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mGNT Concordance for ἐγένετο

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ἐγένετο — 202x G1096 γίνομαι
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Occurrences: 202 times in 195 verses
Speech: Verb
Parsing: Aorist Middle Indicative
3rd Person Singular
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 7:28 - When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed by his teaching,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 8:24 - And a great storm developed on the sea so that the waves began to swamp the boat. But he was asleep.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 8:26 - But he said to them, "Why are you cowardly, you people of little faith?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it was dead calm.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 9:10 - As Jesus was having a meal in Matthew's house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with Jesus and his disciples.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 11:1 - When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in their towns.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 11:26 - Yes, Father, for this was your gracious will.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 13:53 - Now when Jesus finished these parables, he moved on from there.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 17:2 - And he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 19:1 - Now when Jesus finished these sayings, he left Galilee and went to the region of Judea beyond the Jordan River.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 21:42 - Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 26:1 - When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he told his disciples,
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 27:45 - Now from noon until three, darkness came over all the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxMat 28:2 - Suddenly there was a severe earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descending from heaven came and rolled away the stone and sat on it.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 1:4 - In the wilderness John the baptizer began preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 1:9 - Now in those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan River.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 1:11 - And a voice came from heaven: "You are my one dear Son; in you I take great delight."
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 2:23 - Jesus was going through the grain fields on a Sabbath, and his disciples began to pick some heads of wheat as they made their way.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 2:27 - Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:4 - And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:10 - When he was alone, those around him with the twelve asked him about the parables.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:22 - For nothing is hidden except to be revealed, and nothing concealed except to be brought to light.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 4:39 - So he got up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Be quiet! Calm down!" Then the wind stopped, and it was dead calm.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 5:16 - Those who had seen what had happened to the demon-possessed man reported it, and they also told about the pigs.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 6:14 - Now King Herod heard this, for Jesus' name had become known. Some were saying, "John the baptizer has been raised from the dead, and because of this, miraculous powers are at work in him."
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:3 - and his clothes became radiantly white, more so than any launderer in the world could bleach them.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:7 - Then a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came from the cloud, "This is my one dear Son. Listen to him!"
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 9:26 - It shrieked, threw him into terrible convulsions, and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, "He is dead!"
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 11:19 - When evening came, Jesus and his disciples went out of the city.
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 12:11 - This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?"
Unchecked Copy BoxMar 15:33 - Now when it was noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:5 - During the reign of Herod king of Judea, there lived a priest named Zechariah who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah, and he had a wife named Elizabeth, who was a descendant of Aaron.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:8 - Now while Zechariah was serving as priest before God when his division was on duty,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:23 - When his time of service was over, he went to his home.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:41 - When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:44 - For the instant the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:59 - On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they wanted to name him Zechariah after his father.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 1:65 - All their neighbors were filled with fear, and throughout the entire hill country of Judea all these things were talked about.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:1 - Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus to register all the empire for taxes.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:2 - This was the first registration, taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:6 - While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:13 - Suddenly a vast, heavenly army appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:15 - When the angels left them and went back to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, that the Lord has made known to us."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:42 - When he was twelve years old, they went up according to custom.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 2:46 - After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 3:2 - during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 3:21 - Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus also was baptized. And while he was praying, the heavens opened,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:25 - But in truth I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in Elijah's days, when the sky was shut up three and a half years, and there was a great famine over all the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 4:36 - They were all amazed and began to say to one another, "What's happening here? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out!"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:1 - Now Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd was pressing around him to hear the word of God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:12 - While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came to him who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he bowed down with his face to the ground and begged him, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 5:17 - Now on one of those days, while he was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting nearby (who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem), and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:1 - Jesus was going through the grain fields on a Sabbath, and his disciples picked some heads of wheat, rubbed them in their hands, and ate them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:6 - On another Sabbath, Jesus entered the synagogue and was teaching. Now a man was there whose right hand was withered.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:12 - Now it was during this time that Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and he spent all night in prayer to God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:13 - When morning came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles:
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:16 - Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 6:49 - But the person who hears and does not put my words into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the river burst against that house, it collapsed immediately, and was utterly destroyed!"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 7:11 - Soon afterward Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:1 - Some time afterward he went on through towns and villages, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:22 - One day Jesus got into a boat with his disciples and said to them, "Let's go across to the other side of the lake." So they set out,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 8:24 - They came and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we are about to die!" So he got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they died down, and it was calm.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:18 - Once when Jesus was praying by himself, and his disciples were nearby, he asked them, "Who do the crowds say that I am?"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:28 - Now about eight days after these sayings, Jesus took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up the mountain to pray.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:29 - As he was praying, the appearance of his face was transformed, and his clothes became very bright, a brilliant white.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:33 - Then as the men were starting to leave, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us make three shelters, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah" - not knowing what he was saying.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:34 - As he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:35 - Then a voice came from the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him!"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:37 - Now on the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a large crowd met him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 9:51 - Now when the days drew near for him to be taken up, Jesus set out resolutely to go to Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 10:21 - On that same occasion Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your gracious will.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:1 - Now Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he stopped, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:14 - Now he was casting out a demon that was mute. When the demon had gone out, the man who had been mute began to speak, and the crowds were amazed.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:27 - As he said these things, a woman in the crowd spoke out to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts at which you nursed!"
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 11:30 - For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so the Son of Man will be a sign to this generation.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 13:19 - It is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the wild birds nested in its branches."
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 14:1 - Now one Sabbath when Jesus went to dine at the house of a leader of the Pharisees, they were watching him closely.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 15:14 - Then after he had spent everything, a severe famine took place in that country, and he began to be in need.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 16:22 - "Now the poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:11 - Now on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus was passing along between Samaria and Galilee.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:14 - When he saw them he said, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went along, they were cleansed.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:26 - Just as it was in the days of Noah, so too it will be in the days of the Son of Man.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 17:28 - Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot, people were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 18:35 - As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road begging.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:9 - Then Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this household, because he too is a son of Abraham!
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:15 - When he returned after receiving the kingdom, he summoned these slaves to whom he had given the money. He wanted to know how much they had earned by trading.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 19:29 - Now when he approached Bethphage and Bethany, at the place called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of the disciples,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 20:1 - Now one day, as Jesus was teaching the people in the temple courts and proclaiming the gospel, the chief priests and the experts in the law with the elders came up
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:14 - Now when the hour came, Jesus took his place at the table and the apostles joined him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:24 - A dispute also started among them over which of them was to be regarded as the greatest.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:44 - And in his anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.]
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 22:66 - When day came, the council of the elders of the people gathered together, both the chief priests and the experts in the law. Then they led Jesus away to their council
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 23:44 - It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon,
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:4 - While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men stood beside them in dazzling attire.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:15 - While they were talking and debating these things, Jesus himself approached and began to accompany them
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:19 - He said to them, "What things?" "The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene," they replied, "a man who, with his powerful deeds and words, proved to be a prophet before God and all the people;
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:21 - But we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. Not only this, but it is now the third day since these things happened.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:30 - When he had taken his place at the table with them, he took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:31 - At this point their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Then he vanished out of their sight.
Unchecked Copy BoxLuk 24:51 - Now during the blessing he departed and was taken up into heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:3 - All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:6 - A man came, sent from God, whose name was John.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:10 - He was in the world, and the world was created by him, but the world did not recognize him.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:14 - Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We saw his glory - the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:17 - For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 1:28 - These things happened in Bethany across the Jordan River where John was baptizing.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 2:1 - Now on the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there,
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 3:25 - Now a dispute came about between some of John's disciples and a certain Jew concerning ceremonial washing.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 5:9 - Immediately the man was healed, and he picked up his mat and started walking. (Now that day was a Sabbath.)
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 6:16 - Now when evening came, his disciples went down to the lake,
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 6:21 - Then they wanted to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat came to the land where they had been heading.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 7:43 - So there was a division in the crowd because of Jesus.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 10:19 - Another sharp division took place among the Jewish people because of these words.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 10:22 - Then came the feast of the Dedication in Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 10:35 - If those people to whom the word of God came were called 'gods' (and the scripture cannot be broken),
Unchecked Copy BoxJhn 19:36 - For these things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled, "Not a bone of his will be broken."
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 1:19 - This became known to all who lived in Jerusalem, so that in their own language they called that field Hakeldama, that is, "Field of Blood.")
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 2:2 - Suddenly a sound like a violent wind blowing came from heaven and filled the entire house where they were sitting.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 4:5 - On the next day, their rulers, elders, and experts in the law came together in Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:5 - When Ananias heard these words he collapsed and died, and great fear gripped all who heard about it.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:7 - After an interval of about three hours, his wife came in, but she did not know what had happened.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 5:11 - Great fear gripped the whole church and all who heard about these things.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 6:1 - Now in those days, when the disciples were growing in number, a complaint arose on the part of the Greek-speaking Jews against the native Hebraic Jews, because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 7:13 - On their second visit Joseph made himself known to his brothers again, and Joseph's family became known to Pharaoh.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 7:29 - When the man said this, Moses fled and became a foreigner in the land of Midian, where he became the father of two sons.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 7:31 - When Moses saw it, he was amazed at the sight, and when he approached to investigate, there came the voice of the Lord,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 7:40 - saying to Aaron, 'Make us gods who will go in front of us, for this Moses, who led us out of the land of Egypt - we do not know what has happened to him!'
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:1 - And Saul agreed completely with killing him. Now on that day a great persecution began against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were forced to scatter throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 8:8 - So there was great joy in that city.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:3 - As he was going along, approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:19 - and after taking some food, his strength returned. For several days he was with the disciples in Damascus,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:32 - Now as Peter was traveling around from place to place, he also came down to the saints who lived in Lydda.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:37 - At that time she became sick and died. When they had washed her body, they placed it in an upstairs room.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:42 - This became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 9:43 - So Peter stayed many days in Joppa with a man named Simon, a tanner.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:10 - He became hungry and wanted to eat, but while they were preparing the meal, a trance came over him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:13 - Then a voice said to him, "Get up, Peter; slaughter and eat!"
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:16 - This happened three times, and immediately the object was taken up into heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 10:25 - So when Peter came in, Cornelius met him, fell at his feet, and worshiped him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:10 - This happened three times, and then everything was pulled up to heaven again.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:26 - and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught a significant number of people. Now it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 11:28 - One of them, named Agabus, got up and predicted by the Spirit that a severe famine was about to come over the whole inhabited world. (This took place during the reign of Claudius.)
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 12:18 - At daybreak there was great consternation among the soldiers over what had become of Peter.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 14:1 - The same thing happened in Iconium when Paul and Barnabas went into the Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a large group of both Jews and Greeks believed.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 14:5 - When both the Gentiles and the Jews (together with their rulers) made an attempt to mistreat them and stone them,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 15:39 - They had a sharp disagreement, so that they parted company. Barnabas took along Mark and sailed away to Cyprus,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 16:16 - Now as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave girl met us who had a spirit that enabled her to foretell the future by supernatural means. She brought her owners a great profit by fortune-telling.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 16:26 - Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately all the doors flew open, and the bonds of all the prisoners came loose.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:1 - While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul went through the inland regions and came to Ephesus. He found some disciples there
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:10 - This went on for two years, so that all who lived in the province of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:17 - This became known to all who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks; fear came over them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was praised.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:23 - At that time a great disturbance took place concerning the Way.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 19:34 - But when they recognized that he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" for about two hours.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 20:3 - where he stayed for three months. Because the Jews had made a plot against him as he was intending to sail for Syria, he decided to return through Macedonia.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 20:37 - They all began to weep loudly, and hugged Paul and kissed him,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:1 - After we tore ourselves away from them, we put out to sea, and sailing a straight course, we came to Cos, on the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:5 - When our time was over, we left and went on our way. All of them, with their wives and children, accompanied us outside of the city. After kneeling down on the beach and praying,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:30 - The whole city was stirred up, and the people rushed together. They seized Paul and dragged him out of the temple courts, and immediately the doors were shut.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 21:35 - When he came to the steps, Paul had to be carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob,
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 22:6 - As I was en route and near Damascus, about noon a very bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around me.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 22:17 - When I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, I fell into a trance
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 23:7 - When he said this, an argument began between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 23:9 - There was a great commotion, and some experts in the law from the party of the Pharisees stood up and protested strongly, "We find nothing wrong with this man. What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?"
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:27 - When the fourteenth night had come, while we were being driven across the Adriatic Sea, about midnight the sailors suspected they were approaching some land.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:39 - When day came, they did not recognize the land, but they noticed a bay with a beach, where they decided to run the ship aground if they could.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:42 - Now the soldiers' plan was to kill the prisoners so that none of them would escape by swimming away.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 27:44 - and the rest were to follow, some on planks and some on pieces of the ship. And in this way all were brought safely to land.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 28:8 - The father of Publius lay sick in bed, suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him and after praying, placed his hands on him and healed him.
Unchecked Copy BoxAct 28:17 - After three days Paul called the local Jewish leaders together. When they had assembled, he said to them, "Brothers, although I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our ancestors, from Jerusalem I was handed over as a prisoner to the Romans.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 7:13 - Did that which is good, then, become death to me? Absolutely not! But sin, so that it would be shown to be sin, produced death in me through what is good, so that through the commandment sin would become utterly sinful.
Unchecked Copy BoxRom 11:34 - For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?
Unchecked Copy Box1Co 15:45 - So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living person"; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
Unchecked Copy Box2Co 1:19 - For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the one who was proclaimed among you by us - by me and Silvanus and Timothy - was not "Yes" and "No," but it has always been "Yes" in him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Th 3:4 - For in fact when we were with you, we were telling you in advance that we would suffer affliction, and so it has happened, as you well know.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 3:9 - But they will not go much further, for their foolishness will be obvious to everyone, just like it was with Jannes and Jambres.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ti 3:11 - as well as the persecutions and sufferings that happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, and in Lystra. I endured these persecutions and the Lord delivered me from them all.
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 2:2 - For if the message spoken through angels proved to be so firm that every violation or disobedience received its just penalty,
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 5:9 - And by being perfected in this way, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,
Unchecked Copy BoxHeb 11:7 - By faith Noah, when he was warned about things not yet seen, with reverent regard constructed an ark for the deliverance of his family. Through faith he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 2:8 - "To the angel of the church in Smyrna write the following: "This is the solemn pronouncement of the one who is the first and the last, the one who was dead, but came to life:
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 6:12 - Then I looked when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and a huge earthquake took place; the sun became as black as sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon became blood red;
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:1 - Now when the Lamb opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:7 - The first angel blew his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was thrown at the earth so that a third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:8 - Then the second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain of burning fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea became blood,
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 8:11 - (Now the name of the star is Wormwood.) So a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from these waters because they were poisoned.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:13 - Just then a major earthquake took place and a tenth of the city collapsed; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 11:15 - Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven saying: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever."
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 12:7 - Then war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 12:10 - Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, "The salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the ruling authority of his Christ, have now come, because the accuser of our brothers and sisters, the one who accuses them day and night before our God, has been thrown down.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:2 - So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth. Then ugly and painful sores appeared on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:3 - Next, the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea and it turned into blood, like that of a corpse, and every living creature that was in the sea died.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:4 - Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and the springs of water, and they turned into blood.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:10 - Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast so that darkness covered his kingdom, and people began to bite their tongues because of their pain.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:18 - Then there were flashes of lightning, roaring, and crashes of thunder, and there was a tremendous earthquake - an earthquake unequaled since humanity has been on the earth, so tremendous was that earthquake.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 16:19 - The great city was split into three parts and the cities of the nations collapsed. So Babylon the great was remembered before God, and was given the cup filled with the wine made of God's furious wrath.
Unchecked Copy BoxRev 18:2 - He shouted with a powerful voice: "Fallen, fallen, is Babylon the great! She has become a lair for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detested beast.
mGNT Occurrences
669x in 80 unique form(s)
ἐγένετο — 202x
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