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Zechariah 14 :: New Living Translation (NLT)

The LORD Will Rule the Earth
Zec 14:1Watch, for the day of the LORD is coming when your possessions will be plundered right in front of you!
Zec 14:2I will gather all the nations to fight against Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the houses looted, and the women raped. Half the population will be taken into captivity, and the rest will be left among the ruins of the city.
Zec 14:3Then the LORD will go out to fight against those nations, as he has fought in times past.
Zec 14:4On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. And the Mount of Olives will split apart, making a wide valley running from east to west. Half the mountain will move toward the north and half toward the south.
Zec 14:5You will flee through this valley, for it will reach across to Azal.[fn] Yes, you will flee as you did from the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah. Then the LORD my God will come, and all his holy ones with him.[fn]
Zec 14:6On that day the sources of light will no longer shine,[fn]
Zec 14:7yet there will be continuous day! Only the LORD knows how this could happen. There will be no normal day and night, for at evening time it will still be light.
Zec 14:8On that day life-giving waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the Dead Sea and half toward the Mediterranean,[fn] flowing continuously in both summer and winter.
Zec 14:9And the LORD will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one LORD—his name alone will be worshiped.
Zec 14:10All the land from Geba, north of Judah, to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will become one vast plain. But Jerusalem will be raised up in its original place and will be inhabited all the way from the Benjamin Gate over to the site of the old gate, then to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepresses.
Zec 14:11And Jerusalem will be filled, safe at last, never again to be cursed and destroyed.
Zec 14:12And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
Zec 14:13On that day they will be terrified, stricken by the LORD with great panic. They will fight their neighbors hand to hand.
Zec 14:14Judah, too, will be fighting at Jerusalem. The wealth of all the neighboring nations will be captured—great quantities of gold and silver and fine clothing.
Zec 14:15This same plague will strike the horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all the other animals in the enemy camps.
Zec 14:16In the end, the enemies of Jerusalem who survive the plague will go up to Jerusalem each year to worship the King, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters.
Zec 14:17Any nation in the world that refuses to come to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, will have no rain.
Zec 14:18If the people of Egypt refuse to attend the festival, the LORD will punish them with the same plague that he sends on the other nations who refuse to go.
Zec 14:19Egypt and the other nations will all be punished if they don’t go to celebrate the Festival of Shelters.
Zec 14:20On that day even the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with these words: HOLY TO THE LORD. And the cooking pots in the Temple of the LORD will be as sacred as the basins used beside the altar.
Zec 14:21In fact, every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. All who come to worship will be free to use any of these pots to boil their sacrifices. And on that day there will no longer be traders[fn] in the Temple of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
NLT Footnotes
The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.
As in Greek version; Hebrew reads with you.
Hebrew there will be no light, no cold or frost. The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.
Hebrew half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea.
Hebrew Canaanites.
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