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Psalm 72 :: Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

Psa 72:1By Solomon. O God, Thy judgments to the king give, And Thy righteousness to the king's son.
Psa 72:2He judgeth Thy people with righteousness, And Thy poor with judgment.
Psa 72:3The mountains bear peace to the people, And the heights by righteousness.
Psa 72:4He judgeth the poor of the people, Giveth deliverance to the sons of the needy, And bruiseth the oppressor.
Psa 72:5They fear Thee with the sun, and before the moon, Generation -- generations.
Psa 72:6He cometh down as rain on mown grass, As showers -- sprinkling the earth.
Psa 72:7Flourish in his days doth the righteous, And abundance of peace till the moon is not.
Psa 72:8And he ruleth from sea unto sea, And from the river unto the ends of earth.
Psa 72:9Before him bow do the inhabitants of the dry places, And his enemies lick the dust.
Psa 72:10Kings of Tarshish and of the isles send back a present. Kings of Sheba and Seba a reward bring near.
Psa 72:11And all kings do bow themselves to him, All nations do serve him,
Psa 72:12For he delivereth the needy who crieth, And the poor when he hath no helper,
Psa 72:13He hath pity on the poor and needy, And the souls of the needy he saveth,
Psa 72:14From fraud and from violence he redeemeth their soul, And precious is their blood in his eyes.
Psa 72:15And he liveth, and giveth to him of the gold of Sheba, And prayeth for him continually, All the day he doth bless him.
Psa 72:16There is a handful of corn in the earth, On the top of mountains, Shake like Lebanon doth its fruit, And they flourish out of the city as the herb of the earth.
Psa 72:17His name is to the age, Before the sun is his name continued, And they bless themselves in him, All nations do pronounce him happy.
Psa 72:18Blessed is Jehovah God, God of Israel, He alone is doing wonders,
Psa 72:19And blessed is the Name of His honour to the age, And the whole earth is filled with His honour. Amen, and amen!
Psa 72:20The prayers of David son of Jesse have been ended.
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The Young's Literal Translation was translated by Robert Young, who believed in a strictly literal translation of God's word. This version of the Bible is in the public domain.


Pericope taken from the NASB95 and has been graciously provided by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.

New American Standard Bible
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif.
All rights reserved.