A. The majority would answer with something.
1. New home, car, carpet, husband.
2. Advertising designed to create covetousness, to make you discontent.
a. The subtle suggestion that those who use the particular product have found the key to life.
1. Beautiful people in happy situations.
a. I would like to be beautiful.
b. I want to be happy.
b. The fallacy is once you have purchased the product, you still feel and look the same.
B. Contentment cannot come with outer possessions but with inner possessions.
1. Alexander the Great conquered the world but was never content.
2. Jesus Christ never owned as much as a bed, much less an orthopedic mattress with percale sheets and an electric blanket with dual controls, yet the picture of contentment.
C. Covetousness related in text to discontent.
1. You begin to desire something different.
2. Suddenly that which you possess becomes so inadequate.
3. Say you desire a new car.
a. Your present car still runs well, doesn't it? Well yes, but it can't beat the Corvette in the shalom test.
b. It's dependable, though? Oh yes, but I need new tires and there are a lot of scratches. So I should have a new paint job, and if I go to all that expense, for $8,000 more I can get a new car.
A. What do you have? The ever continual abiding presence of Jesus.
1. So many of the things we desire we hope will give us a better acceptance.
2. I want people to admire me and accept me, and if I am truly honest I want them to envy me.
3. I want to dress sharp, drive a nice car, look well-groomed so people will accept me.
a. What were the hippies trying to tell us? Accept me for me.
b. You can be a well-dressed, well-groomed jerk driving a Mazaratti.
B. Jesus loves you just as you are.
1. Bad breath, dull smile is not going to drive Him away.
2. Some people spend their lifetime berating themselves because of some chronic problem.
3. Jesus loves me! I am so glad. "Wonderful things in the Bible I see, this is the dearest that..."
C. He will never leave you or forsake you.
1. If you begin to slow down and get gray hair, even if you lose your hair, He will not forsake you.
a. Though earthly friends fail you.
b. He will never fail you.
c. Though even your children do not understand you, He understands.
d. What a friend we have in Jesus!
A. His help and presence is not conditioned by my goodness or sweetness.
1. It is conditioned by His unconditional love and my simply believing.
B. How would you like to have a friend that would never leave you or forsake you, always by your side, always understanding, always ready to help? Jesus desires to be such a friend to you.