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The Blue Letter Bible

Chuck Smith :: Study Guide for John

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The Gospel of John was the fourth and last gospel to be written. Certain heresies had already sprung up, so the Apostle John found it necessary to set forth in his gospel the deity of Christ.


v.1 Before anything was ever created there was the Word (Genesis 1:1). "The Word was God" literally means that Jehovah God was the Word.

v.3 Jesus Christ is the creator of this universe. All things are held together by Christ (Colossians 1:15-17).

v.5 The darkness didn't understand the light of Jesus Christ.

v.6-8 This is in reference to the ministry of John the Baptist.

v.9 A better translation would be, "Who was the true Light, who by His coming into the world has brought light to every man".

v.11 "His own" refers to the Jewish people.

v.13 We have been born again by the will of God, not by our own will. In John 15:16 Jesus said, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you." Romans 8:30; Ephesians 2:8. This shouldn't be carried to the extreme of continuously resisting His grace.

v.14 The purpose of the incarnation is that God might communicate to us the truth about Himself. Jesus Christ is God come in human flesh (Philippians 2:7).

v.15 Although John the Baptist was Jesus' older cousin, John states that Jesus came before him.

v.17 The law was given to the nation Israel to establish fellowship between God and man. This "old covenant" was based on man's faithfulness. Because man couldn't keep the law, his fellowship with God was destroyed (Isaiah 59:1-2). God established a "new covenant" with man which is based upon God's faithfulness: the finished work of Christ. Through Him we have continual fellowship with God by His grace (God's unmerited favor).

v.21 Malachi 4:5; Revelation 11:3-12; Matthew 17:11; Deuteronomy 18:15.

v.34 This is John the Baptist's testimony of Jesus Christ.

v.36 John the Baptist even sought to point his own disciples to Jesus Christ and not to draw attention to himself. 1 Peter 1:18-19.


v.1-12 Jesus isn't condoning the drinking of wine (Proverbs 20:1; Ephesians 5:18, 1 Corinthians 6:12).

v.14-17 The high priests owned the stalls for the animals. The money changers were charging a 25% exchange rate. God hates the merchandising of religion.

v.19-20 The Jews thought Jesus was referring to the temple that Herod had started to build.


v.1-7 By all natural standards of salvation, Nicodemus had it made. He was a Jew, God's chosen people. He was a Pharisee, a man who spent his whole life endeavoring to keep the righteousness of the law. He was a ruler among the Jews. In spite of these things he still needed to be born again.

v.2 Acts 2:22; John 14:11.

v.5 "Born of water" refers to physical birth, as the protective liquid is brought forth from the mother's womb at birth.

v.14 This is a type of crucifixion (Numbers 21:7-9). Moses took the symbol of sin (serpent) and the symbol of judgment (brass) and put it upon a pole. All who looked upon it were healed of the poisonous snakebite. Those who didn't acknowledge it would die.

v.15-18 We can be born again and escape the judgment of God by simply believing in Him.

v.17 Jesus doesn't condemn us; man condemns. Jesus came to save us, and He is praying to the Father on our behalf (Romans 8:34).

v.19-21 We're condemned when we reject God's offer of salvation by not coming to the light.

v.29 John was content just to be a friend of the Bridegroom.

v.34 The fullness of the Spirit was upon Christ.


v.7-13 Jesus is talking about the thirst in man's spirit for God. You will never be satisfied by trying to quench your spiritual thirst with physical experiences.

v.20 This refers to Mount Gerizim where the blessings of God were to be called out (Joshua 8:30-35).

v.24 God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

v.34 The will of Him who sent Jesus was to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10).

v.38 "Other men" refers to the Old Testament prophets.

v.41 Philip went to Samaria later, and there a great revival took place (Acts 8:5-8).

v.46-49 The distance from Cana to Capernaum was 12 to 15 miles. The nobleman was asking Jesus to take a day's journey to heal his son.


v.1 Under the Jewish law all adult Jewish males were required to go to Jerusalem three times a year to participate in the following feasts:

(1) Feast of Passover,

(2) Feast of Pentecost, and

(3) Feast of Tabernacles.

v.4 Stepping into the water was a point of contact as faith in God was released to make the person whole.

v.10 Exodus 31:14-15.

v.14 In this man there was a cause and effect relationship between a continuing sin in his life and his illness. This isn't always the case.

v.17 God cannot rest when there is human need A man in need supersedes the law.

v.18 The literal Greek meaning is "continuing to make himself equal with God."

v.25 Ephesians 4:8-10.

v.28-29 These two resurrections are separated by 1000 years (Daniel 12:2; Revelation 20:6).

v.31 Deuteronomy 19:15.

These four bore witness of Jesus:

v.33 (1) John the Baptist.

v.36 (2) Jesus' own works are a witness that the Father has sent Him (Acts 2:22; Matthew 5:16).

v.37 (3) The Father has born witness of Him.

v.39 (4) The Scriptures. There are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that refer to the first coming of Christ (Psalm 40:7: 2 Peter 1:19).

v.40 1 John 5:11-12.

v.46-47 The books of the law testify of Jesus Christ.


v.1-14 This is the one miracle recorded in all four gospels.

v.12 "Filled" literally means "glutted."

v.15 This was a premature effort to make Him their king.

v.29 Man had already failed in doing the works of God by the law (Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:48). All that God requires of us now is to believe on Jesus Christ (Romans 4:5-8).

v.35 Our souls can only find rest by faith in Christ.

v.37 The purposes of God will still be accomplished, they aren't dependent upon man (Esther 4:13-14; Acts 13:48).

v.44 This shows the fallacy of our own arguments and efforts to draw others to Christ. Our requirement is to bear witness of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

v.63 "Quickeneth" means "makes alive"


v.1 "Jewry" means "Jerusalem."

v.3-5 These were Jesus' own brothers, the sons of Mary.

v.15 Only scholars could speak Hebrew, yet Jesus, who didn't have any formal education, was speaking Hebrew.

v.37 In those days a teacher would sit and the people would stand. (John 8:2). A herald, an evangelist to the people, would stand and the people would sit. Here Jesus is standing, heralding a glorious new age and proclaiming the simple Gospel.

v.38 This literally means, '"there shall gush forth torrents of living water."

v.39 The Holy Spirit couldn't come upon the disciples until Jesus had ascended into heaven and was glorified. The descent of the Holy Spirit was proof of Christ's ascension and glorification (Acts 2:32-33)

v.40 Deuteronomy 18:15,18.


v.5 Under the law the Jews should have also brought the man to be stoned. In those days there was active discrimination against women. Christianity has freed women and set them on equal footing with men before God (Galatians 3:28).

v.10 Jesus didn't come to condemn, but to save (John 3:17-18; Romans 8:1-4).

v.24 Jesus is actually using the name of God, "I AM." The word the" was inserted by the translators (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58).

v.28 "Lifted up" refers to the Cross.

v.33 These are the unbelieving Jews who are answering Jesus In reality, they were under Roman rule, but they wouldn't acknowledge it. God has placed a beautiful spirit of strength, independence, and nationalism in the Jews.

v.44 The desire of their father, Satan, was to destroy Jesus.

v.56 There are two different instances when Abraham may have seen Jesus

(1) As Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18; Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5-7).

(2) While Abraham was interceding (Genesis 18). These manifestations of God are called theophanies.

v.58 I AM is the name of the eternal God.


v.1-2 The disciples associated the man's blindness with either his sin or the sin of his parents.

v.3 It would be better for this verse to end after "parents." As it stands, the verse reads as though the man was born blind just so Jesus could heal him.

v.4 It would be better for this verse to start with "but" from v.3.

v.7 Jesus used different methods of healing.

v.16 Jesus broke the law by making a man well on the Sabbath

v.34 The Pharisees also related the man's blindness to sin (v.3).

v.35-38 Jesus plainly told the man that He was the son of God (John 4:6-13).

v.39 Jesus is using a physical healing to make a spiritual allegory. Jesus came to heal the sick (Matthew 9:12).


v.1-7 A sheepfold had only one entrance. The shepherd would sleep in front of that entrance, making himself the door. He'd protect the sheep from wolves, wind, and storms. Jesus is our shepherd protecting us from Satan.

v.8 There were men who claimed to be the Messiah before Christ.

v.10 Thieves don't have a beneficent interest in the sheep.

v.12;13 Many ministers are hirelings who don't care for the sheep (Philippians

v.16 "Other sheep" refers to Gentile Christians. Jesus brings Jewish and Gentile Christians together into one foldv.

v.18 Nobody killed Jesus. He laid down His life (Matthew 27:50).

v.22 This feast. also called the Feast of Lights, falls on December 25th.

v.27-28 Romans 8:35.

v.30 "One" here literally means "one in substance and nature."

v.33 The Jews accused Jesus of continually making Himself God.

v.34 "Gods" means "judges" (Exodus 22:8-9).


v.1 These two sisters had different personalities. Mary showed her love by devotionally sitting and visiting with Jesus. Martha showed her love by actions and being busy (Luke 10:38-42).

v.3 Here the word "lovest" in the Greek is phileo, "to be fond of, to admire."

v.4 Jesus is saying that Lazarus' death wasn't a final one.

v.5-7 Here the word "loved" in the Greek is agape, "to have a deep, divine, fervent love." Lest we prejudge and question Jesus' purpose, the writer stresses the fact that Jesus loved them with a divine love.

v.9 "Twelve hours" refers to the sunlight period of the day. "Day" here means "daylight".

v.11 The term "sleep" is used later in the New Testament to refer to the death of a Christian. The experience of death for a believer and a non-believer is vastly different.

v.14 Literally, " Lazarus died."

v.15 Jesus said this so that the faith of His disciples might be increased and that God might be glorified.

v.19-20 In the Jewish culture, the depth of the love for the deceased was demonstrated by the amount of mourning, even to the point of hiring professional mourners.

v.21 Death seems to be an opportunity for natural man to blame God Death is the result of man's sin.

v.25 Matthew 27:52,53; Ephesians 4:8,9; 1 Peter 3:19,20.

v.26 The moment a Christian dies he moves out of his earthly body and into his incorruptible body (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 2 Corinthians 5:1-8; Philippians 1:23).

v.33 This "weeping" in the Greek is "wailing." The Greek word for "groaned in the spirit" signifies wrath or anger. As Jesus was looking at the anguish in the faces of those around Him, He was angry over the issue of sin which had caused man such death and sorrow.

v.35 "Wept" here means that tears began to pour down His cheeks.

v.38 Jesus was "groaning in himself" because He was angry at sin.

v.55 To prepare for worshipping God during the holy feast days, the Jews had to perform certain rites of purification.

v.56 The chief priests and Pharisees had probably issued a warrant for Jesus' arrest.


v.2 Martha isn't complaining anymore. She has learned to serve Jesus from the heart (1 Peter 5:2; 2 Corinthians 9:7).

v.3 Mary must have sensed that Jesus was troubled. as He knew that He'd be crucified soon. Anointing Him was her expression of love.

v.6 Judas had stolen from the treasury. The word "bare" should be translated "pilfered."

v.13 "Hosanna" in Hebrew means "save now." Psalms 118:25.

v.23 John 2:4.

v.24-26 Jesus here is speaking of Himself. Through His death the Church would be multiplied.

v.31 "The judgment of this world" was to fall upon Jesus. "The prince of this world is to be cast out" means that Satan will be brought down or destroyed. Through Jesus' death on the Cross for our sins, victory has come over Satan's power (Colossians 2:14-15).

v.32 "Lifted up" refers to the Cross. This verse doesn't mean that if we exalt Him then He'll draw all men to Himself.

v.38 Isaiah 53:1.

v.39 It's possible to harden your heart to Jesus Christ once too often so that you "could not believe" (Genesis 6:3; Jeremiah 14:10-12).

v.40 When the Lord hardens the heart, the literal meaning is "to make firm stout, or strong" (Exodus 7:13-14:8).

v.43 Man's opinion had a stronger hold on their lives than did God's thoughts about them.

v.45 John 14:9.

v.50 Jesus is placing Himself in total unity and identity with the Father. You can not have one to the exclusion of the other.


v.1 "Unto the end" can also be translated "unto the uttermost."

v.4 In girding Himself with a towel Jesus took the position of a bondslave.

v.14 In those days the washing of feet was the lowliest act a bondslave could perform.

v.15 Jesus is saying this to the apostles, the leaders of the early Church. They were to take the position of servants. Three criteria are used in establishing something for general Church practice.

(1) It must be taught by Christ.

(2) There must be an example in the Book of Acts.

(3) There must be practical teaching on it in the Epistles.

Thus, we hold water baptisms and practice the Lord's supper. Foot washings aren't mentioned in the Book of Acts or Epistles.

v.19 Here Jesus used the prophetic utterance "I AM" to prove who He was.

v.23 This disciple was John.

v.26 Giving a sop is like making a toast to the person or offering him friendship.

Judas may have been Satan incarnate (John 6:70, 17:12; Acts 1:25).

v.27 Jesus was giving Judas the opportunity to back out. Man makes his own choice, and God ratifies that choice.

v.31 Jesus is referring to the Cross.

v.34 Rather than a new commandment, a new emphasis is given in the degree we are to love one another. This can only be fulfilled as we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

v.37-38 Peter wanted to die for the Lord, but he had trouble living for the Lord. To live for Christ is sometimes harder than to die for Him.


v.1 This verse should be a continuation of the previous verse. Because Peter was to fail Jesus went on to this verse. God cannot be disappointed in our failures, because He knows what is in us. We expect more out of ourselves and become discouraged.

v.2 "Mansions" literally means "abiding places."

v.3 Jesus promises to come again.

v.6 Jesus rules out every other religious system. He isn't "a" way but "the" way to the Father (Matthew 7:13-14).

v.7-9 Jesus was such a perfect witness of the Father that He could make this claim.

v.11 The works of Christ were the proof of His origin (Acts 2:22).

v.12 "Greater works" could possibly mean greater in number. Jesus was going to the Father; the Holy Spirit was to descend and would touch lives throughout the world.

v.14 This is a beautiful promise for prayer. The purpose of prayer is to get God's will done, not our own.

v.15 The proof of love is obedience to the command of Christ (1 John 4:20).

v.16 God has given us the Holy Spirit to enable us to do His work. The Greek word is parakletos, "one called alongside to help" (John 15:5; Romans 7:18).

v.17 We can have a twofold relationship with the Holy Spirit.

(1) "With you" in the Greek is para. Prior to conversion, the Holy Spirit convicted you of sin and drew you with loving kindness to Jesus.

(2) When you open the door to Jesus the Holy Spirit comes in and begins to dwell "in you" (en in the Greek) (1 Corinthians 12:3 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 5:18).

A further relationship a person can have with the Holy Spirit is "upon you" (epi in the Greek) (Acts 1:8).

v.18 Matthew 18:20, 28:20; Revelation 1:13,16

v.19 They saw Him after He rose from the dead.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us living hope for eternal life; it's the affirmation that all He said is true.

v.21 Possessing the commandments but not keeping them condemns a man (Romans 2:12,13; James 1:22). If you love the Lord and prove it by obedience. God will manifest Himself to you.

v.23 "Abode" is the same as "abiding places" in John 14:2.

God can only dwell in an atmosphere of love (Revelation 2:4-5).

v.26 This is an illustration of the Trinity.

The Holy Spirit is promised to be the teacher.

If you feed on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance when it is needed.

v.27 This is more than peace with God (Colossians 1:20). We can have the same peace of God Jesus had.

v.28 The Father was greater than Jesus at that time, because of Christ's limitations with His body of flesh. We shouldn't be troubled when Christians die, because they go to the Father and receive a new body from Him.

v.29 Jesus shows us that prophecy proves that He speaks the truth.

v.30 "Prince of this world" refers to Satan. This world is currently under the power and authority of Satan. (Matthew 4:8,9). We shouldn't blame God for tragedies in this world.

v.31 God's commandment to Christ was that He demonstrate His love by dying for this world (Philippians 2:6-8).


v.1-5 The Jews were familiar with the symbol of the vine. Isaiah 5:1-7; Matthew

v.2 Christians who bring forth fruit are purged so that they'll bring forth more

v.3 The Word of God acts as a cleansing agent when we read it.

v.4 Galatians 5:1, 7-24.

v.5 Philippians 4:13.

v.6 You are eternally secure as you abide in Christ.

v.7 "Ask" in the Greek is "you will demand."

v.11 Joy is a quality of man's spirit, independent of outward circumstances, and the result of keeping God's commandments (John 16:24; 1 John 1:4)

v.12 The fruit of the spirit is love. The only way to love in the spirit is to abide in

v.16 God has the right to choose, and He has chosen us to enter into His eternal love. God doesn't turn anyone away who wants to enter. Through our prayers God can give us what He has always wanted to give us.

v.18-21 Persecution from the world will come upon Christians because the world doesn't know God.

v.22 Man will be judged by the amount of light given him. With knowledge comes responsibility (Luke 12:42-48).

v.27 Acts 1:21-22.


v.2 Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-2.

v.4 Jesus didn't reveal these things until now because the disciples couldn't have accepted them

v.6 This is an attitude we often take toward death. The disciples should have been happy that Jesus was going to the Father.

v.7 Acts 2:37-38.

v.8 The Spirit makes us conscious of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

v.9 The only sin man will be condemned for is rejecting Christ.

v.10 Jesus is the only righteousness God will accept. In order to be righteous we must believe on Jesus.

v.11 Satan was judged and defeated at the Cross. Because Satan was defeated, we can enter into the victory of Christ.

v.13 The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to be the spokesman for God He leads us to Jesus.

v.16 In the first part of this verse Jesus talks about seeing Him literally. In the second part He talks about seeing Him with spiritual eyes

v.20 He's talking about the three-day period after His death

v.21 We as Christians are in travail now, but we'll have complete joy when we enter into heaven.

v.23 We should be praying to God in the name of Jesus.

v.24 Joy is related to our prayer life (James 4:2).

v.26-27 We can ask the Father ourselves, because He loves us

v.32 The time was coming when the disciples would go through their most severe trials. We're never alone, because the Father is with us always.

v.33 Jesus wants us to have peace. The source of this world's tribulation comes from Satan who is trying to antagonize us. The source of the Great Tribulation at the end of the world is from God who will send judgment against the world.


This is truly the Lord's prayer. Jesus is interceding for His disciples and all future believers. This prayer is offered just before He enters the Garden of Gethsemane.

v.1 The first petition is that the Son might be glorified. Jesus' hour had come He was to be glorified through the crucifixion. We glory in the work of the Cross (Galatians 6:14).

v.2 This is divine election (John 6:44).

v.3 There is only one true God; there are many false gods.

v.4 God's work of salvation for lost man was finished at the Cross

v.6 "Thy name" refers to the name Jehovah-shuah which means "Jehovah is salvation." This was the mission given to Jesus.

v.6-8 Jesus is talking about His disciples.

v.10 We belong to both the Father and the Son. We are God's inheritance and His treasure Ephesians 1:18. 1 Peter 2:9, Matthew 13:44).

v.11 1 John 1:3.

v.12 "The son of perdition" refers to Judas Iscariot In 2 Thessalonians 2.3 "son of perdition" is also used; Judas may be the Antichrist.

v.14 We are to be in this world, but when the world starts getting into us we're In trouble.

v.17 "Sanctified" means "to be set apart" for God's exclusive use The Word of God sanctifies us. Sanctification is a gradual process and a work of the Holy Spirit.

v.20 Jesus is praying for future believers.

v.23 "Perfect" here means "complete."

v.24 Jesus desires to deliver us out of this world and for us to behold His glory.


v.5,8 Jesus is using the eternal name of God, I AM, which is Jehovah and means "the becoming one."

v.11 Jesus had resigned completely to the will of the Father

v.13 At this time in Jewish history there were two high priests, Annas and Caiaphas.

v.15 "Another disciple" refers to John.

v.23 Instead of turning the other cheek, Jesus rebuked him (Matthew 5:39).

v.28 Pilate's judgment hall was in the court of the Gentiles and would make a Jew ceremonially unclean prior to the Passover. In the name of religion the Jews were careful to observe their traditional law, yet they wanted to see Christ crucified.

v.32 The Jews didn't use crucifixion; it was a Roman way of putting people to death.

v.33-34 Jesus was questioning Pilate's sincerity in asking Him who He was

v.37 Jesus answered, "You said it": literally, "The inference of what you are saying is correct" (Isaiah 9:6-7)

v.38 In asking "What is truth?' Pilate was being cynical Pilate was living near the end of the age of Greek philosophy, a time when all hope in ever discovering truth was gone.

v.40 Jesus was too much of a threat to the security and position of the religious leaders.


v.1 Pilate was caught in a political vise and had to lay aside his own principles. He knew that Jesus was innocent, and he tried to avoid making a decision he knew was wrong (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 27 4; Luke 23:41). A historian of that time recorded that Pilate ultimately committed suicide (Matthew 16:25). The purpose of scourging was to make prisoners confess their crimes (Acts 22:24).

v.2 Purple was a royal color.

v.3 Isaiah 52:14.

v.7 Literally, "He is continually making himself the Son of God."

v.8 Matthew 27:19.

v.17 "Golgotha" is rendered as "Calvary" in Latin.

v.24 Psalm 22:18.

v.25 Luke 2:34-35.

v.27 John took Mary into his own home.

v.31 Breaking their legs hastened their deaths.

v.34 "Blood and water" indicates death by a ruptured, or broken, heart.

v.36 A lamb offered as a sacrifice could not have any broken bones or blemishes (Exodus 12:46). Jesus, God's sacrificial lamb for our sins, didn't have a bone broken.


v.6 "Seeth" in the Greek means "to study the situation."

v.7 The napkin was wrapped as if Jesus was still in it.

v.8 "Saw" in the Greek is "comprehended". John understood that Jesus had risen from the dead.

v.13 Mary still calls Jesus "Lord" even though she thinks He's dead

v.14 Mary turned from the angel because she was looking for her Lord

v.17 In the Greek Jesus said, "Don't cling to Me."

v.18 Mary was the first witness of the risen Christ The Resurrection of Christ is the central message of the Gospel

v.19 The disciples were still fearful of the Jews.

v.21 As God sent Jesus to earth, so Jesus was sending them to be witnesses for Him As He talked to them, He showed them His pierced hands. designating how difficult it would be to live as a Christian in the world

v.22 Jesus demonstrated the power in which the disciples should walk by breathing on them the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:4)

v.23 If a person confesses his sin and turns to Christ. we can tell him that his sins are forgiven by God If he refuses to confess his sin, we can tell him he will face the judgment of God.

v.25 Thomas was very frank and straightforward (John 14:5)

v.27 Jesus wanted the disciples to realize that He was with them even though they couldn't see Him.

v.28 Thomas called Jesus his God (Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:8).

v.29 Jesus was talking about us (1 Peter 1:8)

v.30-31 John chose certain events to write about in order to prove that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God.


v.1 Jesus makes one last appearance at the Sea of Galilee.

v.2 The two other disciples probably weren't of the 12.

v.3 Simon was somewhat of a leader, and the others followed. The first time he met Jesus, Peter was fishing, as this was his trade (Luke 5:1-11). The men caught no fish, because their work wasn't ordered by the Lord.

v.6 The full net of fish showed that the Lord directed their fishing here.

v.11 This showed Peter's physical strength. It also shows what we can have when we follow the Lord's orders.

v.15 Jesus uses the word agape here. Peter uses phileo. "These" could mean the fish, since fishing was Peter's life, or it could refer to the other disciples (Matthew 26:31-35).

v.16 Jesus uses agape; Peter uses phileo. "Feed" means "to shepherd."

v.17 Jesus uses phileo here. Peter was grieved by this. Earlier, he felt that the Lord didn't know him (John 13:36-38, Luke 22:31-34). This time Peter realized that Jesus knew all things about him (John 14:21). Jesus told the disciples to wait in Galilee for Him, but they didn't. If they had waited, they would have shown agape love; instead they went fishing.

v.18 Jesus foretold Peter's crucifixion.

v.19 Jesus told Peter to follow Him regardless of the cost.

v.21 Peter took his eyes off the Lord and worried about John. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, not on others.

Used With Permission

© The Word For Today. We thank Chuck Smith, The Word For Today and Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for their permission to utilize this work.

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