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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 2:828,286
Strong's Number G1777 matches the Greek ἔνοχος (enochos),
which occurs 17 times in 16 verses
in the LXX Greek.
So Abimelech warned all the people, “Whoever harms this man or his wife will certainly be put to death.”
“But if this happens after sunrise, the householder is guilty of bloodshed. A thief must make full restitution. If he is unable, he is to be sold because of his theft.
maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.
“If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. He has cursed his father or mother; his death is his own fault.[fn]
“If a man sleeps with his daughter-in-law, both of them must be put to death. They have acted perversely; their death is their own fault.
“If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed a detestable act. They must be put to death; their death is their own fault.
“If a woman approaches any animal and mates with it, you are to kill the woman and the animal. They must be put to death; their death is their own fault.
“A man or a woman who is[fn] a medium or a spiritist must be put to death. They are to be stoned; their death is their own fault.”
“The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in faithful love, forgiving iniquity and rebellion. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children to the third and fourth generation.
“and the avenger of blood finds him outside the border of his city of refuge and kills him, the avenger will not be guilty of bloodshed,
“You are not to accept a ransom for the life of someone who is guilty of murder; he must be put to death.
“In this way, innocent blood will not be shed, and you will not become guilty of bloodshed in the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.
“If anyone goes out the doors of your house, his death will be his own fault, and we will be innocent. But if anyone with you in the house should be harmed, his death will be our fault.
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