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A. The kingdom was given to Him by God.
1. The prophet Samuel had anointed him king over Israel.
2. He was God's choice.
3. Saul sought to hold by force that which was no longer his.
B. David was despised and rejected by Saul.
1. Saul sought to kill him.
2. David was finally driven from the kingdom.
3. He waited in the other land until the kingdom was delivered to him.
C. While in exile, men began to gather themselves to him.
1. They came in the time of his humiliation.
2. They were destined to reign with him.
D. David accepted all who came.
1. They came from all backgrounds.
a. Poor men fleeing debts.
b. Those who were discontent.
c. Distressed.
d. Some of the mighty men.
e. Captains over thousands.
2. They left all to follow David.
a. Willing to bear his reproach for the hope of reigning with him.
A. Men from tribe of Benjamin.
1. Mighty men, skilled with bows and slings, real marksmen.
2. They pledged their lives to David, "Thine we are." (verse 18).
3. They recognized God's hand on David's life.
B. Men from tribe of Gad.
1. They separated unto David.
a. The majority still followed Saul.
b. They chose to follow God's choice.
2. They left all to follow David.
a. The least were captains over hundreds.
b. The greatest captains over thousands.
3. They were willing to hazard their own lives to be by David's side.
a. The tribe of Gad was situated on other side of Jordan.
b. Jordan was in the flood season.
1. Nothing could keep them from David.
C. The host with David grew day by day until it was a mighty host like the host of God. (verse 22).
A. Word Christ is Greek for the Hebrew "Messiah." It means "the anointed one."
1. The Father has anointed Him to be King over the earth. (
Ps. 2).
B. He was despised and rejected by man.
1. They cried, "Crucify Him." We have no king but Caesar.
2. "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, yet the world knew...
C. He has been exiled from His kingdom.
1. They said we will not have this man reigning over us.
2. The vast majority are still saying that today.
D. Day by day men are coming to Him.
1. Those who are discontented with this world.
2. Those who are distressed with world scene.
3. They are willing to identify with Him now in His humiliation that they might reign with Him in His glory.
E. He receives all who come from the least to the greatest.