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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 7:609,1077
Strong's Number G4732 matches the Greek στερεόω (stereoō),
which occurs 19 times in 19 verses
in the LXX Greek.
Hannah prayed:
My heart rejoices in the LORD;
my horn is lifted up by the LORD.
My mouth boasts over my enemies,
because I rejoice in your salvation.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy
and from those who hated me,
for they were too strong for me.
The heavens were made by the word of the LORD,
and all the stars, by the breath of his mouth.
“When the earth and all its inhabitants shake,
I am the one who steadies its pillars.Selah
The LORD reigns! He is robed in majesty;
the LORD is robed, enveloped in strength.
The world is firmly established;
it cannot be shaken.
This is what God, the LORD, says —
who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread out the earth and what comes from it,
who gives breath to the people on it
and spirit to those who walk on it —
This is what the LORD, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb, says:
I am the LORD, who made everything;
who stretched out the heavens by myself;
who alone spread out the earth;
“I made the earth,
and created humans on it.
It was my hands that stretched out the heavens,
and I commanded everything in them.
“My own hand founded the earth,
and my right hand spread out the heavens;
when I summoned them,
they stood up together.
Look up to the heavens,
and look at the earth beneath;
for the heavens will vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment,
and its inhabitants will die like gnats.[fn]
But my salvation will last forever,
and my righteousness will never be shattered.
LORD, don’t your eyes look for faithfulness?
You have struck them, but they felt no pain.
You finished them off,
but they refused to accept discipline.
They made their faces harder than rock,
and they refused to return.
He decorates it with silver and gold.
It is fastened with hammer and nails,
so it won’t totter.
By the ninth day of the fourth month the famine was so severe in the city that the common people had no food.
He has strung his bow like an enemy;
his right hand is positioned like an adversary.
He has killed everyone who was the delight to the eye,
pouring out his wrath like fire
on the tent of Daughter Zion.
I have been the LORD your God
ever since[fn] the land of Egypt;
you know no God but me,
and no Savior exists besides me.
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