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The Blue Letter Bible

New Items Archive

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Here is an archive of the New Items listed on the Blue Letter Bible home page.


Image 1: Kress' New "Road Maps for the Gospel of John"

Kress's New "Road Maps for the Gospel of John"

We have been blessed by a wonderful partnership with Kress Biblical Resources for several years. Previously, we have offered their Road Maps for the New Testament Epistles and Revelation. Now, we are very excited to provide the Road Maps for the Gospel of John.

This resource retains the layout from the previous Road Maps, being divided into three main sections: "Overview Outline," "Introductory Matters," and "Detailed Outline."

The "Overview Outline" includes a summary statement and a brief outline of the book.

The "Introductory Matters" examines the book's author, aim, and audience.

The "Detailed Outline" provides a comprehensive exegetical outline that walks you through each verse of each chapter.

The Gospel of John is one of the richest collections of the words and life of Christ in Scripture. It contains many unique dialogues with Christ and His disciples that are beautifully deep. This is all working towards the two-fold aim as outlined in the "Introductory Matters": (1) "to call for and cultivate genuine trust in Christ as Son of God and the Source of eternal life" and (2) "to reveal the glory of Jesus Christ as God incarnate and point to Him as the only Source of divine light and life."

We believe that this work provides a useful aid in helping you better understand God's intended truth as you walk through the Gospel of John, and we wish to thank our partners at Kress Biblical Resources for their continued partnership.

To start reading, head to their author page on our website. If you are interested in browsing Kress Biblical Resources' entire catalog of resources, head to their online store.

Image 2: Several New International Translations Added to BLB Website!

Several New International Translations Added to BLB Website!

Making God's Word available in as many languages as possible has been a key focus of Christians for centuries and is likewise a key focus of our mission and vision at Blue Letter Bible. For many years, we have offered several public domain Bible versions on the mobile apps that were not available on the website. We have been working diligently to bring these to the site, and are excited to announce the addition of these eight versions to our website:

  • Bible in Basic English (BBE)
  • Chinese Traditional Union (CHT)
  • Español Moderno (EM)
  • Korean Holy Bible (KOR)
  • Louis Segond (LS; French)
  • German Luther (LUT)
  • Russian Synodal Translation (RST)
  • Sagradas Escrituras (SE; Spanish)

It is always a tremendous blessing to add new languages to our library of tools and resources. Our call as Christians is to bring the gospel and God's Word to all nations of the world (Matthew 28:19-20). We are purposeful in what versions we offer on BLB, desiring to provide our readers with sound translations that faithfully represent the original languages.

Image 3: Gospel of John Teaching Series from Pastor Tony Clark

Gospel of John Teaching Series from Pastor Tony Clark

Last year, we were blessed to welcome Pastor Tony Clark to our library of content providers with his audio series through the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Now, we are excited to provide his audio series through the Gospel of John. This gospel is unique in its inclusion of certain accounts, such as Jesus’ miracle at the wedding of Cana, His discussion with Nicodemus, and the resurrection of Lazarus. It also offers several dissertations and sermons from Christ, many of which were given only to the apostles.

Pastor Tony had this to say about the gospel: “What I want people to take away from the Gospel of John is this. The Apostle John wrote with a purpose in mind that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And we can have eternal life in His name. I want the listeners to fall more in love with Jesus and realize that He is Who He claims to be—God in human flesh!” May we all desire to see Christ in Scripture as the God of the universe—not merely a wise, godly man.

You can start listening to this series on BLB, or check out all of Pastor Tony Clark's messages from his author page.

Image 4: New Resources from John Bunyan

New Resources from John Bunyan!

John Bunyan is most well-known for his work on the bestselling Pilgrim's Progress. But he wrote many more volumes than just that great work of fiction. He penned numerous sermons and treatises, three of which we are excited to now provide for you on Blue Letter Bible.

Firstly, Bunyan's work Come and Welcome to Jesus is now available. This resource focuses on Christ's open arms of fellowship to all believers who accept Him as Lord and Savior. The editor describes the work thusly: "It is an enlightened display of the dealings of the Father in giving sinners to Christ; the Son in saving them by his atonement, mediation, and intercession; and the Holy Spirit in sanctifying and fitting them for glory." Before you begin reading, we recommend browsing the Table of Contents or looking through the introduction.

Secondly, we offer A Treatise of the Fear of God. In this volume, Bunyan provides a biblical examination of how we are to view our Almighty God with the proper fearful and reverential worship that He so deserves. He highlights what a blessing it is to us as Christians to fear the only One Who has power over all things, and in turn, our very lives.

And thirdly, Christ: A Complete Saviour has been added. This work aims to make clear the role and significance of Christ in both our justification and sanctification. An excerpt from the section titled "The Use" reads as follows: "Let me exhort you to the study of this..the priestly office of Christ is the first and great thing that is presented to us in the gospel—namely, how he died for our sins, and gave himself to the cross, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon us through him."

All three of these publications are immensely beneficial for a believer to engage with and read through. The experiences in Bunyan's and his giftings in writing make any work of his a delight to read. To take a look through Bunyan's resource library on BLB, we recommend starting on his author page.

Image 5: We Completely Remapped Our Hebrew Data

We Completely Remapped Our Hebrew Data

In March of 2021, a specialized Blue Letter Bible team began work on mapping all of our KJV and NASB95 Hebrew data to the English equivalents in those translations. We are excited to announce that after nearly three years of development, by God's grace, we have completed this project as of November 2023. This includes over 46,000 total verses mapped (23,000 per version) and over 532,000 Hebrew words updated (266,000 per version)—all of which took over 2,000 cumulative hours of work!

Prior to this project, users could only see the generic Hebrew (or Aramaic) "root form" for many words and phrases in the Old Testament, rather than being able to see the specific Hebrew (or Aramaic) "inflected form" from which each English word was translated in every Old Testament verse. This created many instances where a single Hebrew word is linked to multiple English words, and vice versa. Due to the massive scope and complexity of this project, we needed a team of specialists to methodically work through the data. And so, through our seminary contacts, we hired several Hebrew language specialists to begin mapping.

The accuracy of our tools and resources is vital to us because of its importance to rightly dividing the Word of God. Therefore, we aim to develop and enhance the tools and resources that we offer so that you, our users, can more faithfully understand God's Word. With this thorough mapping of Hebrew to English, we pray that God will use our efforts to bless your time in the study of His Word for His glory.

Our sincere thanks go out to the dedicated team members who spent many hours diligently linking words and reviewing verses. Back in 2022, we took some time to interview a few of them to get their thoughts on the project. If you would like to learn a little bit more about the project, you can watch an edited version of that Q&A on our YouTube channel.

Image 6: Amplified Bible Now Available on BLB!

Amplified Bible Now Available on BLB!

We are constantly receiving requests for different resources, tools, and even Bible versions from our users. One of the most common requests is that we add the Amplified Bible (AMP) to our library of translations. It was obvious to us that it was something our users greatly desired to have on the site. And so, we are pleased to announce that we now offer the AMP on Blue Letter Bible.

The first full version of the AMP was completed in 1965. After fifty years had passed, significant changes in both the style and usage of the English language had been made. With this in mind, the Lockman Foundation revisited this well-loved translation of God's Word and began to revise it. This eventually led to the release of the new Amplified Bible in 2015.

We at Blue Letter Bible believe that this translation will be an amazing resource for our users. The expanded text provides clarification on the meaning of Scripture while remaining faithful and true to the original text. In fact, the AMP focuses on including certain phrases from the original manuscripts that do not flow well in most English translations.

We want to thank our friends at the Lockman Foundation for their permission to provide this version to our users. They are long-time friends and partners of the ministry, and we are blessed by their generosity. To learn more about the Amplified Bible, we highly recommend reading the version's preface on our site and the information page on Lockman Foundation's website.

Image 7: New User Testimonial Video Compilation

New User Testimonial Video Compilation

Last year, we released a compilation of user-submitted videos that detailed their experience with Blue Letter Bible. It was so moving for us as a ministry to see our users blessed by the resources and tools that God allows us to provide. With that in mind, we asked again for more submissions. And you all answered!

Because of the generous time you took to submit testimonials, we were able to put together another video compilation for all to watch. We hope everyone who sees it will be as encouraged by what these people have to say as we were.

If you have not had the chance to watch the first one, it can be found on our YouTube channel or by clicking HERE. If you would like to submit your own video testimonial, we would love to watch it! Just go to our page on Testimonial.io and record it from your device. If you need assistance or would like more information, please contact us at testimonials@blueletterbible.org. To learn more about Blue Letter Bible, visit our History of BLB or About BLB pages. May God bless your time in His Word!


Image 8: Smith & Van Dyck Arabic Translation Now on BLB!

Smith & Van Dyck Arabic Translation Now on BLB!

Blue Letter Bible has been blessed by God to reach all corners of the world with our tools and resources. It is immensely humbling to be used in such a significant manner for the spread of God's gospel. Thusly, our ministry has desired to provide as many international and multilingual resources as possible. With that desire to expand our resources to include additional languages, we are excited to add the Smith & Van Dyck Arabic translation to our version library.

Work on this translation began back in the mid-1800s by Reverend Eli Smith. After thoroughly studying and learning the Arabic language, Smith began an effort to translate the entire Bible into Arabic in 1848. By 1851, the Syria Mission was fully supporting Smith's efforts. Though he completed translating a vast majority of the Bible, Smith sadly passed away in 1857 after nine years of work.

Shortly thereafter, the mission appointed Dr. Van Dyck to continue the work. The translation had come under the purview of the American Bible Society, however, which according to the Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry website, "required a strict adherence to the Textus Receptus of Hahn's Greek Testament." This led to Van Dyck revising every verse in the New Testament, using the basis left by Smith to engage in re-translation. He also translated the remaining books from the Old Testament, consisting mainly of the prophetic books. He completed his work on August 22, 1864. The complete Arabic Bible went to print in March of the next year, nearly two decades after Smith began the work in the 1840s.

It is so amazing to see how God had His hand upon this thoughtful translation. To learn more about the Smith & Van Dyck Arabic translation, we highly recommend reading the history of the translation at the official Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry website.

Image 9: ESV Global Study Bible Notes Added to BLB!

ESV Global Study Bible Notes Added to BLB!

Blue Letter Bible is blessed to announce our newest collection of study resources from the ESV Global Study Bible, generously provided by our partners at Crossway Publishing. The pure number and quality of study resources provided are incredible, including 14,151 concordance entries, 12,215 study note entries for every chapter of the Bible, and 80,000 cross-references.

We are so humbled by the privilege of providing this content to you, which also contains Old and New Testament character profiles, charts, diagrams, facts, and maps to name a few. We recommend taking a look at the comprehensive index that we have under the "Bible Reference" section in the Study tab. They can also be accessed via their own section under the Commentaries tab in the Tools button.

ESV Global Study Bible in the Commentaries Tab

The following list showcases a few of the numerous offerings:

As you can see, there is an impressive wealth of biblical information contained within this collection of resources. That's why we want to thank Crossway Publishing for their generosity and continued partnership. To learn more about their mission, you can head to their website or straight to their About page.

Image 10: 5 New Languages on BLB!

5 New Languages on BLB!

Blue Letter Bible has always endeavored to not just provide free Bible study resources but make them available to everyone. This has led to a fervor to provide resources and tools in other languages to reach a global audience. That is why we are so excited to announce several newly released international language resources from multiple different authors.

Chuck Smith and J. Vernon McGee have been long-time providers of audio resources to our site. Now, we are blessed to offer their content in multiple languages. Chuck Smith's Verse-by-Verse audio can now be listened to in Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese, and Russian. J. Vernon McGee's Thru the Bible radio show can also be selected in Spanish and Arabic. As shown below, choosing one of the options will direct you to that language's landing page.


We are also excited to introduce the late Pastor Alejandro Alonso as our newest Spanish content provider. His ministry has generously given us permission to provide Pastor Alonso's completed expository audio messages of the Bible. Pastor Alonso spent over four decades teaching the Word of God in various Hispanic churches and released several albums of worship music during that time. For his full biography and to learn more about his ministry, please head over to the official Alejandro Alonso website.

Image 11: Video Interview with Creation Today's Eric Hovind

Video Interview with Creation Today's Eric Hovind

On January 18th, our CEO and co-founder, Pastor Jim Milligan, had the opportunity to be a part of an interview with Creation Today's president, Eric Hovind. In this 34-minute dialogue, Eric and Pastor Jim walk through how important it is for us as Christians to study the Word of God and how Blue Letter Bible facilitates that.

Pastor Jim made this statement regarding the importance of Scripture: "If I were going to go on a trip…I would do a little bit of research. Well, I'm going to spend eternity with Christ in a heavenly kingdom. And I want to know a little bit about it. I can find that, and I can learn about it." The Bible is what informs us about the world around us. It is how we grow in our understanding and knowledge of God. It clearly states our fallen nature and lays out God's plan of redemption through history. There is no greater book, no greater story, and no greater guide to life than the Bible.

If you would like to watch the full interview on YouTube, you can click HERE. There is also an audio-only podcast episode, which can be found on the PodBean app or website. To learn more about Creation Today and their mission, please visit CreationToday.org.

Image 12: The Coming Prince from Sir Robert Anderson

The Coming Prince from Sir Robert Anderson

Biblical prophecy has been one of the most difficult areas of theology for Christians to grasp over the years. One of the most famous prophecies in Scripture is the 70 weeks in Daniel. Many different interpretations of this section of Scripture have been suggested throughout history from various theological viewpoints. However, one of the most renowned historical works on this section is from Sir Robert Anderson, titled The Coming Prince. And we are excited to offer this resource on BLB.

In the original 1885 preface to the work, Anderson states, "It seems to be an axiom with many commentators that the prophetic Scriptures never mean precisely what they say; and the same license which is deemed legitimate in interpreting Scripture is used also when the facts of history are adduced as the fulfillment of it."

Anderson makes clear his stance that biblical prophecies are often far more literal than many Christians give them credit for. This view sets Anderson apart from his contemporaries, allowing him to pen a unique volume, where he focuses on the life and time of Daniel before zeroing in on the end of chapter 9.

To start reading this resource, visit Sir Robert Anderson's author page on BLB. If you are interested in other resources on the 70-week prophecy, go to Daniel 9:24-27 and look under the Commentaries section.

Image 13: A Sweet Word from Our Users

A Sweet Word from Our Users

Back in November of 2022, we asked our users to submit brief videos detailing their experience with Blue Letter Bible. And what a response we received! It was incredible to see so many different types of users from all around the world enjoying the resources and tools we had put on the site.

It is always a blessing to the ministry to see how God has significantly impacted the users we serve for nearly three decades. To hear from the mouths of those who utilize what we offer every day is something that cannot be replaced. Our staff was strengthened and greatly encouraged by what you all had to say.

And thus, we wanted to share it with everyone! We made a brief video compilation with some of these sweet video testimonials that can be found on our YouTube channel or by clicking HERE. We hope that you will be as moved as we were by these amazing people.

If you would like to submit your own video testimonial, it would be such a blessing to our ministry! Just go to our page on Testimonial.io and record your video from your device. If you need assistance or would like more information, please contact us at testimonials@blueletterbible.org. To learn more about Blue Letter Bible, visit our History of BLB or About Blue Letter Bible pages. May God bless your time in His Word!

Image 14: Welcome H.B. Charles, Jr., BLB's Newest Pastor-Teacher!

Welcome H.B. Charles, Jr., BLB's Newest Pastor-Teacher!

Blue Letter Bible is pleased to announce a new partnership with Pastor H.B. Charles, Jr. through the addition of several new textual study resources including teaching manuscripts, articles, and sermon skeletons covering a broad range of Bible passages and topics.

Over the years, we have received feedback from many Christian leaders asking if we have any materials on pastoral resources and sermon preparation. Our newest author, Pastor H.B. Charles, Jr., has provided an absolute wealth of study materials covering key areas of pastoral leadership and Bible-centered teaching through his articles. Having pastored and taught since the age of 17, Pastor Charles brings a depth of biblical insight that we hope will be a blessing to Christian leaders, teachers and students around the world.

We pray that these study resources greatly enhance your understanding of Scripture. To start reading Pastor Charles' works, you can head over to his author page on BLB. If you want to know more about him and his ministry, you can go to his website, Cutting It Straight.

Image 15: Angel of the LORD Video Series from Jim Milligan

Angel of the LORD Video Series from Jim Milligan

Last summer, our CEO and co-founder, Jim Milligan, spent three Sundays taking his church through a series on the Angel of the LORD. Throughout the Old Testament, this figure appears frequently. However, in each encounter, the Angel of Yahweh is treated with reverence and awe above that of any other angelic being. So, His identity has been a topic of much discussion through the years.

In his first message, Pastor Jim takes time to note the difference between "LORD" and "Lord" within the original language, and then dives into angelology to examine the different categories of spiritual beings. The second message focuses on the identity of the Angel of the LORD and the significance of that identity. In his third and final message, Pastor Jim focuses on the current and future purposes of the Angel of the LORD. This short series is so eye-opening and addresses a key Old Testament topic that many do not take the time to properly analyze.

To start listening, head over to the Angel of the LORD series page. If you want to hear more from Pastor Jim, you can go to his audio and video author page.


Image 16: Narrated ESV Audio Bible

Blue Letter Bible Adds Narrated ESV Audio Bible

For years, Blue Letter Bible has offered audio narration of multiple different translations of the Bible. However, a notable exception to that library has been the English Standard Version (ESV). But now, we are pleased to offer the ESV audio Bible on our site. The ESV has been one of the most popular translations on our site, and is guided by the following principles:

The English Standard Version is an "essentially literal" translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors, the ESV Bible emphasizes "word-for-word" accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning.

To start listening to the ESV Bible today, click or tap on the “Listen to the Bible” button on any Bible page. You can start listening with Genesis 1!

We also would like to thank Crossway Publishers for their generous provision of the ESV Audio Bible and pray that this offering would enrich your walk with Christ. To learn more about the translation, we recommend visiting the official ESV website’s About page

Image 17: New Acts Audio Teaching Series from Pastor Tony Clark

New Acts Audio Teaching Series from Pastor Tony Clark

At the beginning of the year, we welcomed Pastor Tony Clark to our library of content providers with his series through the Gospel of Luke. And now, he has graciously given us his messages on the Acts of the Apostles. The book of Acts records the beginning of the Christian church, focusing on the first three decades of its existence.

These two books were written with the intention of being read together as a single account by the author, Luke. Thus, it is such a blessing to have solid preaching on these two books from Pastor Tony. To start listening to Pastor Tony's messages, head over to his author page on Blue Letter Bible.

Image 18: Studies in Ruth, Jonah, and Habakkuk from Jon Benzinger

Studies in Ruth, Jonah, and Habakkuk from Jon Benzinger

Please welcome our newest content provider on Blue Letter Bible—Pastor Jon Benzinger! Jon has graciously given us his messages on Ruth, Jonah, and Habakkuk to share with our users. Within his teaching, Jon focuses on promoting a high view of God and gospel-centrality while endeavoring to clearly exegete the text. We are so blessed by this partnership and pray that God will use Jon's messages to deepen your understanding of His Word.

To start listening to Jon's messages, head over to his author page on BLB.

Image 19: Send in a Video Testimonial

Has BLB blessed you? Let us know!

We have had the privilege of talking to thousands of people over the years who have been blessed by Blue Letter Bible. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to talk to every single one of our millions of users. So instead, we set up the next best thing! If God has used our ministry's tools and resources to bless your time in His Word, we humbly ask that you consider leaving us a brief video message. It is immensely encouraging for the staff here to listen to how God is using their work. We also may use it in a future video compilation to share with everyone.

All you have to do is go to our special Testimonial.to page. Once you get here, you will be given instructions on what exactly the video should include. You can either record the video from the website itself (using your computer's webcam or your phone camera) or upload a video file instead. Upon uploading the file, you will then need to fill out some information before everything is finalized. After that, you will be given the option to share your testimonial via social media if you so wish.

We again want to thank all of you for your support of BLB! Whether you have used the site for twenty years, have been a long-time donor, or just recently found out about us, everything we are able to do is because of you. Our mission has never been about receiving recognition or seeking after accolades. It has always been, and always will be, to provide resources and tools that everyone can use to deepen their study of God's Word.

Image 20: The Legacy Standard Bible Translation on BLB

The Legacy Standard Bible Translation on BLB

Our team is immensely excited to announce that we now have the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) available on our site and mobile apps. We are so blessed by our partnerships with Three Sixteen Publishing and The Lockman Foundation, who gave us permission to provide our users with this resource for free.

For those who may not know, the LSB is a recent translation that was completed by a selection of professors from The Master's University and Seminary, overseen by Pastor John MacArthur. This version focuses on the precise, literal translation of the original biblical texts. This is achieved through the consistent translation of individual words, accounting for the various nuances and differences they may have.

Here is an excerpt from the LSB's foreword that explains the team's principles of translation:

The Legacy Standard Bible has worked to uphold the style and translational choices of the NASB as much as possible. Even more, it has endeavored to follow through on the NASB's stated intent to be true to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. While the interpreter, teacher, and pastor have the goal of understanding what the text means, the translator is to provide them with what the text says. Consistently, the goal of this translation is to be a window into the original text. Within that goal, this revision has focused upon accuracy and consistency. It has checked that words and grammar have been carried over properly. It also established rules for the consistent translation of terms within their various nuances. This allows the reader to more easily reconstruct what the original texts said. It also helps the reader more easily trace the flow of argument within a text, identify when the same word is used in another passage, and make connections between texts.

This Bible version is a true labor of love on the part of the translators. Their desire to bring as literal a translation as possible from the original texts shows an intense reverence for God's Word and a passionate desire that it be rightly divided. If you want to learn more about the origins of the LSB, you can visit their official website. Or, if you would like to hear directly from the translators themselves, you can watch their round table discussion on the official LSB YouTube channel.

Image 21: New! Inline Interlinear Language Tool and More

New! Inline Interlinear Language Tool and More

We have been dedicated to improving and expanding our offering of biblical language resources, and are excited to announce the following additions.

New Inline Interlinear

An interlinear is a language tool that connects the English-translated word(s) to the word(s) in the original texts. Traditionally, our users have been able to access a vertical interlinear for each verse from our Bible page, one verse at a time. While this has been an immense blessing and one of our most valued tools, we understand that it is not the most conducive to reading and studying. That is where the inline interlinear comes in.

Now, you can examine the original languages in a comfortable, horizontal format; Greek from left to right and Hebrew from right to left. This can be viewed one verse at a time from the Bible page or expanded to view an entire chapter at once. Moreover, the parts of speech are color-coded to make them easily identifiable. For example, when you are reading John 1:1, you will notice that the words "in" and "with" have a sage green button with "PREP." This correctly denotes them as prepositions, as seen in this screenshot:

Inline Interlinear Sample

If you want to learn more about this tool and some of the design challenges and history behind it, you can watch our announcement video

New Biblical Language Resources Page

In the more than twenty-five years that our ministry has been on the web, our Greek and Hebrew resources have consistently been the most popular aspect of our site. Traditionally, getting to these tools required you to navigate to several different locations on the site. Now, we have placed them all under a single section for quick and easy access. If you navigate to or click on the "Study" button on the top toolbar, you will find a new section below "Bible Reference" titled "Biblical Language Resources."

Within this page, we have included links to landing pages for our inline interlinear, lexicon resources, Greek and Hebrew grammars, concordances and Greek inflection tool. Not only that, but we have also updated our grammars so that they are available in both HTML and PDF format. We saw this update as necessary to our users, allowing for a quicker and more streamlined experience accessing this fantastic resource.

Image 22: Meet the People Behind BLB

Meet the People Behind BLB

In March 1996, Blue Letter Bible went live on the Internet for the first time. Since then, we have continued to grow rapidly and farther than we ever thought possible. God has not only blessed the ministry with all of our fantastic users, partners, and donors, but several dedicated staff members as well. From March of last year to March of this year, the ministry celebrated its 25th anniversary with a series of videos introducing our users to various members of our staff and board. They talk about their responsibilities at BLB, share the personal experiences they have had with BLB, and wholeheartedly express their thanks to all our partners.

If you have yet to watch our video series, we recommend starting with our two long-time board members and ministry partners, Don Perkins and Miles DeBenedictis. If you would like to look back at BLB's journey for the last two-and-a-half decades, you can also read our History of BLB page.

Image 23: New Commentaries from Alexander MacLaren

New Commentaries from Alexander MacLaren

Alexander MacLaren has been a revered preacher, both in his time and ours. That is why we are excited to bring you three of his many works on Scripture: Expositions of Holy Scripture, The Life of David Reflected in the Psalms, and his contributions to The Expositor's Bible.

Expositions of Holy Scripture
The first and largest of these works is a collection of MacLaren's sequential teaching through the books of Scripture. George Eayrs, who created a detailed index for the physical volume set of this work, marveled at the unique nature of MacLaren's writings: "A notable feature of Dr. MacLaren's expository art was the use of supplementary, complementary, or contrasting passages of Scripture as sidelights or reflections upon that which he was expounding."

The Life of David Reflected in the Psalms
This work focuses on the evolution of David's psalms throughout his different stages of life. MacLaren breaks his work into four stages of David's life: (1) his early days, (2) his exile during Saul's reign, (3) his reign as king, and (4) his sin and the consequences born from that. With this work, you will find yourself diving deep into the character and life of King David.

Contributions to The Expositor's Bible
The Expositor's Bible is a work compiled and edited by Sir William Robertson Nicholl. His goal was to display a unification among full-time preachers on the essentials of the Christian faith. MacLaren, a dear friend of Nicholl, contributed three volumes on Psalms and one on Colossians and Philemon. These are available along with MacLaren's other works on his author page.

Image 24: Pauline Outlines from Kress Biblical Resources

Pauline Outlines from Kress Biblical Resources

After our recent addition of Kress's Road Maps for the Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation, we are excited to provide another resource from our partner. The Road Maps for the Pauline Epistles is formatted in a similar manner to their sister volume. Each letter is divided into three main sections: "Overview Outline," "Introductory Matters," and "Detailed Outline."

The "Overview Outline" includes a summary statement and a brief outline of the book.

The "Introductory Matters" examines the book's author, aim, and audience.

The "Detailed Outline" provides a comprehensive exegetical outline that walks you through each verse of each chapter.

In the words of the publisher, "This book is intended as an initial roadmap for other adventurers to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God's Word." We trust this resource will quickly become an invaluable part of your study time in these books.

Before you start studying with the Kress Road Maps, we recommend reading the preface included with the non-Pauline road maps to learn more about the heart behind these wonderful resources. This resource will soon be available as a physical copy on the Kress Biblical Resources store page as well.

Image 25: New Charles Spurgeon Daily Devotional

New Charles Spurgeon Daily Devotional

Originally published as The Chequebook of Faith in 1893, this collection of brief devotionals has been a resource beloved by many a Christian for the past century. Spurgeon's introduction to the devotional states, "God has given no promise that He will not redeem. He does not offer hope that He will not fulfill. To help my brethren believe this, I have prepared this little volume." In this "little volume," Spurgeon likens the provision of God to a bank that has an unlimited flow of grace, love, mercy, and provision for all those who are a member.

Each day, you will find a section of Scripture, followed by a brief rumination by Charles Spurgeon, who is often affectionately referred to as the "Prince of Preachers." We at BLB firmly believe that you will be blessed immensely through these devotionals, and we pray that you will soon learn that God's heavenly bank is truly infinite and cannot be overdrawn.

If you want to start reading, you can take a look at today's entry or browse this devotional's Scripture index. You can also receive this daily devotional via email if you create a free account with us. Just click the gear icon in the top right, navigate to "Manage Your Subscriptions," and choose to either receive Faith's Checkbook in plain text or HTML.

Image 26: New Luke Audio Series from Pastor Tony Clark

New Luke Audio Series from Pastor Tony Clark

We are privileged to introduce our newest speaker on the BLB site: Pastor Tony Clark from Calvary Chapel Newport News. He has graciously offered us his audio commentary on the Gospel of Luke. Pastor Tony, who teaches Scripture in a verse by verse manner, desires that BLB listeners would "fall more in love with Jesus through the Gospel of Luke and how it applies to us today."

The Gospel of Luke was written to Theophilus after careful investigation that he "may know the exact truth about the things [he had] been taught" (Luke 1:4 NASB95). In a similar manner, we trust that a careful study of this Gospel will build you up in your faith today.

To start listening, you can head over to Pastor Tony's author page.

Image 27: New Hebrew Parts of Speech Helps and Explanations

New Hebrew Parts of Speech Helps and Explanations

Our Interlinear tool matches the original Greek and Hebrew text with the English and provides critical information that helps you to understand each word. It is our most-extensively used resource. But one of the most complicated aspects of the tool is understanding the parsing (parts of speech) of each word. Very few of us understand what a Genitive case is in the Greek or what a Qal stem is in the Hebrew, after all.

That is why we are excited to announce our new parsing definitions and explanations for the Hebrew language tools. We have offered these helps for quite some time in the Greek, so we are eager to include the same tools for the Old Testament Hebrew as well.

When you click on the parsing button for any Greek or Hebrew word, you will be greeted with a brand-new popup window. At the top, we show the data that you are used to, such as the Strong's number, inflected and root forms, and the parsing code. Right below that, you will see each part of the word's grammar, such as stem, type, and person.

Hebrew Speech Helps Popup Animated GIF

For example, the word may contain a Qal stem. When you click on the word "Qal," it will display a full definition of what "Qal" means. You will see that Qal "expresses the 'simple' or 'casual' action of the root in the active voice." If you want to see all of this step-by-step in action, refer to the animation above or try it yourself!


Image 28: Two Steve Bush Audio Series — Zechariah and The Future Kingdom

New Audio Series from Pastor Steve Bush

Pastor Steve Bush has graciously offered us two eschatological audio series for our site. We hope and pray that they will help further your understanding of the predicted kingdom of Christ that is coming.

The Book of Zechariah

Sometimes, the minor prophetic books can be quickly overlooked. However, did you know that the Lord has revealed many essential truths that are both applicable to today and hopeful for the future? In his series on the book of Zechariah, Pastor Bush dives deep into the prophetic meanings of the prophet's message to an unrepentant Israel, clearly explaining what God's Word has to say about past and future events. As he notes in the series intro, "Zechariah will show us God's faithfulness to His people in spite of their sin. We will be freshly amazed at the accuracy of the prophecies in Scripture."

The Future Kingdom: The New Testament

Have you ever wondered what the New Testament says about the future kingdom promised to believers? In The Future Kingdom: The New Testament, Pastor Bush walks through several New Testament sections that speak to this important topic. He covers who will receive the kingdom, why the kingdom is important to understand, and what exactly the kingdom entails. We highly recommend that, along with listening to this twenty-four message series, you consider reading Pastor Steve's three-book series, The Future Kingdom.

To start listening to these new series, you can head over to Pastor Bush's author page. You can also visit the Amazon website to purchase all three books in The Future Kingdom series.

Image 29: Chuck Smith's Verse by Verse Audio Series – Now in Spanish

Chuck Smith's Verse by Verse Audio Series – Now in Spanish

We are so excited to present Pastor Chuck Smith's New Testament Verse by Verse audio series in Spanish! This Spanish commentary is a translation of Pastor Chuck's C2000 series—primarily a compilation of his Sunday evening commentaries recorded from 1979 to 1985—made available through The Word for Today and translated by Trans World Radio (TWR). The Verse by Verse audio series has been one of the most popular on our site. We are blessed to have the opportunity to provide the translated version from TWR and The Word for Today.

To start listening, you can head over to Chuck's Spanish audio page. We also have compiled all of our Spanish resources onto a single page for ease of access, which will include Chuck's New Testament Spanish audio.

Find out more by reading Chuck Smith's bio.

La serie de audio Versículo por versículo del Nuevo Testamento del pastor Chuck Smith en español

¡Es un placer a presentar la serie de audio Versículo por versículo del Nuevo Testamento del pastor Chuck Smith en español! Este comentario en español está disponible a través de The Word for Today y traducido por Trans World Radio (TWR). La serie de audio Verse by Verse ha sido una de las más populares en nuestro sitio. Tenemos la bendicion de tener la oportunidad de proporcionar la versión traducida de TWR y The Word for Today.

Para comenzar a escuchar, puede dirigirse a la página de audio en español de Chuck. También hemos recopilado todos nuestros recursos en español en una sola página para facilitar el acceso, que incluirá el audio en español del Nuevo Testamento de Pastor Chuck.

Descubra más leyendo la biografía de Chuck Smith.

Image 30: New Video Series: Meet Our Team

New Video Series: Meet Our Team

In celebration of Blue Letter Bible's 25th anniversary, we have begun to release a new series of videos on our YouTube channel introducing some of our team. To understand exactly what this series entails, you can watch the introduction from our CEO and co-founder, Jim Milligan.

Every month, we release a new one- to two-minute video that introduces the employee or director, their role, and other interesting aspects of why they love working for the ministry. To learn about our team, and to easily access new videos when they are uploaded, you can go to the "BLB Stories" YouTube playlist and save it to watch later. Here is a quick checklist on how to do so with a graphic walkthrough:

  1. Click on the "Playlists" tab on the Blue Letter Bible YouTube channel.
  2. Click on "View Full Playlist" under the Stories playlist.
  3. Click the far-left icon under the playlist information to pin it.
  4. Go to your YouTube sidebar to find the pinned playlist.
YouTube Playlist Walkthrough

If you want to learn more about the ministry as a whole and our 25-year journey, you can visit our history page to walk through how the Lord has and continues to bless the ministry.

Image 31: Kress Biblical Resources' Road Maps for the Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation

Kress Biblical Resources' Road Maps for the Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation

We are blessed to present to you content from our newest partner—Kress Biblical Resources. They have provided us with their published work, Road Maps for the Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation, to offer on our website. Kress Biblical Resources describes this resource "as an initial roadmap for other adventurers to explore the infinitely beautiful terrain of this portion of God's Word."

Within this resource, you will find detailed study resources specific to each book, which are divided into three parts. The first part includes a summary statement and a brief outline of the book. The second part, entitled "Introductory Matters," examines the book's author, aim, and audience. The third part provides a comprehensive exegetical outline that walks you through each verse of each chapter. This resource will quickly become an invaluable part of your study time in these books.

Before you start studying with the Kress Road Maps, we recommend reading the preface to learn more about the heart behind these wonderful resources. If you would like to purchase a physical copy of these road maps, you can find them on the Kress website.

Image 32: Andrew Murray's "The True Vine" 31-Day Devotional

Andrew Murray's "The True Vine" 31-Day Devotional

"I have felt drawn to try to write what young Christians might easily apprehend, as a help to them to take up that position in which the Christian life must be a success." This is a quote from The True Vine, a new 31-day devotional from Andrew Murray. In it, the author takes a close look at Christ's word picture of the vine in John 15, examining how young Christians should apply its words to their lives.

To start reading The True Vine, you can visit his author page under our "Study" tab.

Image 33: Introducing BLB’s Newest Hebrew Language Resource—Brown–Driver–Briggs

Introducing BLB’s Newest Hebrew Language Resource—Brown–Driver–Briggs

Now available on BLB is the well-respected Hebrew and English lexicon, Brown-Driver-Briggs. Compiled by three distinguished scholars of the same name, Brown-Driver-Briggs offers in-depth insights into the usage of Hebrew words in the Old Testament.

This resource is sure to serve the serious student of God’s Word who wants to delve deeper into the meaning of the Old Testament.

Check out what Brown-Driver-Briggs has to say about the word “created” in Genesis 1:1.

Find out more about Brown-Driver-Briggs and how BLB has integrated all the features into one powerful tool in our PDF Guide: BLB Brown-Driver-Briggs PDF Guide

Image 34: Spanish Language Resources Now in One Location / Recursos en Español de Blue Letter Bible

Spanish Language Resources Now in One Location / Recursos en Español de Blue Letter Bible

We wish to welcome the Spanish-speaking community to the Blue Letter Bible, and have provided for you a list of Spanish language resources that are currently available on our website. We look forward to providing more Bible study resources in Spanish as opportunities arise.

Deseamos dar la bienvenida a la comunidad de habla hispana a Blue Letter Bible y le hemos proporcionado una lista de recursos en español que están disponibles actualmente en nuestro sitio web. Esperamos poder ofrecer más recursos de estudio Bíblico en Español a medida que surjan oportunidades.

Image 35: Jesus FAQS and The Case for Christianity from Don Stewart

Jesus FAQS and The Case for Christianity from Don Stewart

Don Stewart has graciously offered BLB the permission to publish both his series of FAQs on Jesus Christ and his book, The Case for Christianity. Don's FAQs are one of BLB's most popular resources, helping users to understand key topics of the Christian faith through a series of questions with succinct, biblical responses. We have recently published several new series, so we have included a quick guide on how to navigate to your desired topic.

Navigate to the Don Stewart author page under "Text Commentaries." Once there, click on a series (e.g., Jesus Series FAQs) and then the sub-topics (e.g., The Resurrection of Jesus Christ) in order to see the list of questions for the given sub-topics. See image below.

Jesus FAQs How To Navigate

The Case for Christianity takes a detailed look at various areas within the Christian faith that are commonly attacked. Don Stewart walks through the realm of apologetics, the reliability and accuracy of the New Testament, and the validity of Christ's life and ministry. This amazing resource will help answer questions about your faith, equipping you with the knowledge to better defend it.

Visit Don Stewart's author page for all of his textual resources.

Image 36: Free Download on Apps – NASB20 and NASB95

NASB 2020 Now Available on BLB

One of BLB's most popular translations, the New American Standard Bible (NASB), was updated in 2020 and is now available on BLB's website and apps as NASB20. The 1995 version is still available, and is called NASB95.

To learn more about the NASB 2020, visit the "More Information About NASB 2020" article from NASB's publisher, Lockman Foundation.

Free Download on Apps – NASB20 and NASB95

Lockman Foundation has also graciously offered BLB users the ability to download the NASB20 and NASB95 for free on our Apple and Android apps.

Learn how to download Bibles on our Apple App FAQ page or our Android App FAQ page.

We wish to thank the Lockman Foundation for their partnership and generous provision of free NASB downloads for BLB's app users.

If you have not already done so, download our free Bible study app for Apple and Android devices, and take advantage of BLB's wonderful in-depth study resources in the palm of your hand.

Download the Apple app at the App Store.

Download the Android app at the Google Play Store.

Image 37: New Scripture and Quote Images to Download and Share—For Free

New Scripture and Quote Images to Download and Share—For Free

Social media has become a very large part of our culture, which is why we desire to provide you with biblical, God-glorifying images that you can download and share with your friends, free of charge.

We have just added dozens of new Scripture and quote images that are sure to inspire others:

New Scripture and Quotation Images

These new images, as well as all of our nearly 100 images, can be quickly and easily downloaded individually or together as a group of images.

Visit our image download page HERE.

Image 38: New from the BLB Institute: Accreditation Partnership and 8 New Courses

New! Accreditation Partnership

Blue Letter Bible has teamed up with Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School (LBC | Capital) to offer you 8 new video courses and the opportunity to earn up to 6 hours of credit towards LBC Capital's adult education undergraduate program.

There is NO COST to take these new courses.

Learn more about our partnership here.

Learn more about LBC | Capital here.

New! 8 Video Courses from LBC | Capital

LBC | Capital has provided BLB with 8 new courses for free at the BLB Institute. These 8 courses can be taken individually or collectively as part of a complete Biblical Studies program:

  • Old Testament I: Creation and Covenants
  • Old Testament II: Life and Literature of Israel
  • New Testament I: Life of Christ
  • New Testament II: Early Church
  • Biblical Hermeneutics
  • Basic Bible Doctrine
  • Christian Narrative I: Creation and Fall
  • Christian Narrative II: Redemption

Visit our Course Program page for quick access to these courses here.

Visit our entire course library here.

New! Added Course Delivery Features

The 8 courses offer new course delivery features to enhance your learning, including:

  • Video lessons
  • Additional reading materials
  • Journal assignments
  • Application exercises

New! Course Programs and Continuing Education Units

Students may take individual courses or opt to follow a recommended course of study, called course programs. Individual courses and course programs are offered at no cost to the student. We currently offer two course programs and electives, including Foundations of the Christian Faith and Foundations of Biblical Studies.

Upon completing a course program, students are eligible to receive a course program Certificate of Completion from BLB, which lists all courses completed in the program, as well as Continuing Education Units (CEU) earned. Students can track progress in their Student Dashboard.

The acceptance of this certificate by a school, church, or ministry is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

Learn more about our Course Programs here.

Learn more about CEUs here.

Image 39: Identify Hebrew parts of speech easily

Identify Hebrew parts of speech easily

Introducing a much-improved Hebrew parsing tool that helps you to quickly identify the parts of speech in the original language. With a much improved and expanded Hebrew data set, you can now identify critical aspects of Hebrew words, including:

  • Inflected and root words in the original language
  • Audio pronunciation of root words
  • Strong's numbers
  • Abbreviated parsing code for those familiar with Hebrew parsing
  • Morphology table that shows the part of speech, stem, type, gender, number, and state
  • Helpful Hebrew helps including a Simplified Hebrew Grammar that explains the significance of the parts of speech (this resource is extremely helpful as is the parallel Simplified Greek Grammar)

Hebrew Parsing Tool Example

We trust this helpful feature will bring more clarity and depth to your study of the Old Testament. Stay tuned for more original language content and features that are coming your way.

Visit the Genesis 1:1 Hebrew interlinear, and click on one of the parsing buttons to see an example of the new tool.

Image 40: Puritan Classic <i>The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment</i>—Now in Digital Format

Puritan Classic The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment—Now in Digital Format

New on BLB is a digital edition of Jeremiah Burroughs's The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. Originally published at some point between 1648 and 1659, Burroughs offers an exposition of Philippians 4:11 through a series of published sermons that deal with the topic of contentment.

Read more about The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment here.

Read more about Jeremiah Burroughs here.

Available Formats

  • Website: Read for FREE here.
  • EPUB (for iBooks): Available for $2.99. Purchase here.
  • MOBI (for Kindle): Available for $2.99. Purchase here.
  • PDF: Available for $2.99. Purchase here.
  • Amazon: Available for $2.99. Purchase here.


Image 41: Two New Don Stewart FAQ Series - God and the Holy Spirit

Two New Don Stewart FAQ Series - God and the Holy Spirit

Don Stewart's FAQs are one of BLB's most popular resources, helping users to understand key topics of the Christian faith through a series of questions. Don Stewart's FAQ responses are Biblical and to the point, and cover a wide range of theological topics.

Don has graciously offered BLB the permission to publish his series on God and the Holy Spirit, which are now available on our website and apps. There are so many new FAQs to read. Be sure to visit Don Stewart's author page. Once there, click on a series (e.g. God Series FAQs) and then the sub-topics (e.g. Understanding the God of the Bible) in order to see the list of questions for the given sub-topics. See image below.

Don Stewart's Author Page: Click Here

Image 42: New Scripture Images to Download and Share—For Free

New Scripture Images to Download and Share—For Free

Social media has become a very large part of our culture, which is why we desire to provide you with biblical, God-glorifying images that you can download and share with your friends, free of charge.

We have just added dozens of new Scripture images, including this selection:

New Scripture Images

Check out all of our Scripture images HERE.


Image 43: New Content from WordBoard.org–Boardies, Summaries, and Snapboards

New Content: Bible Study Videos and Images from WordBoard

Blue Letter Bible is now partnering with WordBoard—a whiteboard animation project developed by James Street that focuses on explaining books or passages in the Bible in a fun, simple way. It is designed to help Christians learn more about the Bible they love so much and to think through it the way God intended.

Boardies are videos addressing difficult to understand or commonly misunderstood passages in the Bible, while Summaries are videos summarizing books of the Bible or entire testaments. Both video series can be found HERE.

We are also releasing Snapboards, which are one-picture drawings designed to capture meaningful biblical insights in a snapshot. To visit the Snapboard image gallery, click HERE.

Image 44: The BLB Institute—New Look, New Location, Same Free Bible Courses!

The BLB Institute—New Look, Same Free Bible Courses!

We completely redesigned the Blue Letter Bible Institute and are releasing it at a brand-new web location—Study.Bible. Take advantage of the following new features:

  • Completely redesigned look and feel
  • Easy-to-navigate experience
  • Mobile and tablet-friendly platform for classes "on the go"
  • Course progress tracking feature
  • One unified account for the BLB Institute and BLB website

The BLB Institute now offers 14 courses covering Doctrine of the Faith, Exposition of Scriptures, Christian Life and Practice, and Apologetics and Cults. The courses are self-paced, contain exam questions with automated grading, and offer certificates upon successful completion.

Visit Study.Bible today.

Image 45: ESV Translation Now Available for Free Download on BLB’s Apps

ESV Translation Now Available for Free Download on BLB’s Apps

One of BLB’s most popular translations, the English Standard Version (ESV), is now available for free download on BLB’s Apple and Android apps. The ESV translation is one of the more literal modern translations available to English users. Since its publication in 2001, the ESV Bible has gained wide acceptance and is used by church leaders, numerous denominations and organizations, and millions of individuals around the world. We wish to thank Crossway publishers for their partnership and generous provision of free ESV downloads for BLB’s app users.

Download our free Bible study app today from the Apple Store HERE and Google Play Store HERE.

Image 46: New Study Resource —Bible Book Introductions by Grace to You

New Study Resource —Bible Book Introductions by Grace to You

Now available on BLB is a complete collection of Bible book introductions, which have been made publicly available by the ministry of Grace to You. Including all 66 books of the Holy Bible, this resource offers key insights into the book’s author and setting, theological and historical themes, and literary outline—all of which is presented in an easy-to-read format. An essential resource for understanding a passage’s content.

Delve into the Bible introductions HERE.

Image 47: New Content —Pastor Chuck Smith’s Sunday Morning Audio Sermons

New Content —Pastor Chuck Smith’s Sunday Morning Audio Sermons

The Word for Today has graciously offered BLB access to Pastor Chuck Smith's Sunday morning sermon series from 1985 to 1999. This audio series includes hundreds of Pastor Chuck’s messages that focus on key portions of Scripture from Genesis through Revelation.

To start listening, click HERE.

Image 48: New Audio Content —Through the Bible with Pastor Raul Ries

New Audio Content —Through the Bible with Pastor Raul Ries

Pastor Raul Ries of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs has graciously offered BLB access to his Through the Bible audio series. In this series, Pastor Raul provides expositional teaching on every book and chapter of the Bible.

To start listening, click HERE.

Image 49: Introducing BLB’s Newest Digital Bible Study Resource—ScriptureMark

Introducing BLB’s Newest Digital Bible Study Resource—ScriptureMark

Introducing ScriptureMark—BLB’s newest digital Bible study tool that enables you to reformat and mark up your passage, ultimately, giving you more clarity to its meaning. With ScriptureMark, you can now format text, highlight, underline, freehand write, add sticky notes, add arrows and shapes, add layers, and much, much more.

ScriptureMark is truly a Bible study resource like no other, so try it today!

Click HERE for more information, galleries, and a 3-minute video.

Click HERE to study the Bible using ScriptureMark.

Image 50: Sermon Audio Partnership Announcement

Thousands of Audio Sermons Now Available through our Newest Partners, SermonAudio

Blue Letter Bible is pleased to announce our new partnership with SermonAudio. SermonAudio offers a vast library of audio sermons from teachers who hold to a theologically conservative, Bible-believing, and Christ-honoring perspective, including over 1.5 million sermons from 30,000+ speakers. We have partnered with SermonAudio to make these sermons available freely and immediately to BLB users through our website and apps.

Teachers include John MacArthur, Alistair Begg, A.W. Tozer, and more. Simply open the “Commentaries” tab in our study tools section of our Bible passages, and view the teachers now available from SermonAudio.

Image 51: New Content from Don Stewart—25 Signs We Are Near the End

New Content from Don Stewart—25 Signs We Are Near the End

In this new audio series by Don Stewart, 25 Signs We Are Near the End, Don Stewart examines what the Bible has to say about the events that are to come or have occurred. In this easy-to-understand audio series, Don lays out 25 key signs of what Scripture says will take place at the “time of the end”—all pointing to a God who exists, who knows the future, and who is in control of the future.

Listen to the audio series HERE.

Image 52: More Precise Word Studies with the Greek Inflection Tool

More Precise Word Studies with the Greek Inflection Tool

Through our new Greek Inflection tool, you can now search similar forms of the same Greek word throughout the Bible. This improved search feature not only includes the New Testament Greek manuscripts, but also the Old Testament’s Greek Septuagint (LXX)!

You can view this tool from any of our Lexicon pages—check out an example for agapao with the images below or visit that Lexicon page HERE

You can also watch our YouTube tutorial, “How to Use Our Greek Inflection Tool” to learn more about Greek inflections and how to use this tool on the BLB.


Image 53: New Video Sermons from Pastor Miles DeBenedictis

New Video Sermons from Pastor Miles DeBenedictis

We are pleased to make these new video sermons available from Miles DeBenedictis, pastor of Cross Connection Church. Blue Letter Bible is honored to have Miles as our newest board member, and we are certain his expository style of teaching will draw you in to the rich truths of God’s inspired Word. To study with Pastor Miles through the books of Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Timothy or Titus, click here.

Image 54: A Chronological Look at Prophecy in the Scriptures

A Chronological Look at Prophecy in the Scriptures

In his presentation, “God’s Order of Events,” Evangelist Don Perkins examines Bible prophecy as a whole. He takes a look at several topics that include: what Bible prophecy is, and why we should study it. With an emphasis on various historical ages mentioned in the Scriptures, Perkins gives a concise chronology of the past, present, and future world. You can watch or listen here.

Image 55: New Expositional Study Notes for Habakkuk by Don Smith

Can it be that the ancient Book of Habakkuk is one of the most relevant books in the Bible for today? Don Smith reminds us how Christ calls His Church to be a beacon of light in the darkness, much like the prophet Habakkuk proclaimed centuries ago. We shine as His beacons as we cling to faith in Him and in His Word. Don says we can rejoice because the invisible hand of God is working for His good pleasure right now in 21st century history. These thoroughly outlined study notes are a companion to Don Smith’s audio series, “A Faith to Cling To.”

Image 56: Pegs For Preachers

BLB introduces the 18th-century Scottish clergyman, Charles Inglis, who spent the majority of his life learning and teaching the Word of God. His study resource, Pegs for Preachers, has been widely utilized by ministry leaders and studious believers in all parts of the world. His work contains alphabetized lists of thousands of topics that are all linked to Scripture references, to assist you in the study of God’s Word.


Image 57: Guidelines for Understanding the Scriptures from Dr. J. Vernon McGee

We are very pleased that Thru the Bible ministry has given us permission to offer Dr. McGee’s text commentaries, Bible notes, and outlines for the entire New and Old Testaments. These all-inclusive guides are a wonderful companion to the inductive style of Bible study. This beloved Bible teacher and author from the Los Angeles area had a prolific radio ministry that is still being broadcast worldwide today.

Image 58: New Sermons from Pastor Peter Hubbard in the BLB Audio Library

We invite you to listen to the rich expository teaching and impassioned preaching of Pastor Hubbard. He intentionally teaches through each book of the Bible verse by verse, viewing every word as profitable. His sermons are sure to ignite deeper insights into God and His holy Word, as you examine the Scriptures together.

Image 59: New Don Perkins Presentation, “Christ in Bible Prophecy”

Evangelist, Don Perkins, narrates this well formatted visual presentation of Bible prophecies surrounding Christ’s life, death and resurrection. In his detailed analysis regarding the forthcoming Messiah, Perkins draws from a wealth of solid resources in the field of Bible prophecy. View this Scripture-intense audio/video presentation today and be emboldened in your Christian faith.

Image 60: New Study Resource for the Book of Acts

Blue Letter Bible is excited to announce a new study guide for the Book of Acts by Pastor Bill Acton. These thoroughly structured outlines follow the initial footsteps of the Gospel and the historical growth of the first-century Church, as recorded by the Apostle Luke. All 28 chapters contain Scripture references that are directly linked to the Bible passages being examined. We hope this study resource will bless you with fresh insights into the amazing Book of Acts.

Image 61: BLB Celebrates 500th Anniversary of Reformation

October 2017 marks the 500th Anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation, when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses in Wittenberg, Germany, forever impacting church history. In honor of this momentous event, Blue Letter Bible has added two of Luther’s treatises, Concerning Christian Liberty and A Treatise on Good Works, and a dozen of his most noted sermons. We hope these writings will touch hearts and inspire sincere worship of Christ, our glorious Savior.

Image 62: Thayer’s Greek Lexicon Upgrade

Blue Letter Bible has upgraded its edition of Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Each entry now includes a Scripture Index allowing you to quickly reference the Greek usage in the verses you are studying. We hope this lexicon tool will benefit everyone who wants to do richer, more in-depth studies of God’s Word.

Here's a brief video introducing some of the improvements:

Image 63: CSB Translation: Now Available

The CSB Translation: Now Available on BLB
The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) has recently undergone significant textual changes to their Bible, and they have renamed their translation, Christian Standard Bible (CSB). One hundred scholars from 17 denominations have translated straight from the original Biblical languages, without compromising readability. According to their publisher, the CSB has incorporated both the latest scholarship and linguistic advances, while remaining committed to traditional, conservative principles, that convey the original meaning of God’s Word as faithfully and as clearly as possible. Read more about the CSB here.

Image 64: Treasury of David

It is an honor for Blue Letter Bible to offer our 1881 edition of Charles Spurgeon’s The Treasury of David, a seven-volume commentary on the entire Book of Psalms. This verse-by-verse presentation includes Spurgeon’s sermon expositions, teaching outlines, notes from other highly respected commentators, and “pastoral hints to preachers,” for a deeper understanding of the Psalms.

Image 65: Portraits of Christ in the Old Testament

The Holy Spirit moved the ancient authors of Scripture to write about Jesus Christ many generations before His incarnation. Pastor Don Smith has thoroughly outlined these prophetic “types” and “shadows” of the coming Messiah, from the Old Testament. Through the lens of the Holy Scriptures, you will clearly see “portraits” of the Savior, captured in God’s magnificent plan of salvation before the foundation of the world.

Image 66: Rejoicing Through Revelation

Enjoy this audio overview of the Book of Revelation, as Don Perkins gives a summary tour through the entire book. He chronicles events from history past, present, and those yet to take place in the future—always emphasizing that “Revelation is the enlightening of Christ.”

Image 67: New Content: Guzik, Otsuji, Foote

We are so grateful that God has allowed us to continue providing new content and study tools to aid you in your knowledge of the Word. Recently, we have added Pastor Kevin Otsuji’s entire sermon series through the Gospel of John, as well as an intimate reflection from Pastor David Guzik on Psalm 116 that he presented in-house to our staff. Our prayer is that you glean from both these resources and that God blesses you as continue to study His Word.

Image 68: Seeing a World of Difference

With the current growing tide of pagan spirituality, it is essential that our worldview be continually analyzed through a Biblical lens. God’s Word has all we need to live by and speak truth into every generation—especially in today’s challenging culture. In this second part of a two-course series on “A Biblical Worldview,” Dr. Jones sorts through many difficult issues, equipping Christians to defend their faith in God and proclaim the Good News to a misguided humanity.

Image 69: BibleArc Diagrams

Blue Letter Bible is partnering with Bethlehem College and Seminary to bring you diagrams from their digital resource called Biblearc. Bible arcing is a graphical Bible study method that helps you understand the main points within a text, and shows how those thoughts are supported throughout the passage. The arcs indicate certain relationships, logic, and flow of thought within the text, helping you arrive at a Biblically sound interpretation. They have provided us with over 70 graphical images from a selection of Bethlehem Seminary’s professors and students, and we will continue to add additional Biblearc diagrams in the future.


Image 70: New Spanish Content: David Guzik

Nuevas Guías de estudio bíblico en español de David Guzik
Nos entusiasma anunciar la adición a nuestro contenido de nuevas guías de estudio Bíblico en español escritas por el pastor David Guzik. La versión en inglés de este conciso trabajo ha sido uno de los recursos más populares de Blue Letter Bible durante muchos años. Para obtener acceso a este nuevo material en español haga clic aquí.

David Guzik’s Study Guides in Spanish
We are excited to announce the addition of new Spanish Bible study guides from Pastor David Guzik. For years his English version of this concisely outlined work has been one of our most popular resources on Blue Letter Bible. To view this Spanish content, click here.

Image 71: Don Perkins on Prophecy

Don Perkins on Prophecy is a collection of six short video segments that offer a Christ-centered, Biblical approach to understanding prophecy.

Image 72: New Content from Pastor Don Smith

Now available on BLB is new content from two gifted teachers, Pastor Don Smith and Dr. Thomas Ice. Pastor Don outlines the book of Esther, and Dr. Ice provides an extensive interpretation of Matthew 24 and 25.

Image 73: New Sermon Outlines: Bill Acton

What does the Bible tell us about heaven? In a four-part series, “A Glimpse of Heaven,” Jim Milligan uncovers glorious insights from Scripture about the believer’s eternal dwelling place. And if you’re not familiar with the promises Jesus made to His followers, don’t miss Jim’s teachings on the “I Wills of Christ.” Listen to these messages and more by clicking here.

Image 74: A Glimpse of Heaven

What does the Bible tell us about heaven? In a four-part series, “A Glimpse of Heaven,” Jim Milligan uncovers glorious insights from Scripture about the believer’s eternal dwelling place. And if you’re not familiar with the promises Jesus made to His followers, don’t miss Jim’s teachings on the “I Wills of Christ.” Listen to these messages and more by clicking here.

Image 75: New Audio: Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In her series entitled “Discerning Truth in a World of Deception,” Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth exposes lies that plague our culture. She shows how godly discernment protects our minds and hearts from the lure of being deceived, and it is only the Truth of God’s Word that can set us free from the bondage of worldly deception. To listen to this series and her other messages click here.

Image 76: Have a Story to Tell?

We are always blessed to hear how God is using Blue Letter Bible to minister to people in all areas of life. These stories have a wonderful impact on our staff and our supporters. If you have been personally blessed through a deeper study of God’s Word using the BLB study tools, we would love to hear from you and tell your story to encourage those who help make all we do at BLB possible.

Image 77: Text Content Upgrades

F.E. Marsh’s Five Hundred Bible Readings
This collection of Biblical topics by F.E. Marsh (1858 – 1931) has been updated with a new keyword search tool, alphabetized sermon titles and pop-up Bible verse links. You can begin utilizing this wonderful resource today—for free!

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
Now exclusive to Blue Letter Bible is a reformatted, reader-friendly version of Matthew Henry’s Commentary (see figures below). This structured outline facilitates more than 60,000 instant verse retrievals, making precious study time in the Scriptures more proficient.

New reader-friendly Matthew Henry

This was what our Matthew Henry commentaries look liked to you in 2015. The below is the same content reformatted for easier reading.

New reader-friendly Matthew Henry

Image 78: New Content: Elisabeth Elliot

Blue Letter Bible has now expanded the audio library of Elisabeth Elliot to over 90 messages. We are praying that these rich teachings will bless and edify the body of Christ! You can listen to them here.


Image 79: Behold the child who can!

New Audio in Women’s Resources: “The Strength and Weakness of Our Christmas Traditions” by Elyse Fitzpatrick. The Apostle Paul, in light of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, considered his traditions as rubbish. Christ’s gifts are the best gifts ever given: forgiveness of sins, perfect righteousness and eternal life.

Image 80: Counseling God's Way

Our Blue Letter Bible Institute has an excellent new course of study by the late Pastor Bob Hoekstra, Counseling God’s Way. Young Christians and seasoned believers alike will benefit from this in-depth look at how God Himself is our “Wonderful Counselor.” (Isaiah 9:6). The absolute Truth of God’s Word has the power to change lives and provide instruction for all of life’s difficult circumstances. We invite you to partake in this free online course, by simply clicking here.

Image 81: New Sermons from Whitfield

Blue Letter Bible is pleased to offer 58 sermons from George Whitefield (1741-1770), whose zeal for God’s glory—combined with an uncompromising commitment to preach the Gospel message—contributed to the First Great Awakening of England and North America in the 18th century.

Visit George Whitefield’s Sermon Library.

The BLB App for Android is now available for free at the Google Play Store!

Image 83: David Guzik on Serving in Ministry

David Guzik on Serving in Ministry is a collection of six short videos originating from our extended interview with him. Pastor Guzik covers a range of helpful topics for anyone serving in ministry, including:

  • What Drives His Passion for Ministry (2:00)
  • Lessons Learned in Ministry (3:06)
  • Preparing a Message for Teaching (4:24)
  • The Biggest Challenges Facing the Church Today (3:54)
  • The Younger Generation Serving in Ministry (3:26)
  • Considering the Cost and the Worth of the Call to Ministry (2:24)

Visit David Guzik's Video Resource Page

Image 84: New Resources Available

New Resources Available

Two insightful books from Richard A. Bennett, that have influenced people around the world for over 30 years, are now available in our text commentaries. They've been translated into many different languages and are freely downloadable from our site.

We're also blessed to share with you six devotionals from author Shelley Cramm's recently published, NIV God's Word for Gardeners Bible. Begin reading here.


Image 85: New Content: Ray Comfort

Our newest addition to the BLB audio library is a collection of over 35 messages from noted evangelist Ray Comfort. It is our pleasure to offer Ray’s biblical and practical approach to evangelism, which will inspire and equip you to share the Gospel with the lost.

We encourage you to listen to Ray’s two foundational messages on evangelism, “Hell’s Best Kept Secret,” and “True and False Conversions,” prior to listening to the rest of his motivating messages.

Visit Ray Comfort’s Complete Audio Library

Image 86: New Content: Thomas Goodwin

Two works by the classic Puritan author Thomas Goodwin, Christ Set Forth and The Heart of Christ in Heaven toward Sinners on Earth, have been added to Blue Letter Bible’s free collection of enriching resources for the study of God’s Word.

These engaging works of Reformed Christology are evidence of Goodwin’s firm conviction and sincere love for Christ, and are sure to provoke the same within his readers.

Visit Thomas Goodwin's Library to access these books today.

Digital version for epub, mobi, or Kindle will be available soon.

Image 87: New Content: Bill Acton

Blue Letter Bible has received a highly–treasured collection of over 700 insightful and memorable sermons from Pastor Bill Acton. This 93–year–old preacher, a former protégé of Dr. J. Vernon McGee, has the remarkable legacy of being a faithful minister, church planter, and disciple–maker for more than 65 years. Acton’s mission statement is: “To point people to the truths of God’s amazing and sovereign grace.” Today, Pastor Acton actively fulfills this mission through discipleship and teaching in the local church.

We invite you to listen now to one of Pastor Acton’s messages entitled, “Saved by Grace and Not by Ourselves.”

Visit Pastor Acton’s Complete Audio Library

Image 88: New Content: Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile

Blue Letter Bible is pleased to offer 270 messages from Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile, recently added to our library of audio commentaries. Pastor Anyabwile’s audio collection includes several expositional series, as well as studies covering a range of wonderful subjects like: Teach Your Children Wisdom, Is Jesus Enough?, and Spiritual Fellowship in the Local Church. We invite you to listen to his message entitled, “When the Pain Won’t Stop.” This excellent study from Job will encourage anyone who is experiencing suffering.

Visit Pastor Anyabwile's Complete Audio Library

Image 89: New Bible Version: HCSB

The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) is now available for free on Blue Letter Bible’s website and iPhone/iPad mobile app!

The HCSB is a trusted, original translation of God’s Word. A team of more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations pursued two ideals with every translation decision: each word must be faithful to the original languages of the Bible and each word must reflect clear, contemporary English.

We are very thankful for the generosity of Holman Bible Publishers, an imprint of B&H Publishing Group, who have offered Blue Letter Bible the free use of the HCSB!

Isaiah 42:8 HCSB

"I am Yahweh, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, or my praise to idols."

Image 90: New Content Has Arrived

Kevin Otsuji—Romans Audio Series
Pastor Kevin Otsuji’s new teaching series on the Book of Romans is now available on Blue Letter Bible. Throughout this 77 message series, Otsuji unpacks "the power of the gospel" (Romans 1:16). He focuses on the letter’s essential doctrines, pointing us to the greatness of God’s character and His saving grace through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Don Smith—The Parables of Christ Audio Series
In this series on "The Parables of Christ," Pastor Don Smith exposits gospel passages with a blend of sound doctrine and practical application. By examining the very words of Christ as He instructed His people more than 2000 years ago, their relevancy for His followers today becomes most apparent. Smith looks at how the parables demonstrate God’s power, reveal His sovereign purposes, and express His righteous judgment.

Margaret Ashmore—New Audio Messages
Newly added to our women’s resources are Margaret Ashmore’s messages on the Beatitudes entitled "Pursuing Jesus," and "The Two Paths" based on Psalm 1. She draws from many years of personal study and life's difficult lessons. Her vivacious candor stirs the heart, as she brings the truth of God's Word front and center.

Image 91: Rose Publishing

Rose Publishing has generously provided Blue Letter Bible with select Bible timelines and maps to enhance your personal Bible study or visual presentations. Enjoy the benefit of these graphic-rich products today!

View Images.

Image 92: The Glorious Feast

The Glorious Feast of the Gospel, written by Richard Sibbes in 1650, is now available on Blue Letter Bible for free. Written centuries ago but pertinent for today, this book will ignite a passionate love for Christ our gracious Savior, who prepares us for and provides us with The Glorious Feast. You can also purchase this carefully edited work in MOBI, EPUB, PDF, and Kindle formats.

Additionally, three 18th-century sermons are now available on Blue Letter Bible:

New BLB Institute Course on Worldview Evangelism

The biggest lie is that we all create our own reality and destiny. The greatest truth is that God, the Sovereign Creator, can save us from the reality of that fatal destiny. Learn more about the prevalence and dangers of today’s worldview, and combat its lies with the truth of the Gospel.

Sign up today for our free BLB Institute course, Only Two Religions? Introduction to Worldview Evangelism, brought to you in partnership with Dr. Peter Jones and the ministry of truthXchange.

Watch trailer on YouTube.


Take advantage of the time-tested, Bible-based instruction found in the historic works of our forefathers. We’ve tried to maintain a balanced perspective of traditional, orthodox Christianity for our users, and these study resources reinforce the essentials of our Christian beliefs.

Visit our complete list of Creeds, Catechisms, and Confessions

Added over 300 new audio messages by Theology for the Purpose of Praise.

The Royal Invitation” is a thirty-one day text devotional by Frances Havergal that will prompt your heart, mind, and soul to come to and give praise to the High King of Heaven. Also available in eBook formats


Image 97: The Gospel of Luke Video

Image 98: Glimpses of His Glory 2

Announcing the addition of new content to Glimpses of His Glory, a section of our site devoted to resources that may be of particular interest to those involved in women's ministry. We have added an audio Bible study entitled Against All Odds by Cheryl Brodersen. We hope you are blessed by this material.


Image 99: Glimpses of His Glory 1

Introducing Glimpses of His Glory, a new section of our site devoted to resources that may be of particular interest to those involved in women's ministry. Glimpses will feature a variety of audio and text-based resources, devotionals, guides assisting the study of women in Scripture, biographies, and missionary content. Expect content in this new area of BLB ministry to grow over the coming years. We have a lot of potential content and merely need the time to prepare it for the site.

Image 100: BLB Blog

Come visit the new Blue Letter Bible blog! Our new blog will be updated every weekday providing you with:

  • Tips and tools to maximize the fruitfulness of your study at Blue Letter Bible
  • Regular news updates about Blue Letter Bible’s ministry
  • Biblical commentaries, devotionals, and other resources
  • Regular articles on theology and doctrine
  • Articles highlighting martyrs, missionaries, and theologians (past and present)
  • Cultural commentary from a Biblical perspective
  • Links to ‘the best of the best’ content from other ministry websites that we find helpful
  • Book giveaways and other fun gifts from our ministry

We are pleased to announce the addition of new audio commentary, Rob Douglass Audio Commentary, a devotion of Psalm 139. Our heartfelt thanks to this contributor for providing this message to the Body of Christ.


We are pleased to announce the addition of William Smith's Bible Dictionary of 1884. This means that we now have ten dictionaries (with over 58,000 entries) available in our Dictionary Search! These dictionary entries have also been added to the D button for many, many verses.

We are pleased to announce the addition of new audio commentaries: According to Prophecy, an collection of audio studies on the end times by Donald Perkins. Our heartfelt thanks to this contributor for providing these messages to the Body of Christ.

Image 104: ScriptTagger

We're pleased to announce a new web tool for those of you who run blogs or church websites or, really, any website on which you reference scripture. The tool (what we're calling the BLB ScriptTagger) finds any Scripture reference on your site and creates a hover-over displaying the text of the referenced passage.

Like this: Deut 6:4-9 or John 3:16. Just roll your mouse over either of those references and you'll see what we mean.

The BLB ScriptTagger will create these automatically. All you have to do is add the reference. Once the script is in place (a one-time addition of, at minimum, a single line of code), you won't have to do anything to else to link these references. So check out the BLB ScriptTagger: easy to install and easier to use.

We are pleased to announce the addition of new audio commentaries: We Beheld His Glory, an exposition of the Gospel of John by Donald R. Smith. Our heartfelt thanks to this contributor for providing these messages to the Body of Christ.

Los Audios en español del pastor Chuck Smith están ahora disponibles en nuestra página web. Haga clic en AUDIO/VIDEO y luego en la palabra "Español" que está junto a "Smith, Chuck." Disfrútelos y sea edificado a través del estudio de versículo a versículo de la Palabra de Dios.

Translation: Spanish Audios of pastor Chuck Smith are now available on our website. Click on AUDIO/VIDEO and then on the word "Español" which is next to "Smith, Chuck." Enjoy them and be edified by the verse-by-verse study of the Word of God.

Image 107: BLB iPad App

After we put together the BLB app for the iPhone, we believed (silly us!) that it wouldn't be too much more trouble to port it over to iPad. A couple months of good hard work later and we've got the BLB iPad app ready to go.

Blackberry and Android users, please pray that God would offer provision and direction for the development of an app for your platforms. In the meantime, our Mobile version of the BLB, at m.blb.org, offers Blue Letter Bible tools designed specifically for mobile connections.

Image 108: History and Authenticity

Announcing the addition of a new class for the Blue Letter Bible Institute entitled History and Authenticity of the Bible by Dr. David Hocking.

This course will instruct BLBi students in topics such as the inspiration, the inerrancy, and the authority of God’s Word. This informative series will elicit bold confidence in the infallible Word of God.

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new series of text outlines on the book of Romans by Carl Westerlund. These 129 detailed outlines accompany the Romans audio commentary by the same author.

Announcing the addition of new Christian music. We have added new section called ‘Music’ found in the Hymns dropdown list. We have added our first contributing artist Sherri Youngward. Here is her offering on Psalm 1.

We are pleased to announce the addition of new audio commentaries:

  • 1 Chronicles audio commentary by Bob Davis
  • Studies on the books of Judges and 1 John by Kevin Otsuji
  • A study on the book of Habakkuk entitled "A Faith to Cling To" by Don Smith
  • And we have continued to add messages by Elisabeth Elliot

Our heartfelt thanks to all these contributors for providing these messages to the Body of Christ.

Image 112: BLB iPhone App

Introducing the BLB app for iPhone
Over the past couple months we've been hard at work on an iPhone application. Something that would carry over some of the unique tools the BLB offers onto Apple's popular device. And now, the BLB is available (for free!) for the iPhone from their App Store.

For more information, please see our BLB iPhone App page. This is just the start and we plan to continue to hone the program into something truly wonderful.

Image 113: Cómo usar la BLB en español

[Stream] | [Download]

Debido a que hemos comenzado a añadir material de estudio bíblico en español, creemos conveniente el presentar una introducción de cómo utilizar estas herramientas de estudio. Es así que, presentamos a continuación un video de tutoría en español.

[An English explanation: How to Use the BLB in Spanish. With the recent additions of several Spanish-language tools, we felt an introduction to using the site's tools for Spanish-speaking individuals might be helpful. With this in mind, we present the following Spanish-language video tutorial.]


Spanish Materials! More Spanish language materials have been added to the site. We have recently added an audio exposition of the Old Testament by Fausto Pflücker, Jr. in Spanish.

Hitchcock's Topical Analysis of Scripture. We are pleased to announce the addition of Hitchcock's Topical Analysis of Scripture to the site. The whole of the Old and New Testaments has been arranged into outlines according to subjects in twenty-seven books, and is designed to facilitate the study and to promote the better understanding of the word of God.

Improved Concordance Pages (with audio pronunciation!) We have improved the content of our Concordance and Lexicon pages with the addition of an original language pronunciation of each Strong's Number. Click play on the audio player in the Pronunciation box. Try it!

The Blue Letter Bible is now using Twitter and Facebook. We hope to use these platforms to encourage you in the Word, to interact with our users, and to keep you up to date with new additions to the site. Please feel free to join us on whichever of these tools you're already using:

Follow Us on TwitterJoin Us on Facebook

Spanish Materials! We are pleased to announce the addition of some Spanish language materials to the site. In addition to the Reina-Valera translation of the Bible (text and audio), we have recently added the following items.

  • J. Vernon McGee's audio series, Thru the Bible, translated into Spanish.
  • Xavier Ries' expositional commentary through the New Testament which was originally presented in Spanish.

We are pleased to announce the addition of five new audio series by Pastor Bill Foote of Saving Grace Community Church.

Introducing the Blue Letter Bible Bookstore where the net profits go to support evangelism around the world. Visit the store and see how you can decide where funds will go to support the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Blue Letter Bible Institute is pleased to present a new course entitled The History of Redemption. In this course we will see the unity of the Bible as it presents God's plan of salvation for mankind from Genesis to Revelation and review the general content of the books of the Bible for the purpose of integration and seeing thematic relationships. We will approach this survey of the Bible from two points of view: what God has done and is accomplishing in history and what God has spoken or revealed in terms of Scripture.

Blue Letter Bible for Smartphones is now available. Information on this new resource may be found here.

[No longer applicable]You may have noticed some slight differences in the Blue Letter Bible. We've recently completed a massive overhaul of the programming that crouches behind the page processing your requests and delivering you the information you're looking for. The good thing is that for the most part, you won't notice that anything has changed. The better thing is that most of the things you will notice are very nice improvements. There will, of course, be a thing or two to get used to, but we'll save that for the end. AOL browser users please click here.

Here are some of the features that you can now enjoy on the BLB:

My Preferred Bible:
You can set the BLB to default to the preferred version of your choice. Does your church use the ESV in its service? Now you can have the ESV as your normal Bible version. [SCREENSHOT]

Using Different Versions:
Up until now, you could only use our tools in conjunction with the KJV—while sliding over to the Reading Version in order to see the Bible in your translation of choice. No longer. Now you can look up verses in the NIV, check the concordance in the NKJV, and find cross-references in the NASB. Or whichever translation you choose. (And yes, the Reading Version is still available from the right-side nav bar.)[SCREENSHOT]

Improved Greek and Hebrew:
Now all three of our Greek texts feature accents and our Hebrew text features vowel points. As well, these original-language texts are presented in unicode as copy/pastable text, rather than as individual images.[SCREENSHOT]

A New Tab for Word Searches:
In addition to the Primary and Secondary Results tabs which we added last year, we've added a new LexiConc tab, automatically adding in the LexiConc search results and saving your time as you search the Scriptures in your study time.[SCREENSHOT]

Subscribe to Devotionals:
Whereas previously you could only subscribe to Bob Hoekstra's Day by Day by Grace devotional, now subscriptions are available to our BLB Daily Promises and Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotionals as well.

Of course we realize that not everyone takes to change as well as others. Some will find things like the absence of the Old Search (which we've been gradually phasing out since April of 2007) disorienting. In order to help you better survive this change, we've prepared this short video comparing the Old Search with the current one. Our aim is to point out the difference and help you to see how the new search may actually be easier for you to manage than the old.

Blue Letter Bible CDs may be requested online. Not just for missionaries, the BLB CD is designed for software based Bible study. It operates as a stand alone tool for any one, at any time, and any where a personal computer can be used. We invite you to request a copy today!

The Blue Letter Bible Institute is pleased to present Servanthood. This course of study is composed of thirty-two lessons primarily taught and moderated by Chuck Smith. It also includes various guest speakers who represent untold decades of pastoral experience and insight. It is the intention of each instructor to accomplish the goal of leadership by, "equipping the saints for the work of ministry" (cf. Ephesians 4:12). The course content defines essential elements of Christian maturity that range from personal brokenness and humility, to holiness and spiritual boldness. Every believer will benefit from studying the many aspects of servanthood that are examined herein.

Now that the New Year has begun, it may be a good time to start up a Bible Reading Plan. You can either simply visit today's reading, or sign up to keep track of your progress so you'll always know right where to start. Each Bible reading is available in both text and audio.


The Jewish Festival of Hanukkah is now going on from sunset on 12/4/2007 through sunset of 12/12/2007. What is this festival? Is is Biblical? Dr. David Hocking answers this question in his message, What is Hanukkah? You can download it to play on your local device.

In honor of Reformation Day. The preservation of the gospel of Christ is always worth celebrating, now as in any era. In 1517, one such notable defense was carried out by Martin Luther as he strove to return the church to purity of faith in the midst of growing corruption. His challenge to draw the church from the interference of merely human influences and back to a life founded upon the Word of God was issued in the form of ninety-five theses. In honor of the 31st of October's Reformation Day (a day meant to celebrate the preservation of the glorious gospel of our salvation), we present Luther's Ninety-Five Theses. In addition, here is an mp3 audio message on Reformation Day, by Pastor Kevin Otsuji of Reverence Bible Church.

We are pleased to announce the availability to order online the Blue Letter Bible CD designed for missionaries and others who have either limited or non-existent Internet access. Due to the space limitations of a CD, this software does not offer quite so robust a study experience as our website offers. For example, due to copyright restrictions, the CD does not contain the more modern Bible translations. However, the principle study tools are present. We hope that you, as missionaries, will find our tools useful to your ministries and personal studies. Each week we will make a limited amount of CDs available so that we can ensure we have the available resources to fulfill the orders. If you miss this opportunity, check back with us next week.

New! As part of our Blue Letter Bible Institute, we now offer printable Certificates of Completion for every course completed with a grade of C or better. Students may access their certificate in the Student Center.

[Outdated] Good news for those of you who have wanted the version-searching capabilities of our new Bible search but missed some of the nuances of our old search tool! We've made a concerted effort over the last weeks to work those features back into our new search program in order to eliminate your need to continue using the Prefer Old Search link. NOTE: if pages look odd, your browser may be using old formatting instructions. Try hitting Ctrl-F5 to make certain you're using the most up-to-date formatting.

First and foremost, we've added in the ability to view secondary results for your multiple word searches. Go ahead, give it a try, run a search for Jesus faith love Siloam. You'll note that there are no verses in Scripture that match your request. Now if you haven't already done so, click on the tab that says Secondary Results. This will display all combinations of your search terms to help you find the verse you had in mind—just like in the old search tool.

image of Secondary Results tab

Next, we've heard the pleas of those who prefer point-and-click navigation to find Scripture references and brought that back as well. Even more, we determined to make it more friendly to those who suffer handicaps that make typing difficult. You should notice immediately above the search box, the term (abbreviations). Simply click on this to bring up our new drop-down menu—from which you may click to enter your entire Scripture reference (no more scrolling to find the book name you're looking for!).

image of abbreviation button

Lastly, we've reintroduced the ability to view Strong's numbers with your word searches. You'll note that when word-searching in the KJV or NASB, we've added a small checkbox through which you can toggle on or off the inclusion of linked Strong's numbers. This feature is only available in the KJV and NASB, and will appear greyed out in other translations.

image of Strong's toggle

We hope you enjoy these additions!

The Blue Letter Bible Institute is pleased to present The Attributes of God by Dr. David Hocking of Hope For Today. This sixteen-part course that examines the characteristics and nature of Almighty God, as revealed in the Scriptures. Dr. Hocking conveys the fact that knowing God is the highest pursuit of human life. There is no better source than the Bible for learning about God’s ways and this course is replete with His Word. Answers are found to questions such as: Why should we worship God? What does it mean to fear the Lord? How can we understand the Trinity? These topics and a multitude of others are thoroughly discussed in the course material. There is nothing more important than having a personal relationship with the sovereign Creator. It is our hope that these classes will promote a vital, spiritual growth and maturity in the heart of every student. This class is available through the text or the audio version, and we encourage you to enroll today.Be sure to visit the Blue Letter Bible Institute (BLBi), which currently has a total of ten courses for your study of God’s Word. All the courses are free and may be completed at your convenience.

You may have noticed that we've changed our search tool a little bit. You can now search for word/phrase combinations and for verses from the same search box. It may take a little practice to get used to, but we are confident that once you do, you'll be enjoying our much more powerful search engine. Moreover, you can now search from any of our available Bible translations. We've also prepared an article so that you can learn more about some of the new features available with this change. And if you really don't like change at all and want to use the old search engine until you become more comfortable with the new one, just click on the text above that says, "Prefer the old search?"

As we remember Christ's resurrection this season, we are happy to inform you that we have just added four studies by John Walvoord on Jesus' resurrection and ascension. This series, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, consists of four articles by the late Dr. Walvoord that were originally published in the Bibliotheca Sacra journal. Many thanks to Dallas Theological Seminary for granting us permission to use these studies.

We are pleased to announce the addition of new audio commentaries:

  • New Testament audio commentary by Joe Focht of Calvary Chapel Philadelphia
  • Studies on the books of Judges, Mark, and Hebrews by Steve Mays of Calvary Chapel South Bay
  • A study on the book of Job by Don Smith of the Evangelical Free Church of Laguna Hills
  • A detailed exposition of the book of Romans by Carl Westerlund of the Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduate School
  • And we have continued to add messages by Elisabeth Elliot

Our heartfelt thanks to all these contributors for providing these messages to the Body of Christ.


We are pleased to announce the addition of some specific content geared to our female users. We have added several messages by Elisabeth Elliot. This is just a taste of what is to come, as several more messages are being remastered and prepared for inclusion on the Blue Letter Bible. Our heartfelt thanks to Elisabeth and her family for providing these messages to the Body of Christ.

The Blue Letter Bible Institute is pleased to present Searching for the Truth on Origins by Roger Oakland of Understand the Times, International. This twelve-part course addresses the controversy surrounding the origin and history of life from the opposing views of both Creationists and Evolutionists. The course discusses topics such as: how and when life began, the possibilities of life resulting from random processes, inaccuracies in evolutionary evidence of the fossil record, and the probabilities that our planet experienced a catastrophic flood as recorded in the book of Genesis. The course reveals the impact of the evolutionary view on human morality and spirituality, speaking from a biblical worldview and presenting examples from current events. Be sure to visit the Blue Letter Bible Institute (BLBi), which currently has a total of nine courses for your study of God's Word. All the courses are free and may be completed at your convenience.

We have recently added the English Standard Version (ESV) to the Blue Letter Bible. The ESV is a new Bible version that employs an essentially literal translation while paying attention to literary excellence and readability. See Isaiah 53 for an example of the ESV. Thank you to Good News Publishers/Crossway Books for allowing us to use the ESV. Visit the ESV website for more information on the translation.

The New International Version (NIV) has been added as an additional reading version. See Philippians 2 for an example of the NIV. Thank you to the International Bible Society for permission to utilize the NIV.

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new text commentaries. First, Alfred Edersheim's classic volume Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ. This author transports the reader into the land and life of Palestine during the time of Jesus, providing a deeply colorful context for understanding the New Testament. Secondly, we present a fine study on the book of Job by Pastor Donald R. Smith called The God of the Whirlwind: God's Supremacy in Job's Trials. In the study, Pastor Don Smith exhorts us to “love and trust God even in our adversity because He first loved us and entrusted us with His grace.”

We are happy to announce that David Guzik's Study Guides have been updated and expanded. Guzik's Study Guides are one of the more popular commentaries on our site and with the recent updates they now cover nearly the entire Bible. We would like to extend a special thanks to David Guzik and Enduring Word for sharing this resource with us.

Earlier in this year we added the New Testament portion of J. Vernon McGee's Through the Bible study. We are pleased to announce that the Old Testament section has now been added and so J. Vernon McGee's entire 5-year study from Genesis to Revelation is now available. Thanks to Thru The Bible Radio for allowing us the opportunity to utilize Dr. McGee's materials!

Pastor Chuck Smith's series on the Holy Spirit entitled The Person and Gifts of the Holy Spirit is now available on the Blue Letter Bible. You may enroll in the Blue Letter Bible Institute course, listen to the audio, or even read it as a text commentary.

Some terrific new audio studies have been added:

Two new resources by Pastor Chuck Smith have been added to the site. Chuck Smith's Sermon Notes and Transcriptions of the C2000 Series join the existing Study Guides on the Blue Letter Bible.


The new year brings a new tool for the Blue Letter Bible: the Daily Bible Reading Program. Now you can use the Blue Letter Bible to assist you in reading through the Bible in a year's time. You can choose between different translations and different reading plans. We are releasing this tool as beta, which means that we are relying upon user input to make the program work nicely and easily for our users.

We are pleased to announce the addition of Gesenius's Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament. Gesenius's Lexicon is a standard reference work for students of the Old Testament. This version, translated by Tregelles (with additional notes) is available through the BLB lexicon. For more information on accessing the BLB lexicon, see the help tutorial. To view an example, see the word checed (mercy).

Martin Luther's classic Commentary on Galatians is now available on the BLB. Luther's work on Paul's epistle to the Galatians and his understanding of justification by faith is what helped ignite the Protestant Reformation.

New audio commentaries added! Brian Brodersen, Damian Kyle, Dave Shirley, and Bob Davis join nineteen other audio commentators and are available via the Audio/Video button on the navigation bar.

"Can You Lose Your Salvation" is one of several topical audio messages by the late Dr. Walter Martin that have been added to the site.


We have just updated The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK). This includes a revision of the content as well as a new system of displaying the data for ease and convenience. See the TSK entry for Philippians 4:8 as an example. There is also a help tutorial designed to show how to access and use the TSK.

We have just added over 200 additional sermons by Charles H. Spurgeon.

We recently added The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of the Trinity by Robert Bowman, which, we are confident, will be a blessing to all those who read it.

As we remember Christ's death and resurrection this season, we hope that you will enjoy our newest addition to the site: The Passion of Our Lord. This is a ten-minute image player of thirty-three engravings and related audio reading of the scripture, depicting Christ's Passion Week. The player utilizes the free Macromedia Flash Player, which is usually pre-installed with your browser. For those using broadband Internet connection, it is approximately a ten-second download; for those using a dial-up connection it is approximately a four-minute download.

Two new courses are available at the Blue Letter Bible Institute (BLBi):

  • Christology: a fourteen part course covering the study of the doctrine regarding the Lord Jesus Christ. This course is taught by Dr. David Hocking (Hope for Today).
  • Survey of the Bible 2 (Isaiah-Malachi): the second installment of three courses surveying the Holy Canon. This installment covering the prophetic books of the Old Testament was taught by late Pastor Ray Stedman (Ray Stedman Memorial Library).

The BLBi now has a total of six courses for your study of God's Word. Visit the BLBi at blbi.org.

Added The Fundamentals edited by R.A. Torrey. The Fundamentals is a compilation of 96 articles on the fundamentals of the faith.

We have added MP3 versions of three translations, performed by world renown voice actor, Stephen Johnston. Available are the New King James Version (dramatized), the New Living Translation (dramatized) and the King James Version (narrated). There is an audio link on each of the Bible pages for these translations. Please note that these are subject to copyright and are at this time only available for web streaming. We ask you to respect the copyright.

We are making some changes to the look and feel of the website. The changes will be gradually implemented in different sections of the site, as there are literally hundreds of thousands of pages to change. We ask for your indulgence during the update. Our goal is to provide a consistent appearance across all the pages. Pray for us, please!

We added the New Living Translation in verse format as a companion to the paragraph format. On any main Bible page just use the new "Read / Print Another Version" to select the NLT and there will be a buttom to switch to the verse formatting. We changed the name of this function from "printer-friendly" because it was far more than that. You can read about a dozen versions including the Hebrew and Greek, whether you want to print them or not. And you can now listen to the chapter in three different translations. So we made them more nicely formatted for both reading and print purposes.

Revised the King James Dictionary to be keyword searchable. The King James Dictionary contains 837 words and phrases to help the reader deal with somewhat archaic words and phrases like: espy, gird or whet.

Our newest course, Survey of the Bible 1 (Genesis-Song), is available on the Net Bible Institute, brought to you by Blue Letter Bible. Our vision is to provide an in-depth course of study about the Bible and Christianity. We currently have three other courses available: Matthew, Growing in the Grace of God, and God's Sufficiency for Godly Living. Visit the Net Bible Institute at blbi.org.

Added the International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia to our list of Study Tools. This multi-volume work was edited by James Orr, and features an entry on every word in the Bible which has a distinct Scriptural meaning.


Two audio series on How to Witness to Mormons and How to Witness to Jehovah's Witnesses by Dr. Walter Martin complement his series on Hermeneutics.

Added new commentaries:

J.B. Lightfoot's essays on St. Paul's History After the Close of Acts and Chronology of St. Paul.

Pastor John Brown's text commentaries and audio commentaries on Nehemiah, Hosea and Jonah.

Added the New King James Version for reading.

The Blue Letter Bible has obtained a 1653 Polyglot Bible with ancient Bible texts in Hebrew (interlinear with Latin), Samaritan, Greek, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, and Persic. The possibilities are endless! Please be in prayer for both time and resources to take advantage of this vast 6000 page reference.

Our newest course, God's Sufficiency for Godly Living, is available on the Net Bible Institute, brought to you by Blue Letter Bible. Our vision is to provide an in-depth course of study about the Bible and Christianity. We currently have two other courses available: Matthew and Growing in the Grace of God. Visit the Net Bible Institute at blbi.org.

The Hermeneutics audio tape series by Dr. Walter Martin is a fantastic twelve part series on how to interpret Scripture! The class is presented in the context of Scripture twisting by the cults.

Explore the latest additions to our Study Tools section: Exposé on Jehovah's Witnesses and Exposé of Mormonism.

Announcing the Net Bible Institute, brought to you by Blue Letter Bible. Our vision is to provide an in-depth course of study about the Bible and Christianity. We currently have two courses available: Matthew and Growing in the Grace of God. Visit the Net Bible Institute at www.blueletterbible.org.

New Word Search Option: combine English and Strong's numbers for Greek or Hebrew. Mix and match up to 5 total. Example: lov* 5368 searches for all appearances of words starting with "lov" combined with Strongs Number 5368 (= Phileo or love)

New Word Search Option: combine English and Strong's numbers for Greek or Hebrew. Mix and match up to 5 total. Example: lov* 5368 searches for all appearances of words starting with "lov" combined with Strongs Number 5368 (= Phileo or love)


Sir Isaac Newton's Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John is the latest addition to our text commentaries.

New Word / Phrase Search Feature: the wildcard (*) can be used after 3 letters to find more search results: Example lov*

Enjoy our new Study Tools Section! Filled with charts and study guides to assist the student of Scripture, this section will help to put biblical events into better perspective.

Daily Bible Promise. Each day of the year, read a different promise from the Bible!

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Daily Devotionals

Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness.

Daily Bible Reading Plans

Recognizing the value of consistent reflection upon the Word of God in order to refocus one's mind and heart upon Christ and His Gospel of peace, we provide several reading plans designed to cover the entire Bible in a year.

One-Year Plans

Two-Year Plan


The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.