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Intro: VS. 26 Sung a hymn, traditional
Ps. 113-118 the last stanza ringing still in ears. "Jehovah is God, who has given us light, bind the sacrifice with cords even unto the horns of the alter. Thou art My God I will praise thee, thou art my God I will exalt thee. O give thanks unto the Lord for His mercy endureth forever."
A. Jesus told them what was to happen.
1. "All of you shall be offended" (skandalon) stumbled -Why? because the scripture says in
Zech 13:7- "I will smite the Shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered."
a. The smiting of the Shepherd will cause the scattering of the sheep.
2. Here is what was to happen to Him and to them.
B. They objected to what Jesus said.
C. They then arrived at the Mt. of Olives. Observe His communion with the Father and cooperation.
1. Suggestion that Jesus was shrinking from task.
1. Communion of highest order.
2. The soul can say everything to God. Confess fears, doubts, desires.
3. God hates to hear us sing songs of submission when heart hot in rebellion.
a. Here He speaks of His shrinking and submission
1. Father, if it be possible.. remove..
b. This is perfect communion - I can go no closer, the light is too bright.
A. First evidence is false security that they felt.
1. Peter said, "I will not deny thee" and he meant it sincere. He never said a finer thing.
a. We tend to criticize him and rebuke him.
b. Jesus was not angry.
c. All the disciples said the same thing.
2. Here we see personal devotion to Jesus Christ and confidence in the power of their will to carry it out.
B. Second evidence sleeping when they should be praying!
1. The physical failure was the result of mental dullness. Had they realized events transpiring.
a. Spirit is "willing" not strong.
2. The mental dullness due to spiritual weakness.
C. Third evidence of scattering when awakened Peter drew sword and began to swing.
1. Zeal without knowledge.
2. The drawn sword not sign of bravery but fear.
a. Jesus had gone beyond and was resting now in the full commitment to the Father's will.
D. Then came the flight "They all forsook Him and fled."
1. They could not help this. It was fulfillment of scripture.
2. It is easier to bear the cross this side of the resurrection.
a. Peter later writes of "living" "hope by resurrection."
b. Hope was not dead, it took resurrection.
A. He prepared them by telling them.
1. Showed them in scriptures.
2. When it happened they would remember.
3. But He also spoke to them of ultimate victory of resurrection.
B. His great patience with them when He found them asleep.
1. Could you not watch with Me one hour?
C. Beauty in third time He came and found them asleep "sleep on now."
1. Not said sarcastically.
2. How long they slept we do not know.
3. He sat there and watched over them, as they slept.
D. What a beautiful shepherd. I may be weak and even deny Him, but He loves me and will bring me through. My Good Shepherd.