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TDNT Reference: 1:6,*
Strong's Number G2535 matches the Greek Κάϊν (kain),
which occurs 16 times in 13 verses
in the LXX Greek.
The man was intimate with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. She said, “I have had a male child with the LORD’s help.”[fn]
She also gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel became a shepherd of flocks, but Cain worked the ground.
In the course of time Cain presented some of the land’s produce as an offering to the LORD.
but he did not have regard for Cain and his offering. Cain was furious, and he looked despondent.
Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.”[fn] And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel? ”
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s guardian? ”
Then the LORD replied to him, “In that case,[fn] whoever kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” And he placed a mark on Cain so that whoever found him would not kill him.
Then Cain went out from the LORD’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[fn] east of Eden.
Cain was intimate with his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. Then Cain became the builder of a city, and he named the city Enoch after his son.
If Cain is to be avenged seven times over,
then for Lamech it will be seventy-seven times!
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