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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 2:503,227
Trench's Synonyms: xxi. σύρω, ἕλκω.
Strong's Number G1670 matches the Greek ἕλκω (helkō),
which occurs 16 times in 16 verses
in the LXX Greek.
“The elders of the city nearest to the victim are to get a young cow that has not been yoked or used for work.
The possessions in his house will be removed,
flowing away on the day of God’s anger.
Can you hold the wild ox to a furrow by its harness?
Will it plow the valleys behind you?
he lurks in secret like a lion in a thicket.
He lurks in order to seize a victim;
he seizes a victim and drags him in his net.
Singing songs to a troubled heart
is like taking off clothing on a cold day
or like pouring vinegar on soda.[fn]
I explored with my mind the pull of wine on my body — my mind still guiding me with wisdom — and how to grasp folly, until I could see what is good for people to do under heaven[fn] during the few days of their lives.
Take me with you — let’s hurry.
Oh, that the king would bring[fn] me to his chambers.
We will rejoice and be glad in you;
we will celebrate your caresses more than wine.
It is only right that they adore you.
Does an ax exalt itself
above the one who chops with it?
Does a saw magnify itself
above the one who saws with it?
It would be like a rod waving the ones who lift[fn] it!
It would be like a staff lifting the one who isn’t wood!
Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights
panting for air like jackals.
Their eyes fail
because there are no green plants.
They pulled him up with the ropes and lifted him out of the cistern, but he remained in the guard’s courtyard.
“A river of fire was flowing,
coming out from his presence.
Thousands upon thousands served him;
ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.
The court was convened,
and the books were opened.
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