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Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:25
... I. "THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN TO YOU BEING YET PRESENT WITH YOU." A. He has told them that He is going away, and that where He is going they cannot follow now, but will follow later. 1. He has told them that He is going to His Father's house to prepare a place for them that where He is they may be also. 2. While He is still present with them He has told them these things. B. He will soon be gone, and in His p...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 14:29
... I. "AND NOW I HAVE TOLD YOU BEFORE IT HAS COME TO PASS THAT WHEN IT IS COME TO PASS, YOU MIGHT BELIEVE." A. The cross could have been viewed as a great mistake in human history, except that it had been planned by God long in advance. 1. Him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain. 2. Luke 24:45. Then He op...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:1-6
... I. "I AM THE TRUE VINE." A. Where this was said. 1. Passing gate of temple? a. Psalms. b. Isaiah. Wild grapes. 2. Mountain side? B. True vine not in contrast with false. True bread. 1. In contrast with types. 2. Israel was type of vine. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:1-12
... "ABIDING IN CHRIST." Intro: The Christian has a unique relationship with his Lord: Other religions may offer high ideals, only Christianity offers the capacity to attain. I. THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES. A. The purpose of the branch is to bear fruit. 1. God looks upon me with a two-fold desire. a. What He can do for me. b. What He can do through ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:1
... I. "I AM THE TRUE VINE, MY FATHER IS THE HUSBANDMAN." A. Note how many times Jesus uses this name for God and refers it to Himself. 1. 6:35: "I Am the bread of life." 2. 8:12: "I Am the light of the world." 3. 8:24: "If you believe not that I Am, you will die in your sins." 4. 8:58: "Before Abraham was, I ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:5
... I. "I AM THE VINE AND YOU ARE THE BRANCHES." A. "He that abideth in Me and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit." 1. This is exactly what the Husbandman is looking for, much fruit. 2. We see that He removes the branches that are bearing no fruit. 3. He purges the branches that are bringing forth fruit, that they may bring forth more fruit. Now He is creating a relationship whereby we may bring fo...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:9-14
... I. WHAT IS THE WORLD SEEKING TODAY? A. Why do several million make trips to Disneyland? What are they seeking? B. Why are millions being spent in the theaters? 1. Why do people go? 2. What are they seeking? C. What is the motive behind the drive of men? 1. What causes man to take two jobs? 2. A better standard of ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:16
... I. FIVE OUTLETS OF SPIRITUAL POWER. A. Life. B. Lips. C. Service. Half an hour of life in India. D. Money. E. Prayer. F. He will do through prayer what He otherwise could not do. Opens a universe. II. PRAYER; A SPIRITUAL CONFLICT. A. Rightful Prince is ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:16
... BEARING FRUIT. Intro. In these final talks to His disciples, Jesus seems to be weaving together five themes. Bearing fruit, keeping His commandments, the help of the Holy Spirit, prayer, loving one another. I. BEARING FRUIT. A. He is the true vine, the Father is the husbandman. 1. The branches that do not bear fruit are taken away. a. The parable of the Lord who went to a far country and...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:18
... I. "IF THE WORLD HATES YOU." A. Jesus had earlier said to His disciples, "In this world you will have tribulation." Jn. 16:33. 1. Satan is in control of the world, he is called the god of this age, and Satan hates God. 2. Because you are of God, Satan hates you. 3. He hates righteousness, and all that is good. 4. Satan ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 15:26
... Intro. Jesus basically has been telling His disciples that it is going to be rough. You are to take the gospel into all the world, but the world is going to hate you, persecute you, and for the most part not receive your words. The servant is not greater than his Lord. I. THE PROMISED HELP. "BUT WHEN THE COMFORTER IS COME." A. The Greek word parakletus, which literally means one who comes alongside to help. 1. You do not have to go it alone, I am sen...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:1
... I. "THESE THINGS HAVE I SPOKEN." A. What things? 1. You are going to be hated by the world. 2. You will be persecuted. B. Why did He tell them these things? 1. So that they would not be stumbled or offended when it happened. 2. He did not want these things to catch them off guard. C. For the most part, the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:7-11
... "THE REPROOF OF THE SPIRIT." Intro: "The Comforter was sent into the world to help us. He convicts us of our sin, draws us to Jesus as the only answer, then gives us the power to live a victorious life. I. "HE WILL REPROVE THE WORLD OF SIN." A. Sin is a killer. 1. It killed man's relationship with God. 2. "In the day thou eatest thereof...&q...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:7-11
... "THE WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT." Intro: When a person begins to get a spiritual awareness, they become conscious of three things: sin, righteousness, judgment. I. OF SIN. A. What is sin? 1. Rebellion against God. a. Origin of word in English "missing the mark." God wants us to hit the mark. b. Origin of Greek word "not a ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:7-11
... "THE TESTIMONY OF THE SPIRIT." Intro: All of us have had those moments when we realized life was more than just physical. The hint or consciousness of the spiritual dimension brings three awarenesses: sin, righteousness, judgment. I. SIN, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE NOT ON ME. A. When you think of sin, you think of something else. 1. That lie that you told; that weakness of your flesh that traps you....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:12
... I. "I HAVE MANY THINGS TO SAY UNTO YOU, BUT YOU CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW." A. In verse 4, He told them that He had not told them about the severe persecution that they were going to face in the beginning because He was with them. B. Note how sensitive Jesus was to their state of spiritual development. 1. There are things that we could not handle in our early spiritual development. 2. As we grow and mature in ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:16
... I. "A LITTLE WHILE AND YOU SHALL NOT SEE ME." A. Jesus is here referring to the three days and nights that He will be in the sepulchre. 1. Before the day which began at sundown is over, He will be beyond their reach as His body will be lying in the tomb. 2. Oh, what momentous events are about to take place that will thoroughly devastate the disciples. 3. They will see the mock trial, the chanting crowds persuad...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:20
... "WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MADE." I. "YE SHALL WEEP AND LAMENT." A. Mark 6:10, tells us that Mary came to the disciples as they mourned and wept. 1. Well might they weep. a. They were all convinced that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God. 1. They were expecting the establishment of God's Kingdom on the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:22
... I. THE MAIN TOPIC TO WHICH JESUS TURNS IN THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS IS JOY. A. "Their sorrow will be turned into joy." B. "Your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you." C. He talks of their fullness of joy. D. It is like the epistle of Paul to the Philippians written from his prison cell. The theme is the joy and rejoicing in Jesus. E. Joy is a qu...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:24
... "FULLNESS OF JOY." Intro: Christianity is unlike any other religion in that it not only declares the ethic, but promises to infuse the ethic by the indwelling presence of the author. This is the final message of Jesus to His disciples before His crucifixion. His subjects are love, joy, and peace. In the face of the cross He speaks of My love, My joy, My peace. I. FULLNESS OF JOY, "THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL." A. Difference between joy a...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 16:26
... I. "AT THAT DAY." A. Which day? 1. Verse 23, He declared, "In that day, you shall ask Me nothing." a. The Greek word for ask is the word used for asking a question. b. The disciples had been asking Him many questions. c. He is probably referring back to the statement that when the Holy Spirit came, He would teach them all things, and would guide them into all truth...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:1
... I. "THE HOUR IS COME." A. Jesus began early in His ministry to talk about His hour. 1. At the beginning of His public ministry when He was at the wedding feast and they had run out of wine, when His mother suggested that He do something about it, He declared, "Woman what have I to do with you? My hour is not yet come." 2. In 7:20, when they sought to arrest Him, no man could put his hand upon Him for "His hour had not yet come.&quo...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:1
... I. THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS. "THESE WORDS SPAKE JESUS, AND LIFTED UP HIS EYES TO HEAVEN AND SAID, FATHER." A. You almost feel that you take your shoes off when you get to this chapter for it surely brings us into the Holy of Holies. That personal, private, intimate relationship between the Son with His Father. B. Luke's gospel that presents Jesus to us as the Son of Man, and shows to us the human side of Jesus, gives to us a greater insight to the prayer life of Jesus than any o...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:1
... I. "AS YOU HAVE GIVEN HIM POWER OVER ALL FLESH." A. This is not a request, but a statement. 1. Psa 2:7: "I will declare the decree, You have said unto Me, Thou art My beloved Son, this day have I begotten You, ask of Me and I will give unto You the heathen for Your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your inheritance." 2. Dan 7:14: ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:3
... I. "AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL." A. Jesus has just declared that the Father has given Him the power to give eternal life to those that the Father has given to Him. B. Eternal life is not to be thought of in terms of duration only. 1. When some people think of eternal life, they think only of living forever and ever. a. Jesus, in speaking of Gehenna, said, "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not que...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:4
... I. "I HAVE GLORIFIED YOU UPON THE EARTH." A. How did Jesus glorify the Father? 1. At the birth of Jesus, the angels declared, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill toward man." 2. He brought glory to God through His works. a. When they brought the man in a cot to Jesus and let him down through the roof, Jesus said, "Your sins are forgiven." The Pharisees objected declaring...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:5
... I. "GLORIFY ME WITH THING OWN SELF." A. The first petition was that the Father might glorify the Son, that the Son might glorify the Father. 1. He then just talked to the Father about different issues. 2. How that the Father had given all power to Him. 3. That He had the power to give eternal life to all that the Father had given to Him. 4. That eternal life came from know...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:6
... Intro. When Job was talking with his friends concerning his affliction, Bildad suggested in essence, "Just get right with God and everything will be O.K." Job responded that being aware of the greatness of God and how nothing He was in comparison, that there was no way that he could plead his case with God. He said, Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, [that] might lay his hand upon us both. Job saw the necessity of a mediator. Here beginning with verse 6, we find Jesus fulfilling that roll. In chapter 13, we read how He girded Himself with a tow...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:7
... Intro. He is here praying for His disciples. He says of them that He has manifested the Father's name to them; that the Father had given them to Him out of the world; they were the Father's but He gave them to Him. That they had kept His Word. I. THEY NOW KNOW THAT ALL THINGS THAT HE HAS, HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO HIM BY THE FATHER. JOH 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sen...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:10
... I. "ALL MINE ARE THINE, AND THINE ARE MINE." A. This is another claim for equality and unity with the Father. 1. What is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine. 2. This is a way that marriage is supposed to be. It is not yours or mine, it is ours. a. There are times where I make a semantic error, and when my wife asks me how I am going to get there, I respond, that I am going to drive my car. She will say, &...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:12
... I. WHILE I WAS WITH THEM IN THE WORLD. A. "He was in the world and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not, He came to His own, and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on His name, who were born not blood nor of the will o the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." B. How he shepherded over them while He was with them....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:14
... I. "I HAVE GIVEN THEM THY WORD, AND THE WORLD HATH HATED THEM." A. Don't expect the world to admire you, applaud you, or vote you into their hall of fame. 1. Look what they did to your Lord. 2. The world still has the same animosity toward Jesus. 3. As you become a faithful representative of Him, they will want to do the same to you. B. You are not of this world...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:17
... I. "SANCTIFY THEM IN THY TRUTH, THY WORD IS TRUTH." A. Having prayed that they may be kept from the evil one, He now prays that the Father might sanctify them in His truth. 1. The word sanctify is to hallow, or consecrate. It was to set something apart for God. a. All of the vessels used in the temple worship were to be sanctified; i.e., they were not to be used for any other purpose than in the worship of God. They were never to be used for person...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:20
... I. "NEITHER PRAY IF FOR THESE ALONE." A. The prayer now moves into the third phase. 1. He began the prayer talking to the Father about their relationship and asking the Father to glorify Him. 2. He then moved into His requests for the disciples. 3. This portion of the prayer is where we come into remembrance. B. "On them also which shall believe on Me through their word.&q...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:23
... Intro. The main petition of Jesus for His church is that they might be one. Twice He repeated the request, "That they might be one in Us" and "That they might be one even as We are one." I. HE THEN EXPLAINED THIS UNITY. "I IN THEM, AND YOU IN ME." A. In chapter 14, He has said, "In that day you will know that I am in the Father and you are in Me and I am in you." 1. In 1Jo 1...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:24
... I. THE SECOND MAJOR REQUEST OF JESUS FOR HIS CHURCH. THAT THEY MAY BE WITH ME WHERE I AM. A. In the 13th chapter Jesus told His disciples that He was going away and where He was going they could not come now. 1. This brought up the questions of "Where are you going?" and "Why cannot we come now?" 2. Jesus in chapter 14, declared, "In My Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 17:25
... I. O RIGHTEOUS FATHER, THE WORLD HAS NOT KNOWN YOU. A. The world does not know God. 1. Man has his many concepts of God. 2. These concepts are born of man's imagination. a. If I were God, this is what I would be. b. This is how I would do things. c. This is where I would live. d. So man makes his gods after his ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 18:1
... I. "WHEN JESUS HAD SPOKEN THESE WORDS." A. The words of the prayer in chapter 17. 1. He went forth with His disciples over the Kidron brook. a. If as thought by some that the 15th chapter was spoken somewhere around the temple as Jesus and the disciples were passing the gates with the emblem of the grape vines upon it. That would put the prayer of Jesus somewhere between the Temple mount and the bottom of the Kidron valley. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 18:10
... I. "THEN SIMON PETER HAVING A SWORD DREW IT." A. There is something about Simon Peter that causes me to love him in spite of his blunders. 1. Yes, he made mistakes, but the person who doesn't make any mistakes is the person who does nothing. 2. Here we see him ready to face all the odds of the soldiers and those who came to arrest Jesus to defend His Lord. a. He had declared to Jesus that he was ready to die f...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 18:15
... I. "AND SIMON PETER FOLLOWED JESUS AND SO DID ANOTHER DISCIPLE." A. Who was the other disciple? 1. Traditionally it was thought to be John. a. He knew the name of the servant of the high priest whose ear was cut off by Peter. b. He usually did not refer to himself by name. 2. Unlikely that he would know the high priest since he was just a fisherman from Galilee...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 18:19
... I. THE HIGH PRIEST THEN ASKED JESUS OF HIS DISCIPLES AND OF HIS DOCTRINE. A. He is asking Jesus to testify against Himself, which is contrary to the law. 1. In our constitution we have the 5th amendment that protects a person from testifying against himself. 2. The legal procedure would have been to prefer some charge against Jesus and then bring in witnesses to prove that charge. 3. The judge who was supposed to listen to ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 18:28
... I. "THEN THEY LED JESUS FROM CAIAPHAS UNTO THE HALL OF JUDGMENT." A. In verse 24, we are told that Jesus was taken from Annas to Caiaphas. Nothing is mentioned by John concerning the trial before Caiaphas. 1. As we said earlier, it was necessary to bring Jesus to Caiaphas in order that he might bring him to the Roman government, for Annas was not recognized by Rome. 2. Matthew tells us concerning the trial before Caiaphas. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 18:33
... I. "ARE YOU THE KING OF THE JEWS?" A. This is a question that Jesus could not just give a yes or no answer to. 1. He had not come to overthrow the Roman yoke and lead the Jews in a general rebellion against Rome. a. This was the basic charge that the Priests were bringing against Him. b. That establishing Himself as the king of the Jews, He was advocating the overthrow of Rome, thus was guilty of treason against...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:1-5
... I. AND SCOURGED HIM. A. Isaiah 53:5: "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed." B. I Peter 2:24: "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness, by whose stripes ye are hea...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:1
... I. THIS SCOURGING WAS A PART OF THE DIVINE PLAN OF GOD. A. It was a fulfillment of prophecy. 1. Psalm 129:3: "The plowers plowed upon My back, they made long their furrows." 2. Isaiah 50:6: "I gave My back to the smiters, and My cheeks to them that plucked off the hair, I hid not My face from shame and ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:2
... I. "AND THE SOLDIERS PLATTED A CROWN OF THORNS." A. Jesus has evidently been delivered to the soldiers that they might make sport of Him. 1. Inasmuch as the charges against Him by the Jews was that He claimed to be the king of the Jews, they platted a crown of thorns to crown Him with. They braided a crown out of thorns. 2. We are prone to think, sick humor. 3. Think again, where did thorns originate? ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:5
... "BEHOLD THE MAN." I. CHRIST'S LIFE PROVED HE WAS A MAN. A. "Little Jesus, meek & mild." 1. Look with me at the scene in temple of Jerusalem. B. The bravest of men will back down before a crowd of people who are adverse to him. 1. Behold Jesus as he speaks his truths before the crowd ready to stone him. a. "O faithless ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:5, 14
... "BEHOLD THE MAN! BEHOLD YOUR KING!" I. "BEHOLD THE MAN!" A. This presentation of Jesus followed the scourging. 1. Romans were noted for torturing their prisoners, scourging one of the cruelest forms of torture. 2. I believe that Jesus stood there erect in all of His divine dignity. a. I believe as Pilate uttered, "Ecce Homo," true awe and admiration. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:7
... I. "WE HAVE A LAW, AND BY OUR LAW HE OUGHT TO DIE, BECAUSE HE MADE HIMSELF THE SON OF GOD." A. Now they get to the real issue. 1. They had brought Him to Pilate with the charges that He had declared Himself a King in opposition to Caesar. 2. Those were trumped-up charges to present to the Roman court in order that they might get the sentence of death by crucifixion. B. It is interesting how that truth ca...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for John 19:12
... I. "FROM THENCEFORTH PILATE SOUGHT TO RELEASE HIM." A. Pilate was convinced of His innocence. 1. We are told that he knew that Jesus was delivered to him because the religious leaders were envious of Jesus. 2. He knew that Jesus had done nothing worthy of death. B. But the Jews cried out saying, "If you release this man, you are not Caesar's friend. Whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against ...
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