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Intro: Zacharias was a priest from the family of Abia. He was quite old, his wife was barren.His duty was to burn incense in the Temple. An angel appeared on right side of altar, "Thy prayer is heard..." The promised child is now born, friends have gathered to celebrate.
A. The Lord God has visited His people.
1. Prophesy of Isaiah, "A virgin shall conceive..."
2. Word of angel to Mary, "He shall be great..."
3. "In the beginning was the Word.."
4. The purpose of the visit, "To redeem them."
a. The world was lost and corrupted by sin.
b. He well might have come to judge and condemn.
c. "He has raised up a horn of salvation."
B. The Lord God has kept His promises.
1. Salvation from their enemies.
a. Greatest enemy is Satan.
b. He held us captive.
II Timothy 2:6, "That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."
2. Salvation is more than saved from, it is saved for...
A. We are saved to serve God.
1. Every man serves some master.
2. No man can serve two masters
3. Paul encourages in
Romans 6, "Even as you at one time were yielding your bodies to serve uncleanness and iniquity, now yield them to serve righteousness and holiness."
B. How are we to serve God? Verse 75, "In holiness and righteousness."
1. Someone says, "Oh, I don't like this talk about holiness." That's a shame, "For without holiness..."
2. There is a difference between the two, yet you cannot have one without the other.
a. Holiness is right in my attitude.
b. Righteousness is being right in my actions.
c. Therefore, righteousness springs from holiness.
1. The whole problem with phariseeism was an attempt at righteousness with holiness.
2. Holiness must be the root from which the fruit of righteousness springs.
d. Holiness has to do with character, righteousness with my conduct.
3. There is no motive for right conduct sufficiently strong enough to maintain it other than holiness. All other motives will break down.
a. Doing right from self-respect will break down.
b. Right as a matter of policy will fail.
1. "Honesty is the best policy."
2. The relativistic philosophers have shown where in some cases to lie is the best policy.
4. Both words suggest a standard.
a. This has been the quest of philosophy, to discover the base or standard for right.
1. Might is right.
2. Pleasure is right.
3. Nothing is right except in given situations when everything becomes right.
b. What is the standard for holiness or righteousness.
1. God is our standard.
a. "He that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as He is pure."
b. "Righteous even as He is righteous."
5. How can we attain to this standard?
a. This is why Jesus came, so we could serve Him in holiness and righteousness.
b. Many have become discouraged because of constant failure. Cart before horse.
1. They tried to be righteous before they were holy.
2. The Lord begins His work within.