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Psalm 28 :: Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

Psa 28:1By David. Unto Thee, O Jehovah, I call, My rock, be not silent to me! Lest Thou be silent to me, And I have been compared With those going down to the pit.
Psa 28:2Hear the voice of my supplications, In my crying unto Thee, In my lifting up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
Psa 28:3Draw me not with the wicked, And with workers of iniquity, Speaking peace with their neighbours, And evil in their heart.
Psa 28:4Give to them according to their acting, And according to the evil of their doings. According to the work of their hands give to them. Return their deed to them.
Psa 28:5For they attend not to the doing of Jehovah, And unto the work of His hands. He throweth them down, And doth not build them up.
Psa 28:6Blessed is Jehovah, For He hath heard the voice of my supplications.
Psa 28:7Jehovah is my strength, and my shield, In Him my heart trusted, and I have been helped. And my heart exulteth, And with my song I thank Him.
Psa 28:8Jehovah is strength to him, Yea, the strength of the salvation of His anointed is He.
Psa 28:9Save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance, And feed them, and carry them to the age!
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The Young's Literal Translation was translated by Robert Young, who believed in a strictly literal translation of God's word. This version of the Bible is in the public domain.


Pericope taken from the NASB95 and has been graciously provided by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.

New American Standard Bible
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif.
All rights reserved.