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Intro: Solomon had forsaken the God of his father, he sought to find the answer for life in things. He completely indulged himself 2:10, he ended in despair 2:17.
A. A consciousness that life must be more.
1. A certain dissatisfaction within, an emptiness seeking fulfillment.
2. We think that if we just had enough money, or knowledge.
3. Maybe if we could build some monument.
4. The answer lies in pleasure.
B. Solomon experienced this search.
1. Life seemed so monotonous it became empty and meaningless.
2. He gave himself to amassing wealth.
3. He gave himself to education.
a. Frustrating "in much wisdom is grief, he that increases knowledge increases sorrow."
4. Gave himself to vast building projects.
a. Solomon's quarries.
b. Solomon's reservoirs. "All is empty and frustrating, there is no profit under the sun."
5. He gave himself to partying and pleasure. "This too is emptiness."
C. His search led to despair and bitterness. Vs. 2:17.
1. Hated life.
2. It was empty and frustrating.
A. Paul tells us that God has created us subject to emptiness.
1. He actually designed us this way.
2. God created us with a threefold nature.
a. Body, soul and spirit.
b. Integrated yet separate.
3. I have physical needs, psychic needs, spiritual needs.
a. I need air, water, food, etc.
b. I need love, security, purpose.
c. I need God.
d. If I do not fill my physical needs my body will die.
e. If I do not fill my spiritual needs my spirit is dead.
4. My body cries out for the fulfillment of its needs.
5. My mind cries out.
6. My spirit cries out.
7. I cannot be a whole person if one area is lacking.
8. My greatest need is spiritual.
9. My spirit will accept no substitutes.