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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
Strong's Number G3756 matches the Greek οὐ (ou),
which occurs 68 times in 55 verses in 'Rev'
in the TR Greek.
Page 1 / 2 (Rev 2:2–Rev 21:22)
“I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars.
“I know that you have persevered and endured hardships for the sake of my name, and you have not grown weary.
“I know your[fn] affliction and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
“Let anyone who has ears to hear listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will never be harmed by the second death.
“I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to repent of her sexual immorality.
“I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who haven’t known “the so-called secrets[fn] of Satan” — as they say — I am not putting any other burden on you.
“Remember, then, what you have received and heard; keep it, and repent. If you are not alert, I will come[fn] like a thief, and you have no idea at what hour I will come upon you.
“In the same way, the one who conquers will be dressed in white clothes, and I will never erase his name from the book of life but will acknowledge his name before my Father and before his angels.
“I know your works. Look, I have placed before you an open door that no one can close because you have but little power; yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
“Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.
“The one who conquers I will make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will never go out again. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God — the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God — and my new name.
“For you say, ‘I’m rich; I have become wealthy and need nothing,’ and you don’t realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.
Each of the four living creatures had six wings; they were covered with eyes around and inside. Day and night they never stop,[fn] saying,
Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God, the Almighty,
who was, who is, and who is to come.
They cried out with a loud voice, “Lord,[fn] the one who is holy and true, how long until you judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood? ”
They will no longer hunger;
they will no longer thirst;
the sun will no longer strike them,
nor will any scorching heat.
They were told not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green plant, or any tree, but only those people who do not have God’s seal on their foreheads.
In those days people will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.
The rest of the people, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands to stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see, hear, or walk.
And they did not repent of their murders, their sorceries, their sexual immorality, or their thefts.
He swore by the one who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, “There will no longer be a delay,
And some of[fn] the peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will view their bodies for three and a half days and not permit their bodies to be put into a tomb.
They conquered him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
for they did not love their lives
to the point of death.
These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, since they remained virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were redeemed[fn] from humanity as the firstfruits for God and the Lamb.
“and the smoke of their torment will go up forever and ever. There is no rest[fn] day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or anyone who receives the mark of its name.
Lord, who will not fear
and glorify your name?
For you alone are holy.
All the nations will come
and worship before you
because your righteous acts
have been revealed.
and people were scorched by the intense heat. So they blasphemed the name of God, who has the power[fn] over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory.
and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they did not repent of their works.
There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder. And a severe earthquake occurred like no other since people have been on the earth, so great was the quake.
“The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up from the abyss and go to destruction. Those who live on the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast that was, and is not, and is to come.
“The beast that was and is not, is itself an eighth king, but it belongs to the seven and is going to destruction.
As much as she glorified herself and indulged her sensual and excessive ways,
give her that much torment and grief.
For she says in her heart,
“I sit as a queen;
I am not a widow,
and I will never see grief.”
The fruit you craved has left you.
All your splendid and glamorous things are gone;
they will never find them again.
Then a mighty angel picked up a stone like a large millstone and threw it into the sea, saying,
In this way, Babylon the great city
will be thrown down violently
and never be found again.
The sound of harpists, musicians,
flutists, and trumpeters
will never be heard in you again;
no craftsman of any trade
will ever be found in you again;
the sound of a mill
will never be heard in you again;
the light of a lamp
will never shine in you again;
and the voice of a groom and bride
will never be heard in you again.
All this will happen
because your merchants
were the nobility of the earth,
because all the nations were deceived
by your sorcery.
Then I saw thrones, and people seated on them who were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and who had not accepted the mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed.
This is the first resurrection.
Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! The second death has no power[fn] over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.
Then I saw a great white throne and one seated on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them.
And anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things[fn] have passed away.
1. Rev 2:2–Rev 21:22
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