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Intro: 1st 3 beatitudes showed to us our need. 4th brings us the answer. Unless you hunger and thirst you will never be filled. First conscious of need.
A. Deals with two most common objections to Christian doctrine of salvation.
1. Too easy - grace - faith - hunger and thirst.
2. Too hard - what is meant by righteousness.
a. To be just like Christ.
b. Conformed to His image.
3. Whose who truly understand what righteousness means never object to it being too easy.
a. Realize apart from grace could never be saved.
A. Hunger and thirst for righteousness (shall be filled).
1. Not hoping to be filled.
2. Filled with His righteousness - purifieth.
B. "Am I fiIIed?" "Fruit of Spirit in my life?"
1. Am I filled with love, joy and peace.
2. Do I manifest long-suffering, gentleness, kindness, meekness, faith and temperance.
3. If a Christian should be able to say yes.
4. If not you must not truly be hungry and thirsting, for Jesus said you shall be filled.
C. How can I know if I am truly hungering and thirsting?
2. Church history, Whitefield, Knox, Luther, Wesley.
3. Do I see through my own false righteousness?
a. I lam still trusting in self.
b. Looking to my own effort.
c. Wanting to put my self on back or defend self.
4. Must have deep awareness of need for Savior, helplessness apart from Him.
5. Do I long to be like Moses, Daniel, Paul?
a. Possible to desire in wrong way.
1. Have blessing and power but not like them.
2. Balaam, "Let me die the death of the righteous."
3. What about living?
D. Cannot be entirely passive.
1. Just waiting for something to happen.
2. So many encourage this attitude.
a. Make yourselves available.
b. If God wants to, I will consent.
3. Words hunger and thirst.
a. Avoid anything opposed to this righteousness.
b. Avoid things that would dull appetite.
1. Things that are proper and right of themselves yet dull appetite.
c. Put yourself in place where apt to receive.
1. Blind Bartimeaus.
2. "I am so hungry for God."
d. Study about it in the Word. Do I spend as much time with the Word as I do TV?
e. Time in prayer.
Consequence of not having this righteousness. Should you once get a taste, desire nothing else.