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Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 6:7-11
... "THE SPIRIT'S REPROOF." Intro: Every person receives on various occasions that awareness that man is a spirit. Or perhaps you see that an accident is inevitable and there escapes from your lips an, "Oh, God." I. WITH THE SPIRITUAL AWARENESS COMES THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUDGMENT. A. (Sin) The recognition of my own failure. 1. Word means "to miss the mark." ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 6:35
... "THE BREAD OF LIFE." The setting: Jesus had been in a deserted area near Bethsaida ministering to a great multitude of people. Toward evening He said to Philip, "Where can we buy enough bread to feed all these people?" Philip figured it would take about eight thousand dollars to buy enough bread. There were about 5,000 men beside the women and children. Andrew suggested that a small boy had five loaves and two fish, but that was nothing in light of the crowd of people. Jesus took the five loaves and two f...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 6:66-69
... "TURNING BACK." Intro: Not all who are attracted to Jesus continue to follow Him. Many turn back. I. THE ATTRACTING POWER OF JESUS. A. Chapter opens with the account of the thousands attracted to deserted area of Sea of Galilee. 1. Toward evening, Jesus said to Philip, "Where can we buy enough bread to feed them?" 2. Philip replied, "It would take over a thousand do...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:12
... ONE OR THE OTHER. Intro. Jesus came to unite men to God, but He has brought division to man. I. THE DIVISION THAT JESUS BRINGS TO MEN. VERSE 43, "SO THERE WAS A DIVISION AMONG THE PEOPLE BECAUSE OF HIM." A. Some said, "He is a good man." B. Others said, "No, He deceiveth the people." C. He has to be one or the other, He cannot be both....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:37-39
... "RIVERS OF LIVING WATER." I. "IN THE LAST DAY, THAT GREAT DAY OF THE FEAST." A. This was the Feast of Tabernacles, Succoth. 1. Made their booths beside their houses. 2. At the celebration in Jerusalem, the priests would pour water from their jugs on the pavement of the Temple Mount. a. This was a memorial of the water out of the rock in the wilderness. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:37-39
... "TORRENTS OF LIVING WATER." Intro: "Great day of the feast." Feast of Tabernacles celebrating the preservation of their fathers in the 40 years of wilderness wanderings. I. "IF ANY MAN THIRST." A. Jesus not talking of physical, but spiritual thirst. 1. Man is an inferior trinity; body, soul and spirit. a. So integrated that it is difficult to separate for wha...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:37-39
... "RIVERS OF LIVING WATER." Intro: Last day of the feast, eighth day. For seven days, priests in procession from pool of Siloam chanting parts of Great Hallel. 1. God had provided water in wilderness. 2. Promise of latter rain. 3. Eighth day, no procession. 4. Christ stood. I. "THIRST." A. Every ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:37-39
... I. "THAT GREAT DAY OF THE FEAST." A. Double symbolism of water. 1. Wilderness supply. 2. Promise of water in desert places. B. Reason for not pouring out on last day. 1. No longer need water now in land. 2. Promise not yet fulfilled. C. In the midst of this background, Christ cries forth the Gospel in a ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:37-39
... "THE OVERFLOWING LIFE." I. "THE GREAT DAY OF THE FEAST." A. Feast of Tabernacles, eight days. 1. Seven days, priest journey to pool of Siloam. 2. Signified: a. Miraculous supply of water in wilderness. b. Promise of God to bring them into a land, a well-watered land flowing. 3. Eighth day no ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 7:37
... QUENCHING YOUR THIRST. I. THE LAST DAY, THE GREAT DAY OF THE FEAST. VERSE 2 LETS US KNOW THAT IT WAS THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES. A. It was one of the three important feasts in the year where attendance was mandatory. 1. As Passover, it was a memorial feast. a. The passover feast had many symbolisms to remind them of the hardships their fathers endured during the days of slavery in Egypt. 1...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 8:32-36
... "REAL FREEDOM." Intro: Freedom is a basic dream of man. We hear much talk of freedom these days, there is a freedom that is not free, there is a true freedom we can all know. I. YOU CAN BE FREE. "IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." A. This is the heart of the gospel. 1. "He breaks the power of canceled sin. He sets the prisoner free." 2. There is...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 8:36
... FREE INDEED. I. "YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." A. When Jesus appeared on the world scene, the age of philosophy was almost dead. 1. For years the greatest minds of men were searching for truth. 2. The names Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Diogenes are familiar to all of us. By the time Jesus arrived, they were all dead as was the quest for truth. 3. Wh...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 9:2
... WHOSE FAULT IS IT? Intro. When there is a serious accident there are two types of emergency vehicles that usually respond: the police and the paramedics. The police are usually the first to arrive, and they secure the area. They begin to question the witnesses and measure the skid marks, their purpose is to find out who's at fault. When the paramedics arrive they immediately rush to the injured and begin to minister to the wounded people. Their purpose is to help those who are hurt. I. IN TH...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 9:31
... "DOES GOD HEAR A SINNER'S PRAYER?" I. TAKING TEXT FROM CONTEXT DANGEROUS, COULD PROVE... A. "There is no God." Psalm 14:1 B. "God hath forgotten His people." Isaiah 49:14 C. Christ was a winebibber. Matt 11:19 D. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 10:10
... "THE PURPOSE OF HIS COMING, TO GIVE US LIFE." Intro: Jesus Christ the Son of God came to earth almost 2,000 years ago. Nothing has had a greater impact on man's history. Why did He come? Why would He leave His exalted position in glory to be despised and rejected by men? He came to reveal the Father. He came to bring us life. I. TWO FORCES WORKING ON YOU TODAY. A. "The thief comes to rob, kill, and to destroy." ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 10:10, 11
... "MORE ABUNDANT LIFE." Intro: Jesus the Good Shepherd watching over His flock. Not just shepherd but door by which one must enter. I. ALL OTHER RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS AS THIEF. A. They steal. 1. The work of God in your life. a. They would put you to work trying to be good enough to please God. b. Emphasize your work rather than God's finished ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 10:10
... THE GOOD SHEPHERD. I. THE CONTRAST IN THIS CHAPTER IS BETWEEN THE HIRELING AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD. A. One of the curses through the years are those who look upon religion as a way to control people and to take advantage of them financially. 1. Before Jesus came, there were many who had come claiming to be the Messiah, and had gathered disciples around themselves, but they used their disciples to help them live a luxurious and opulent lifestyle....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 10:11
... "THE GOOD SHEPHERD." Intro: Culturally, we have moved into an industrial society. The figure of a shepherd is a little foreign to us. I. THE GOOD SHEPHERD'S CHARACTERISTICS. A. He knows His sheep and calls them by name. 1. His sheep as opposed to those who are not His sheep. 2. That puts all of us today in one of two categories. a. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 10:11
... "I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD." Intro: Background: Healing of blind man. The religious authorities excommunicated him, so Jesus excommunicated their whole system. I. THE SHEPHERD AS THE DOOR. A. A sheepfold was an enclosure. 1. No roof, just walls. 2. Just one opening into it. a. No gate or hinged door. b. The ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 11:25-26
... "THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE." I. THERE ARE BASIC QUESTIONS BURIED DEEP IN THE SOUL OF EVERY MAN. A. We do not think about them every day, yet we never escape them. 1. Our lives for the most part are overcrowded with non-essentials. 2. In our day of mass communication, we have become very broad, not very deep. a. We know a little about ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 11:25, 26
... Intro: A question lies buried in the heart of every man from the beginning of history. "Is death the end?" Little teaching in Old Testament concerning resurrection. Subtle hints, expressions of hope. Jesus answered this question. I. "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE." A. "He that believeth in Me." 1. This, I feel is a reference to Old Testament saints already dead. "Though he were dead.&...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 11:25
... THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. I. IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH? A. This is a question that has been asked by man from the beginning. 1. In one of the oldest books of literature, the book of Job, at the news of the death of his ten children in a tragic accident, Job asked the question, "If a man dies, will he live again?" 2. There was no definite, definitive answer given to Job, just a hope. "I know that my red...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:12-19
... "THIS THY DAY." I. WHAT THIS DAY MEANT TO THE ROMANS? A. The attitude of the soldiers to this entry. 1. Contrast the triumphant entries of generals. II. WHAT THIS DAY MEANT TO GOD? A. He was fulfilling His word to the people. 1. Prophecy of dying Jacob, Gen. 49:9-11. "The scepter shall not ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:12-20
... "THIS THY DAY." I. THE CHANGED ATTITUDE OF CHRIST. A. Prior to this day, He discouraged any display. 1. John 6:15 "When He perceived they would take him by force." 2. John 7:4 "Shew thyself to the world." 3. John 7:6 ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:27
... THE TROUBLED SOUL. I. WHY WAS HIS SOUL TROUBLED? A. In verse 23 He declared, "The hour is come that the Son of Man should be glorified." 1. In chapter 2 at the beginning of His ministry He said to His mother when she suggested that he work a miracle to help out the embarrassed host of the wedding party, "My hour has not yet come." 2. In chapter 7 when they sought to arrest Him and could not, John gives t...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:34
... I. "THE PEOPLE ANSWERED HIM, WE HAVE HEARD OUT OF THE LAW THAT MESSIAH ABIDETH FOREVER. WHO IS THIS SON OF MAN?" A. In II Sam. 7:13, God promised to David concerning his seed, that He would build a house for His name and that He would establish the throne of His kingdom forever. B. In Psalm 110:4, "The Lord hath sworn and shall not repent "Thou art a priest forever after the ord...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:37
... I. "YET THEY BELIEVED NOT ON HIM." A. Seeing the many miracles did not in itself make believers of them. 1. So many times we think of our unsaved friends, and we think that if they could only see a miracle surely then they would believe on Jesus. 2. There are many people who are going around looking for miracles in order to build their faith. a. Now faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:39
... THE HARDENED HEART. I. THE IRRATIONALITY OF UNBELIEF. A. John tells us that Jesus had done many miracles before them, yet they did not believe. 1. Why is it that some people refuse to believe in Jesus Christ? a. Jesus tells us that they love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. b. Some are afraid of the cost. What they might be called upon to give up of their worldly ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:41
... I. "THESE THINGS ISAIAH SAID WHEN HE SAW HIS GLORY AND SPOKE OF HIM." A. Jesus had referred many times to the hour in which He was to be glorified. 1. In the earlier part of His ministry, He kept declaring that the hour had not yet come for Him to be glorified. 2. Now He has declared that the hour has come to be glorified. Vs. 23, and there he refers to the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying that it might bring forth much fruit. So we ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 12:44
... I. NOTE THE MANY RADICAL CLAIMS THAT JESUS MAKES CONCERNING HIMSELF IN THESE VERSES. A. To believe on Him was to believe on the Father who sent Him. B. To see Him was to see the Father. C. He has come as a light into the world. D. Those who believe in Him do not abide in darkness. E. That He came to save the world. F. If you do not believe in Him, you ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:1
... I. "NOW BEFORE THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER, WHEN JESUS KNEW THAT HIS HOUR WAS COME." A. John tells us of four things that Jesus knew in this paragraph. 1. He knew that His hour had come. 2. He knew that the Father had given all things in His hands. Vs.3 3. He knew that He had come from God and was going to God. Vs.3 4. He knew who it was who should betray Him. Vs. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:18
... I. "I SPEAK NOT OF YOU ALL; I KNOW WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN." A. In John 6:70 Jesus said, "Have not I chosen you twelve yet one of you is a devil." 1. Judas was very skillful in deceiving the other disciples, but he never deceived Jesus. 2. When Jesus identified Judas as the one that should betray Him by handing him the sop, he then said to him, "What you do, do quickly." When Judas lef...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:31
... I. "THEREFORE WHEN HE HAD GONE OUT." A. When Jesus handed to Judas the sop, it was a sign of friendship. I believe that this was the last opportunity for Judas. This was the moment that the die was cast. 1. It was then the decision was formed in his mind to betray the Lord. 2. It was then that Satan entered him, and Jesus commanded him that what he did, to do quickly. B. He went out and it was nigh...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:33
... I. "LITTLE CHILDREN." A. Teknia is a word that always indicates loving care and concern. A word of tender intimacy. 1. Jesus is concerned for His disciples. 2. He has been talking to them about His being glorified but they do not yet have the full comprehension of the fact that He is referring to the cross. They are still hoping for the crowning. B. He is now making His meaning a little clearer to them as He say...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:36-14:3
... "A TROUBLED HEART." Intro: The Christian path is not always smooth. There are things that disturb and trouble us. We all have experienced times in our walk when our hearts were troubled. I. THE CAUSE. A. Lack of understanding. 1. Jesus was saying strange things. a. Talking of going away where they cannot follow now. 1. Up till now they had ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:36
... WILL YOU DIE FOR ME? Intro. Jesus has just celebrated the Passover supper with His disciples. The supper is now over, and John gives us a little insight of the conversation that followed the dinner. There is a series of questions by the disciples and the answers of Jesus. I. THE QUESTION OF PETER, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" A. In verse 33, Jesus had said, "I will only be with you a little while longer, and where I am going you cannot come.&qu...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 13:36
... I. PETER SAID UNTO HIM, "LORD, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" A. Jesus had been saying to them that He was only going to be with them a little while longer. And as He said to the Jews, where He was going they could not come. 1. Peter's question is a natural response to the statement that Jesus made. B. We now enter into what is commonly know as the Pascal Discourse which is the conversation between Jesus and His disciples, which basically consists of ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:1
... "TROUBLED HEARTS." Intro: The fact that He said, "Let not your heart be troubled," indicates their hearts were troubled." I. THE REASONS FOR TROUBLED HEARTS. A. They were living in a hostile world. 1. Tensions were building. 2. Those with the power to sway public opinion were opposed to Jesus Christ. B. The One they loved and ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14
... "THE WORK OF THE SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVERS" I. Jhn 14:16. "PARACLETUS" ALONG WITH (SIDE) TO HELP. A. Walking with Jesus for three years - exciting. 1. You begin to depend on Him to come through. a. Need tax money? b. Have to feed a crowd? c. Are you about to ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:1
... TROUBLED HEARTS. I. LET NOT YOUR HEARTS BE TROUBLED. A. The reason He said this to them is their hopes for the Kingdom of God are soon going to be dashed. 1. The whole while they had been following Him, they were expecting Him to establish His kingdom on the earth at any moment. 2. They had according to the words of Peter, "Forsaken all to follow Him." 3. He had tried to tell the...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:4
... I. "AND WHITHER I GO YOU KNOW, AND THE WAY YOU KNOW." A. Jesus has said to His disciples, "Where I am going, you cannot come now." 1. Simon asked Him, "Where are you going?" 2. Jesus repeated that, "Where I am going you cannot come now, but you shall come later." 3. Peter asked, "Why cannot I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you."...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:6
... I. I AM THE WAY. A. There is a way that seemeth right. 1. Boat from California to Australia. a. World's way. b. Your way. c. God's way. B. Gandhi. C. Self-righteous. II. THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. A. "I am the resurrection and the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:9
... "THE PURPOSE OF HIS COMING; TO REVEAL THE FATHER." Intro: Jesus spending last hours with His disciples. As He spoke to them, interrupted four times. - Peter: "Lord, whither goest thou?" - Philip: "Lord, show us the Father and it sufficeth us." - Thomas: "Lord, we know not whither thou goest and how." - Jude: "How is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world?" What do you think Philip had in mind...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:12
... I. VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, "HE THAT BELIEVETH ON ME, THE WORKS THAT I DO, SHALL HE DO ALSO." A. Jesus is still responding to the request of Philip to show them the Father that they may be sufficed. 1. He had said, that if you had seen Him, you had seen the Father. 2. He asked, "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me." 3. He then declared that His words were n...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:15
... "THE PROOF OF LOVE." I. LOVE AND OBEDIENCE RELATED. VERSE 15, 21, 23. A. Many affirm love verbally. 1. "Oh, I love God so much." 2. We sing, "Oh, how I love Jesus." 3. It isn't what you say, but what you do that counts. 4. The words must be matched by our deeds. B. The real proof of ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:15
... THE PROOF OF LOVE. I. JESUS RELATES OUR LOVING HIM WITH OUR KEEPING OF HIS COMMANDMENTS. A. This is not the first place in the Bible where our love for God is related to our obedience to His commandments. 1. Exodus 20:6. In the midst of the ten commandments when God has commanded against making any graven images to bow down to them, He declared His mercy unto thousands of them that love Me and keep My commandment...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:16
... I. ANOTHER COMFORTER. A. The Greek word translated Comforter is parakletos which literally means alongside to help. 1. Jesus had been a comforter to them during the time they had been walking with Him. 2. He is talking about leaving them now and you can imagine the thoughts that must be going through their minds. How will they ever get along without Him? Jesus was a great one to have around. a. Especially, if you were caug...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:18
... I. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU COMFORTLESS. I WILL COME TO YOU. A. The word translated comfortless comes from a different root word than comforter, which is paracletus, comfortless comes from the Greek word orphanos, from which we get our word orphan. 1. I will not leave you as orphans, or destitute. I will come to you. 2. We know that for a period of 40 days after His resurrection Jesus was appearing to His disciples in many differ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:19
... "BECAUSE I LIVE, YE SHALL LIVE ALSO." I. THE ONE WHO MADE THE PROMISE. A. Some people's promises. B. Other's good. C. Christ has never broken any promise. II. BECAUSE I LIVE. A. Tombstones: "Here lies." 1. How different: Christ's "He is not ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:20
... I. "IN THAT DAY YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM IN THE FATHER, AND YOU ARE IN ME, AND I AM IN YOU." A. In what day? In the day that the Comforter comes to teach them all things. 1. One of the great truths that the Holy Spirit emphasizes to the believer is the fact of the indwelling power of Jesus Christ in us. 2. In verse 23, Jesus said that if anyone loved Him and kept His words that His Father and He would come and make their abode with Him. ...
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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.