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Verse by Verse Study on 1 Thessalonians 1-3 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn to first Thessalonians. Paul, the apostle, on his second missionary journey had taken Silas with him, who was commended by the church in Jerusalem as one of the leaders. When they got to Derbe, Timothy joined their evangelistic team. As they journeyed on, they came to Troas and Paul's desire was to go to Bithynia, but the spirit forbade him. And there, in Troas, as Paul was sick, he had a vision. And there was a man of Macedonia calling him to come and help. And so Paul immediately got a ship, crossed the Aegean and came to Macedonian, the area of Phi...
Verse by Verse Study on Hebrews 3-4 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn in our Bibles now to Hebrews the third chapter. Wherefore, holy brethren (Hbr 3:1), The word wherefore immediately leads us back to that which is immediately preceding, and that is the declaration of the superiority of Jesus over the angels. Because He is superior over the angelic beings being the Son of God. Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ...
Verse by Verse Study on Jude (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we go to the general epistle of Jude. Jude introduces himself as... A servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James (Jud 1:1), The word servant in Greek is doulos, bondslave of Jesus Christ. But also adding this identification as brother of James, which leads to a very interesting speculation, which is in all probability correct. In Matthew's gospel, chapter thirteen, when Jesus was attracting great multitudes, there were those that were offended because of Him. They ...
Verse by Verse Study on Luke 23-24 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... And the whole multitude of them arose, and they led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, and saying that he himself is Christ [or the Messiah,] a king (Luk 23:1-2) Now notice, their accusation against Him was blasphemy, "You're saying You're the Son of God." When they brought Him to Pilate to accuse Him before Pilate, they didn't make that charge at all before Pilate. Why? Because...
Verse by Verse Study on Luke 11 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Tonight, chapter 11 in the gospel according to Luke. Again, as Luke is pointing out the human side of Jesus, though He was God, He became man. He is the God-man. He is divine, and yet, He is human. The perfect balance. And whereas John points out the divinity of Christ in his gospel, which we will be entering into next, Luke points out the humanity of Jesus. And because this is the special emphasis of Luke, he does record more than any of the other gospel writers concerning the prayer life of Jesus Christ. And so Luke mentions many cases where Jesus was praying. And a...
Verse by Verse Study on Mark 14 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... After two days was the feast of the passover (Mar 14:1), Now, we have followed and traced Jesus in Mark's gospel through Sunday, His triumphant entry. Monday, when He came back to the temple and cleansed it. And Tuesday, when He came back again and fielded these questions, and where the disciples showed Him the building and He said, "Not one stone is going to be left standing up on the other," back to the Mount of Olives Tuesday evening with His disciples, as He sits down there and makes thes...
Verse by Verse Study on Mark 4-5 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to the gospel according to Mark, chapter 4. Beginning in chapter 4, we have the beginning of the ministry of Christ in parables. There is often times a mistaken opinion as to the reason why Jesus went to parables. The purpose of a parable is really not to veil the truth, but to illustrate the truth. And many times when people become dull of hearing, where they will not receive just straight teaching, when you've lost the attention of your students, a method by which attention can be drawn back again to the subject is by illustratio...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Corinthians 12 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Now concerning the spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you be ignorant (1Cr 12:1). An interesting statement of Paul, because I think that in the church one of the areas where the greatest ignorance does exist today is in the area of spiritual gifts, and their operation within the church. And this ignorance is on both sides of the fence. Within the Pentecostal churches there is a lot of abuse of the gifts of the Spirit, because people are ignorant of their true operation within the c...
Verse by Verse Study on Romans 15-16 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn to the fifteenth chapter of Paul's epistle to the Romans. In the fourteenth chapter Paul was dealing with the subject of walking in love within the body of Christ. Recognizing that we have differences of feelings, convictions, or opinions on the different issues involving the Christian walk. Paul said, "Those that are strong in the faith can eat meat, those who are weak in the faith have convictions against eating meat so they eat vegetables." But we need to recognize that people have different convictions, that not everybody is going to see ...
Verse by Verse Study on 1 Corinthians 1-2 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn to I Corinthians, chapter 1. Paul introduces himself as the writer with Sosthenes in the first verse. Paul, called an apostle (1Cr 1:1) Notice the words to be are in italics. That means that they were added by the translators, and they were not there in the Greek. Paul, called an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother (1Cr 1:1), N...
Verse by Verse Study on Acts 26-27 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's open our Bibles to the twenty-sixth chapter of Acts. Paul was rescued by Lysias, the captain of the Roman guard from the mob that was attempting to beat him to death in Jerusalem on the temple mount. He was taken into protective custody by the Roman government and sent under special guard to Caesarea for his protection, where he appeared before the governor Felix who held Paul a prisoner for two years, more or less, as a political pawn. When Festus became the governor in Felix's place, who had been replaced by the Roman Empire because of his corruption, ...
Verse by Verse Study on Acts 9 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... When Alexander the Great conquered the world, he left pockets of Greek culture throughout the world. So these pockets of Greek culture became very influential. And even though the Roman Empire conquered the Grecian Empire, yet the Grecian culture remained as a dominant characteristic throughout the world. So the world was under the Roman Empire, but it was dominated by Grecian culture. Now the Grecian culture was more towards the arts, and in contrast, the Hebrew culture was very legalistic. The Pharisees were representatives of the Hebrew culture, very strict, very lega...
Verse by Verse Study on Isaiah 31-35 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn in our Bibles to Isaiah 31. Now as a backdrop to these scriptures in Isaiah 31 is the impending invasion of Assyria. Assyria is the world-conquering power at the moment. Assyria has destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Assyria has destroyed Syria; has conquered over Babylon. And now the Assyrian troops are moving in a massive invasion of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Having taken some of the cities of Judah already. And there is pressure against Hezekiah...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalm 120-135 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... This time let's turn in our Bibles to Psalm 120 to begin our Bible study this evening. Now you'll notice these psalms have a heading. The psalm, "A song of degrees." The word literally is ascents, A-S-C-E-N-T-S. And these are sort of the marching songs for the people of Israel as they would come thrice annually to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. There's a lot of things about the nation Israel that excite me. There are a lot of things that I wish that somehow we could incorporate in our worship...
Verse by Verse Study on Psalm 107-115 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn now in our Bibles to Psalm 107. The hundred and seventh psalm begins with an exhortation to us to Give thanks unto the LORD (Psa 107:1), And the basis for the thanksgiving is His goodness and His mercy. Two things that we really should be thankful for: the goodness of God to us, and then God's mercy unto us. How thankful I am for the mercy of God. Were it not for the mercy of God, where would I be tonight? Surely not here....
Verse by Verse Study on Proverbs 26-31 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now to Proverbs 26 to begin our study this evening. The first twelve verses of Proverbs 26 we trust doesn't apply to any of you tonight, because it's sort of addressed towards fools. As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honor is not seemly for a fool (Pro 26:1). The thing about snow in summer and rain in harvest is that they are just out of place. So hon...
Verse by Verse Study on Zechariah 11-12 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Tonight we have a fascinating area of scripture to cover. Pray the Lord will give me the gift of brevity. For we are surely getting into some exciting areas of biblical prophecy, as the Lord begins to speak of the events that will be transpiring in these last days. Some of them we see already in the beginning of their fulfillment. Others that will be fulfilled very shortly. But before we get into the events of these last days, chapter 11 deals with the first coming of Jesus Christ, and His rejection, and His being sold for thirty pieces of silver. As Jesus said, "I ...
Verse by Verse Study on Matthew 6 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Tonight let's take a look at Matthew, chapter six. We are in the section of the book of Matthew that is commonly called the Sermon on the Mount because it was delivered to the disciples of Jesus on the mountainside there above the Sea of Galilee. "Seeing the multitudes, he went into a mountain: and he was set, his disciples came unto him: and he opened his mouth and he taught them, saying," (Mat 5:1-2). So the first thing we note is that this Sermon on the Mount is not for general world consumption. It is not a s...
Verse by Verse Study on Daniel 5-8 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bible to Daniel, chapter 5. Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousands (Dan 5:1). There are men who call themselves Bible scholars and they belong to a school known as "higher criticism." And for years these men declared that the book of Daniel was not valid. And one of their reasons for this declaration was that in secular history they had not discovered the name Belshazzar. But one of ancient histo...
Verse by Verse Study on Ezekiel 21-25 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Ezekiel 21, the twenty-first chapter of Ezekiel. Now the prophets of God were often very colorful persons. And because people would not always listen to the Word of God, they would often do things to draw the people's attention to create a question in their mind, curiosity, "What in the world is he doing now?" And when these questions would arise or when they would draw the people's attention, then they would preach the message of God to them. And so, oftentimes their m...
Verse by Verse Study on Genesis 2-3 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made (Gen 2:1-3). So we find the creation of the earth in chapter one; the placing of man upon the earth, and then the declaration that on the seventh day God rested. Not that He was ...
Study Guide for James
... JAMES 1: Patience in Trials JAMES 2: Faith and Works JAMES 3: The Unruly Member JAMES 4: The Love of the World JAMES 5: The Latter Rain JAMES 1: PATIENCE IN ...
Verse by Verse Study on Exodus 21-22 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Exodus chapter twenty-one, God said to Moses, Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them (Exd 21:1). Now the judgments are really for the judges. You remember they appointed seventy to rule over the lesser, or they appointed "men over the thousands, men over the hundreds, men over the fifties, men over the tens", to judge in the smaller matters. So that they would only bring the major cases to Adam-I mean to Moses, so that Moses wouldn't be bogged down. Jethr...
Verse by Verse Study on Ezra 1-10 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... Let's turn now to the book of Ezra. The book of Ezra, the first part was probably written by Ezra but written from the records. Actually at the time that Cyrus gave the decree to build the temple, Ezra wasn't even alive. Ezra doesn't come into the story, into a firsthand account until you get to chapter seven. The first six chapters deal with the first of the repatriation of the nation Israel after the Babylonian captivity. Now in the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah mi...
Verse by Verse Study on Deuteronomy 9-16 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... As we have told you the word Deuteronomy means the second law. It is really a rehearsal, sort of a capsulation by Moses of the law that was given. Deuteronomy itself, though it covers the forty years from Egypt to the entering in of the Promised Land, covered only about forty days, as far as the time of it being given to the children of Israel. Moses was now an aging man, however he was still very spry. He still had excellent eyesight, excellent hearing, none of his forces had abated. Sometimes I have to put on my glasses I say, "God, you did it for Moses, why don...
Verse by Verse Study on Deuteronomy 17-20 (C2000) — Through the Bible (C2000 Series)
... As you've discovered by now the book of Deuteronomy is sort of a review of the law. The word itself indicates the second law. It is a review by Moses for the people. Really a final review because Moses will be dying in just a few days and Joshua will be taking over and leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land. So he is continuing his instructions, his final instructions to them. And in the 17th chapter, again, at the beginning he lets them know that what they give to God should never be castoffs. Never give a sacrifice that has blemishes. God really isn...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 9:1
... "THE KINGDOM OF GOD" I. WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? A. It is the kingdom where God reigns. 1. Thus the kingdom of God is in heaven. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven are thus synonymous. Matthew is the only writer that uses the term kingdom of heaven. 2. The kingdom of God can be in you. a. If God reigns in your heart then is the kingdom of God within you. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 10:17-22; 12:28-34
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 16:21, 22
... JOHN 21:18,19 "LOVEST THOU ME?" Intro: Peter brought back to cross where he failed stages of restoration. I. LUKE 22:31,32. A. Storing up in his mind words that would help in days to ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 12:31-32
... "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN" Intro: Jesus warns that it is possible for a person to commit a sin for which there is no forgiveness. I as His representative would be derelict to my duty if I did not seek to tell you what this sin is. I. WHAT THE UNPARDONABLE SIN IS NOT. A. "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven." B. It is not a single action you can do in a moment. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Job 23:3
... "THE SEARCH FOR GOD" Intro: Third cycle - Eliphaz final speech speaks of type of sins apt to produce such a calamity, attributes them to Job, offers solution. "Acquaint now thyself with Him and be at peace." Job replies "Oh that I knew where I might find him." I. JOB BELIEVED IN FACT OF GOD, AND IN JUSTICE OF GOD. A. The difficulty was reaching God. 1. vs. 8,...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Ecclesiastes 1:1-3
... "VANITY, VANITY, ALL IS VANITY" Intro: Solomon had forsaken the God of his father, he sought to find the answer for life in things. He completely indulged himself 2:10, he ended in despair 2:17. I. THE SEARCH FOR MEANING. A. A consciousness that life must be more. 1. A certain dissatisfaction within, an emptiness seeking fulfillment. 2. We think that if we just had enough money, ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Daniel 11:32
... Intro. This scripture is a prophecy and was fulfilled in the time of Judas Maccabeus. Who with a small band of men, dedicated fully to God, attacked and defeated the superior forces of Antiocus Epiphanies over and over again. Before each battle he would encourage his men to be willing to give their lives for God. The exploits of these men became legendary. There is a truth here that goes beyond the prophetic fulfillment by the Maccabees. I. THE PEOPLE WHO DO KNOW THEIR GOD. A. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Psalm 135:15-18
... "THE DANGER OF FALSE CONCEPTS" Intro: "Everyone should believe in something." It doesn't matter what you believe, just so you are sincere. The children of Israel worshipped the golden calf and burned incense to it. Young men today worship a steel mustang & burn gas. I. "THE IDOLS OF THE HEATHEN ARE VAIN." A. Every man has a god. 1. That man who says "I do not believe in God."...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Amos 4:12
... "PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD" Intro: The thought here is to prepare to die and face the judgment of God. I. NOTICE HOW GOD HAD SOUGHT TO AVERT THE MEETING. A. He had sent warning judgments. 1. Food shortages. 2. Erratic weather patterns. 3. Med fly and grasshoppers. 4. Viral ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 1:18-21
... "CALL HIS NAME JESUS" I. THE MYSTERY OF THE INCARNATION. A. The eternal God clothed Himself in a body of flesh. 1. "In the beginning was the Word...and the Word became flesh..." 2. "Who being in the form of God and thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but He emptied Himself and took upon Him the form of a servant..." 3. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:38-42
... "THE CHEEK, THE CLOAK & THE 2ND MILE" Intro: Importance of Spirit to help understand passage such as this. Great principle, "Die to self." This illustrates how. I. "TURNING THE CHEEK? A. We must rid ourselves of spirit of retaliation. 1. Starts on physical level, "smiting on cheek." a. Natural impulse to strike back. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 3:8
... "PROOF OF REPENTANCE" I. THE FIRST WORD OF GOD TO MAN AFTER 400 YEARS OF SILENCE. REPENT. A. Vs. 2 John came preaching in the wilderness saying, "Repent" B. What does it mean to repent? 1. One definition is to have a change of mind. 2. Another is to have a feeling of contrition. 3. You can change your mind without ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Chronicles 9:1
... "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA." Intro. Chapter nine tells us of the visit paid to Solomon by the queen of Sheba. We are told that she had heard of his fame and she came to prove for herself if all that she had heard was actually true. We are told that his wisdom exceeded all men and that his fame had been known in all of the surrounding nations. She asked him many difficult questions and Solomon was able to answer them all. I. WE READ THAT WHEN SHE SAW THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON AND THE HOUSE THAT HE...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Joshua 5:13-15
... "THE CAPTAIN OF THE LORD'S HOST." Intro. The children of Israel have crossed Jordan, and they are now in the land of promise, all that remains now is to conquer the land. But speaking from a human standpoint, that is impossible. Joshua, God's chosen successor to Moses, is out near Jericho. Through his mind he is probably thinking, "What am I doing?" The awesome responsibility of the task ahead is perhaps weighing heavily upon him. He sees a man standing there with a drawn sword, so he approaches hi...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 1 Kings 6:11-13
... "GOD'S RESOLUTION" Intro. New Years is a time for, among other things, resolutions. A resolution is a formal statement of a purpose or intent. God made a resolution to Solomon, at the time that he was building the temple. I. "I WILL DWELL AMONG THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL." A. It seems that it has always been the desire of God to dwell with His people. 1. In the beginning when Adam was in the Gard...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Kings 24:15
... "THE END OF THE LINE" I. THE NATION OF ISRAEL STARTED OUT WITH SUCH HIGH HOPES AND PROMISES OF GLORY. A. The children of Israel lived in Egypt for 400 years, toward the end of that time, they had become slaves and were treated as sub-humans. 1. Their lives were filled with abject misery. 2. They were slaves and their masters were cruel taskmasters. 3. They were born a slave and f...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for 2 Kings 7:1,2
... "THE TRAGIC PRICE OF UNBELIEF" Intro. The city of Samaria has been under siege by the Syrian army. The siege is taking its toll. People are beginning to starve to death. Food is so scarce that people will pay almost any price for any kind of food. A donkey's head was sold for 80 pieces of silver, or 50 dollars. Things were so desperate that people were beginning to cannibalize their own children. I. THE KINGS VOW TO TAKE OFF THE HEAD OF ELISHA THE PROPHET OF ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 17:4
... "IT IS GOOD FOR US TO BE HERE" I. This Story is tied with the last verse of the previous chapter. "Verily I say unto you, there are some standing here who shall not taste of death till they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom." A. Six days later Jesus took three of the disciples up into a high mountain, and there He was transfigured before them. 1. His face was as the sun. 2. His raiment was as white...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Mark 2:13
... "JESUS AND SINNERS" Intro. Mark shows us how the antagonism against Jesus has started very early in His ministry. In each one of the episodes in chapter 2 we find them criticizing Jesus. This continues through the first episode in chapter 3 until in verse 6 we read. "And the Pharisees went forth and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against Him, how they might slay Him." I. THERE IS A CERTAIN DANGER IN KEEPING COMPANY WITH PUBLICANS AND SINNERS. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:14
... "YE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" I. THIS PRESUPPOSES THAT THE WORLD IS IN DARKNESS. A. Is this so? 1. About 250 years ago, according to historians, the world came out of the dark ages, and the age of enlightenment was born. 2. Mankind it was said was ushered into a new age where science would become the savior of the world. 3. It was declared by the prophets of the day that the...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 6:5
... I. "WHEN YOU PRAY." A. The assumption is that we will pray. 1. Sometimes we forget to pray. James said, "You have not because you ask not." 2. Many times it is just as simple as that. We have not prayed about it. B. "Be not as the hypocrites, who love to pray in the synagogues and on the street corners." 1. They wish to be known as men of prayer. ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 6:9
... "MATTHEW 6:9" I. AFTER THIS MANNER PRAY. A. He is clearly giving to the disciples a model or form for prayer. 1. It is not something to be repeated by rote in vain repetition, for He has just warned against vain repetitions in prayer. 2. He has given to them a model. B. In Luke's gospel, Luke tells us that on another occasion the ...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 7:15
... I. BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS. A. This comes in the context of entering the straight gate and walking the narrow path. 1. The false prophets will always be seeking to broaden the gate and the path to heaven. 2. There rational is usually, we don't want to drive people away by being too narrow. 3. My response is I do not want to send them to hell by being too broad. 4. The scriptu...
Sermon Notes on Sermon Notes for Matthew 5:8
... "BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART" I. THE BIBLE CONSTANTLY EMPHASIZES THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HEART OF MAN. A. The controversy that Jesus had with the Pharisee's was due to the fact that they put the emphasis on the outward man, while He put the emphasis on the heart. 1. He said to them: MAT 23:25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, ...
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The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.