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Intro: The mystery of the disease - Dr. Hanson discovered bacillus. Lower animals cannot contract - root Hebrew word - to strike down. Because of unknown origin & insidious relentless progress type of sin. We observe in chaps. 13 & 14 God's interest in welfare of men - cutting off from society those who pose a danger - yet very careful that none be cut off unjustly. Chap. 13 diagnostic - no gleam of hope for one discovered with this disease. Chap 14, law of the leper in the day of his cleansing. Possibility of God doing what man cannot do. Gap between chaps.
A. Mystery of its origin.
1. Still with all of modern science, its origin remains a mystery.
2. Sin somehow exists in every human being.
3. Sin is super induced - not in original man - not in Christ - a poison in humanity.
4. Sin is a spiritual malady - the physical action is but an expression of it.
5. Is sin inherited? If so, how? Contracted? When? Questions of which I know not the answer, "Fathers after the flesh to chasten us; be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live!"
a. If sin is of the spirit, then some evil baccilus has been introduced to the spirit.
6. The nature of sin.
a. The mystery of lawlessness" (Paul)
b. "Sin is lawlessness" (John) First the admission of the mystery - second the nature is sin. Lawlessness means a revolt against the law.
B. The method of its manifestation.
1. First stages discovered only by trained eye.
a. Dr. Turner.
b. In a child, the first sign of lawlessness.
2. It is always progressing - never halting until whole body is affected.
C. Symbol - The nature of its effects.
1. It excludes from fellowship.
2. It renders victim loathsome to fellow man. Self-centeredness.
a. Conscience hardened - past feeling conscience severed.
D. Symbol - Its treatment in the law.
1. Separated not only from man but God - not allowed to come into place of worship.
A. Never refers to Christ healing a leper. Cleansing commissioned, disciples heal sick, cleanse the leper.
B. In law of Moses,
Lev. 14. Two great movements in law of the leper on the day of his cleansing.
1. Priest goes outside the camp & leads him back.
2. The priest within the camp offers certain sacrifices for the leper and anoints him with oil, sets him at the door of the tent of meeting the place of fellowship with God.
C. In old economy, priest went out to certify cleansing not to cleanse.
1. Our high priest came not to certify our cleansing but to cleanse.
2. Christ takes to His own heart this mysterious virus, cancels it, cleanses it by His own blood and makes it not to be.
3. First words of new child - "What will you have me to do?" Lawlessness gone!
D. Priest offered sacrifices provided by the leper.
1. Christ offers himself as sacrifice. (Mystery of Godliness.)