A. The rapture of the church - "...caught up to meet the Lord in the air."
1. "And when Christ who is our life shall appear."
2. "Behold He cometh with ten thousands of His saints..."
3. If the church is to return with Christ, it follows that it had to be caught up.
B. The earth must be tried during great tribulation.
1. It shall be a time of tribulation such as the world has never seen.
2. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall they see the sign of the Son of man coming in clouds and great glory.
C. The anti-Christ must be revealed and rule. II Thessalonians.
1. Christ is going to destroy him with the brightness of His coming.
D. The nations must be gathered for the battle of Armageddon.
1. It is this battle that shall be stopped by His coming.
A. To establish God's kingdom upon the earth.
1. "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done."
2. Man's attempts to govern himself have all ended up in failure.
a. "He shall reign in justice and righteousness, and of His Kingdom there shall be no end."
B. To restore earth to original intent.
1. Man created for fellowship. "What fellowship hath light..."
2. The curse will be removed from earth.
a. It shall produce abundantly to provide for man's needs.
b. The animal kingdom will be tamed.
c. Peace will cover the earth like a blanket.
C. To honor those who have served Him.
1. "Come ye blessed of the Father inherit the Kingdom that hath been prepared for you from the foundations of the earth."
2. "Who hath made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign with Him upon the earth."
A. "...last days scoffers will come."
B. We have God's Word for it.
1. "That which I have said I shall bring to pass."
a. God gave over 300 prophesies concerning His first coming. He fulfilled them.
b. God has given over 300 prophesies concerning His second coming, many of which are being fulfilled at this very moment. Would you say this is an apt description of our present time? Would you say that Israel is gathering back into her own land? Would you say the world is being plagued by famine and threat of famine and pestilence?
c. If God is going to all the trouble to fulfill His Word to this point - with such exacting persistence, why should He quit now? Why should the remainder of His Word fail? He shall not quit - His Word shall not fail. Jesus shall come, you can bet your life on that - and you better believe it.