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Intro: No accident that Christ crucified between two thieves,
Isa. 53,
Acts 4, "For to do whatsoever thy hand and counsel had determined before to be done."
A. Was it to show the shame to which He descended?
1. Born in another man's manger.
Rode on another man's donkey.
Died on another man's cross between offscouring of humanity.
Buried in another man's tomb.
"He was in the world and the world was made by Him..."
2. Despised and rejected by man.
B. Was it to show His place as a substitute?
1. Another man's cross - Barabbas? Mine.
C. To demonstrate God's sovereign grace in salvation?
1. Both equally near to Christ.
2. Both notoriously wicked.
3. Both on border of death - Yet one died in sins, other died forgiven.
4. Same today - sit side by side hear same sermon.
A. God's victorious grace. Grace planned provided, "By grace are ye saved through faith."
1. Consider time of conversion.
a. According to appearances He had no power to save Himself much less others.
b. He was forsaken by His followers.
c. He was rejected by religious leaders.
d. He was dying contrary to popular belief of Messiah
e. Even those who had believed before doubting now.
f. No John the Baptist crying behold the lamb...
2. Conversion prior to miracles of day.
B. We see this man as a representative sinner.
1. On brink of eternity united with enemies of Christ.
a. Cursing and deriding Christ in hour of death.
b. On the depths of human depravity.
2. He had to come to the end of himself.
a. I'm a sinner and I can do nothing about it.
b. No more opportunity for good works.
3. He had only to call to Jesus for help.
4. He had faith that Jesus could help.
a. Faith inspired by word on cross. "When you come into your kingdom." Faith transcends all reason.
1. Humble faith "Remember me."
2. Courageous faith.
3. Heart faith.
A. The saviorhood, of Jesus.
1. Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out.
2. Other Voices calling to Him. No response.
B. The purpose of the mission of Christ fulfilled.
1. "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost" "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
2. "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame."
a. What joy? The joy of receiving lost sinners into His kingdom.
3. Here while on the despised cross, drinking the bitter cup of the worlds sins, He received a foretaste of that joy for which He was dying.
Why did He die?
So He could say to you in your hour of death, "Today you shall be with Me in paradise."