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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 7:638,1082
Strong's Number G2476 matches the Greek ἵστημι (histēmi),
which occurs 587 times in 550 verses
in the LXX Greek.
Page 1 / 11 (Gen 6:18–Exo 17:9)
“But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark with your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives.
“I establish my covenant with you that never again will every creature be wiped out by floodwaters; there will never again be a flood to destroy the earth.”
From there he moved on to the hill country east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. He built an altar to the LORD there, and he called on the name of the LORD.
“I will confirm my covenant that is between me and you and your future offspring throughout their generations. It is a permanent covenant to be your God and the God of your offspring after you.
But God said, “No. Your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac.[fn] I will confirm my covenant with him as a permanent covenant for his future offspring.
“But I will confirm my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this time next year.”
He looked up, and he saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the entrance of the tent to meet them, bowed to the ground,
The men turned from there and went toward Sodom while Abraham remained standing before the LORD.[fn]
As soon as the angels got them outside, one of them[fn] said, “Run for your lives! Don’t look back and don’t stop anywhere on the plain! Run to the mountains, or you will be swept away! ”
So Ephron’s field at Machpelah near Mamre — the field with its cave and all the trees anywhere within the boundaries of the field — became
“I am standing here at the spring where the daughters of the men of the town are coming out to draw water.
As soon as he had seen the ring and the bracelets on his sister’s wrists, and when he had heard his sister Rebekah’s words — “The man said this to me! ” — he went to the man. He was standing there by the camels at the spring.
Laban said, “Come, you who are blessed by the LORD. Why are you standing out here? I have prepared the house and a place for the camels.”
“stay in this land as an alien, and I will be with you and bless you. For I will give all these lands to you and your offspring, and I will confirm the oath that I swore to your father Abraham.
Early in the morning Jacob took the stone that was near his head and set it up as a marker. He poured oil on top of it
“This stone that I have set up as a marker will be God’s house, and I will give to you a tenth of all that you give me.”
And she conceived again, gave birth to a son, and said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” Therefore she named him Judah.[fn] Then Leah stopped having children.
When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took her slave Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife.
Jacob separated the lambs and made the flocks face the streaked sheep and the completely dark sheep in Laban’s flocks. Then he set his own stock apart and didn’t put them with Laban’s sheep.
When Laban overtook Jacob, Jacob had pitched his tent in the hill country, and Laban and his relatives also pitched their tents in the hill country of Gilead.
Then Laban said, “This mound is a witness between you and me today.” Therefore the place was called Galeed
He purchased a section of the field where he had pitched his tent from the sons of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for a hundred pieces of silver.[fn]
Jacob set up a marker at the place where he had spoken to him — a stone marker. He poured a drink offering on it and poured oil on it.
Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Joseph left Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout the land of Egypt.
“I will be responsible for him. You can hold me personally accountable![fn] If I do not bring him back to you and set him before you, I will be guilty before you forever.
The men took this gift, double the amount of silver, and Benjamin. They immediately went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.
“Your servant became accountable to my father for the boy, saying, ‘If I do not return him to you, I will always bear the guilt for sinning against you, my father.’
Joseph then brought his father Jacob and presented him to Pharaoh, and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
“Do not come closer,” he said. “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
So Zipporah took a flint, cut off her son’s foreskin, threw it at Moses’s feet, and said, “You are a bridegroom of blood to me! ”
So he let him alone. At that time she said, “You are a bridegroom of blood,” referring to the circumcision.
“I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land they lived in as aliens.
“Go to Pharaoh in the morning. When you see him walking out to the water, stand ready to meet him by the bank of the Nile. Take in your hand the staff that turned into a snake.
The LORD said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning and present yourself to Pharaoh when you see him going out to the water. Tell him: This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship[fn] me.
The magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were on the magicians as well as on all the Egyptians.
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning and present yourself to Pharaoh. Tell him: This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me.
But Moses said to the people, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the LORD’s salvation that he will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again.
Then the angel of God, who was going in front of the Israelite forces, moved and went behind them. The pillar of cloud moved from in front of them and stood behind them.
It came between the Egyptian and Israelite forces. There was cloud and darkness, it lit up the night, and neither group came near the other all night long.
“I am going to stand there in front of you on the rock at Horeb; when you hit the rock, water will come out of it and the people will drink.” Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel.
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