known as Pergia, a part of Asia Minor. A couple of other churches are greeted by Paul in this epistle, and the epistle was told to be read also to those churches and that was the Laodicean church. And also the one in Hierapolis. Paul had never personally been to these churches. They had never seen his face. However, the churches were probably started as a bi-product of Paul's ministry in Ephesus, for as Paul was in Ephesus for two years and Ephesus is not that far from Laodic...
Verse by Verse Study on Revelation 13-15 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... John said, I stood upon the sand of the sea (Rev 13:1), Probably the Mediterranean Sea. and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (Rev 13:1). The sea represents, of course, the multitudes of people, the Mediterranean Sea, the multitudes of people that live around the Mediterranean Sea. And out of it...
Verse by Verse Study on Romans 8 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn to the eighth chapter of Romans. Fasten your seatbelts as we take off. In the seventh chapter of the book of Romans, Paul has come to the realization that the law is spiritual. While he was a Pharisee he thought of the law as physical, intended to control man's outward actions. But when he came to the realization that the law was spiritual, then he realized that the law actually condemned him to death because, though he had physically kept the law, spiritually he had violated it. So he said that his problem was that the law was spiritual a...
Verse by Verse Study on Matthew 27-28 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... This time shall we turn in our Bibles to Matthew's gospel chapter twenty-seven? In the twenty-sixth chapter we left Jesus before the high priest, the Sanhedrin, and Peter had just outside of this group denied his Lord. And at this moment he is out somewhere weeping bitterly over his failure. Now when the morning was come, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took council against Jesus to put him to death: and when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the govern...
Verse by Verse Study on Mark 13 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Mark's gospel chapter 13. And as he [Jesus] went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here! (Mar 13:1) Referring to the great temple in Jerusalem that was started in the year 2219 B.C. by Herod the Great. It became one of the wonders of the ancient world. It took over fifty years to construct. Herod the Great was never able to complete it himself. Herod the Great, as we have mentioned before, was fond of using gre...
Verse by Verse Study on Mark 15-16 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn to Mark's gospel chapter 15. Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane in the evening or late night, and immediately brought before Caiaphas the high priest and some of the rulers where they held an illegal night tribunal. And they tried to develop charges that they could bring against Jesus before the Roman court because they were determined that Jesus must be put to death. But they did not have the power of condemning a prisoner to death. That was Rome's power. So, their trial against Jesus was basically a religious trial. And they had many ...
Verse by Verse Study on Luke 16-17 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Jesus speaks on two unpleasant subjects, to a lot of people. Not unpleasant to me, but to a lot of people. Talks about hell. That's not unpleasant to me, not worried about it at all. Now Jesus is at a supper with the Pharisees; it's on the Sabbath day. And this particular section that we are now in is still in that supper that Jesus was invited to, beginning the fourteenth chapter, where the Pharisees invited Him to the house, set Him up with fellow with dropsy, and so this whole interchange of thought and all is going on there. At times He is addressing the ...
Verse by Verse Study on Luke 5-6 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Luke's gospel chapter 5. The popularity of the ministry of Jesus is growing. Word is being spread around of the miracles that are being wrought by Him, and now wherever He goes people are beginning to jostle and shove in order that they might get close to Him. It made it difficult for Jesus to travel to get around because of the multitudes that, according to Mark's gospel, at this point were thronging Him wherever He went. And so here in Luke's gospel, It came to pass, that, as t...
Verse by Verse Study on Job 5-10 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Call now (Job 5:1), Eliphaz is saying to Job. if there be any that will answer you; and to which of the saints will thou turn? (Job 5:1) Now it would seem that maybe in those days there were those who... they had already developed saints that they were turning to in trouble. Which saint do you have for boils, you know? For wrath killeth the foolish, and envy slayeth the silly. I have see...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalm 81-90 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn to Psalm 81. On the first day of the seventh month in the Jewish calendar, which, because their calendar begins, the religious calendar begins the first of April, it usually coincides somewhere around the first of October on our calendar. There is a blowing of the trumpets. It's called the Feast of the Trumpets to announce the most holy month of the year, the seventh month. And so the first day of the seventh month the Feast of Trumpets, the blowing of the trumpets to inaugurate this holy month fol...
Song of Solomon (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Tonight we want to look at the Song of Songs which is Solomon's. By the title it indicates that Solomon felt that this was the finest of the one thousand and five songs that he wrote. This is the excellency of the songs that he has written. Of the thousand and five songs, this one is it as far as Solomon is concerned. In Ecclesiastes, we had a theme: vanity of vanities. In this we have, song of songs. The vanity or the emptiness of the world apart from God. The emptiness of the world in achievement, any achievement that is apart from God. Now he speaks of the song of...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 6-10 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... By Chuck Smith Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Isaiah, chapter 6, as Isaiah records for us his commissioning by God for his ministry. Now you remember in chapter 1 that Isaiah tells us that his time of prophecy extended through the kingdom or through the kings of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. As we pointed out, it is thought that he was put to death by the evil son of Hezekiah, Manasseh. But his call to his ministry as a prophet is given to us in chapter 6, and it so happened that it came, In...
Study Guide for Daniel
... DANIEL 1: Daniel Taken Captive DANIEL 2: God Reveals the Dream and its Meaning DANIEL 3: The Fiery Furnace DANIEL 4: The Conversion of Nebuchadnezzar DANIEL 5: The Fall of Babylon DANIEL 6: Daniel in the ...
Study Guide for 1 Thessalonians
... 1 THESSALONIANS 1: Faith, Love, and Hope 1 THESSALONIANS 2: The True Minister 1 THESSALONIANS 3: Paul's Concern and Love for the Thessalonians 1 THESSALONIANS 4: The Christian Walk 1 THESSALONIANS 5: The Return of Jesus Christ ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Micah 5:1
... I. THEY SHALL SMITE THE JUDGE OF ISRAEL WITH A ROD UPON THE CHEEK. A. Micah is probably best known for his prophecy of the birthplace of Jesus for this comes into prominent play in the New Testament when the wise men came to Herod to seek the place of the birth of the king of the Jews. B. This prophecy of the Judge of Israel being smitten is only one of the many prophecies that were made concerning the events of the crucifixion and death of the Messiah. C. P...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 14:66
... "STEPS TO DENIAL" Intro. Here we find Peter tasting the bitter tears of failure. I think that most Christians have tasted those same tears as we go through the growth process. Peter had just failed His Lord big time, and it was a little maid that had perpetrated his fall. Little maids are often the cause of failure in commitment. But such failure is seldom just the spur of the moment, there are often steps that lead to failure. As we look at this story, let us follow the steps that led to his denial of His Lord, with ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 27:15-25
... I. MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS IN LIFE. A. Personal Question. 1. Everyone must answer it. 2. No one can evade it. 3. Choose yet this day whom. B. It is important because. 1. How you answer it determines the course of your life. 2. How you answer it determines how you will spend eternity. ...
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