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Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 27:45
... "THE VICTORY OF THE CROSS" Intro. It indeed is finished, the horrible, unthinkable crime against righteousness and justice, against God Himself has been committed. We read that at noon there was darkness over all the land, this surely was mankind's darkest hour. The ultimate demonstration of his total depravity is clearly manifested in the limp body of the innocent Son of God that is hanging on that cross. This is Satan's hour, he has bruised the heel of the Seed of the woman. The hope of a better world has di...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 27:51-56
... "TRULY THIS WAS THE SON OF GOD" I. PROPHESY PROVES IT. A. Law of compound probabilities. 1. 20 stipulations 1,045,576 2. 21 prophesies concerning Christ birth. 3. Over 300 in His lifetime. B. Amazing prophesy of Daniel 9:24. 49 years & 434=Total 483; 483 ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Samuel 4:21
... "ICHABOD" I. THE BACKGROUND. A. Israel was in a horrible spiritual state, and when they went went out to fight against the Philistines, they were defeated. The elders asked "Why has the Lord smitten us before our enemies?" Someone got the bright idea that if they would bring the Ark of the Covenant to the battlefield, it would somehow force God to help them. 1. They had been smitten because of their sin, God had removed His presence ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Samuel 10:6-7
... "THE SPIRIT FILLED LIFE" Intro: Israel's clamor for a king. Saul's appointment. Natural qualfications - great physique, courageous, wealthy family, modest person. These all from natural side. Samuel speaks to him of the divine qualifications "The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you." Three fold purpose. I. "THOU SHALT PROPHESY" (BENEFIT OUTWARD). A. Gift of prophecy not always in predictive sense...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Deuteronomy 18:13
... "WHAT DOES GOD REQUIRE OF ME?" Intro: Becoming conscious of the universe about me I become convinced of the fact that God exists. Man seems to be the highest order of creation, why? I. WHAT DOES GOD WANT OF ME? WHY DID HE CREATE? A. Question of primary concern and interest. 1. Does life have a meaning or not? Purpose? a. Why does life seem empty & unfulfilled? ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Deuteronomy 15:12-17
... "THE PIERCED EAR" I. THIS WAS THE LAW FOR A HEBREW SLAVE. A. They were to serve for six years, and in the seventh year they were to be set free. 1. They were not to send them out with just the shirt on their back but were to provide for them liberally. 2. They were to remember that they were once slaves in Egypt. B. The exception. If he declares I do not want to go away from you...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Nehemiah 2:1
... "GOD'S SPECIAL DAY." Intro. Nehemiah who was the cupbearer to king Artaxerxes had been talking to some people who had just returned from Jerusalem. He questioned them about the conditions there and received a discouraging report. He was so moved by the report that he wept, fasted, and prayed. Great and terrible God. I. IN NEHEMIAH 2:1, HE IS CAREFUL TO RECORD THE DATE OF THE EVENT. "AND IT CAME TO PASS IN THE MONTH NISAN, IN THE TW...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Nehemiah 9:6
... "DRIVEN TO WORSHIP." Intro. When God created man, He created him with certain drives. These were necessary to sustain man's existence. Alexander Maslov sought to identify the biological drives in man in their order of prominence. Air, thirst, hunger, bowel and bladder, sex, etc. The sociologist sought to identify the sociological drives, love, security, need to be needed, etc. Neither discipline considered what is perhaps the greatest drive, surely the most important drive of all, and that is the drive to wor...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Job 40:3,4
... "WHAT ARE YOU WORTH?" I. BEHOLD I AM OF SMALL ACCOUNT. A. God has challenged Job with the vastness of the universe in which He dwells. 1. Can Job run the universe? 2. Who then is Job to contend with-God? B. Becoming conscious of God we are becoming aware of self. 1. Some people have a rather high self esteem. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ecclesiastes 2
... I JOHN 5:11 I. LIFE "UNDER THE SUN" IS LIFE ON THE HUMAN PLANE. A. Life on this plane is frustrating vexation of the spirit. 1. Man is conscious of an unfulfilled purpose. a. A desire to be? b. A desire to have? c. A desire to attain? 2. I achieve my goal only ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Song of Solomon 6:10
... Intro: The Song of Solomon is a love song between the bride and groom as they declare their desires and longings for each other. There are many possible interpretations and allegories, one being Christ and the church. Here we find the description of the church. I. "LOOKETH FORTH AS THE MORNING." A. The first light of morning testifies of a new day. 1. The darkness of the long night is yielding to the light of a ne...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Isaiah 9:6,7
... "A CHILD IS BORN, A SON IS GIVEN" Intro: The angels announced to the shepherds "For unto you is born this day, in the city of David a Savior, Christ, Lord." I. "A CHILD IS BORN." A. This is viewing the birth of Christ from the human side. 1. There is always something exciting and beautiful about the birth of a child. 2. We become partners with God in the myst...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Isaiah 61:1-3
... "BEAUTY OF ASHES" Intro: One Sabbath morning in the village of Nazareth. I. THE MINISTRY OF OUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST. A. The anointing for the ministry, "The Spirit of Jehovah God is upon me." 1. When Jesus was baptized by John in Jordan. 2. He was then "led by the Spirit." 3. One day He offered up His life to God as a ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 23
... "JEHOVAH IS MY..." Intro: David a shepherd boy, called to be a king, knew well the responsibilities and duties, the watchful care and diligence that are required of a shepherd. He sees Jehovah as his shepherd yet more also as Guide and Host. I. JEHOVAH IS MY SHEPHERD. A. Maybe he had just rescued a lamb from some danger. B. "I shall not want." 1. Think of the want in the...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 84:9-12
... "GRACE AND GLORY" Intro: The whole Psalm devoted to the blessedness of dwelling in the presence of God represented by His tabernacle. Three strophes, the first is reflection and desire to be in His tabernacle. Second the pilgrimage to, third the experiences in the presence of God. I. OUR BLESSED PLACE IN CHRIST "LOOK UPON THE FACE OF THINE ANOINTED" OR "MESSIAH" OR "CHRIST." A. Christ has become our sh...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 112:7
... "THE FIXED HEART" Intro: This is a day of evil tidings; War in Vietnam - trouble in Middle East - China detonating H Bombs - drug usage increasing at alarming rate. Our government is incapable and weak, earthquake may soon come of great magnitude. Is it possible to face all of this and stay sober and not panic? Relation of Ps. 111 & 112 Aerostics 22 lines each line, begins with letter in alphabet. Vs. 11:10 & 112:1. I. THE QU...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 115:8
... I JOHN 3:2 Intro: All men have capacity for God. Man cannot live without God. All men have a god. Every man is bound to an authority. I. THREE BASIC FORMS OF IDOLATRY IN O.T. A. Baal - Worship of nature - deification of intellect. 1. Seeking secrets of universe. 2. Philosophy, speculations. B. Molech - Deify ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 115:8
... I JOHN 3:2 "WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM" I. MASTER PASSION IN EVERY LIFE, MAN CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT GOD. A. Term God applied to erroneous concepts of deity. Nature, interest, power. 1. Word suggests being superior to man. 2. Whether: kind or cruel. tyrant or benefactor. merciful or vindictive. depends on ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 118:22-26
... Intro: Prophecy is history written in advance. The detailing of events before they ever happen. I. THE PURPOSE OF PROPHECY. A. To provide a solid foundation for faith. 1. John 13:9 Jesus said, "And now I tell you..." 2. Isa. 41 God's challenge to false gods. a. "Prove your case ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Amos 7:14, 15
... "THE CALL OF GOD" I. GOD HAS A PLAN OF SERVICE FOR EACH OF US. A. He did not redeem us that -- 1. We might be as a beautiful ornament, just filling a pew. 2. His interest in you goes far beyond redemption. 3. God desires to use your life to touch others. B. God uses human instruments to accomplish His work here on ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Zephaniah 3:14-17
... "WHEN GOD SINGS" Intro: The prophet here is looking ahead to the coming Kingdom Age. That time we have been praying for each time we prayed, "Thy Kingdom come...on earth." I. "THE KING OF ISRAEL YAWEH IS IN THE MIDST OF THEE." A. The response of the people. 1. Singing. 2. Shouting. 3. Gladness and ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Zephaniah 3:17
... "THE MIGHTY GOD IN THE MIDST OF THEE" I. HOW MIGHTY IS OUR GOD. A. Mighty in power. 1. Look at vast universe. B. Mighty in wisdom. 1. Variety of life forms. C. Mighty in salvation, "He will save." 1. The extent. a. "All who will come unto God by ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Malachi 3:16,17
... "GOD'S JEWELS" "THE SERVANT OF THE LORD" Doctor, Lawyer, merchant, chief, rich man, etc. So man makes his classification. God makes only 2. I. THE TWO CLASSES OF PEOPLE VS. 18. A. "HIM THAT SERVETH GOD." B. "HIM THAT SERVETH HIM NOT." - VS. 18. C. NOT difficult for you to tell where you are in this ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 6:19-24
... Intro: Indirect teaching. Why these kind of warnings necessary? Sin and its effects. I. SIN HAS UPSETTING EFFECT UPON NORMAL BALANCE OF MAN. A. Three parts to man - body, soul & spirit. 1. Spirit highest, soul next, then body. 2. Highest gift to man is mind. a. Think and reason. b. Logic. c. Mind - affections - ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 6:26
... "BIRD WATCHING" Intro: John tells us concerning Jesus, "All things were made by Him." It is no wonder then that He drew so many, of His examples from nature. "Behold the fowls..." I. WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM BIRDS? A. In the context not to worry about our food supply. 1. Worry is one of the most useless and non-productive pastimes you can engage in. 2. Jesus has...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 7:1
... Intro: Difficult passage must be studied in its context, general and specific. Sermon on the Mount. Describes Christian attitude of world toward him. What influence he exerts in world. Relationship to law of God. His relationship to God, his relationship to worldly things. There is sharp contrast between attitude of Christian and Pharisee. As Christian, I seek to relate to God and my chief concern is His approbation, Pharisees related to God seeking more the approbation of man God consciousness and man consciousness. I. WHAT IS M...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 7:21-23
... "SELF-DECEPTION" Intro: Christ to Nicodemus, "We know that thou art a teacher come from God." "Many" in churches and world today. I. CHRIST TALKING TO THOSE WHO WERE ORTHODOX. A. Said right things, "Lord, Lord." B. Doing works in His name. C. They have assumed they were safe. 1. They come to Christ with their ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 7:21-23
... "SELF DECEPTION" I. CHRIST TALKING TO THOSE WHO WERE ORTHODOX. A. Said right things. B. Doing in His name. C. "Many will come." 1. Ten Virgins. 2. Matt. 25, final judgment. D. These people will be amazed and astonished in that ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 7:24-27
... "THE TESTINGS OF LIFE" I. JESUS TURNS FROM TEACHERS TO HEARERS. A. You are accountable for what you know. 1. Luke 12, "Those who knew and did not..." B. Having heard this Sermon on the Mount, what are you going to do? C. Hearing alone is not enough. 1. You may listen ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 8:16
... "THE PURPOSE OF HIS COMING TO GIVE BEAUTY FOR ASHES" Intro. We have once again come to that time of the year when we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. The season of the year that is marked by love, joy, and giving. We remember the Love of God so great that He gave His only begotten Son that we might know the joy of living in fellowship with Him. I. FACT ONE, GOD SENT HIS SON INTO THE WORLD. A. Jesus Christ is the Son of God in a v...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 11:25-30
... THE MASTER'S INVITATION Time & Setting: 6 mo. before end disciples sent out. 35 sets of two - glorious reports. I. COME UNTO ME. A. Two invitations. 1. Come. 2. Take. B. Two sorts of people. 1. Those who are laboring. 2. Those who have come into ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Jeremiah 32:7-8
... "KNOWING THE VOICE OF GOD" Intro: Vs. 1 & 6 - typical of Jeremiah as we read these phrases throughout whole book. I. HOW DID THE WORD OF THE LORD COME? A. "God, who at sundry times and in diverse ways spoke to our fathers by the prophets." 1. What are some of the diverse ways? a. Through the written Word. 1) ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Job 14:14
... JOHN 11:25 "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE" Intro: Part of Job's answer to Zophar leaves man and appeals to God. Parenthetical. If he could believe this he could bear up. I. A GLEAM OF LIGHT ON DARKENED HORIZON. A. A suggestion cast forth and immediately swallowed up in gloom. 1. Job's philosophy vs. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 9:8
... Intro: Ezekiel's vision of slaughter in Jerusalem - "...and I was left." We have all had close brushes with death - another inch, a few more seconds. I. HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY YOU WERE LEFT? A. If you are not a Christian. 1. Could it be that God in His goodness is giving you another chance? a. How long do you think God will forbear? 1. "My Spirit will not alw...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 16:14
... "THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD" Intro. God is tracing His work on the nation of Israel. He took her from nothing and made of her a beautiful and strong nation. His complaint is that when she became beautiful, others began to court her, and she turned from Him, to follow after other lovers. She began to worship other gods. Tragically we are following the same pattern. America, America, God shed His grace on thee, and crowned thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea. But we have turned from our relationship with ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Daniel 7:13
... I. DANIEL'S VISION OF THE SUBSEQUENT KINGDOMS OF MAN. A. They are marked by violence and destruction. B. He sees in his vision a final world leader who blasphemes God and turns against the Jews who are classified as the saints of the most High. C. Man has been in rebellion against God from the Garden of Eden. 1. One of the first things that man did was to rebel against the commandment of God....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 42:20
... "THE WALL OF SEPARATION" I. EZEKIEL IS HERE MEASURING THE WALL AROUND THE REBUILT TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM. A. The temple is to be rebuilt. 1. Desire of most orthodox Jews. 2. Many want to re-institute the sacrifices. B. It would appear from the prophesy of Daniel that permission will be granted by the leader of the European community. 1. Once ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 28:1
... "AM I A GOD?" I. THE HISTORIC SETTING. A. The city of Tyre was one of the most beautiful and richest cities in the world. 1. The king of Tyre was very wise and a shrewd business man who had increased greatly the riches of Tyre. 2. As the people began to laud him for his great wisdom, they began to hold him up and worship him as a God. 3. The problem was he began to believe it a...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 34:23, 24, 31
... "THE GOOD SHEPHERD" I. ANALOGIES OF THE SHEPHERD WITH THE FLOCK ARE COMMON IN THE BIBLE. A. David made many allusions to the people as the flock of God. 1. Psalm 23 has become a classic. 2. Psalm 100 another classic: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands...We are His people and the sheep of His ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 36:36
... "THE GOD OF HIS WORD" I. I THE LORD HAVE SPOKEN IT. A. What did He speak? 1. The mountains would become fruitful and yield fruit for the people. a. The Golan heights which belonged to Syria until 1967 were up till that time still barren. b. About the only thing the Syrians planted on the Golan were mines and gun emplacements. c. To drive up ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Daniel 8:27
... Intro. In the first three verses of the chapter Daniel tells us that this vision came to him in the third year of Belshazzar's reign and that he was in Shushan in the province of Elam, known today as Iran. Shushan later became the capitol of the Medo Persian Empire. He was no doubt there as a representative of the King, perhaps even in the position as an Ambassador. Last Sunday we talked about the coming kingdom that is going to rule over the earth. In talking of a kingdom you have the assumption of a king, and the coming kingdom that shall rule forever ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Hosea 8:7
... I. THE LAW OF SOWING AND REAPING. A. Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." 1. We reap in kind. a. If you are merciful, mercy will be extended to you. b. If you are forgiving, you will receive forgiveness. c. If you do not forgive, neither will you be ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ezekiel 21:26
... "THE KING IS COMING" I. GOD IS ANNOUNCING THE END OF THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. "REMOVE THE DIADEM, AND TAKE OFF THE CROWN." A. God had promised to David that He would establish the throne of his kingdom forever. IISam. 7:16 1. This was a conditional promise. 2. I Kings 2:4 David declared to Solomon that the Lord had ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 4:1
... TEMPTATION Intro. Jesus was tempted in three areas, physical, spiritual, vocational. Man is essentially physical and spiritual, but he also exists for a purpose, so there is the vocational. I. THE FIRST TEMPTATION WAS IN THE PHYSICAL REALM. A. Jesus is hungry, He had been fasting for forty days. 1. There is nothing wrong with being hungry, it is a part of the marvelous design of the human body, one of our basic ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Jeremiah 32:6-8
... "HOW GOD SPEAKS" I. "THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME UNTO ME SAYING..." A. How do you suppose the Word of the Lord came? 1. Oft repeated phrase through Jeremiah. 2. Do you think it was an audible voice? B. Purpose of communication - revelation. C. There are many ways God communicates to man - Heb. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Job 1:21,22
... "A MAN NAMED JOB." Intro. JOB 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; Right off we are told that he was perfect and upright, and that he feared God and avoided evil. In 2:3, God confirms this description of Job and adds that there was none like him in the earth, and he holds fast his integrity. I. LET'S LOOK AT THIS DESCRIPTION OF JOB. A. He was a perfect man....
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Nehemiah 8:8
... "SIMPLY TEACH SIMPLY." Intro. Several years ago we started Maranatha Music. The first album was made in a garage that was converted into a studio. The cost for the production of the first album was $3,500. Because of the many other constraints upon our time we had to turn over the management to others, and after a few years it was reported to us that they were losing money. As I became involved again, I discovered that they were now paying as much as $60,000, in production costs for single artist albums. What had happe...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Leviticus 23:5
... "THE FEAST OF PASSOVER." Intro. One of the great days in the history of the nation of Israel was the day that God delivered them from their bondage in Egypt and the nation was birthed. On this day they saw the awesome power of God as He killed all of the firstborn males in the land of Egypt who were not protected by the blood on the doorpost. I. THE HISTORIC EVENT. A. Moses had been sent by God to the Pharaoh to demand the release of His people from E...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Samuel 21:10-12
... "TRAPPED BY FEAR" Intro. We are living in a time of fear. The Islam terrorists are at war against the Jews and the whole Western culture. We have finally awakened to the reality of this war. And finally realized that Israel is not the only target. It has been going on for many years but we have for the most part ignored it. The downing of the Pan Am flight over Scotland was an act of war. The bombing of our Embassies in Africa was another attack against us. The car bomb that killed so many Marines in Lebanon, the attem...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Samuel 7:12
... "THE EBENEZER STONE" Intro. The Philistines were bitter and implacable foes of Israel. There was constant conflict between them, and Israel usually got the worst of it. The Philistines had already entered into the Iron Age, and Israel had not, thus the Philistines had superior weapons. The Philistines had been oppressing them so they cried unto the Lord. I. SAMUEL TOLD THEM THE PATH BY WHICH THEY COULD RETURN TO THE LORD. A. Turn to the Lord with all ...
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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.