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For what portion would I have from God above,
or what inheritance from the Almighty on high?
If my step has turned from the way,
my heart has followed my eyes,
or impurity has stained my hands,
If I have dismissed the case of my male or female servants
when they made a complaint against me,
what could I do when God stands up to judge?
How should I answer him when he calls me to account?
Did not the one who made me in the womb also make them?
Did not the same God form us both in the womb?
for from my youth, I raised him as his father,
and since the day I was born[fn] I guided the widow —
if I ever cast my vote[fn] against a fatherless child
when I saw that I had support in the city gate,
For disaster from God terrifies me,
and because of his majesty I could not do these things.
if I have rejoiced because my wealth is great
or because my own hand has acquired so much,
this would also be an iniquity deserving punishment,
for I would have denied God above.
Have I rejoiced over my enemy’s distress,
or become excited when trouble came his way?
Haven’t the members of my household said,
“Who is there who has not had enough to eat at Job’s table? ”
No stranger had to spend the night on the street,
for I opened my door to the traveler.
because I greatly feared the crowds
and because the contempt of the clans terrified me,
so I grew silent and would not go outside?
If only I had someone to hear my case!
Here is my signature; let the Almighty answer me.
Let my Opponent compose his indictment.
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if I have consumed its produce without payment
or shown contempt for its tenants,[fn]
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