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The Blue Letter Bible

Kress Biblical Resources :: The Wisdom of the Cross and Charismata / Spiritual Gifts (1Co 12; 13; 14)

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References for 1Co 14:36 —  1   2   3   4   5   6 

Detailed Outline of 1 Corinthians

The Wisdom of the Cross Purifies and Unites Believers, the Wisdom of the World Pollutes and Divides

  1. The wisdom of the cross and charismata/spiritual gifts (1Co 12; 1Co 13; 1Co 14)
    1. Spiritual gifts should unify and build up the church—not divide and puff up (1Co 12:1-31)
      1. The introductory principles concerning the gifts (1Co 12:1-3)
        1. Ignorance and idolatry must both be dealt with (1Co 12:1-2)
          1. Ignorance is neither necessary nor desirable (1Co 12:1)
          2. Idolatry in the past is evidence of a propensity toward spiritual ignorance (1Co 12:2)
        2. Identifying the Source of the gifts and His sovereign purpose is essential (1Co 12:3)
          1. The Spirit never denigrates the Person and work of Jesus (1Co 12:3a)
          2. The Spirit is always the Source of a genuine profession of the Lordship of Jesus (1Co 12:3b)
          3. The Spirit is supremely concerned with exalting Jesus as Lord (1Co 12:3c)
      2. The illustrative list demonstrating the diversity, yet unity of the gifts (1Co 12:4-11)
        1. Spiritual gifts reflect the diversity and unity of their Source—the Triune Godhead (1Co 12:4-6)
          1. Diverse gifts—same Spirit (1Co 12:4)
          2. Diverse ministries—same Lord (1Co 12:5)
          3. Diverse effects—same God (1Co 12:6)
        2. Spiritual gifts are diversely given for the unified good of God’s people (1Co 12:7-10)
          1. The Spirit gifts people for their unified good (1Co 12:7)
          2. The Spirit gives differing gifts to different people (1Co 12:8-10)
            1. Word of wisdom (1Co 12:8a)
            2. Word of knowledge (1Co 12:8b)
            3. Faith (1Co 12:9a)
            4. Healing (1Co 12:9b)
            5. Effecting of miracles (1Co 12:10a)
            6. Prophecy (1Co 12:10b)
            7. Distinguishing of spirits (1Co 12:10c)
            8. Kinds of tongues (1Co 12:10d)
            9. Interpretation of tongues (1Co 12:10e)
          3. Spiritual gifts are distributed according to the Spirit’s Sovereign wisdom and will (1Co 12:11)
      3. The interdependent nature, yet individual uniqueness of the [gifted] body of Christ (1Co 12:12-31)
        1. The instruction concerning unity and diversity (1Co 12:12-13)
          1. The instruction introduced by way of analogy (1Co 12:12)
            1. The body has many members but is still one body (1Co 12:12abc)
            2. The body of Christ has many members, but is still the one body of Christ (1Co 12:12d)
          2. The instruction stated (1Co 12:13)
            1. Unity in diversity is the work of the Spirit (1Co 12:13a)
            2. Unity in diversity is seen in God’s chosen (1Co 12:13bc)
            3. Unity in diversity is the work of the Spirit (1Co 12:13d)
        2. The illustration and instruction concerning unity and diversity (1Co 12:14-26)
          1. The illustration introduced: The body is diverse, but interdependent (1Co 12:14-17)
            1. The foot is not the hand, but is still an important part of the body (1Co 12:15)
            2. The ear is not the eye, but is still an important part of the body (1Co 12:16)
            3. Seeing, hearing, as well as the sense of smell are all important—but none of them can claim to be the whole body (1Co 12:17)
          2. The instruction: God’s sovereign will determines the giftedness of the body of Christ (1Co 12:18-20)
            1. The will of God is determinative (1Co 12:18)
            2. The wisdom of God is demonstrated (1Co 12:19-20)
          3. The illustration continued: The body parts need each other (1Co 12:21-24a)
            1. The parts of the body need each other (1Co 12:21-22)
            2. The “precious” or “private” parts of the body are honored by clothing or skeletal covering—but the public parts are not (1Co 12:23-24a)
          4. The instruction: God’s sovereign design calls for mutual care of the body of Christ among its members (1Co 12:24b-26)
            1. The sovereign design (1Co 12:24b-25)
            2. The suffering or success of one part affects the whole (1Co 12:26)
        3. The instruction concerning the diversity within the unified body of Christ (1Co 12:27-30)
          1. The illustration plainly applied (1Co 12:27)
          2. The instruction concerning the diversity of gifts (1Co 12:28-30)
            1. The sample list of gifts used as an example (1Co 12:28)
              • Apostles
              • Prophets
              • Teachers
              • Miracles
              • Healings
              • Helps
              • Administration
              • Tongues
            2. The set reality that not everyone has the same gift (1Co 12:29-30)
              • Not all are Apostles
              • Not all are prophets
              • Not all are teachers
              • Not all work miracles
              • Not all have gifts of healing
              • Not all speak in tongues
              • Not all interpret
        4. The introduction of something more important and glorious than spiritual gifts (1Co 12:31)
          1. The intense desire for greater gifts (1Co 12:31a)
          2. The introduction of a greater way (1Co 12:31b)
    2. Spiritual gifts should manifest faith, hope, and love—not self-exaltation (1Co 13:1-13)
      1. The hypothetical examples of ultimate giftedness without love (1Co 13:1-3)
        1. Without love, my tongues are nothing but a loud distraction (1Co 13:1)
        2. Without love, my prophecy, knowledge, and faith are of no account (1Co 13:2)
        3. Without love, my self-sacrificial service gains me nothing (1Co 13:3)
      2. The higher essential attributes of love (1Co 13:4-13)
        1. Love’s excellence described (1Co 13:4-8a)
          1. Love suffers long [and waits expectantly] (1Co 13:4)
          2. Love is kind [and good] (1Co 13:4)
          3. Love is not envious [or covetous] (1Co 13:4)
          4. Love is not self-aggrandizing (1Co 13:4)
          5. Love is not puffed up with pride (1Co 13:4)
          6. Love does not act indecently [shamefully] (1Co 13:5)
          7. Love is not selfish (1Co 13:5)
          8. Love is not easily irritated (1Co 13:5)
          9. Love does not keep a record of wrongs suffered (1Co 13:5)
          10. Love does not rejoice in what is not right (1Co 13:6)
          11. Love rejoices in the truth (1Co 13:6)
          12. Love covers all things (1Co 13:7)
          13. Love believes [and trust God in] all things (1Co 13:7)
          14. Love hopes [anticipates the fulfillment of God’s promises in] all things (1Co 13:7)
          15. Love remains standing under all things (1Co 13:7)
          16. Love never ends (1Co 13:8a)
        2. Love’s exceeding greatness declared (1Co 13:8b-13)
          1. The spiritual gifts are temporal and temporary (1Co 13:8b-12)
            1. The gifts are temporary (1Co 13:8bcd)
              • The gift of prophecies will be abolished (1Co 13:8b)
              • The gift of tongues will cease (1Co 13:8c)
              • The gift of knowledge will be abolished (1Co 13:8d)
            2. The gifts are transitional and temporal (1Co 13:9-12)
              • The prophetic gifts are only partial and not complete (1Co 13:9)
              • The perfect/complete will put an end to the partial (1Co 13:10)
              • The picture of a child becoming a man and no longer needing childhood helps (1Co 13:11)
              • The picture of a mirror of burnished metal to see in contrast to perfect clarity (1Co 13:12)
          2. The supreme virtues are eternal—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest is love (1Co 13:13)
    3. Spiritual gifts should prioritize the proclamation of truth to others in an orderly manner—not pacification of self (1Co 14)
      1. The priority of prophecy over the gift of tongues (1Co 14:1-12)
        1. Pursue love—and prioritize prophecy in your zeal for spiritual gifts (1Co 14:1-5)
          1. Constantly pursue love (1Co 14:1a)
          2. Consciously prioritize prophecy in your zeal for spiritual gifts (1Co 14:1b-5)
            1. The command (1Co 14:1bc)
            2. The comparison of prophecy and tongues (1Co 14:2-5)
              • One remains a mystery (1Co 14:2)
              • One reveals a message of edification to others (1Co 14:3)
              • One edifies self (1Co 14:4a)
              • One edifies the church (1Co 14:4b)
              • One is greater but both are desirable gifts (1Co 14:5)
        2. Practice love as you use your spiritual gifts (1Co 14:6-12)
          1. How will your speaking in tongues edify others (1Co 14:6)
          2. How will your speaking in tongues be understood by others? (1Co 14:7-11)
            1. The illustration of a flute or harp—there must be a recognizable melody (1Co 14:7)
            2. The illustration of a bugle—there must be an understood sound/signal (1Co 14:8)
            3. The instruction and application concerning tongues (1Co 14:9-11)
              • Others need to be able to understand (1Co 14:9)
              • Other languages have meaning (1Co 14:10)
              • Other languages not understood alienate rather than edify (1Co 14:11)
          3. Have it as your goal to edify the church as you use your spiritual gifts (1Co 14:12)
      2. The priority of interpretation when exercising the gift of tongues (1Co 14:13-19)
        1. The command to the tongue speaker—pray for the gift of interpretation (1Co 14:13)
        2. The concerns—personal understanding and the edification of others (1Co 14:14-17)
          1. It is an issue of mental fruitfulness (1Co 14:14)
          2. It is an issue of volition/choice (1Co 14:15)
          3. It is an issue of concern for others (1Co 14:16-17)
        3. The clear example of the Apostle Paul concerning the gift of tongues (1Co 14:18-19)
          1. An appreciation for the gift of tongues (1Co 14:18)
          2. An ardent pursuit of the edification of the church over self (1Co 14:19)
      3. The purpose and proper use of the gifts of tongues and prophecy (1Co 14:20-28)
        1. The plea to mature thinking (1Co 14:20)
        2. The purpose of the gifts of tongues and prophecy (1Co 14:21-25)
          1. The public use of the gift of tongues without interpretation serves to confirm unbelievers in their unbelief (1Co 14:21, 22a, 23)
            1. In Isaiah 28 the tongues signaled an unedified, unbelieving people’s further alienation from God (1Co 14:21)
            2. In using tongues without interpretation, it signals unedified, unbelieving people that will be further alienated from God (1Co 14:22a)
            3. In using tongues without interpretation, those without the gift of interpretation and unbelievers will only be further alienated from God and His people (1Co 14:23)
          2. The public use of the gift of prophecy serves to correct and confirm God’s glory to both believers and non-believers (1Co 14:22b, 24, 25)
            1. Prophecy signals God’s gracious call to believe and be restored (1Co 14:22b)
            2. Prophecy brings conviction to the ungifted and the unbeliever (1Co 14:24)
            3. Prophecy fosters worship and testifies of God’s presence (1Co 14:25)
        3. The proper use of the gift of tongues (1Co 14:26-28)
          1. The repeated emphasis for all spiritual gifts—order and edification (1Co 14:26)
          2. The requirements for the public use of tongues (1Co 14:27-28)
            1. There may be three at most 1Co 14:27a)
            2. There must be order, not simultaneous speaking (1Co 14:27b)
            3. There must be an interpreter (1Co 14:27c)
            4. There must be no public use if no interpreter (1Co 14:28)
      4. The proper ordering of the prophetic gifts (1Co 14:29-40)
        1. The regulations concerning the use of prophecy in the church (1Co 14:29-33a)
          1. To be limited—two or three per service (1Co 14:29a)
          2. To be evaluated by others (1Co 14:29b)
          3. To be yielding to new revelation during the service (1Co 14:30)
          4. To be orderly—one by one, not simultaneously given (1Co 14:31-33a)
            1. Must be one by one (1Co 14:31a)
            2. Must be for the edification of others (1Co 14:31b)
            3. Must be self-controlled in presentation and timing (1Co 14:32)
            4. Must reflect God’s character—order and peace, not confusion (1Co 14:33)
        2. The role of women in regard to the use of prophecy in the church (1Co 14:33b-38)
          1. The restriction: women are not to prophesy during the service (1Co 14:33b-36)
            1. The scope of this mandate—all the churches (1Co 14:33b)
            2. The silence in regard to prophecy in the church (1Co 14:34-35)
            3. The strong censure of Corinthians laxity in this area (1Co 14:36)
          2. The requirement: agreement with apostolic authority on this matter (1Co 14:37-38)
            1. Recognition of apostolic authority is a prerequisite for the godly (1Co 14:37)
            2. Recognize that there is no divine recognition for those who reject apostolic authority (1Co 14:38)
        3. The reminder of priorities and propriety in the use of spiritual gifts (1Co 14:39-40)
          1. The priority of prophecy (1Co 14:39a)
          2. The permission of tongues (1Co 14:39b)
          3. The propriety and orderliness of exercising the gifts in worship (1Co 14:40)
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