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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 5:858,791
Strong's Number G3918 matches the Greek πάρειμι (pareimi),
which occurs 23 times in 23 verses
in the LXX Greek.
God came to Balaam at night and said to him, “Since these men have come to summon you, get up and go with them, but you must only do what I tell you.”
“Vengeance and retribution belong to me.[fn]
In time their foot will slip,
for their day of disaster is near,
and their doom is coming quickly.”
Then her husband got up and followed her to speak kindly to her and bring her back. He had his servant with him and a pair of donkeys. So she brought him to her father’s house, and when the girl’s father saw him, he gladly welcomed him.
“Look,” the servant said, “there’s a man of God in this city who is highly respected; everything he says is sure to come true. Let’s go there now. Maybe he’ll tell us which way we should go.”
Jonadab said to the king, “Look, the king’s sons have come! It’s exactly like your servant said.”
while all his servants marched past him. Then all the Cherethites, the Pelethites, and the people of Gath— six hundred men who came with him from there — marched past the king.
So David again inquired of God, and God answered him, “Do not pursue them directly. Circle around them and attack them opposite the balsam trees.
The king’s command and law went into effect on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month Adar. On the day when the Jews’ enemies had hoped to overpower them, just the opposite happened. The Jews overpowered those who hated them.
The LORD asked Satan, “Where have you come from? ”
“From roaming through the earth,” Satan answered him, “and walking around on it.”
The LORD asked Satan, “Where have you come from? ”
“From roaming through the earth,” Satan answered him, “and walking around on it.”
The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me.
LORD, your faithful love endures forever;
do not abandon the work of your hands.
“when terror strikes you like a storm
and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,
when trouble and stress overcome you.
“this iniquity of yours will be
like a crumbling gap,
a bulge in a high wall
whose collapse will come in an instant — suddenly!
“Therefore my people will know my name;
therefore they will know on that day
that I am he who says,
‘Here I am.’ ”
“At that time, when you call, the LORD will answer;
when you cry out, he will say, ‘Here I am.’
If you get rid of the yoke among you,
the finger-pointing and malicious speaking,
Our steps were closely followed
so that we could not walk in our streets.
Our end approached; our time ran out.
Our end had come!
Blow the ram’s horn in Zion;
sound the alarm on my holy mountain!
Let all the residents of the land tremble,
for the day of the LORD is coming;
in fact, it is near —
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