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Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 1:689,119
Strong's Number G1097 matches the Greek γινώσκω (ginōskō),
which occurs 585 times in 549 verses
in the LXX Greek.
Page 1 / 11 (Gen 2:17–Exo 29:42)
“but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.”
“In fact, God knows that when[fn] you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
The LORD God said, “Since the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, he must not reach out, take from the tree of life, eat, and live forever.”
The man was intimate with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. She said, “I have had a male child with the LORD’s help.”[fn]
Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel? ”
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s guardian? ”
Cain was intimate with his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. Then Cain became the builder of a city, and he named the city Enoch after his son.
When the dove came to him at evening, there was a plucked olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the water on the earth’s surface had gone down.
When he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife, Sarai, “Look, I know what a beautiful woman you are.
Then the LORD said to Abram, “Know this for certain: Your offspring will be resident aliens for four hundred years in a land that does not belong to them and will be enslaved and oppressed.[fn]
“I will go down to see if what they have done justifies the cry that has come up to me. If not, I will find out.”
“Look, I’ve got two daughters who haven’t been intimate with a man. I’ll bring them out to you, and you can do whatever you want[fn] to them. However, don’t do anything to these men, because they have come under the protection of my roof.”
Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that you did this with a clear conscience.[fn] I have also kept you from sinning against me. Therefore I have not let you touch her.
“Now return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, know that you will certainly die, you and all who are yours.”
Abimelech replied, “I don’t know who did this thing. You didn’t report anything to me, so I hadn’t heard about it until today.”
Then he said, “Do not lay a hand on the boy or do anything to him. For now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from me.”
“Let the girl to whom I say, ‘Please lower your water jug so that I may drink,’ and who responds, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels also’ — let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”
Now the girl was very beautiful, a virgin — no man had been intimate with her. She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up.
while the man silently watched her to see whether or not the LORD had made his journey a success.
“and who responds to me, ‘Drink, and I’ll draw water for your camels also’ — let her be the woman the LORD has appointed for my master’s son.
“Do you know Laban, Nahor’s grandson? ” Jacob asked them.
They answered, “We know him.”
“Give me my wives and my children that I have worked for, and let me go. You know how hard I have worked for you.”
So Jacob said to him, “You know how I have served you and how your herds have fared with me.
Jacob replied, “My lord knows that the children are weak, and I have nursing flocks and herds. If they are driven hard for one day, the whole herd will die.
But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his, so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he released his semen on the ground so that he would not produce offspring for his brother.
He went over to her and said, “Come, let me sleep with you,” for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law.
She said, “What will you give me for sleeping with me? ”
Judah recognized them and said, “She is more in the right[fn] than I, since I did not give her to my son Shelah.” And he did not know her intimately again.
But he refused. “Look,” he said to his master’s wife, “with me here my master does not concern himself with anything in his house, and he has put all that he owns under my authority.[fn]
The warden did not bother with anything under Joseph’s authority,[fn] because the LORD was with him, and the LORD made everything that he did successful.
“The man who is the lord of the country said to us, ‘This is how I will know if you are honest: Leave one brother with me, take food to relieve the hunger of your households, and go.
“Bring back your youngest brother to me, and I will know that you are not spies but honest men. I will then give your brother back to you, and you can trade in the country.’ ”
“I will take you as my people, and I will be your God. You will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from the forced labor of the Egyptians.
“The Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the Israelites from among them.”
“This is what the LORD says: Here is how you will know that I am the LORD. Watch. I am about to strike the water in the Nile with the staff in my hand, and it will turn to blood.
Moses said to him, “When I have left the city, I will spread out my hands to the LORD. The thunder will cease, and there will be no more hail, so that you may know the earth[fn] belongs to the LORD.
“and so that you may tell[fn] your son and grandson how severely I dealt with the Egyptians and performed miraculous signs among them, and you will know that I am the LORD.”
“I will harden Pharaoh’s heart so that he will pursue them. Then I will receive glory by means of Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.” So the Israelites did this.
“The Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I receive glory through Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen.”
So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, “This evening you will know that it was the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
“I have heard the complaints of the Israelites. Tell them: At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will eat bread until you are full. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God.”
“Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods, because he did wonders when the Egyptians acted arrogantly against Israel.”[fn]
“When a man gives his neighbor a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any other animal to care for, but it dies, is injured, or is stolen, while no one is watching,
“I will meet with you there above the mercy seat, between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the testimony; I will speak with you from there about all that I command you regarding the Israelites.
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