A. We can create our own ideas.
1. This is what many people do.
a. Their gods are projections of themselves.
1. If I were God.
2. I can't understand why God allowed this.
2. Result is confusion for we have an many gods as we do people.
B. We can listen to what other men tell us of God.
1. How can they know anymore about Him than I?
2. Men say such different things, how can I know which one is right?
a. Some say He is a person.
b. Others say He is an essence.
c. Still others, a level of consciousness.
d. Some say I must breathe correctly to discover Him.
e. Others say I must chant.
f. Still others say He can't be found.
3. Result is confusion, to many diverse concepts, I don't know which one to believe.
C. We can listen to what God says about Himself.
1. Surely He knows Himself better than any man who has never seen Him.
2. The Bible purports to be just that - God's revelation of Himself to man.
a. You say, you can't prove to me that is true.
b. You can't prove to me that it isn't.
c. I can offer volumes more evidence that it is than you can offer that it isn't.
3. If the Bible is not God's revelation of Himself to man, then God has left man without a witness and man must forever grovel about in ignorance, hopelessness and despair.
4. Result of believing Bible - confusion gone, authority established.
a. If confusion arises over the Bible through man.
5. Interpretation, let the Bible speak.
1. If some man seeks to undermine its authority by telling you some passages uninspired.
2. Let the Bible speak - "all scripture is given by inspiration of God."
6. The Bible is a guide book and will lead you to a true knowledge of God.
A. He gives grace and peace which are multiplied (verse 2).
1. These Siamese twins of the New Testament.
2. I need all the grace God will show.
a. My knowledge of God gives me multiplied peace, because I know His grace is sufficient for me.
B. Anything and everything I need to live a godly life is given to me.
1. As I know Him, I learn of His vast infinite resources.
2. These are all made available to me.
C. He gives exceeding great and precious promises, that we might partake of His divine nature.
1. What are the characteristics of His nature?
a. Love.
b. Kindness.
c. Purity.
d. Patience.
e. Temperance.
2. When these traits abound in your life, what a beautiful, fruitful life you now Iive.