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Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:16
... I. "THEN DELIVERED HE THEREFORE UNTO THEM TO BE CRUCIFIED." A. It is plainly declared that Pilate delivered Jesus to the Jews to be crucified. 1. In the later part of the verse it declares, "And they took Jesus and led Him away." Notice, He was not driven or dragged away. They led Him away, and thus the prophecy was fulfilled which declared, "He was brought as a sheep to the slaughter." a. The "they" of the second ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:19
... I. AND PILATE WROTE A TITLE. A. Matthew and Mark tell us it was the accusation. 1. It was customary to put the crime above the prisoner's head. 2. This is the accusation that they brought before Pilate so as to make Him guilty before the Roman court of a crime punishable by death. a. Before their court, He was adjudged guilty of blasphemy for His confession that He was the Messiah, and thus the Son of God. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:25, 26, 27
... "LORD LET ME LIVE FROM DAY TO DAY." I. FIRST THREE CRIES FROM CROSS CONCERNED OTHERS. A. "Father Forgive." B. "Today thou shalt be with me." C. Caring for His mother. 1. Agony of Mary standing at cross. a. Simeon's prophecy being fulfilled. "Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:25-27
... "THE WORD OF LOVE." Intro: Mary was a woman of sorrows acquainted with grief. Luke 1:28,29 "And when she saw Him, she was troubled with his saying. "No, let's think - for Mary to conceive the Son of God this way. Reputation threatened, yet quiet submission. "Behold the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to thy word." I. THE SORROWS OF MARY. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:25
... I. "NOW THERE STOOD BY THE CROSS OF JESUS." A. The other gospels tell us that there were many women from Galilee who had been ministering to Jesus who were standing afar off watching His crucifixion. 1. They name Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee, and Salome as being in that crowd. 2. Evidently when Mary Magdalene saw Mary the mother of Jesus, standing close by with John and Mary's sist...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:28
... IT IS FINISHED. I. THE SEVEN SAYINGS OF JESUS ON THE CROSS. A. "Father forgive them. They know not what they do." Luke 23:34. B. "Woman behold thy son, behold thy mother." John 19:26,27. C. "Today you will be with Me in paradise." ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:30
... "IT IS FINISHED." Intro: The first recorded words of Jesus when 12-years old: "Did you not know, I must be about My Father's business?" In Samaria He said to disciples, "My meat is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work. Jesus said to the Jews; "The works that the Father has given Me to finish, the same works that I do bear witness of Me. I. THE PROPHECIES CONCERNING HIS DEATH WERE NOW ACCOMPLISHED. A. He wa...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:30
... Intro: It all began in the Garden of Eden. By one man, sin entered the world and death by sin. This death passed unto all men for all have sinned. Man's history one of rebellion against God. Flood - Sodom - Israel. Man was hopelessly enslaved in sin. God had sent many messengers to men. They were servants of God, bearing God's message for man. The people not only rejected the messages, but took the messengers and cast them in prison. Others they stoned, still others they sawed in two. God promised His messengers t...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:31
... I. "THE JEWS THEREFORE, BECAUSE IT WAS THE PREPARATION." A. That is the preparation for the Sabbath day. 1. It takes quite a bit of preparation for the Sabbath day. Inasmuch as they cannot kindle any fires on the Sabbath, and can do no work, all of the food must be prepared the day before. a. Today, they plug in and turn on all the appliances they plan on using on the Sabbath. b. They usually have a pot of hot w...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:1
... I. "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK COMETH MARY MAGDALENE EARLY, WHEN IT WAS YET DARK, AND SEETH THE STONE TAKEN AWAY FROM THE DOOR OF THE SEPULCHRE." A. The Sabbath day was over, the time has come for the beginning of a new week. 1. In the scriptures, the number 8 is the number of new beginning. a. Seven is the number of completion. 1. Seven notes on the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:11
... "THEY HAVE TAKEN AWAY MY LORD." I. MARY MAGDALENE (BEFORE CHRIST). A. Seven devils. B. Very miserable. C. Tormented. D. Bound. E. Life worthless. II. MET CHRIST. A. Cast demons out. B. Brought freedom, joy, something worth living ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:11
... I. "BUT MARY STOOD WITHOUT AT THE SEPULCHRE WEEPING." A. As we had suggested last week, after Peter and John had left the sepulchre, Mary lingered on, standing outside and weeping. 1. As she wept, she stooped and looked into the sepulchre. a. Usually the opening of the sepulchre was not very large, and it was usually low. b. In Jerusalem today you have three classic examples of sepulchres from the ancient d...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:13
... "THEY HAVE TAKEN AWAY MY LORD." I. MARY MAGDALENE'S GREAT LOVE: "HE WHO IS FORGIVEN MUCH LOVES MUCH." A. Before she met Christ, her life was hopeless. 1. She had more than just the normal problems that sinners have. 2. A sinner's life is a miserable lot. a. No thrill at the awareness of God's presence. b. Can't face ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:15
... "WHY WEEPEST THOU?" I. "WOMAN, WHY WEEPEST THOU?" A. These were the first words Jesus spoke after His resurrection. 1. Spoken to Mary Magdalene. a. She had no doubt shed many tears before she met Jesus. 1. Her life had been tormented and miserable. 2. Jesus had freed her from the power of Satan. b. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:15
... I. "SIMON SON OF JONAS, LOVEST THOU ME MORE THAN THESE?" A. Jesus has some unfinished business with Peter. 1. In the hour of great trial, Peter failed the Lord. 2. There is nothing more discouraging than failing in our time of testing. a. Especially when you had confidence that you were above the temptation. b. You lose some of your ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 20:19
... I. "THEN THE FIRST DAY AT EVENING, BEING THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK." A. Many things have transpired this day. 1. The tomb has been discovered to be empty. 2. Jesus appears first unto Mary Magdalene. 3. He then appeared to the other ladies. 4. He then appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus toward the end of the day. 5. These two ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:1-14
... "I'M GOING FISHING." Intro: This section is an epilogue in the story of Christ. It is a Chapter on Christian service. I. SYMBOLIC OF CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. A. Serving in energy of the flesh. B. Fruitfulness of such service. C. Lead by Christ in service - fruitfulness of such leading. D. The Lord's provision for His ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:1-17
... CHRISTIAN SERVICE. I. SERVING IN THE ENERGY OF THE FLESH VERSE 2,3. A. "I go fishing." 1. Not acting on orders from Christ. 2. We can not choose the time and place of our labor. 3. We dare not go unsent. "Without me ye can do..." B. "They entered into a ship immediately." 1. Following a ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:1-17
... "LOVEST THOU ME? Intro: Last week we mentioned that when the Father came into His garden, the fruit He was seeking is love. Here we see a classic example. First, the setting. I. "LOVEST THOU ME, MORE THAN THESE?" A. What were the "these"? 1. Perhaps the 153 great fish in the net. a. Represented the epitome of success in his chosen profess...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:1
... I. "AFTER THESE THINGS JESUS SHEWED HIMSELF AGAIN TO THE DISCIPLES." A. In chapter 20, John tells us of the two appearances of Jesus to His disciples coming one week apart. 1. He had shown himself to individuals, but this is the third time to the disciples as a group. 2. How long after the last appearance recorded in chapter 20, we do not know. We do know that for a period of 40 days, He was manifesting Himself to them on various occasions and in...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:15-17
... "THE QUEST FOR LOVE." Intro: The Bible says, "God is love," not "loves" or "loving." It is His very nature. Jesus who was God incarnate had just demonstrated the extent of God's love. He now asks Peter, "Do you love Me?" I. MORE THAN THESE? WHAT ARE THE "THESE"? A. Peter had returned to the Galilee with some of the disciples. 1. His "I'm going fishing&...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:18, 19
... "WELCOME BACK." Intro: At Ceasarea Philli, Peter began his movement away from the Lord when Jesus made the first mention of the cross. Here we see his final step of restoration as he is told of his own cross and challenged to follow. I. FIRST STEP BACK; Luke 22:31,32, "SATAN HAS DESIRED..." A. Peter is revealed to be in the midst of a ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 21:18
... I. "VERILY, VERILY." THE GREEK WORK IS AMEN, WHICH IS A TRANSLITERATION FROM HEBREW. A. "Truly, truly." It is an affirmation of the truth that is to be declared. B. It is as though Jesus was saying, "I who am the truth are declaring to you the truth." C. When you were young, you girded yourself and went where you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch forth your hands and another girds you and carries you where you do no...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:12
... I. "I WRITE UNTO YOU LITTLE CHILDREN." A. Here is John, the last of the original apostles, probably now in his nineties, writing to the church. 1. Sort of like a grandfather to his grandchildren. 2. "I write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake." 3. What a glorious thing to be able to declare, "Your sins are forgiven....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 1:7
... "CHRIST ABLE TO SAVE TO THE UTTERMOST" I. FIND ONE TO DEAL WITH. A. Prayer. B. Uncle John Vassar. II. BEGIN A CONVERSATION. A. At altar. B. Other places. 1. "Do you think life is worth living?" 2. What is the best thing in life? ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:1
... "LOVE THAT EXPELS FEAR." I. PERFECT LOVE. A. What are attributers of "perfect love"? 1. Joy, peace, long-suffering, gentle, trusting, temperate or even. B. How is "perfect love" attained? 1. 1 John 2:5, obedience to Christ's commands. a. Realizing our total unworthiness, yet ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:1-3
... "FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD." Intro: When we put this together with John and we begin to realize what a momentous event took place that night when Mary brought forth her first born Son and wrapped Him. John here tells us the purpose of His coming to bring us into fellowship. I. THIS WORD TRANSLATED FELLOWSHIP IS A COMPLEX WORD IN GREEK THAT DEFIES TRANSLATION. A. Friendship, common, communion, partaker. 1. A friend ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:1-3
... Intro: Difficulty of translating Greek word Koinonia: fellowship, communion, partners, partakers, common. I. THE ETERNAL EXISTENCE OF JESUS. A. "That which was from the beginning..." 1. "In the beginning God created..." 2. "In the beginning was the Word." 3. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning... B. "That ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:5
... "THE MESSAGE." I. THE NEED OF THE MESSAGE. A. Man's concepts of God all confused. 1. Nature's revelations not complete. 2. Many spoke with authority yet were ignorant themselves. 3. Men spoke their own ideas in the name of God. B. Men had created their own gods. 1. Declared them to be the true gods, ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:29
... I. "IF OR SINCE YOU KNOW THAT HE IS RIGHTEOUS." A. The Greek word know is the word oidas that we spoke about which is an intuitive knowledge. 1. The writer of Hebrews quoting from Psa 45:6 and 7 declared; HEB 1:8 But unto the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness [is] the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1
... "THE PURPOSE OF THE BOOK" >I. 1:4 "THESE THINGS WRITE WE UNTO YOU THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL." A. The difference between joy and happiness. 1. Happiness is a temporary pleasant state of mind that results from desirable circumstances or surroundings. a. It is thus transient. b. In a moment it can change to sadness or sorrow. c. Have ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:1
... "1 JOHN 1:1" I. THAT WHICH WAS FROM THE BEGINNING. WHO WAS FROM THE BEGINNING? A. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." B. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. C. When Micah announced that Bethlehem of Judah was to be birthplace of the Messiah, speaking of the Messiah he said, "Whose g...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:2
... "1 JOHN 1:2" I. THE WORD OF LIFE. A. A reference to Jesus, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God. In Him was life, and the life was the light of man." B. What John has told us about the Word of life. 1. We have heard Him. 2. We have seen ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:3
... "1 JOHN 1:3" I. THAT (ONE) WHICH WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD. A. The One who was from the beginning. B. The One who is eternal. C. The One we saw and heard. D. The One of whom we bear witness. E. We declare Him unto you. II. THE PURPOSE FOR SHARING ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:5
... I. "THIS THEN IS THE MESSAGE WE HAVE HEARD OF HIM." A. From Him who was in the beginning with God. 1. The One whom we saw. 2. The One whom we touched. 3. The One whom we have heard. B. God who at sundry times and in diverse manners spoke to our fathers, has in these last days spoken to us by His Own dear Son. 1. What is the message that He ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:5
... "THIS IS THE MESSAGE" Intro. The eternal true and living God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the God who transcends time and space. He is infinite in power, wisdom and glory. This infinite God desired to reveal Himself to finite man. For this purpose He sent His Son Jesus the Messiah who is the express image of the Father and the outshining or effulgence of His glory. You might say that no man has ever seen the sun. We see the bright shining light that comes forth from the sun. No man has seen the Father at any time,...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 1:8
... "1 JOHN 1:8" I. IF WE SAY THAT WE HAVE NO SIN. A. The word sin singular is the denial of the sin nature of man. 1. Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all sinned: a. The word (have) was inserted by the translators the Greek text just ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:1
... I. MY LITTLE CHILDREN A. Picture John, he is around 90 years of age. He is the last of the original apostles. 1. Christianity has spread far and wide. 2. Because of the overthrow and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., John has moved to Ephesus. He is now writing to the believers as the last survivor of those who had been with Jesus. 3. It is his desire to set the record straight concerning Jesus, for already many false ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:13
... Overcoming The Wicked One. I. THE WORD OVERCOME PRESUPPOSES A BATTLE. THE OVERCOMER IS THE ONE WHO HAS GAINED THE VICTORY IN THE BATTLE. A. We Christians are in a battle. 1. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians said, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, we thus needed the whole armor of God that we might be able to stand against the enemy. a. Principalities and powers are ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:15
... I. LOVE NOT THE WORLD. A. That is, the world order that is governed by Satan. 1. Twice Jesus referred to Satan as the prince of this world. 2. Paul spoke of him as the god of this world. 3. In Ephesians 2, Paul said that they once meandered according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, that even now works in the children of disobedience...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:18
... I. LITTLE CHILDREN IT IS THE LAST TIME. A. The early church believed they were living in the last days. 1. On the day of Pentecost when Peter was explaining to the crowd concerning the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, he quoted the prophecy of Joel concerning the last days. 2. We read in 1 Peter, 1PE 1:20 Who verily was foreordained before the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:20
... I. BUT YOU HAVE AN UNCTION FROM THE HOLY ONE. A. This is a reference to the Holy Spirit. B. The word unction is the Greek word chrisma. It is elsewhere translated anointing. C. This anointing is therefore from the Holy Spirit. D. The purpose of the anointing of the Holy Spirit is to help them to know all things. 1CO ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:25
... I. AND THIS IS THE PROMISE THAT HE HAS MADE TO US, EVEN ETERNAL LIFE. A. A promise is only as good as the one who made it. Who made us the promise of eternal life? 1. Paul said, TIT 1:2 In the hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; 2. It is God Himself who has made the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:26
... I. THESE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU CONCERNING THEM THAT WOULD SEDUCE YOU. A. Paul warned Timothy, in his second letter, concerning the last days that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 1. The words deceiving and being deceived are the same words in Greek as seduce. 2. In his fisrt letter he said, 1TI ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:28
... I. AND NOW LITTLE CHILDREN, ABIDE IN HIM. A. This is the main message of the Holy Spirit to us, verse 27. B. This is the secret of a victorious Christian life. 1. I believe that failure to live an overcoming life can be traced to a person not abiding in Christ. C. This is the great mystery of past ages that was not revealed to the Old Testament prophets or saints, "Christ in you the hope of glory."...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:3
... I. "HEREBY WE KNOW THAT WE KNOW HIM." A. There are many people who profess to know the Lord who really do not know Him at all. 1. You can be sure that the person who says,"I am on good terms with the man upstairs," really isn't. 2. The word "know" here is the word that is to know by experience. 3. The person is saying that they have had an experience with God. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:5
... I. "WHOSO KEEPS HIS WORD." A. It isn't knowing the word that counts. 1. The important thing is to keep the word. 2. James exhorted, "Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only." 3. James declared, "He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin." B. Assenting to the truth of the word is not enough. 1. A ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 2:9
... Intro. John has been speaking about the keeping of the commandments of Jesus as a sign that we are truly abiding in Christ. The commandment being that we love one another even has Christ has loved us. John then declared that the darkness was past and the true light who is Jesus Christ was now shining. I. "HE THAT SAITH HE IS IN THE LIGHT." A. Back in chapter 1, John declared, "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another."...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 3:1
... "BRIGHT HOPE FOR TOMORROW." I. JOHN CALLS OUR ATTENTION TO THE MANNER OF LOVE GOD HAS BESTOWED UPON US. "BEHOLD, WHAT MANNER OF LOVE THE FATHER HAS BESTOWED UPON US." A. Unmerited love. 1. For God commendeth His love toward us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:8. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 John 3:10
... "1 JOHN 3:10" I. "IN THIS THE CHILDREN OF GOD ARE MANIFEST." A. How is the truth about you manifested? 1. If you are living in sin, you are not a child of God. 2. If you are a child of God you will be living in righteousness. B. What you are will ultimately be manifested. 1. If you are a ...
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