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Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Samuel 17:1-4
... "ROOT OF BITTERNESS" I. AHITHOPHEL HAD AT ONE TIME BEEN A CLOSE FRIEND OF DAVID. A. In 15:12 it tells us that he had been David's counselor. B. In 16:24 it tells us that the counsel of Ahithophel which he counseled in those days, was as if a man had inquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with David and with Absalom. 1. For Absalom to send for him, to aid in the rebellion again...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Samuel 3:39
... I. The background. A. At the death of Saul, David was appointed King over the tribe of Judah in Hebron. 1. Abner who was the general over Saul's army remained loyal to the family of Saul and appointed Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul as the king over the other 11 tribes of Israel. 2. Ish-bosheth made a foolish accusation against Abner, which caused Abner to recognize that he had thrown his lot in with a man, who as his father, was a fool. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Samuel 12:13
... "CONFESSION OF SIN" I. THE SIN OF DAVID. A. It began with the lust of his flesh. This is the origin of so much sin today. 1. He saw a very beautiful lady bathing and sent his servants to invite her to his palace. 2. Though she was a married woman, he seduced her and they committed adultery. 3. A one night affair, he gave himself over to the lust of his flesh, her husband was g...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Chronicles 4:9
... "THE PRAYER OF JABEZ" I. JABEZ IS INTERESTING TO US FOR HIS NAME SUDDENLY APPEARS IN ALL OF THESE NAMES WE HAVE BEEN READING OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JUDAH, AND THEN THE WRITER STOPS TO GIVE US A SHORT SKETCH OF HIM. A. We do not know any more about him than what is recorded in the two verses of our text. B. He is not mentioned or referred to anywhere else in the Bible. C. He suddenly appears and just as suddenly d...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Chronicles 1:7
... "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM GOD?" Intro. Solomon has ascended to the throne and he has gathered the people to Gibeon where the tabernacle still stood with the ancient brazen altar, that was made by Bazaleel at the time of Moses. There he offered a thousand sacrifices to the Lord. I. THAT NIGHT THE LORD CAME TO HIM AND SAID, "ASK, WHAT SHALL I GIVE YOU?" A. Have you ever wondered what you would ask for if God should appear to you and say, "...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 17:20
... "THE POTENTIALS OF FAITH" I. WHAT IS FAITH? A. It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 1. It is trusting in God. 2. It is the confidence that comes from knowing that God is in control, and is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think. 3. It is thus resting in the love and ability of ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 14:22
... "WHY DID YOU DOUBT?" Intro. Setting the scene. It had been a hard day, it began with the news of the beheading of John the Baptist. Jesus suggested to the disciples that they go over to a deserted place across the sea. When they arrived they found a crowd waiting for them. Jesus ministered unto them healing their sick. Late in the afternoon the disciples asked Jesus to send them away. Jesus said we need to feed them first. It was then that He took the five loaves and the two fish and with them fed the 5,000 men with th...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 5:21
... "THE TOUCH OF FAITH" I. WE SEE IN OUR STORY TWO PEOPLE ONE WHO SOUGHT THE LORD TO TOUCH HIS LITTLE GIRL, THE OTHER WHO MADE HER WAY THROUGH THE CROWD TO TOUCH JESUS. A. The fame of Jesus was spreading, and more and more people who were in desperate need were coming to Him. 1. In the third chapter of Mark we read where He had healed so many that they were bringing to Jesus all that had plagues that they might just touch Him. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 7:6
... I. "GIVE NOT THAT WHICH IS HOLY UNTO THE DOGS, NEITHER CAST YE YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE." A. At first view this seems to be in conflict with what Jesus has just said. He seems to contradict Himself, for He has just told us not to judge. 1. As we looked at the commandment not to judge lest we be judged we pointed out that what Jesus was talking about was going around constantly condemning, being critical of everything, pronouncing judgment and damnation on people...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:9
... "BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS" I. WAR AND STRIFE BEGAN BEFORE THE HISTORY OF MAN. A. It began when Satan pitted his will against the will of God. 1. The five I will's of Lucifer as recorded by Isaiah. ISA 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 6:16
... "FASTING" I. MOREOVER WHEN YOU FAST. A. The assumption is that you will fast. 1. The disciples of John one day asked Jesus: MAT 9:14 Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not? MAT 9:15 And Jesus ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 6:22
... "MATTHEW 6:22" I. THE LIGHT OF THE BODY IS THE EYE. A. What does this have to do with treasures on earth and treasures in heaven? 1. Jesus has declared that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 2. So the issue is the heart of man. Your perception of life. B. Sin upsets the normal balance of ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:27
... I. YE HAVE HEARD THAT IT HATH BEEN SAID BY THEM OF OLD TIME, "THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY." A. Adultery by our definition is: a married person having sex with someone other than their spouse. B. That is exactly what the Pharisees taught. 1. Is that not true, is that not one of the ten commandments? 2. Yes, the seventh commandment states, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:44
... Intro. Jesus said, "You have heard that it has been said, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate your enemy.'" We showed where the law said to love our neighbor, but could not find where it said hate your enemy. But this is what the Pharisee's were teaching. They said your neighbor was a Jew, and any non-Jew was your enemy. I. "BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, DO GOOD TO GOOD TO THEM THAT HATE YOU. PRAY FOR THEM THAT DESPITFULLY USE YOU AND PERSECUTE YOU." ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:6
... "THE WAY TO HAPPINESS" I. THE UNIVERSAL DESIRE FOR HAPPINESS. A. A reminder that the word blessed literally means happy, or Oh how happy. As in Psalm 1 "Blessed is the man." Many times the same Hebrew word eh sher is translated happy in the Old Testament, such as in Psalm 144:15 "Happy is that people whose God is the Lord." The Hebrew word bless is baruch which is praise...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:7
... "BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL" I. "OH HOW HAPPY ARE THE MERCIFUL." A. Again we need to see how these beatitudes follow a perfect order. 1. It all begins when we have a true encounter with God. 2. This brings us to a true evaluation of ourselves, for we now see ourselves in the light of God's righteousness. a. Like Job, we abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 10:17
... "ONE THING THOU LACKEST" I. THE MAN WHO CAME TO JESUS. A. We are told in Matthew's gospel that he was young. Mark tells us that he had great possessions. Young and rich. B. He was very moral. 1. Jesus flashed before him the second table of the law that that lays out the rules how man is to relate to his fellowman, he was able to say that he had kept those commandments from the time he was a yout...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 6:30, 31
... "THE SERVANTS OF GOD" Intro: When we think of the Apostles, the mighty miracles they wrought, super spiritual, special breed. I. THE SENDING FORTH OF THE TWELVE vs. 7-l3. A. He sent them out by two's. 1. Matt. gives us the pairings. a. Andrew and Peter. b. James and John. c. Philip and ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Luke 19:42
... I. THE FIRST THING THAT WE NOTICE ABOUT THIS DAY IS THAT JESUS IS DELIBERATELY SETTING THE STAGE. A. He sent two of His disciples into the village to bring the colt to Him. 1. We note that it was an unbroken colt. 2. No man had ever sat on it. B. He was setting the stage for the fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah, ZEC ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Luke 20:17
... Intro. The day after Jesus made the triumphant entry into Jerusalem He went into the Temple and cast out those who were selling theirmerchandise. He said, "It is written, My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." The next few days Jesus was teaching in the Temple and on one of those days the religious counsel made up of the chief priests, and the scribes, and elders came to Jesus and demanded of Him by what authority did He drive out those that were merchandising in the temple, and who gave Him that authority? It was th...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Luke 11:1
... I. THE SUBJECT IS PRAYER. A. The discussion is prompted by the disciples watching Jesus as He was praying. 1. They had observed Jesus praying on many occasions, they knew that He was a man of prayer. 2. The request was made by one of His disciples, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." a. They wanted to know about the subject of prayer. b. They saw that prayer ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Luke 13:34
... I. THE JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM. A. Luke 9:51 "Now when the time had come that He should be received up, He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem." B. In 9:53 we are told that the Samaritans would not receive Him because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem. C. In verse 22 "And He went through the cities and villages, teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem.&quo...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Luke 5:1
... Intro. It had been one of those nights, futile and fruitless. All night long up and down the shores of Galilee, casting out the nets, and pulling them back in empty. You had pulled out all of your bags of tricks that you had learned through the years with no success. It is now morning and all you have to show for a night of labor is nets full of weeds. As you are washing the nets hoping for a better day, a man is coming your direction followed by a large number of people. He gets into your boat and calls for you to shove off just a little ways. He sits there now p...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Luke 6:36
... Intro. We think of the babe lying in the manger, the virgin has brought forth her firstborn Son, Immanuel, God with us. He was sent by His Father into this world to give to man an accurate revelation of the only true God who exists eternally. I. HIS MISSION TO REVEAL THE FATHER TO MAN. A. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and tr...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Acts 1:15
... I. "AND IN THOSE DAYS." A. Those days would be the seven days that they were waiting in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit. B. Days of waiting upon God. C. God always has a perfect timing. D. The perfect timing for the bestowal of the gift of the Holy Spirit would be on the day of the feast of Pentecost. II. "PETER STOOD UP IN THE MIDST OF THE DISCIPLES." ...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Chronicles 28-36 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... By Chuck Smith Shall we turn now to II Chronicles, chapter 28. We are now moving into the final stages of the deterioration of this nation prior to its destruction. Ahaz is now the king. He is twenty years old when he began to reign (2Ch 28:1), And he is an extremely wicked person. And it is really during his reign that the kingdom sinks to a lower level spiritually than it ever has. And this begins the final downward trend. There are few respites....
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Kings 1-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... By Chuck Smith Now as we finish First Kings, we were dealing with basically the northern kingdom under Ahab with his wicked wife Jezebel who had brought the northern kingdom of Israel into its lowest state morally and spiritually, as they led the people into idolatry and more specifically, the worship of Baal, which was introduced by Jezebel who was from the area of Zidon, and that was one of the major gods of Zidon. And so, she introduced that to the children of Israel in their worship. And thus the... Israel was sinking into a state of...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Kings 17-25 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Kings, chapter seventeen. In the seventeenth chapter, we come to the death of the northern kingdom, the nation of Israel. In the twelfth year when Ahaz was the king in Judah (2Ki 17:1), That's the king of the southern kingdom. Hoshea began to reign in Samaria over Israel. He reigned for nine years. He did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD (2Ki 17:1-2), So, unfortunately, Israel did not ha...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Chronicles 1-11 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now to First Chronicles, chapter one, and let's see what. You know, we used to say to our kids they could get juice out of anything when they ate. They could make a cracker so juicy that when they were through it was all over the place. But we'll pray that the Holy Spirit will help us to draw some juice out of First Chronicles and the listing of all of these genealogies. Now the list begins where it should, of course, with, Adam [And then his sons], Sheth and Eno...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Chronicles 20-29 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... By Chuck Smith And it came to pass, after the year was expired, and the time that the kings go out to battle, Joab led forth the power of the army, and he wasted the country of the children of Ammon, and came and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried at Jerusalem. And Joab smote Rabbah, and destroyed it. And David took the crown of their king from off his head, and found it to weigh a talent of gold, and there were precious stones in it; and it was set upon David's head: and he brought also exceeding much spoil out of...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Samuel 11-16 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now in the study last we came to the place where Saul was anointed king over Israel. We remember at the time of his anointing that he was hiding in the stuff. So as Samuel got ready to present, you know, the trumpet fanfare and all, "And now you're king," and the curtains opened kind of a thing, there's nobody there. So Samuel said, "Lord what's going on? We got the right man? Is this the right day?" The Lord said, "He's over hiding in the stuff." So they went over and got him, and brought Saul before the people,...
Verse by Verse Study on 2 Samuel 1-7 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Second Samuel, chapter one. First Samuel dealt with the reign of King Saul over Israel, and it ends with the death of Saul at the hands of the Philistines. Saul, the tragic story of a man who had many natural abilities, and many God-given opportunities; yet, his was a wasted life, and never achieving the full potential of his being. A life of failure because he failed to submit himself totally to God. As the prophet Samuel said to him, "Because you have rejected the Lord from ruling over you," and that was the basic flaw of Saul's life, ...
Verse by Verse Study on Job 38-42 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? tell me, if you have understanding. Who has laid the measures of it, tell me if you know? or who has stretched the line upon it? Where are the foundations fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for j...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalms 1-15 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn to the Psalms, beginning tonight with the first psalm. The Psalms are actually divided into five books. It was really the hymnbook for the nation of Israel. They were sung in their original forms. In the Psalms there is really much prophecy, because we are told by Peter that David was a prophet and that he spake by the Holy Spirit. And much of what he spake was prophecy in regards to the coming Messiah, and did have its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. There are many psalms that are known as Messianic psalms. That is, psalms that refer directly to Jesus Christ...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalms 16-19 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn now to Psalm 16. The sixteenth psalm is called a Michtam of David. A Michtam is actually a meditation or a prayer. And there are about five or six psalms that are designated as Michtam, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, with the sixteenth. David's prayer unto the Lord is, Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust (Psa 16:1). The prayer for preservation. Now David, I guess, all through his life he had those that we...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalms 20-30 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Psalm 20 is to the chief musician also. It is a psalm of David. The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble (Psa 20:1); Actually, Jehovah, "May Jehovah hear you in the day of trouble." the name of the God of Jacob [which is Jehovah or Yahweh] defend thee; Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion; Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice...
Verse by Verse Study on Deuteronomy 5-8 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now to chapter 5. AND Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and the judgments, that you may learn them, and keep them, and do them (Deu 5:1). So these three things; you're to learn them, you're to do them and to keep them. The LORD made a covenant with you (Deu 5:2) A conditional covenant. They're keeping His law; they're doing His commandme...
Verse by Verse Study on Numbers 21-28 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn in our Bibles to Numbers chapter twenty-one. Now the children of Israel have been in the wilderness for about thirty-nine years and they are now beginning to make their move towards the Promised Land. We're coming down to the end of this long sojourn in the wilderness. Miriam is dead. Aaron is dead. And most of those who came out of Egypt who were twenty-years old at the time they left Egypt are now dead. And as they are moving now towards the land they have, you remember circumvented Edom. Now they're coming up on the eastern side o...
Verse by Verse Study on Deuteronomy 30-34 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Chapter 30. It shall come to pass when all these things are come upon thee the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and you call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God has driven thee (Deu 30:1). In other words, you are driven out of the land and you're in captivity and you remember what God has said. And you return unto the LORD your God, and shall obey his voice according to all that I command you ...
Verse by Verse Study on Joshua 1-8 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... At this time you may be seated and we'll turn to the book of Joshua. Now it came to pass after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying (Jos 1:1), Moses' minister; it doesn't mean that Joshua was Moses' pastor. The word "minister" there actually is in its true meaning, which is "servant". It is interesting how that somehow we've really sort of twisted the concept of a minister....
Verse by Verse Study on Leviticus 1-10 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... As we get into Leviticus we get into the various offerings and the method by which they were to be offered unto the Lord. It is getting into a system that is very foreign to us, because it is a covenant that has now been set aside, that God might establish a better covenant with us. This covenant of the sacrifice of the animals could never make anything perfect, but all it could do is to point ahead to that sacrifice that was to be offered, whereby we could be brought into full perfection before the Lord. Paul tells the Ephesians that they are to be followers of God a...
Verse by Verse Study on Leviticus 11-15 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn in our Bibles to Leviticus eleven? Before we begin in the eleventh chapter of Leviticus, let's take a look at the first few verses of chapter twenty-eight of Deuteronomy, because sometimes we're prone to get bogged down in the law, and we think, "Oh my, I wish we could just pass over this." Is this really necessary? Aren't we under the grace of God and living in the age of grace? But in reality it is important that God is, that we realize that God is laying down for us certain spiritual laws. And God has declared concerni...
Verse by Verse Study on Leviticus 16-20 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now in chapter sixteen, we deal with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The high priest wasn't to go into the Holy of Holies at any time. The Lord began to speak to Moses and this was given after the death of the sons of Aaron, [and now God is becoming more specific of the ministry of the priests, and how that they are not to go into the Holy of Holies at any time,] that they die not: [for God said,] I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat. And so Aaron shall come into the holy place: with a young bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a...
Verse by Verse Study on Exodus 30-32 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon: of acacia wood shalt thou make it. It's to be eighteen by eighteen, and forty-five inches high (Exd 30:1). This is a little altar that was set in the holy place, before the veil that separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies. Overlay it with pure gold, the top thereof, and the sides round about, and the horns thereof; [So it's a little altar only of gold, and it's to burn incense, a sweet smelling savour a...
Study Guide for 2 Corinthians
... 2 CORINTHIANS 1: The Comfort of God 2 CORINTHIANS 2: How to Resist Satan 2 CORINTHIANS 3: The New Covenant 2 CORINTHIANS 4: The Hope of Glory 2 CORINTHIANS 5: Our Earthly Tents 2 CORINTHIANS 6: The ...
Study Guide for Isaiah
... ISAIAH 1: Call to Repentance ISAIAH 2: The Coming Kingdom ISAIAH 3: Disintegration of Jerusalem Through Sin ISAIAH 4: Vision of the Coming Kingdom ISAIAH 5: Israel and the Six Woes ISAIAH 6: Isaiah's ...
Study Guide for Genesis
... GENESIS 1: Creation GENESIS 2: Details of Creation GENESIS 3: The Fall GENESIS 4: Cain's Sin GENESIS 5: The Patriarchs from Adam to Noah GENESIS 6: The Story of Noah ...
Verse by Verse Study on Genesis 6-7 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Chapter six. It came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took unto them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit will not always strive with man, in that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years (Gen 6:1-3). So we're coming now to a time in which God is going to drastically alter man'...
Verse by Verse Study on Genesis 8-9 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... The eighth chapter begins with the words, And God remembered Noah (Gen 8:1), Let me tell you this, God never forgot him. It is important that we realize that in the Bible, there are terms that are used for God that are anthropomorphic type terms; in other words, describing God in human language. Really it's impossible to do but we don't have anything else. We don't have the divine terms to describe God's divine character. Thus, we must define or describe God's actions and G...
Verse by Verse Study on Genesis 1:9-31 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now on the third day, God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters he called the Seas: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed, and fruit trees yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so (Gen 1:9-11). Now the key here is the gr...
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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.