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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 1:18,3
Trench's Synonyms: lxiii. ἀγαθωσύνη, χρηστότης.
Strong's Number G19 matches the Greek ἀγαθωσύνη (agathōsynē),
which occurs 13 times in 13 verses
in the LXX Greek.
They did not show kindness to the house of Jerubbaal (that is, Gideon) for all the good he had done for Israel.
He was buried in the city of David with the kings because he had done what was good in Israel with respect to God and his temple.
They captured fortified cities and fertile land
and took possession of well-supplied houses,
cisterns cut out of rock, vineyards,
olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance.
They ate, were filled,
became prosperous, and delighted in your great goodness.
When they were in their kingdom,
with your abundant goodness that you gave them,
and in the spacious and fertile land you set before them,
they would not serve you or turn from their wicked ways.
I also arranged for the donation of wood at the appointed times and for the firstfruits.
Remember me, my God, with favor.
There is a person without a companion,[fn] without even a son or brother, and though there is no end to all his struggles, his eyes are still not content with riches. “Who am I struggling for,” he asks, “and depriving myself of good things? ” This too is futile and a miserable task.
When good things increase, the ones who consume them multiply; what, then, is the profit to the owner, except to gaze at them with his eyes?
Here is what I have seen to be good: It is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labor one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward.
A man may father a hundred children and live many years. No matter how long he lives,[fn] if he is not satisfied by good things and does not even have a proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he.
And if a person lives a thousand years twice, but does not experience happiness, do not both go to the same place?
In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity, consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that no one can discover anything that will come after him.
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