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A. Expounded and testified the Kingdom of God.
1. God promised a day when He would step into time to save man from destruction.
a. He would be born in Bethlehem through a virgin.
1. "And thou Bethlehem..."
Micah 5.
2. "A virgin shall conceive and..."
Isaiah 7.
b. This child thus born would be the Son of God.
1. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given..."
Isaiah 9.
c. He would come into history 483 years after commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, but be cut off without receiving kingdom.
1. "Know ye therefore and understand..."
d. "He would be despised and rejected and put to death by crucifixion, after being betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver.
1. So they weighed for My price..."
Zech. 11.
e. That this one they rejected would become the chief cornerstone.
B. "Persuading them concerning Jesus."
1. He fulfilled the requirements of each of the prophesies.
a. Born of a virgin in Bethlehem.
b. Came on the scene 483 years from commandment.
c. Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, despised, rejected, put to death, but rose again after three days.
2. The remaining prophesies of the glory that shall fill the earth will be fulfilled when He returns to the earth with His saints.
a. I resent and reject the title of gloom and doom prophet.
b. The greatest days the world has ever known are just around the corner.
1. The glory of the Lord will fill the earth.
2. Righteousness will cover the earth.
3. Wars will be abolished.
4. Crime and corruption will cease.
5. Sickness, pain, sorrow will all be gone.
6. All will be able to freely partake of the fullness of the earth.
7. The lion will lie down with the lamb.
8. The deserts will become lush gardens.
9. Jesus shall reign where ere the sun doth her successive journeys run.
A. The same is true today.
1. As the scriptures were rehearsed, something within you said, "that's truth."
a. A spark of faith has been ignited.
b. When His Kingdom is established on this earth, you will be here with Him.
2. Others of you have said, "I can't believe that."
a. I would have to alter my chosen life-style too much.
B. The consequences of believing.
1. "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become..."
2. He that believeth on the Son hath life.
C. The consequence of not believing.
1. "He that believeth not hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him."
2. "But the fearful and unbelieving shall have their part in the lake that burneth..."
I can see scores of good reasons to believe, I cannot see one good reason not to believe.