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LXX Concordance for φωνῆς

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φωνῆς — 175x G5456 φωνή
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Occurrences: 175 times in 172 verses
Speech: Noun
Parsing: Genitive Singular Feminine
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:17 -

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it';

Cursed is the ground because of you;

With [fn]hard labor you shall eat from it

All the days of your life.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 4:23 -

Lamech said to his wives,

“Adah and Zillah,

Listen to my voice,

You wives of Lamech,

Pay attention to my words,

For I have killed a man for wounding me;

And a boy for striking me!

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:2 - So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Please have relations with my slave woman; perhaps I will [fn]obtain children through her.” And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:12 - But God said to Abraham, “[fn]Do not be distressed because of the boy and your slave woman; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her, for through Isaac [fn]your descendants shall be named.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:17 - God heard the boy crying; and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “[fn]What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not fear, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 22:18 - “And in your [fn]seed all the nations of the earth shall [fn]be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 26:5 - because Abraham [fn]obeyed Me and fulfilled his duty to Me, and kept My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 27:13 - But his mother said to him, “Your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, get the goats for me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 27:43 - “Now then, my son, obey my voice, and arise, [fn]flee to Haran, to my brother Laban!
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:6 - Then Rachel said, “God has [fn]vindicated me, and has indeed heard my voice and has given me a son.” Therefore she named him [fn]Dan.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:18 - “Then they will [fn]pay attention to what you say; and you with the elders of Israel will come to the king of Egypt, and you will say to him, ‘The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. So now, please let us go a three days' journey into the wilderness, so that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.'
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:1 -

Then Moses said, “What if they will not believe me or listen [fn]to what I say? For they may say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:8 - “So if they will not believe you nor [fn]pay attention to the [fn]evidence of the first [fn]sign, they may believe the [fn]evidence of the last [fn]sign.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:9 - “But if they will not believe even these two [fn]signs nor pay attention to what you say, then you shall take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground; and the water which you take from the Nile will turn into blood on the dry ground.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 5:2 - But Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and besides, I will not let Israel go.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 15:26 - And He said, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and listen to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:24 -

So Moses listened [fn]to his father-in-law and did everything that he had said.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 19:5 - ‘Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My [fn]own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine;
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 22:23 - “If you oppress him at all, and if he does cry out to Me, I will assuredly hear his cry;
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 23:22 - “But if you truly obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 3:16 - So Moses counted them according to the [fn]word of the LORD, just as he had been commanded.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 3:39 - All the numbered men of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the [fn]command of the LORD by their families, every male from a month old and upward, were twenty-two thousand.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 3:51 - Then Moses gave the redemption money to Aaron and to his sons, at the [fn]command of the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 4:37 - These were the numbered men of the Kohathite families, everyone who was serving in the tent of meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted according to the [fn]commandment of the LORD [fn]through Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 4:41 - These were the numbered men of the families of the sons of Gershon, everyone who was serving in the tent of meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted according to the [fn]commandment of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 4:45 - These were the numbered men of the families of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron counted according to the [fn]commandment of the LORD [fn]through Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 4:49 - According to the [fn]commandment of the LORD [fn]through Moses, they were counted, everyone by his serving or carrying; so these were his numbered men, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 9:20 - If [fn]sometimes the cloud remained a few days over the tabernacle, in accordance with the [fn]command of the LORD they remained camped. Then in accordance with the [fn]command of the LORD they set out.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 10:13 - So they moved on for the first time in accordance with the [fn]command of the LORD through Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 13:3 - So Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran at the [fn]command of the LORD, all of them men who were heads of the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:22 - “Certainly all the people who have seen My glory and My signs which I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have put Me to the test these ten times and have not listened to My voice,
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:34 - Then all Israel who were around them fled at their [fn]outcry, for they said, “The earth might swallow us!”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:16 - ‘But when we cried out to the LORD, He heard our voice and sent an angel, and brought us out from Egypt; now behold, we are at Kadesh, a town on the edge of your territory.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:3 - The LORD heard the voice of Israel and turned over the Canaanites; then they [fn]utterly destroyed them and their cities. And the place was named [fn]Hormah.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 1:45 - “Then you returned and wept before the LORD; but the LORD did not listen to your voice, nor pay attention to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:30 - “When you are in distress and all these things happen to you, in the latter days you will return to the LORD your God and listen to His voice.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 8:20 - “Like the nations that the LORD eliminates from you, so you shall perish, because you would not listen to the voice of the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:23 - “And when the LORD sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, ‘Go up and take possession of the land which I have given you,' you rebelled against the [fn]command of the LORD your God; you neither trusted Him nor listened to His voice.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 13:4 - “You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 13:18 - [fn]if you will listen to the voice of the LORD your God, [fn]keeping all His commandments which I am commanding you today, [fn]and doing what is right in the sight of the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:5 - if only you listen obediently to the voice of the LORD your God, to [fn]follow carefully all this commandment which I am commanding you today.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 21:20 - “And they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he does not obey us, he is thoughtless and given to drinking.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 26:7 - ‘Then we cried out to the LORD, the God of our fathers, and the LORD heard our voice and saw our wretched condition, our trouble, and our oppression;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 26:14 - ‘I have not eaten of it while mourning, nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean, nor offered any of it to the dead. I have listened to the voice of the LORD my God; I have acted in accordance with everything that You have commanded me.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 26:17 - “Today you have declared the LORD to be your God, and [fn]that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments, and His ordinances, and listen to His voice.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 27:10 - “So you shall [fn]obey the LORD your God, and do His commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:1 -

“Now it shall be, if you diligently [fn]obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I am commanding you today, that the LORD your God will put you high above all the nations of the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:2 - “And all these blessings will come to you and reach you if you [fn]obey the LORD your God:
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:9 - “The LORD will establish you as a holy people to Himself, as He swore to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in His ways.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:15 -

“But it shall come about, if you do not [fn]obey the LORD your God, to be careful to [fn]follow all His commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:45 -

“So all these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you would not [fn]obey the LORD your God by keeping His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:49 -

“The LORD will bring a nation against you from far away, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops down; a nation whose language you will not understand,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:62 - “Then you will be left few in [fn]number, whereas you were as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you did not [fn]obey the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:2 - and you return to the LORD your God and [fn]obey Him with all your heart and soul in accordance with everything that I am commanding you today, you and your sons,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:8 - “And you will again [fn]obey the LORD, and [fn]follow all His commandments which I am commanding you today.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:10 - [fn]if you [fn]obey the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, [fn]if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:20 - by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding close to Him; for [fn]this is your life and the length of your days, [fn]so that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 33:7 -

And this was regarding Judah; so he said:

“Hear, LORD, the voice of Judah,

And bring him to his people.

With his hands he contended for [fn]them,

And may You be a help against his adversaries.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:2 - and said to them, “You have kept all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, and have listened to my voice in all that I commanded you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 24:24 - And the people said to Joshua, “We will serve the LORD our God and [fn]obey His voice.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 2:2 - and as for you, you shall not make a covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their altars.' But you have not [fn]obeyed Me; what is this thing that you have done?
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 2:20 - So the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and He said, “Because this nation has violated My covenant which I commanded their fathers, and has not listened to My voice,
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:10 - and I said to you, “I am the LORD your God; you shall not fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live.” But you have not [fn]obeyed Me.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:9 - And God listened to the voice of Manoah; and the angel of God came again to the woman as she was sitting in the field, but Manoah her husband was not with her.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:13 - “Now then, turn over the men, the [fn]worthless men who are in Gibeah, so that we may put them to death and remove this wickedness from Israel.” But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:25 - “If one person sins against another, God will mediate for him; but if a person sins against the LORD, who can intercede for him?” But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for the LORD desired to put them to death.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:14 - When Eli heard the noise of the outcry, he said, “What does the noise of this commotion mean?” Then the man came hurriedly and told Eli.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:7 - And the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people regarding all that they say to you, because they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being King over them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:9 - “Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall warn them strongly and tell them of the [fn]practice of the king who will reign over them.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:22 - And the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to their voice and appoint a king for them.” So Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Go, every man to his city.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:1 -

Then Samuel said to all Israel, “Behold, I have listened to your voice for all that you said to me, and I have appointed a king over you.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:14 - “If you will fear the LORD and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the [fn]command of the LORD, then both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:15 - “But if you do not listen to the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the [fn]command of the LORD, then the hand of the LORD will be against you, even as it was against your fathers.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:1 -

Then Samuel said to Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you as king over His people, over Israel; now therefore, listen to the [fn]words of the LORD.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:19 - “Why then did you not obey the voice of the LORD? Instead, you loudly rushed upon the spoils and did what was evil in the sight of the LORD!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:20 -

Then Saul said to Samuel, “I did obey the voice of the LORD, for I went on the [fn]mission on which the LORD sent me; and I have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have completely destroyed the Amalekites.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:22 - Samuel said,

“Does the LORD have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices

As in obeying the voice of the LORD?

Behold, to obey is better than a sacrifice,

And to pay attention is better than the fat of rams.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:24 -

Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I have violated the [fn]command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 19:6 - Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul vowed, “As the LORD lives, David shall not be put to death.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:35 - So David accepted from her hand what she had brought him, and said to her, “Go up to your house in peace. See, I have listened to [fn]you and [fn]granted your request.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:18 - “Just as you did not [fn]obey the LORD and did not execute His fierce wrath on Amalek, so the LORD has done this thing to you this day.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:21 - The woman came to Saul and saw that he was utterly horrified, and she said to him, “Behold, your servant has [fn]obeyed you, and I have [fn]taken my life in my hand and have listened to your words which you spoke to me.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:22 - “So now you too, please listen to the voice of your servant, and let me serve you a piece of bread, and eat it, so that you will have strength when you go on your way.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:23 - But he refused and said, “I will not eat.” However, his servants together with the woman urged him, and he listened to [fn]them. So he got up from the ground and sat on the bed.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 6:15 - So David and all the house of Israel were bringing up the ark of the LORD with joyful shouting and the sound of the trumpet.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:18 - Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died. And David's servants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, “Behold, while the child was still alive, we spoke to him and he did not listen to [fn]us. How then can we tell him that the child is dead, since he might do himself harm?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:14 - However, he would not listen to [fn]her; since he was stronger than she, he violated her and slept with her.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:16 - But she said to him, “No, because this wrong in sending me away is greater than the other that you have done to me!” Yet he would not listen to her.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:7 -

“In my distress I called upon the LORD,

Yes, I called out to my God;

And from His temple He heard my voice,

And my cry for help came into His ears.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 9:3 - And the LORD said to him, “I have heard your prayer and your plea which you have offered before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built, by putting My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there [fn]always.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:25 - and [fn]muster an army like the army that you have lost, horse for horse and chariot for chariot. Then we will fight against them in the plain, and we will certainly be stronger than they.” And he listened to their voice and did so.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:36 - Then he said to him, “Because you have not listened to the voice of the LORD, behold, as soon as you leave me, a lion will [fn]kill you.” And as soon as he left him a lion found him and [fn]killed him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:6 - Then he wrote them a letter a second time, saying, “If you are on my side, and will listen to my voice, take the heads of the men, your master's sons, and come to me at Jezreel about this time tomorrow.” Now the king's sons, seventy men, were with the great people of the city, who were raising them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:12 - This happened because they did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, but violated His covenant, all that Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded; they would neither listen nor do it.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 3:13 - so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the shout of joy from the sound of the weeping of the people, because the people were shouting with a loud shout, and the sound was heard far away.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 5:3 -

In the morning, LORD, [fn]You will hear my voice;

In the morning I will present my [fn]prayer to You and be on the watch.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 6:8 -

Leave me, all you who practice injustice,

For the LORD has heard the sound of my weeping.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:6 -

In my distress I called upon the LORD,

And cried to my God for help;

He heard my voice from His temple,

And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 27:7 -

Hear, LORD, when I cry with my voice,

And be gracious to me and answer me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 28:2 -

Hear the sound of my pleadings when I cry to You for help,

When I raise my hands toward [fn]Your holy sanctuary.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 28:6 -

Blessed be the LORD,

Because He has heard the sound of my pleading.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:22 -

As for me, I said in my alarm,

“I am cut off from Your eyes”;

Nevertheless You heard the sound of my pleadings

When I called to You for help.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 44:16 -

Because of the voice of one who taunts and reviles,

Because of the presence of the enemy and the avenger.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:3 -

Because of the voice of the enemy,

Because of the pressure of the wicked;

For they bring down [fn]trouble upon me

And in anger they hold a grudge against me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:17 -

Evening and morning and at noon, I will complain and moan,

And He will hear my voice.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 64:1 -

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

Hear my voice, God, in my [fn]complaint;

Protect my life from dread of the enemy.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 74:23 -

Do not forget the voice of Your adversaries,

The uproar of those who rise against You, which ascends continually.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 81:11 -

“But My people did not listen to My voice,

And Israel did not [fn]obey Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 95:7 -

For He is our God,

And we are the people of His [fn]pasture and the sheep of His hand.

Today, [fn]if you will hear His voice,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:5 -

Because of the [fn]loudness of my groaning

My bones [fn]cling to my flesh.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 103:20 -

Bless the LORD, you His angels,

Mighty in strength, who perform His word,

Obeying the voice of His word!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 104:7 -

They fled from Your rebuke,

At the sound of Your thunder they hurried away.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 106:25 -

But grumbled in their tents;

They did not listen to the voice of the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:1 -

I love the LORD, because He hears

My voice and my pleas.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:149 -

Hear my voice according to Your faithfulness;

Revive me, LORD, according to Your judgments.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 130:2 -

Lord, hear my voice!

Let Your ears be attentive

To the sound of my pleadings.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:4 - and the doors on the street are shut as the sound of the grinding mill is low, and one will arise at the sound of the bird, and all the daughters of song will [fn]sing softly.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 6:4 -

And the [fn]foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the [fn]temple was filling with smoke.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 6:8 - Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 28:23 -

Listen and hear my voice,

Pay attention and hear my words.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 29:6 -

From the LORD of armies you will be punished with thunder and earthquake and loud noise,

With whirlwind and tempest and the flame of a consuming fire.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:30 -

And the LORD will cause [fn]His voice of authority to be heard,

And the [fn]descending of His arm to be seen in fierce anger,

And in the flame of a consuming fire

In cloudburst, downpour, and hailstones.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 31:4 -

For this is what the LORD says to me:

“As the lion or the young lion growls over his prey,

Against which a band of shepherds is called out,

And he will not be terrified at their voice nor disturbed at their noise,

So will the LORD of armies come down to wage war on Mount Zion and on its hill.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 32:9 -

Rise up, you women who are at ease,

And hear my voice;

Listen to my word,

You complacent daughters.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 38:5 - “Go and say to Hezekiah, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of your father David says: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will add fifteen years to your [fn]life.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 50:10 -

Who is among you who fears the LORD,

Who obeys the voice of His servant,

Who walks in darkness and has no light?

Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:13 -

‘Only [fn]acknowledge your wrongdoing,

That you have revolted against the LORD your God,

And have scattered your [fn]favors to the strangers under every leafy tree,

And you have not obeyed My voice,' declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:25 - “Let us lie down in our shame, and let our humiliation cover us; for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even to this day. And we have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:29 -

At the sound of the horseman and archer every city flees;

They go into the thickets and climb among the rocks;

Every city is abandoned,

And no one lives in them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:15 -

“Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from far away, you house of Israel,” declares the LORD.

“It is an enduring nation,

It is an ancient nation,

A nation whose language you do not know,

Nor can you understand what they say.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:17 -

“And I set watchmen over you, saying,

‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!'

But they said, ‘We will not listen.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:23 - “But this is [fn]what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you shall walk [fn]entirely in the way which I command you, so that it may go well for you.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:27 -

“So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you; and you shall call to them, but they will not answer you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:16 -

From Dan there is heard the snorting of his horses;

At the sound of the neighing of his stallions

The whole land quakes;

For they come and devour the land and its fullness,

The city and its inhabitants.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:13 - The LORD said, “Because they have abandoned My Law which I put before them, and have not obeyed My voice nor walked according to it,
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:4 - which I commanded your forefathers on the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, ‘Listen to My voice, and [fn]do according to all that I command you; so you shall be My people, and I will be your God,'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:10 - if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will relent of the good with which I said [fn]that I would bless it.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:19 -

Give Your attention to me, LORD,

And listen to [fn]what my opponents are saying!

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:21 -

“I spoke to you in your prosperity;

But you said, ‘I will not listen!'

This has been your way from your youth,

That you have not obeyed My voice.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 26:13 - “Now then, reform your ways and your deeds and obey the voice of the LORD your God; and the LORD will relent of the disaster which He has pronounced against you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:23 - ‘They came in and took possession of it, but they did not obey Your voice or walk in Your Law; they did not do [fn]anything that You commanded them to do; therefore You have made all this disaster happen to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 35:8 - “And we have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, in all that he commanded us, not to drink wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, or our daughters,
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:3 - and the LORD has brought it and done just as He promised. Because you people sinned against the LORD and did not listen to His voice, this thing has happened to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:6 - “Whether it is [fn]pleasant or [fn]unpleasant, we will listen to the voice of the LORD our God to whom we are sending you, so that it may go well for us when we listen to the voice of the LORD our God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:13 - ‘But if you are going to say, “We will not stay in this land,” so as not to listen to the voice of the LORD your God,
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:21 - So I have told you today, but you have not [fn]obeyed the LORD your God in whatever He has sent me to tell you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 43:4 - So Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces, and all the people, did not obey the voice of the LORD to stay in the land of Judah.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 43:7 - and they entered the land of Egypt (for they did not obey the voice of the LORD) and went in as far as Tahpanhes.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:23 - “Since you have burned [fn]sacrifices and have sinned against the LORD and not obeyed the voice of the LORD nor walked in His Law, His statutes, or His testimonies, therefore this disaster has happened to you, as it has this day.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 47:3 -

“Because of the noise of the [fn]galloping hoofs of his [fn]stallions,

The roar of his chariots, and the rumbling of his wheels,

The fathers have not turned back for their children,

Because of the debility of their hands,

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:21 - The earth has quaked at the noise of their downfall. There is an outcry! The noise of it has been heard at the [fn]Red Sea.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:46 - At the [fn]shout, “Babylon has been conquered!” the earth quakes, and an outcry is heard among the nations.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 19:7 -

‘He [fn]destroyed their [fn]palaces

And laid waste their cities;

And the land and its fullness were appalled

Because of the sound of his roaring.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:10 - “Because of the multitude of his horses, the dust raised by them will cover you; your walls will shake from the noise of cavalry, [fn]wagons, and chariots when he enters your gates as warriors enter a city that is breached.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:15 -

The Lord GOD says this to Tyre: “Will the coastlands not shake from the sound of your downfall when the wounded groan, when the slaughter takes place in your midst?

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 31:16 - “I made the nations quake from the sound of its fall when I made it go down to Sheol with those who go down to the pit; and all the [fn]well-watered trees of Eden, the choicest and best of Lebanon, were comforted in the earth beneath.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 35:12 - “Then you will know [fn]that I, the LORD, have heard all your insults which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel saying, ‘They are desolate; they have been given to us as food.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:5 - that at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, flute, [fn]lyre, [fn]trigon, [fn]psaltery, bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, you are to fall down and worship the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:7 - Therefore as soon as all the peoples heard the sound of the horn, flute, [fn]lyre, trigon, psaltery, [fn]bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, all the peoples, nations, and populations of all [fn]languages fell down and worshiped the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:10 - “You, O king, have made a decree that every person who hears the sound of the horn, flute, [fn]lyre, trigon, psaltery, and bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, is to fall down and worship the golden statue.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:15 - “Now if you are ready, at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, flute, [fn]lyre, trigon, psaltery and bagpipe, and all kinds of musical instruments, to fall down and worship the statue that I have made, very well. But if you do not worship, you will [fn]immediately be thrown into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire; and what god is there who can rescue you from my hands?”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 7:11 -

“Then I kept looking because of the sound of the [fn]boastful words which the horn was speaking; I kept looking until the beast was killed, and its body was destroyed and given to the burning [fn]fire.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:10 - and we have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to walk in His [fn]teachings which He set before us through His servants the prophets.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:11 - “Indeed, all Israel has violated Your Law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has gushed forth on us, along with the oath which is written in the Law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against Him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:14 - “So the LORD has [fn]kept the disaster in store and brought it on us; for the LORD our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice.
Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 2:2 -

“So I will send fire upon Moab

And it will consume the citadels of Kerioth;

And Moab will die amid the panic of battle,

Amid war cries and the sound of a trumpet.

Unchecked Copy BoxJon 2:2 - and he said,

“I called out of my distress to the LORD,

And He answered me.

I called for help from the [fn]depth of Sheol;

You heard my voice.

Unchecked Copy BoxJon 2:9 -

But I will sacrifice to You

With a voice of thanksgiving.

That which I have vowed I will pay.

Salvation is from the LORD.”

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 3:16 -

I heard, and my [fn]inner parts trembled;

At the sound, my lips quivered.

Decay enters my bones,

And in my place I tremble;

Because I [fn]must wait quietly for the day of distress,

[fn]For the people to arise who will attack us.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 3:2 -

She obeyed no voice,

She accepted no discipline.

She did not trust in the LORD,

She did not approach her God.

Unchecked Copy BoxHag 1:12 -

Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the LORD their God and the words of Haggai the prophet, just as the LORD their God had sent him. And the people [fn]showed reverence for the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 6:15 - “Those who are far away will come and [fn]build the temple of the LORD.” Then you will know that the LORD of armies has sent me to you. And it will take place if you completely obey [fn]the LORD your God.
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