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Job 36 :: New King James Version (NKJV)

Elihu Proclaims God’s Goodness
Results of Job’s Sins
Job 36:1Elihu also proceeded and said:
Job 36:2“Bear with me a little, and I will show you
That there are yet words to speak on God’s behalf.
Job 36:3I will fetch my knowledge from afar;
I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
Job 36:4For truly my words are not false;
One who is perfect in knowledge is with you.
Job 36:5“Behold, God is mighty, but despises no one;
He is mighty in strength of understanding.
Job 36:6He does not preserve the life of the wicked,
But gives justice to the oppressed.
Job 36:7He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous;
But they are on the throne with kings,
For He has seated them forever,
And they are exalted.
Job 36:8And if they are bound in fetters,
Held in the cords of affliction,
Job 36:9Then He tells them their work and their transgressions—
That they have acted defiantly.
Job 36:10He also opens their ear to instruction,
And commands that they turn from iniquity.
Job 36:11If they obey and serve Him,
They shall spend their days in prosperity,
And their years in pleasures.
Job 36:12But if they do not obey,
They shall perish by the sword,
And they shall die without knowledge.[fn]
Job 36:13“But the hypocrites in heart store up wrath;
They do not cry for help when He binds them.
Job 36:14They die in youth,
And their life ends among the perverted persons.[fn]
Job 36:15He delivers the poor in their affliction,
And opens their ears in oppression.
Job 36:16“Indeed He would have brought you out of dire distress,
Into a broad place where there is no restraint;
And what is set on your table would be full of richness.
Job 36:17But you are filled with the judgment due the wicked;
Judgment and justice take hold of you.
Job 36:18Because there is wrath, beware lest He take you away with one blow;
For a large ransom would not help you avoid it.
Job 36:19Will your riches,
Or all the mighty forces,
Keep you from distress?
Job 36:20Do not desire the night,
When people are cut off in their place.
Job 36:21Take heed, do not turn to iniquity,
For you have chosen this rather than affliction.
Job 36:22“Behold, God is exalted by His power;
Who teaches like Him?
Job 36:23Who has assigned Him His way,
Or who has said, ‘You have done wrong’?
Elihu Proclaims God’s Majesty
Job 36:24“Remember to magnify His work,
Of which men have sung.
Job 36:25Everyone has seen it;
Man looks on it from afar.
Job 36:26“Behold, God is great, and we do not know Him;
Nor can the number of His years be discovered.
Job 36:27For He draws up drops of water,
Which distill as rain from the mist,
Job 36:28Which the clouds drop down
And pour abundantly on man.
Job 36:29Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds,
The thunder from His canopy?
Job 36:30Look, He scatters His light upon it,
And covers the depths of the sea.
Job 36:31For by these He judges the peoples;
He gives food in abundance.
Job 36:32He covers His hands with lightning,
And commands it to strike.
Job 36:33His thunder declares it,
The cattle also, concerning the rising storm.
NKJV Footnotes
Masoretic Text reads as one without knowledge.
Hebrew qedeshim, that is, those practicing sodomy and prostitution in religious rituals
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