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TWOT Reference: 510
Strong's Number H2005 matches the Hebrew הֵן (hēn),
which occurs 12 times in 12 verses in 'Exo'
in the WLC Hebrew.
Moses answered, “What if they won’t believe me and will not obey me but say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you’? ”
Pharaoh also said, “Look, the people of the land are so numerous, and you would stop them from their labor.”
But Moses said in the LORD’s presence, “If the Israelites will not listen to me, then how will Pharaoh listen to me, since I am such a poor speaker? ”[fn]
But Moses replied in the LORD’s presence, “Since I am such a poor speaker, how will Pharaoh listen to me? ”
But Moses said, “It would not be right[fn] to do that, because what we will sacrifice to the LORD our God is detestable to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice what the Egyptians detest in front of them, won’t they stone us?
“Tomorrow at this time I will rain down the worst hail that has ever occurred in Egypt from the day it was founded until now.
“But if you refuse to let my people go, then tomorrow I will bring locusts into your territory.
“As for me, I am going to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them, and I will receive glory by means of Pharaoh, all his army, and his chariots and horsemen.
Then the LORD said to Moses, “I am going to rain bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. This way I will test them to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.
“I am going to stand there in front of you on the rock at Horeb; when you hit the rock, water will come out of it and the people will drink.” Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel.
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