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Intro: Third cycle - Eliphaz final speech speaks of type of sins apt to produce such a calamity, attributes them to Job, offers solution. "Acquaint now thyself with Him and be at peace." Job replies "Oh that I knew where I might find him."
A. The difficulty was reaching God.
1. vs. 8,9.
2. "Why didn't he look up?"
B. This is ever the consciousness of men who seek God on the human level.
1. Their search as Job's might result from pressure.
2. The quest of their intellect to understand the mystery of the Universe.
3. Man cannot make contact with God by action that is earth-bound.
4. People say they find God in nature.
a. They may see evidences of God.
b. He is never found in such a way as to satisfy the deepest need of the soul.
C. The cry "O that I knew where I might find Him."
1. Revelation of necessity of a special revelation of God. He the spirit of man.
A. Gather with men in an upper room, men like ourselves - our humanity - desire the spiritual life of God.
1. In the midst One upon whom attention is centered. One whose humanity appeared as theirs yet the One in whom the eternal became visible.
2. In the company sat also a quiet man with a Greek name "and Philip said, show us the Father and it sufficeth us" much the same as Job, "O that I knew where I might find Him."
B. The answer of Jesus "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father."
1. Which of you can say that without sounding blasphemous.
2. Don't try to tell me you are a child of God by mere fact of creation Universal Father of us all.
a. Certain Jews tried this with Jesus. "You are of your father the devil."
b. We are children of God only through new birth.
C. "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
1. Philip one of first disciples with Christ during entire public ministry.
a. The call to Philip "Come & travel with Me."
b. The hungry multitudes - Jesus said to Philip "Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat? Not seeking information, seeking to prove Philip. Philip saw Him feed the multitude "He that hath..."
c. Certain Greeks came to Philip. "Sir, we would see Jesus." Facing hour of sorrow looking through to triumph. "He that hath seen Me."
d. Now in upper room Jesus had taken a towel and began to wash disciples' feet. "He that hath seen me." See Him in temple eyes flashing. That is God. See same eyes filled with tears at grave of her brother. God see Him sobbing over Jerusalem because she is lost. God "Come unto me and I will give you rest."
"And the Word was made flesh."