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Intro: These are the days of the bowl games. We have been watching dedicated men. Months of training; well conditioned bodies; the extra effort. They endure all the hardship and suffering for a corruptible crown. Since we labor for an incorruptible crown greater...
A. Men who cannot be dissuaded from their call.
1. We see Paul's friends begging and weeping.
2. "Break my heart."
a. Weaken by decision.
3. Quite often when someone comes to me to seek advise on some new great service for the Lord, I deliberately speak discouragingly.
a. I desire to test the depth of the dedication.
4. People often say, I don't know what God is calling me to do.
a. He's calling you to an all out effort.
b. Be 100% in the game.
c. He's calling you into closer fellowship.
1. This comes through prayer and study of the Word.
2. It is here he reveals His plan.
B. Men who will if necessary die for the cause.
1. If you are looking for a
job 8-5 don't apply to the Lord.
a. He has no jobs.
b. It is a life of dedication.
2. Paul did not fear the promised bonds.
a. He was ready for death for the name of Jesus.
b. To be absent from this body and present with the Lord.
1. He was close to this already.
c. A man is no fool.
A. An honest look at life.
1. What is the most worthwhile thing in the world?
a. To be rich?
1. Howard Hughes.
2. Alcoholics.
b. To be famous?
c. Serving Jesus Christ.
2. What is the most enduring thing in the world?
a. Not our riches or fame.
b. Our labor for Jesus Christ "Only one life."
1. Lay not up treasures on earth.
3. What is the most secure thing in the world?
a. Not our possessions or bank accounts.
b. Our life in Jesus Christ.
4. Where lies the greatest fulfillment?
a. In winning the championship?
b. In owning a new home or car?
c. People sacrifice and give far more for these things than they do for Jesus Christ.
d. Doing the will of our Lord.
A. Sometimes bonds and death.
1. "Be thou faithful unto death..."crown of life."
2. "I have fought a good fight..."crown of life"
3. The glorious commendation of our Lord. "well done good and faithful servant...
4. Not to be full-on dedicated to lead to death anyhow.
a. We all are to die sometime.
1. Man yesterday with fifth of whiskey.
5. Step out boldly for Christ, the worse they can do is kill you.
B. It's infectious.
1. Others around you start getting turned on.
2. They ceased weeping and started saying "the will of the Lord be done."
C. Things start to happen for the Lord.