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A. In verse 4, He told them that He had not told them about the severe persecution that they were going to face in the beginning because He was with them.
B. Note how sensitive Jesus was to their state of spiritual development.
1. There are things that we could not handle in our early spiritual development.
2. As we grow and mature in Christ, as we find Him faithful, we are able to handle more difficult things.
3. Jesus teaches us to trust in Him for our evening dinner.
a. We find that He is faithful and He always provides. Not always as we expected, sometimes in very unexpected ways.
b. That's what makes it so interesting and exciting.
4. Now we trust in Him for thousands of dollars to support the hundreds of missionaries, and employees who are involved with the Calvary Chapel ministries.
a. The same Lord who always came through with the evening meal, always comes through for the needs of the church.
b. We do not have to worry or fret wondering if He is going to make it this month, for we know that He will.
5. At the beginning of my ministry when we had a monthly church budget of one thousand dollars, if He had told me what the monthly budget would be now, I would not have been able to bear it.
C. The Lord is so gracious in bringing us along in spiritual maturity.
1. In
I Cor. 10, Paul tells us that the Lord will not tempt us beyond what we are able, but with the temptation provide for us a way of escape that we may be able to bear it.
2. He knows our limits and will not push us beyond our capacity to handle things.
A. The subject is still the Holy Spirit.
1. He is the Paracletus who will come alongside of us to help us.
2. He will bring to our remembrance the words of Jesus.
3. He will testify of Jesus.
4. He will reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and of judgment.
B. He is the Spirit of truth and He will guide us into all truth.
1. This is the second time that Jesus refers to Him as the Spirit of truth.
John 14:17.
2. This is looking forward to the writing of the New Testament.
a. Referring to the Old Testament, Paul said to Timothy, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."
b. Peter referring to one of the psalms said, "that the Holy Spirit through the mouth of David said."
c. Peter wrote that the prophecies of old came not by the will of men, but holy men wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
3. The things that they could not bear then were later revealed by the Holy Spirit in the books of the New Testament.
a. The doctrine of Redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ.
b. The barriers will come down between the Jew and the Gentile in Jesus.
c. The gospel is to be carried to the Gentiles.
d. All that His death would accomplish.
1. He was not able to talk to them about His death. They were not able to bear it.
2. Their hearts were troubled enough because of their lack of understanding of the things He was saying to them.
3. He had told them "Let not your heart be troubled."
4. In the very next statement, they had difficulty understanding what He was saying.
C. He will show you things to come.
1. Much of the New Testament is prophecy.
a. Paul's epistles are filled with prophecies of the last days.
b. Peter and James prophesy of things of the last days.
c. Then the book of Revelation.
D. He shall not speak of Himself, but that which He hears shall He speak.
1. Jesus declared that He was sent by the Father and spoke the things that He heard of the Father.
a. "The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in Me He doeth the works."
b. In
John 7, Jesus said, "My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me."
c. In
John 8, Jesus said, "When you have lifted Me up, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing of Myself, but as the Father has taught Me, I speak these things."
John 12:49, "I have spoken nothing of Myself, but the Father which sent Me, He gave Me commandments of what I should say, and what I should speak."
2. Now He declares that He is going to send the Spirit, and that the Spirit will not speak of himself, but the things that He hears.
a. As the Father sent the Son, so now the Son will send the Spirit.
b. As the Son spoke not of Himself, but the things He heard of the Father, so the Spirit will not speak of Himself, but the things that He hears.
A. Again, Jesus came to glorify the Father. "I came not to do My own will but the will of Him who sent Me."
1. Jesus prayed, "I have glorified you on the earth and have finished the work you gave Me to do."
2. So the Spirit comes to glorify Jesus.
B. How will the Spirit glorify Jesus?
1. By receiving from Him and showing it to us.
2. Note how in the miracles of Jesus, the Father was always glorified.
3. In the miracle of the lame man at the temple being healed, Peter in explaining it declared that God had glorified His Son Jesus.
4. When Paul explained to the elders in Jerusalem the works that God had wrought among the Gentiles through His ministry, it declares that they glorified the Lord.
5. The Spirit glorifies Jesus by testifying of Jesus.
A. What a positively powerful statement. This is another one of those radical statements of Jesus that marks Him as a lunatic or the Son of God.
1. I think of His statement at the end of Matthew's gospel, "All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth."
2. Paul declared that the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelled in Him.
3. How God must look with disfavor upon those who denigrate His Son.
a. The Mormons making Him the brother of Lucifer.
b. The Jehovah Witnesses making Him Michael the archangel.
c. The Moslems who make Him just one in the line of many prophets.
B. That is why Jesus said the Spirit will take of Mine and show it to you.