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The Blue Letter Bible

C. H. Spurgeon :: Loyal to the Core

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The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit
Loyal to the Core

A Sermon
(No. 1512)
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

“And Ittai answered the king and said, As the Lord lives and as my lord the king lives, surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in death or life, even there, also, will your servant be.”- 2 Samuel 15:21.

ALTHOUGH the courage of David appears to have failed him when he fled from his son, Absalom, yet certain other noble characteristics came out in brilliant relief and among the rest, his large-heartedness and his thoughtfulness for others. A man in such a desperate condition as he was, must have earnestly coveted many friends and have been anxious to retain them all, but yet he would not exact their services if they were too costly to themselves. And so he said to Ittai, who appears to have been a Philistine—a proselyte to Israel who had lately come to join David—“Why are you also going with us? You have newly come to me and should I make you wander with me in my sorrows? Return to your place and abide with the new king, for you are a stranger and an exile. May every blessing be upon you. May mercy and truth be with you.”

He did not send him away because he doubted him, but because he felt that he had no claim to the great sacrifices which Ittai might have to make in attending his checkered fortunes. “I do not know what may become of me,” he seems to say, “and I do not want to drag you down with me should my cause become desperate. I have no wish to involve you in it and, therefore, with the best of motives I bid you farewell.” I admire this generosity of spirit. Some men have great expectations—they live upon their friends and yet complain that charity is cold. These people expect more from their friends than they ought to give. A man’s best friends on earth ought to be his own strong arms! Loafers are parasitical plants— they have no root of their own—and like the mistletoe they strike root into some other tree and suck the very soul out of it for their own nourishment.

Sad that men should ever degrade themselves to such despicable meanness! While you can help yourselves, do so, and while you have a right to expect help in times of dire necessity, do not be everlastingly expecting everybody else to be waiting upon you. Feel as David did towards Ittai—that you would, by no means, wish for services to which you have no claim. Independence of spirit used to be characteristic of Englishmen. I hope it will always continue to be so and especially among children of God. On the other hand, look at Ittai, perfectly free to go, but in order to end the controversy once and for all and to make David know that he will not leave him, he takes a solemn oath before Jehovah, his God, and he doubles it by swearing by the life of David that he will never leave him—in life, in death—he will be with David.

He has cast in his lot with him for better and for worse and he means to be faithful to the end. Old Master Trapp says, “All faithful friends went on a pilgrimage years ago and none of them have ever come back.” I scarcely believe that, but I am afraid that friends quite so faithful as Ittai are as scarce as two moons in the sky at once and you might travel over the edge of the world before you found them! I think, however, that one reason why faithful friends as Ittai have become so scarce may be because large-hearted Davids are so rare. When you tell a man that you expect a good deal of him, he does not see it. Why should you look for so much? He is not your debtor. You have closed, at once, the valves of his generosity.

But when you tell him honestly that you do not expect more than is right and that you do not wish to be a tax upon him—when he sees that you consider his welfare more than your own—that is the very reason why he feels attached to you and counts it a pleasure to serve such a generous-hearted man. You will generally find that when two people fall out of friendship, there are faults on both sides. If generous spirits are few, it may be because faithful friends are rare and if faithful friends are scarce, it may be because generous spirits are scarce, too. Be it ours, as Christians, to live to serve rather than to be served, remembering that we are the followers of a Master who said, “The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.” We are not to expect others to serve us, but our life is to be spent in endeavoring to serve them.

I am going to use Ittai’s language for a further purpose. If Ittai, charmed with David’s person and character, though a foreigner and a stranger, felt that he could enlist beneath David’s banner for life—yes— and declared that he would do so then and there. If Ittai could do this, how much more may you and I, if we know what Christ has done for us and who He is and what He deserves at our hands—how much more at this good hour should we pledge our fidelity to Him and vow, “As the Lord lives, surely in whatever place my Lord and Savior shall be, whether in death or life, even there, also, shall His servant be”?

And so I shall begin by noticing, first, in what form this declaration was made so that we may learn from it how to make the same declaration.

I. In what form and manner was this declaration made? It was made, first, at a time when David’s fortunes were at their lowest ebb and, consequently, it was made unselfishly, without the slightest idea of gain from it. David was now forsaken of everybody. His faithful bodyguard was all that he had on earth to depend upon and then it was that Ittai cast in his lot with David. Now, Beloved, it is very easy to follow religion when she goes abroad in her silver slippers, but the true man follows her when she is in rags and goes through the mire and the slough. To take up with Christ when everybody cries up His name is what a hypocrite would do—but to take up with Christ when they are shouting, “Away with Him! Away with Him!” is another matter.

There are times in which the simple faith of Christ is at a great discount. At one time, imposing ceremonies are all the rage and everybody loves decorated worship. Then the pure simplicity of the Gospel is overloaded and encumbered with meretricious ornaments—it is in such a season that we must stand out for God’s more simple plan and reject the symbolism which verges on idolatry and hides the simplicity of the Gospel. At another time the Gospel is assailed by learned criticisms and by insinuations against the authenticity and Inspiration of the books of Scripture, while fundamental doctrines are undermined, one by one, and he who keeps to the old faith is said to be behind the age and so on.

But happy is that man who takes up with Christ and with the Gospel and with the Truth of God when it is in its worst estate, crying, “If this is foolery, I am a fool, for where Christ is, there will I be! I love Him better at His worst than others at their best and even if He is dead and buried in a sepulcher, I will go with Mary and with Magdalene and sit over against the sepulcher and watch until He rises again, for rise again He will! But whether He lives or dies, where He is there shall His servant be.” Ho, then, brave spirits! Will you enlist for Christ when His banner is tattered? Will you enlist under Him when His armor is stained with blood? Will you rally to Him even when they report Him slain? Happy shall you be! Your loyalty shall be proven to your own eternal glory! You are soldiers such as He loves to honor!

Ittai gave himself up wholly to David when he was but newly come to him. David said, “Whereas you came but yesterday, should I, this day, make you go up and down with us?” But Ittai does not care whether he came yesterday or 20 years ago—he declares, “Surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in death or life, even there, also, will your servant be.” It is best to begin the Christian life with thorough consecration. Have any of you professed to be Christians and have you never given yourselves entirely to Christ? It is time that you began again! This should be one of the earliest forms of our worship of our Master—this total resignation of ourselves to Him.

According to His Word, the first announcement of our faith should be by Baptism and the meaning of Baptism, or immersion in water, is death, burial and resurrection. As far as this point is concerned, the pledge is this—“I am henceforth dead to all but Christ, whose servant I now am. Therefore let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. The watermark is on me from head to foot. I have been buried with Him in Baptism unto death to show that I belong to Him.” Now, whether you have been baptized or not, I leave to yourselves. But in any case, this must be true—that from now on you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. As soon as Christ is yours you ought to be Christ’s. “I am my Beloved’s” should be linked with, “My Beloved is mine,” in the dawn of the day in which you yield to the Lord.

Again, Ittai surrendered himself to David in the most voluntary manner. No one forced Ittai to do this. In fact, David seems to have tried to persuade him the other way. David tested and tried him, but he voluntarily, out of the fullness of his heart said, “Where, my lord, the king, is, there, also, shall his servant be.” Now, dear young people, if you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is yours, give yourselves up to Him by a distinct act and deed. Feel that one grand impulse without needing pressure or argument—“The love of Christ constrains me”—but do not wait to have your duty urged upon you, for the more free the dedication, the more acceptable it will be.

I am told that there is no wine so delicious as that which flows from the grape at the first gentle pressure. The longer you squeeze, the harsher is the juice. We do not like that service which is pressed out of a man and certainly the Lord of Love will not accept forced labor! No, let your willinghood show itself. Say—

“Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.”

My heart pants after the service of her Lord! With the same spontaneity which Ittai displayed, make a solemn consecration of yourselves to David’s Lord. I used a word, then, which suggests another point, namely, that Ittai did this very solemnly. He took an oath which we Christians may not do and may not wish to do, but still we should make the surrender with quite as much solemnity.

In Dr. Doddridge’s, “Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul,” there is a very solemn form of consecration which he recommends young men to sign when they give themselves to Christ. I cannot say that I can recommend it, though I practiced it, for I fear that there is something of legality about it and that it may bring the soul into bondage. I have known some write out a deed of dedication to Christ and sign it with their blood. I will neither commend nor censure, but I will say that a complete dedication must be made in some manner and that it should be done deliberately and with grave thought. You have been bought with a price and you should, therefore, in a distinct manner, acknowledge your Lord’s property in you and transfer to Him the title deeds of your body, spirit and soul.

And this, I think, Ittai did publicly. At any rate, he so acted that everybody saw him when David said, “Go over,” and he marched in front—the first man to pass the brook. Oh yes, dear Friend, you must publicly acknowledge yourself a Christian! If you are a Christian, you must not try to sneak to Heaven round the back alleys, but march up the narrow way like a man and like your Master. He was never ashamed of you, though He might have been! How can you be ashamed of Him when there is nothing in Him to be ashamed of? Some Christians seem to think that they shall lead an easier life if they never make a profession. Like a rat behind the wainscot, they come out after candlelight and get a crumb and then slip back again.

I would not lead such a life! Surely, there is nothing to be ashamed of. A Christian—let us glory in the name! A believer in the Lord Jesus Christ—let them write it on our door plates if they will. Why should we blush at that? “But,” says one, “I would rather be a very quiet one.” I will now place a torpedo under this cowardly quietness! What says the Lord Jesus? “Whoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in Heaven; but he that shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in Heaven.” Take up your cross and follow Him, for, “with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

When our Master ascended up on high He told us to preach the Gospel to every creature. And how did He put it? “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” There must be, therefore, the believing and the acknowledgment of believing. “But cannot I be saved as a believer if I do not openly confess Christ?” Dear Friend, you have no business to tamper with your Master’s command and then say, “Will He not graciously forgive this omission?” Do not neglect one of the two commands, but obey all His will. If you have the spirit of Ittai you will say, “Wherever my lord the king is, there, also, shall your servant be.”

I leave the matter with the consciences of those who may be like Nicodemus, coming to Jesus by night, or may be like Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple, but secretly, for fear of the Jews. May they come out and acknowledge their Master, believing that, then, He will acknowledge them!

II. Secondly, what did this declaration involve? As to Ittai, what did it involve? First, that he was, from that day on, to be David’s servant. Of course, as his soldier, he was to fight for him and to do his bidding. What do you say, man? Can you lift your hands to Christ and say, “From this day on I will live as Your servant, not doing my own will, but Your will. Your command is, from now on, my rule”? Can you say that? If not, do not mock Him, but stand back! May the Holy Spirit give you Grace to begin thus and to persevere to end.

It involved, next, for Ittai that he was to do his utmost for David’s cause, not to be his servant in name, but his soldier—ready for scars and wounds and death, if need be, on the king’s behalf. That is what Ittai meant in rough soldier talk. He took the solemn oath that it should be so. Now, if you would be Christ’s disciple, determine, by His Grace, that you will defend His cause—that if there is rough fighting, you will be in it and, if there is a forlorn hope needed, you will lead it and go through floods and flames if your Master’s cause shall call you. Blessed is the man who will follow the Lamb wherever He goes, giving himself wholly up to his Lord, to serve Him with all his heart.

But Ittai, in his promise, declared that he would give a personal attendance upon the person of his master. That was, indeed, the pith of it, “In what place my lord, the king, shall be, even there, also, will your servant be.” Brothers and Sisters, let us make the same resolve in our hearts that wherever Christ is, there we will be! Where is Christ? In Heaven. We will be there, by-and-by. Where is He here, spiritually? Answer—in His Church. The Church is a body of faithful men and where these are met together, there is Jesus in the midst of them. Very well, then, we will join the Church, for wherever our Lord, the King, is, there, also, shall His servants be!

When the list of the redeemed is read, we will be found in the register, for our Lord’s name is there! Where else did Jesus go? In the commencement of His ministry He descended into the waters of Baptism. Let us follow the Lamb wherever He goes. At the close of His ministry He broke bread and said, “This do you in remembrance of Me.” Be often at His table, for if there is a place on earth where He manifests Himself to His children, it is where bread is broken in His name! Let me now tell a secret. Some of you may have heard it before, but you have forgotten it. Here it is—my Lord is generally here at Prayer Meetings on Monday nights and, indeed, whenever His people come together for prayer, there He is! So I will read you my text and see whether you will come up to it—“Surely in what place my Lord the King shall be, whether it be in a Prayer Meeting or at a sermon, even there, also, will Your servant be.”

If you love your Lord, you know where His haunts are—take care that you follow hard after Him! Where is the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, Brethren, He is wherever the Truth of God is and I pray God that He may raise up a race of men and women in England who are determined to be wherever the Truth of God is, also! We have a host of spineless creatures about who will always be where the congregation is the most respectable— respectability being measured by clothes and cash! Time was, in the Church of God, when they most esteemed the most pious men! Has it come to this, that gold takes precedence over Grace?

Our fathers considered whether a ministry was sound, but now the question is—is the preacher clever? Words are preferred to the Truth of God and oratory takes the lead of the Gospel! Shame on such an age! O you who have not altogether sold your birthrights, I charge you keep out of this wretched declension! The man who loves Christ thoroughly will say, “Wherever the Lord, the King, is, there also shall His servant be, if it be with half a dozen poor Baptists or Methodists, or among the most despised people in the town.” I charge you, Beloved, in whatever town or country your lot is cast, be true to your colors and never forsake your principles! Wherever the Truth of God is, go there! And where there is anything contrary to the Truth of God, do not go, for there your Master is not to be found!

What next? Well, our Master is to be found wherever there is anything to be done for the good of our fellow men. The Lord Jesus Christ is to be found wherever there is work to be done in seeking after His lost sheep. Some people say that they have very little communion with Christ and when I look at them, I do not wonder. Two persons cannot walk together if they will not walk at the same pace. Now, my Lord walks an earnest pace whenever He goes through the world, for the King’s business requires haste. And if His disciples crawl, after a snail’s fashion, they will lose His company. If some of our groaning Brethren would go to the Sunday school and there begin to look after the little children, they would meet with their Lord who used to say, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me.”

If others were to get together a little meeting and teach the ignorant, they would there find Him who had compassion on the ignorant and those that are out of the way. Our Master is where there are fetters to be broken, burdens to be removed and hearts to be comforted! And if you wish to stay with Him, you must aid in such service. Where is our Master? Well, He is always on the side of truth and right. And, O, you Christian people, mind that in everything—politics, business and everything—you keep to that which is right, not to that which is popular. Do not bow the knee to that which, for a little day may be cried up, but stand fast in that which is consistent with rectitude, with humanity, with the cause and honor of God and with the freedom and progress of men! It can never be wise to do wrong. It can never be foolish to be right. It can never be according to the mind of Christ to tyrannize and to oppress.

Keep always to whatever things are pure and lovely and of good report and you will stay with Christ. Temperance, purity, justice—these are favorites with Him! Do your best to advance them for His sake. Above all, remember how Jesus loved secret prayer and if you resolve to stay with Him, you must be much at the Throne of Grace. I will not detain you over each of these points, but simply say that Ittai’s declaration meant also this—that he intended to share David’s condition. If David were great, Ittai would rejoice. If David were exiled, Ittai would attend his wanderings. Our point must be to resolve, in God’s strength, to stay with Christ in all weathers and in all companies and that, whether in life or death!

Ah, that word, “death,” makes it sweet, because then we reap the blessed result of having lived with Christ! We shall go upstairs for the last time and bid good-bye to all and then we shall feel that in death He is still with us as in life we have been with Him. Though our good works can never be a ground of confidence when we are dying, yet if the Lord enables us to follow the Lamb wherever He goes and so to lead a decided, positive, downright, upright Christian life, our death pillow will not be stuffed with thorns of regret, but we shall have to bless God that we bore a faithful witness as far as were able to do so. In such a case we shall not, when dying, wish to go back to rectify the mistakes and insincerities of our lives. No, Beloved, it will be very, very sweet to be alone with Jesus in death!

He will make all our bed in our sickness. He will make our dying pillow soft and our soul shall vanish, kissed away by His dear lips. And we shall be with Him forever and forever. Of those that are nearest to Him, it is said, “These are they that follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They shall walk with Him in white, for they are worthy.” I conclude with this observation. Will our Lord Jesus Christ accept at our hands, tonight, such a consecrating word? If we are trusting in Him for salvation, will He permit us to say that we will stay with Him as long as we live? We reply, He will not permit us to say it in our own strength!

There was a young man who said, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go,” but Christ gave him a cool reception And there was an older man who said, “Though all men shall forsake You, yet I will not,” and in reply his Master prayed for him that his faith should not fail. Now, you must not promise as Peter did, or you will make a greater failure. But, Beloved, this self-devotion is what Christ expects of us if we are His disciples. He will not have us love father or mother more than we love Him! We must be ready to give up all for His sake! This is not only what our Master expects from us, but what He deserves from us—

“Love so amazing, so Divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.”

This, also, is what the Lord will help us to do, for He will give us Grace if we will but seek it at His hands. And this it is which He will graciously reward and has already rewarded, in those choice Words of His in the 12th chapter of John, where He says of His disciples in the 26th verse, “If any man serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be: if any man serve Me, him will My Father honor.”

Oh, to be honored of God in eternity when He shall say, “Stand back, angels! Make way, seraphim and cherubim! Here comes a man that suffered for the sake of My dear Son. Here comes one that was not ashamed of My Only-Begotten when His face was smeared with spit. Here comes one that stood in the pillory with Jesus and was called ill names for His sake. Stand back, you angels! These have greater honor than you!” Surely the angels of Heaven, as they traverse the streets of gold and meet the martyrs, will ask them about their sufferings and say, “You are more favored than we, for you have had the privilege of suffering and dying for the Lord.”

O Brothers and Sisters, snatch at the privilege of living for Jesus! Consecrate yourselves this day unto Him! Live from this hour forward not to enrich yourselves, nor to gain honor and esteem, but for Jesus, for Jesus alone! Oh, if only I could set Him before you here! If only I could cause Him to stand on this platform just as He came from Gethsemane with His bloody sweat about Him, or as He came down from the Cross with wounds so bright with Glory and so fresh with bleeding out our redemption, I think I would hear you say, each one of you, “Lord Jesus, we are Yours and in what place You shall be, whether in death or life, even there, also, will Your servants be.”

So may the Lord help us by His most gracious Spirit who has worked all our works in us, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

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