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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 6:63,828
Strong's Number G4050 matches the Greek περισσεία (perisseia),
which occurs 12 times in 11 verses
in the LXX Greek.
And I realized that there is an advantage to wisdom over folly, like the advantage of light over darkness.
This too is a sickening tragedy: exactly as he comes, so he will go. What does the one gain who struggles for the wind?
What advantage then does the wise person have over the fool? What advantage is there for the poor person who knows how to conduct himself before others?
because wisdom is protection as silver is protection;
but the advantage of knowledge
is that wisdom preserves the life of its owner.
If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen its edge,
then one must exert more strength;
however, the advantage of wisdom is that it brings success.
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