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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 9:220,1277
Trench's Synonyms: lxxv. σοφία, φρόνησις, γνῶσις, ἐπίγνωσις.
Strong's Number G5428 matches the Greek φρόνησις (phronēsis),
which occurs 36 times in 35 verses
in the LXX Greek.
When all the Amorite kings across the Jordan to the west and all the Canaanite kings near the sea heard how the LORD had dried up the water of the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed over, they lost heart and their courage failed because of the Israelites.
All Israel heard about the judgment the king had given, and they stood in awe of the king because they saw that God’s wisdom was in him to carry out justice.
God gave Solomon wisdom, very great insight, and understanding as vast as the sand on the seashore.
Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East, greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.
She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your words and about your wisdom is true.
“How happy are your men.[fn] How happy are these servants of yours, who always stand in your presence hearing your wisdom.
The whole world wanted an audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom that God had put in his heart.
The rest of the events of Solomon’s reign, along with all his accomplishments and his wisdom, are written in the Book of Solomon’s Events.
He traps the wise in their craftiness
so that the plans of the deceptive
are quickly brought to an end.
As shameful conduct is pleasure for a fool,
so wisdom is for a person of understanding.
A patient person shows great understanding,
but a quick-tempered one promotes foolishness.
Get wisdom —
how much better it is than gold!
And get understanding —
it is preferable to silver.
The one who acquires good sense[fn] loves himself;
one who safeguards understanding finds success.
I am more stupid than any other person,[fn]
and I lack a human’s ability to understand.
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the whole earth.
He never becomes faint or weary;
there is no limit to his understanding.
No one comes to his senses;[fn]
no one has the perception or insight to say,
“I burned half of it in the fire,
I also baked bread on its coals,
I roasted meat and ate.
Should I make something detestable with the rest of it?
Should I bow down to a block of wood? ”
He made the earth by his power,
established the world by his wisdom,
and spread out the heavens by his understanding.
By your wisdom and understanding you have acquired wealth for yourself. You have acquired gold and silver for your treasuries.
young men without any physical defect, good-looking, suitable for instruction in all wisdom, knowledgeable, perceptive, and capable of serving in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the Chaldean language and literature.
God gave these four young men knowledge and understanding in every kind of literature and wisdom. Daniel also understood visions and dreams of every kind.
He changes the times and seasons;
he removes kings and establishes kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those
who have understanding.
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